Friday, December 30, 2016

Store Return Woes


On Wednesday I returned the sweater because of that tight feeling in the armpits. It was a sad time because I liked it so much. Also Leroy gave it to me. I looked around and found one that is quite different, but I still like it. Yesterday I learned that I have some reward dollars that I must spend before the end of the year. So back to the store today. I saw a sweater that looked a lot like “mine” on the rack. I tried it on and sure enough it was mine still with that gripping sensation in the armpits. How did I get so proprietary about something that I only had in my possession for a few short days?

I finally found a top that I believe is acceptable, but still not as good as the one I almost had.

I have written a letter about the slippers that are too small for Leroy, but have not emailed it yet. Seems to me it is a bit of a rambling tale. More short and to the point might have more sway. Or perhaps I should just have Miriam call as she has offered to do. More than once in the stores I have thought, “Miriam should be with me since she likes to shop. I could send her out like a bird dog that points at what I want.”

Leroy has decided to only keep the better extension cord that I got for him. That means I must take back the other. It seems that I have entered a phase of life that does not give me much joy, rather anxiety and a sigh of relief when it is finally done. Relief is always good. I will try to focus on that.

Leroy has put in a full work week. He has worked most days at the museum, but he is the pastor on call so he has done some work for the church too, including a funeral. He will be glad when other people come back next week and he can just do his usual things.

You can’t feel too sorry for this guy because on Monday night he told me, “I must be a workaholic. I have had off a day and a half and I am bored and wondering what to do. If I could be outside it would be different.”


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Soup and Exercise


Pumpkin soup is in the pot. It was to be pumpkin lentil soup, but it changed to split pea when the bag in the cupboard had peas rather than lentils in it. Substitutions are a solid creed in my life. We will learn if it was a good thing or not. The rest of the ingredients are the same as the recipe, except that the ground ginger jar would not yield the required amount. Even though the crystal ginger is here it seemed just a bit too far to the side. There could have been more of the ingredients if the idea had occurred sooner. As it was, I saw the pie pumpkin sitting decoratively in its spot and decided “the time had come” for it to serve another purpose.

Cutting this pumpkin was a job. Either the knives need sharpening again or pumpkin skin is tough. The seeds are saved, but I will leave them for Leroy as he likes them much better than I do.

If you have a New year resolution about exercise, I have read a book called Younger Next Year : the exercise program by Chris Crowley. It could help you reach your goal of moving more and becoming stronger and more flexible. I would recommend it for anyone who feels that urge to do something to change how they feel for the better. It certainly has inspired me. I who never write fan mail almost want to write the author and tell him how much I liked it.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day


Blessings to you all as you contemplate where your life should be strong and where you need to focus. Merry Christmas!

Leroy and I exchanged gifts early in the morning with not as much excitement as where there are children present, but smiles and joy covered the scene. Leroy got two extension cords from me. The first was because I found it and the second was because we were in a store with a sale of 16% off any item that would fit in their bag. It did not find the exact same cord, but it was half the price. Leroy wants to keep them both as he has two cords that have some repairs to them and they seem a little unsafe. Skeptically I asked, “Why do you need so many cords?” (He already has four of them.)

Sometimes he wants to go a long distance from the power source. Two of the cords that are still good have only two prongs and he needs those to get powered in the older style garage outlet. The two that I got for him are three prong deals. One of them will withstand temps of -40 or 140 degrees. Can’t imagine why he would be in that low or high a temp, but he will be ready now. That one also has three outlets on it so he can plug in other things. I thought he would pick the cheaper one and send back the other, but the way it is now we will keep both. Can’t you just see Leroy plugging these cords in and doing wonderful powerful things?

Leroy bought a nice cardigan sweater for me that I like the color and the feel of very much. I decided to wear it to church today. It is a small which is my usual size; however when I put it on over the turtle neck I immediately noticed that it was tight in the armpits. I took off that turtle neck replacing it with one that is thinner. It felt better, but still not the best. I wore it to church, but noticed, from time to time, the rubber band feeling in my armpits. Now the question is should I return it or keep it, hoping it will stretch out and feel better later?

Leroy and I went to church at different times this morning. He was working and wanted to get there earlier than I needed to. When I got to church a woman asked, “Are you doing anything special for lunch?”

Leroy and I went to her house for lunch along with two other women from church as well as a large group of former Liberians. It was a very nice experience, so casual that I did not have to be concerned about fitting in.

For supper we had waffles with plain yogurt, topped with unsweetened cherries, and the whole drizzled with black strap molasses. Leroy said, “Waffle cherry delight.”

Guess we have created a new dish.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Putting Leroy to work


Guess I just do not want that guy to sit around reading. I asked before we got out of bed if he would be willing to vacuum. He agreed. He politely waited until I was done doing my yoga session before he started. He did a great job. Later, I was putting some papers away in the file cabinet. I realized that at the end of the year I could eliminate many papers, especially those from two or three years ago. One of the files has a lot of papers in it that concern Leroy. So I asked if he would be willing to go through it. He did, but he huffed and puffed a little just to let me know that he really did not want to do it, but did not want to say no. He gets no joy out of this task. I, however, like the slim files when we are done and feeling of being lighter. I especially do not want to leave it all until just before we move as that is too much pressure work. We had so many papers that we needed to make a trip out to the recycle bin before we could finish. I consider that progress.

Leroy did read for about 1.5-2 hours before we got started on these things. Then he read some more. The phone rang summoning him to the hospital where a person was facing death. After that he needed to go to church to work both for the service on the 31st as well as the services that are held this afternoon and evening.

He will be off next Monday. I will be working in the afternoon and evening so I cannot make so many requests on his time. Lucky guy, he can just read to his heart’s content. Leroy is the pastor on call at the church next week, but for Monday he is working at the museum so his boss can have some vacation. I guess if he gets called during work hours, he will just lock the library and come back later.

I am looking forward to walking to church tonight, but wondering what to wear on my feet as it is wet now, will it be icy later? If it is just a bit of ice on the sidewalk, we often walk on the streets for the less used thoroughfares. That seems to work quite well.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Bike Weather?


Leroy said, “It’s 30 degrees and that is about the high for the day.”

It seemed like bike riding weather to me, but I did not say anything as I saw Leroy get ready to leave in non bike riding clothes.

I went shopping later and was surprised to see pellets of snow/ice hit the windshield. When I came out of the store it was snowing as in pelting down. I brushed the wet snow off the windows, and used the windshield wiper frequently. By the time I was done shopping the snow was done. Leroy would not have been happy to have been in that and now the streets are very wet. Not riding the bike was a smart move on his part.

Sometimes I hear someone talk about the cashiers in the stores who do not know how to make change, but depend on the electronics. Today I paid in cash and I wanted to give the clerk three pennies. She had already keyed in my bills. When I asked about giving her the pennies she told me how much change I would get without giving her those pennies. Remembering what others have said I assumed that she did not know what to do about those pennies. Deciding not to embarrass her I just accepted the change that the machine showed. I believe that working in a restaurant years ago was a good learning experience for dealing with all sorts of cash. Life has changed indeed. At least the machines are accurate all the time, or at least that is what I believe. I know that I did make a mistake from time to time.

Today, I did not see a single person on a bicycle. Often I do see them even on the coldest days.

Daughter Sarah in DC posted that the town was empty. I certainly could not say the same as I waited in line in more than one store.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Internet shopping


Leroy and I must not be the best candidates for internet shopping. We have gotten some things with little fuss, but then there is the big fuss. It was quite easy to order slippers on line. They seemed so nice that Leroy also ordered a pair. Leroy’s pair came, but they were the wrong size. Leroy mailed them back after consulting the company. He is not sure how it happened, but he paid a lot of money to send them back. The gift pair did not come in time for us to hand it personally to the recipient. So they also had to be mailed on, but at half the cost of mailing the first pair. Leroy’s replacement pair came. They seemed to be the proper size of large, but his toes were bunching up against the front of the shoe. I tried them on too, we have almost the same size foot, and my toe also touched, but not too much, however after about five minutes of wear with no sock my toes started to hurt.

“I am going to give these away,” Leroy said.

“That may be, but I think you should contact the company and get some reimbursement for that extra postage,” I declared.

Leroy declined so I said, “Ok, I will do it then.”

“Thank you,” he said to my dismay. I was hoping that he would step up to the bar since I was volunteering.

Neither of us likes to deal with this type of thing. I do feel that the company made some mistakes and therefore should pay for them. That feeling seems to be stronger than not liking to do it. Now I just need to find some strength and courage to get it done. There are all sorts of questions in my mind about how to word the email that I will send. Or heaven forbid, do I need to call them?

Our children did not inherit this hesitancy about dealing with errors in a product. How did that happen? I see them step right up and face it head on.

If we had gone to a store Leroy could have tried these on and the fit would have been good or he would not have purchased them. Also we would have had them in time to make the gift delivery in person. Seems I know many who just love doing internet shopping, but I am not in the category.


Monday, December 19, 2016



The time has come. Last night we got more than twenty Christmas cards ready for the mail box. This morning we did at least fifteen more. We have made progress with only a few left. Because of the internet we have slashed the number of cards that we send. Some year we might even include some pictures. I thought about a picture that is the background on my computer. It is a picture of Leroy and I after camping and while hiking in the Utah Wasatch Mountains. We had not showered and I am not sure that I had even combed my hair. It seemed like the real us. In some ways we do not even look too bad. Perhaps it is much closer to our normal look than we allow ourselves to know.

Because we are sending out these cards so late, I have a wild urge so write a little note to the postal workers. It would say, “It is my fault that this is so late going out. Procrastination can be seductive. You do not have to work harder than usual to send them along. They can be late. It will be ok.”

At any rate we are just putting them in the corner mail box as is. Leroy and I have a system. He addresses, signs them, and puts them in the envelop. Sometimes he leaves them open so I can write something more on the card and sometimes he seals it up. I have been writing on everyone that I handle, consequently I do not get so many finished. Leroy seems to feel we have said it all and I feel that there is always more to say.

Now we need more stamps. Tomorrow is another day.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Missing Hat


Last night we planned to go to a party in spite of the cold and snow. It was only a bit over two miles away, but we understood there was a serious hill to climb. Before we left I gathered warm items including the bag that I keep in the car for going to work. This was not so far, but I was concerned about going off the road and into the ditch. I also had no idea how many people lived in this area. When it came time to put on my favorite hat, I could not find it. I dashed from closet to closet looking in obvious and not so obvious places such as the storage place for hats, coat pockets, sleeves of coats, and on the floor. Finally I just pulled out my not such a favorite hat and tried to stop thinking about how it was flattening my hair.

Navigating the hill was a bit slow, however it all went ok until Leroy went off on a side street one block too soon. We both realized it when we could see the street sign in the dark. At that point he could not get started up the hill again. Luckily he could angle around, back into the street and get a little more momentum allowing him to inch up the last bit of hill. Gratefully we turned onto the proper street before stopping right before their mailbox.

We had a nice time visiting with some of the people we know from church choir. I kept a little nervous flutter working each time I thought about going back down this steep hill with its curves. We arrived home in good shape. With more snow on the sidewalks, it seemed important to clear it off before anyone walked on it.

Back in the house I flung my hat on the floor only to see that it was now my favorite hat I was wearing. I was sure that I had worn the other when we left the house. How could this be? I looked around the house from my lesser favored hat, but did not find it.

This morning I asked our hostess if she had found a hat. She said, “I did, right by the door. I thought one of the neighbors who walked might have left it.”

I think now that my favorite had been in the sleeve of my coat all along, with my arm. When I pulled out my scarf both hats came out and one fell to the floor unnoticed by me. I am not losing my mind, just my things.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Such a Saturday


I made granola, or got it half done before I left for work. Leroy did not have to do any hard labor for it, just stir and take it out when done. It was quite pleasant on the roads, because many people stay off of them on Saturday. I do not have the feeling that I must guard my place to maintain my position. When I pulled into a parking place I thought my coworker pulled in front of me. Yes it was her, “am I not working today?” I wondered. After she came in we looked at the schedule. She was supposed to work not me. I had missed a work day in the week and often then I work the Saturday, but not this time. Oh well it was only a 12 mile drive and quite nice to be out in the country. I also got some more books for Leroy. When I called him and told him I was coming home, he just laughed. The biggest bonus was that I had a nice visit with my coworker who no longer works at the same time I do.

We went shopping a bit this morning along with thousands of other very polite people. I managed to get one more present for Leroy and he got some supplies. I also washed a load of clothes so all time was not lost.

The Christmas decorations are up and in place although they might move before the season is over.

Both Leroy and I have ignored our Christmas letter. We still have three hours before the open house so we could get some written, but I am not holding my breath.

I also walked to the grocery store this morning. Leaning against the building was a guy charging his cell phone in the power outlet. I commented that it was a little cold (16 F.). When I came back out, with all that I could carry on my back, he was still there. It shows me once again that I do not know how some people live and survive. I have a ready power source at home. I am talking about electricity not Leroy! I am grateful for both.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Our Christmas letter


Leroy and I had written our Christmas letter before this last weekend, but just had copies made and it sat on the table while we were gone. For some reason we did not print off a copy to proofread. The printed copy helps me to see the mistakes. We were in just too much of a rush. After coming home, I just kept doing other things. Last night I read through it and marked all of the errors. When Leroy came home I told him that I was embarrassed to send it out in its present condition. He agreed. Uncharacteristically for us we ignored the money we had spent to have it copied and proceeded to make changes, even a little bit of text changed. I feel much better now and I hope Leroy does too. We will work on it tonight and into the weekend. I work tomorrow so I cannot be here to do much. Also, in the evening we are invited to an open house. Not much time there. We go to church Sunday morning with sometime in the afternoon for decorating the church tree. I hope someone tells me a little to the right or a little higher or something, because that is not my skill in life.

My list of non skills seems to grow when I am not looking. What are my skills? My boss and fellow workers tell me that I am good with the public. Sometimes they even step aside so I can do it. I believe that means they are not as comfortable as I am.

Our tree is still in the box so we will possibly get it up this weekend as well. Because I did not finish this so fast, the tree is now warming up in the living room as its attic home is quite cold today.  Other decorations are doing the same so we can handle them without getting cold hands.

One thing nice about the cold is that it cools the bean soup that we had for supper. Love that enclosed back porch! We had Brussels sprouts from the front garden as well as kale in recent days. A little bit of cabbage (small heads) went into the soup tonight. We had corn bread with applesauce and drizzled with molasses. It was all accompanied with a glass of great apple cider. I do like winter when all is snug and sheltered.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Where Does My Brain Go?


This morning Leroy had on a sweater that I felt did not go so well with his pants. He made some comment about his clothes so I told him what I thought. “Would you find something that is better?” he asked.”

“Sure, do you want to change the sweater or the pants?” I wanted to know.

“I would like to wear the sweater,” he stated.

I headed off to look for the dark khakis that we had just recently gotten at the fabulous price of 90% off. We were both please with them as they fit him so well and were of a good quality.  Because the closets in this old house are small, I searched in the first place I thought they might be. No luck! I moved on to the second and still did not find them. Leroy also looked to no avail. At that point I chose a different pair of pants which also looked quite fine with his sweater. Later I looked in the first closet, touching each pants as I went past. There they were! They were darker than I remembered. We had assumed that they must be in the apartment, but where was a big question. I thought maybe Leroy had put them away somewhere and did not remember doing it. I distinctly remembered putting them on a hanger. Maybe I need a vision check?  I will have to work on some memory games to find out if I can sharpen the results.

It is like that at work sometimes. There was a rather large container of mini candy canes on my desk yesterday. No one seems to know anything about them. One of my young colleagues commented that she worries that she might be losing some essential brain power when things like that happen. I am off the hook as everyone thinks this jar appeared on Saturday when I was not even there. Yes!

Here is a link to some of the pictures from the weekend and Brian’s graduation. A picture was taken of Leroy, me and our children, but it must have been with someone else’s camera. I also do not know why I do not have a picture of us with Sarah.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Life's Good times

Life’s good times
December 12, 2016


Brian graduated from PA school on Saturday. We were proud and happy to be there. I was going to send a link to the pictures, but I cannot find it right now and I must leave soon.

I am just doing a short note because I do not have much time today.

We also celebrated Christmas since the immediate family was all there.

Grandchildren have grown and changed, but still get along well together even though Logan noted that he was the only boy and he did not like that. Later he did say that his cousin Olivia was “a sweet girl.”

All driving was on good roads in spite of the cold.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Ships Passing in the night


Yesterday Leroy and I waved to each other on occasion. I got up and went to church fairly early. Leroy stayed home because he had been to church Saturday night. I stayed two hours because I attended book club. We had read the Martian. All of us liked it even though only one of us was a lover of Sci-Fi. Many of us skipped the formulas as being beyond our comprehension, but we all assumed they were accurate. We are an easy to fool group. Just give us a good story.

On the way home I enjoyed the beauty of the snow on the trees. I stopped at the community garden. After brushing the snow off the broccoli, I snapped off a sprig, popped it into my mouth, and reveled in the wonderful flavor. After that I checked out the collards and kale. Both look like snow is ok with them.

When I got home after walking carefully to avoid a fall, I learned that Leroy was getting ready to go back to church as he does a
Blue Christmas service to help people deal with loss and grief at the holidays. I ate lunch, sat down for a brief time before I headed out to go usher at a choir concert. It was indeed well worth the trip through that slush and snow.

When I got home, Leroy was focusing on the class that he was teaching that night. We did eat early together before he headed back out to return at about 9:00 pm.

We spent the entire night in bed together, but after we went to sleep there was little to no interaction.


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Darkness moves in


While out shopping yesterday I had to use the restroom. The store was small so the bathroom was only a two stall affair. I moved in confidently even thought it took a couple more seconds than I liked for the motion light to notice my presence and flood the place with light. Just as I got seated the light went out. “It must need a little more motion,” I thought as I got up and waved my arms to no avail.

I really needed to use the facilities, and when I opened the stall door when the light popped back on. “All is good,” I thought as I proceeded to settle back down and proceed.

The light went off again as I was at a point of no return. I waved my arms in the air hoping to catch some sensor by surprise. It did not work. Darkness is quite solid in a place with no windows or other external light. It encloses one in its space.  “It will be ok, I know where the door is, I know where the toilet paper is, and I can hear noises outside so people are still out there.” I thought as I tried to move the process along in a timely manner.

“What will I say if someone else comes in?” I wondered. However no one else needed this place or they knew enough to stay away.

When I once again opened the stall door the lights came back on. I then proceeded to wash my hands and the lights went off once more. This time when I waved my hand in the air it made a connection and the light beamed on once more. I decided against drying my hands and made a quick exit. That was enough deep darkness for one day.


Friday, December 2, 2016

Leroy's Eyes


Leroy was quite excited when he came home from the eye doctor. His eyes had improved enough that they could take the film off the lens. So now he is back to the prism glasses that he got last summer. Those eyes are not normal, but they have made progress in that direction. He had been to several therapy sessions. Now the question is can he do this on his own or should he go for more guided therapy. He tells me that he still sees double without glasses, but nothing like it had been in the past. We are just so grateful that someone has figured out what to do about these conditions.

 I hung out clothes this morning. It was wonderful to be out there. This afternoon when I went out to get the clothes in the house I heard a lot of squirrel walnut eating. Looking up in the walnut tree, I counted six squirrels up there. No wonder it was so noisy. I just find that a delight. I am thankful for these creatures that can entertain with their eating. In a bit I heard a sound in the catalpa tree. Soon I spotted a nuthatch. I believe I have never heard one before. As I watched, it hopped up to a branch, pecked at a walnut, and dropped it to the ground. This bird then hopped up to another branch and repeated the drill. When it was working on the third branch a squirrel raced down the trunk of the walnut tree, zoomed past me, climbed up the tree and chased the nuthatch away. Territorial space? Who knows, but I found it quite interesting. It lifts my spirits to go outside and learn what is happening out there. Even in the small back yard there is action if we just take the time to look for it.

Our front garden is still beautiful with those collards and kale dominating the scene. I will have to pick them soon because it is to be much colder next week.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Responsible, Me?


In September at the time of the flood my friend, Mary visited me in the library with her friend who had taught in Eastern Slovakia. The teacher had some Slovak items that she wanted to donate to the museum, but had been unable to get there because of the flood preparations. I glibly said, “Yes I can see that they get there.”

We looked at some of the pottery that she had. Some I recognized, some not. She did put her name and address in the container. Because our apartment is small, I put it in the storage room at the library, getting permission from my boss before I did that.

Just last week Mary said, “My friend is still looking for the tax receipt on those donated items.”

“I will check with Leroy to find out what happened,” I stated firmly.

Leroy could not remember doing anything with that container. I assured him that I must have given it to him as we do not like so many things in the storage area at the library. Plus my boss had cleaned out back there and it was so nice with less stuff crammed in. I’m thinking Leroy’s memory is slipping. Although he does not always remember what is around him, he can remember the most unusual English words that are of little use for the common conversation.

On the day Leroy worked after Thanksgiving he checked in the library for that box. He could not find it. He then asked what it was in; I told him a tub like we have our Slovak things in. He had been looking for a cardboard box so he did another search the next time he worked there. He called Mary and asked for a further description of the container. She thought it was a box not a tub.

Finally today the person who is in charge of donations was at the museum. That person did a big search, but was unable to find that item.

Both Leroy and I are feeling the responsibility of this item, as it gains weight with each failure to find it.

“Tell me everything you know about bringing it to the museum,” Leroy ordered me.

“I don’t remember anything about it. I think I must have given it to you,” I whined, “and you took it in.”

“I think you should check at your library. If it is not there we have to tell Mary that we cannot find it,” he stated rather emphatically.

I called my boss. “Do you remember that box of pottery that Mary’s friend brought over?”

“Yes,” she said, “It is in the back room.”

“But you cleaned back there,” I said.

“Only against the wall and not in the middle where it is,” she said, “I’ll go look for it right now. Hold on.”

I could hear her walking and moving something before she said, “It is right here.”

“Thanks!” I said.

With that information, I called Leroy. We have both lost a load. Leroy was a little ticked at me, but quite relieved. It will be a while before I say yes so lightly once again. Maybe tomorrow?


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Misplaced Confidence


I set off for work with complete confidence that I was, if not well put together, at least it was adequate. The day went well and I did not notice until I had been at work for six hours that my shoes did not match. Heavens! How did that happen?

These two pair sat under the bed next to each other as they are both black and about the same style. Apparently I just grabbed them out, put them on, and charged out the door. My feet never noticed any difference between them. Today I will pay attention to what is on my feet.

Saturday I set out with confidence that I could get to work on time. However that perspective changed as traffic was routed off the interstate almost immediately. At first I stayed in the long line of cars that took four or five light changes before we could move on to the next one. At that point the side streets looked quite attractive. So I turned on one in the general direction I thought I needed to go. After about two more turns and a couple changes in direction I realized I really do not know this town very well. I got out my phone at one point thinking I should call my boss to let her know I would probably be late, but then I knew where I was so my mind settled on the idea that I could make it ahead of her since she still might be in bed or at least not dressed.

I arrived to open the library five minutes late only to learn that my boss was there worrying about me. She had come in for something else and opened because she was it. I had not heard her call me so she did not know what to think as I did not answer my phone.

Life has the unexpected.


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus
November 27, 2016


I am so enjoying the Christmas cactus this year. The white one that I got from my sister has big beautiful blossoms of about three inches long. Last winter I got one from a friend. She said that it often or always had blossoms, but they did not open very well. This year almost every branch end as a blossom. It is pink and lovely. I wonder if it is because I did not feed it so it rested before it came back to flower. Both of these plants sit in our bedroom window. They must like it there as they are both thriving. Thanks Marge for all the joy this brings me daily as I wake and before going to sleep.

I hope you all get some of the feel for them as I believe they are better in person.

I have not yet planted the amaryllis bulbs, but will do that soon as the cactus will be done soon and I would like to revel in some new flowers.

Leroy brought down the Advent wreath, but I was not in the right time frame because there are no appropriate candles in the house. I need some tapers. Wednesday I will go do a little shopping and get that done. Both of us have talked about buying our advent wreaths in the market in Bratislava. At first I was not sure that I liked them, because they were so different from what I had been accustomed to. Now I/we both miss them. For some reason we can’t even find a picture of one even though we took more than one.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Leroy's Car Key


Leroy got up promptly because he wanted to get to work at the museum early so he could make those church hospital calls after work and still get home before six in the evening. He left at about 7:00, called me 7:34. “I can’t find my car keys,” in a sad panicked tone.

“You used them to drive the car there,” I stated, “Then what did you do with them?”

“I had my hands full of too many other things and could not get them in my pocket,” he mourned.

“Did you look in the car?” I wondered.

“The car is locked,” he replied shortly.

Apparently he used the lock on the door to lock. “Should I come right away?” I wondered, “I have time now.”

“If you come now you have to call when you get here because there is no one else here and the doors are locked,” he said.

Because I was washing clothes I decided to wait until they were done. At which point I climbed in the car grateful that we have a second car and two sets of car keys for each car. When I got to the parking garage I climbed out into the warm place, went over to our car, unlocked the door, found the keys peeking out from under the driver’s seat, picked them up, locked the door again, climbed the stairs to the library, and handed the keys to a very relieved Leroy.

Sometimes life has some simple solutions and we are thankful for those times.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day


We were invited to someone’s home for dinner. There were a few other members of the congregation there as well. It becomes so much more comfortable for me as I have gotten to know people. The food, conversation, and setting were all good. It was nice that it was only about a mile away so we could walk there. Surely those walks helped to deal with the excess food that we take in no matter what. It seems almost a duty on this holiday.

Someone asked what we did on Thanksgiving while we were in Slovakia bringing back some wonderful memories of celebrations there.

Yesterday we received our first Christmas card. Sort of puts the pressure on. Last year I resolved that I would be quicker on this card thing, but no ideas are coming to mind for a letter so it looks like it might be in the same pattern as usual. I do not do Black Friday shopping, but I do need some groceries consequently I will have to venture out into the fray well fortified for it all. I like shopping best when almost no one is there.

Leroy will work at the museum tomorrow and make, for the church, any hospital calls if there are any people in the hospital. Sometimes it cannot be avoided even on the best holidays. We will both work on Saturday. I am interested to know if I will be busy or not. Because my desk is totally clear of items to catalog, I’m hoping for a lot of patron traffic. When my cataloging is caught up I do spend some time going through records and correcting mistakes. The system, to which we send our records so they can be accessed for interlibrary loan, shows how many records have errors. I think it is about fifteen pages of close small font. I have only covered about three pages so it is a long term job which I only do from time to time.

Happy Thanksgiving with blessings counted and savored.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Second Thoughts


I am having second thoughts about that hat I found. I have a vague memory of finding it last summer in a suitcase and transferring it to the very spot where I would find it when I needed it. Because it was in such a secure spot I promptly put it out of my mind. How does that sound for saving my sense of brain power?

Leroy has been covering the collards that are in the front garden by the house, but I had decided not to do that. He had done it so I know they are still alive, but so is the broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale as well as some small cabbages that are growing on the plant base where I picked a big one. It is as if Leroy and I are shifting positions because in the past I was the one who thought we should cover things. Guess I convinced him and he convinced me.

This morning Leroy had a difficult decision about whether to ride the bike or not. His cut off temperature is 19 degrees. That is exactly what the weather source said it was even though our thermometer registered five degrees higher than that. He drove the car but I would have liked to have him bike since he has had so few days he can bike, however he was most concerned about how cold his hands become. I did not say anything really, until he made his decision at which point he declared with a laugh, “You can call me wimp.”

Tomorrow he will work at the church so he will probably walk rather than ride. Amazingly he is taking Wednesday off. He will work on Friday and Saturday so he still will spend four days at work. I also will work on Saturday. I do not even consider riding the bike the twelve plus miles in this cool weather. Am I the wimp? Fifty degrees is my stopping point as my inner ears complain loudly.


Sunday, November 20, 2016

My Hat


I lost my hat sometime after we had visited Brian in MN last winter. This is my winter hat that is a must for any winter walking. I mourned that loss because it fit my apparently rather large head. Do not believe the tags which state one size fits all. I can put these hats on my head, but I know that in a matter of less time than I can walk six blocks my head would hurt because they fit so tightly. Hopefully I have not caught anything from trying on these hats that might have been tried by any number of good people with passengers or other unwelcome germs lurking in their hair.

In the interim Leroy has given me one of his plain black hats which he declares is too large for him as it is a constant annoyance of slipping up on his head leaving his ears bare and fending for themselves. The hat works for me, but it is almost tight so I still like my old one better.

Yesterday before we went to the garden to pull up the soybeans I searched for a hat in my winter hat box only to find my missing hat. I danced and sang. What could be better than finding my hat? Worse is knowing that I looked everywhere and did not find it before. How did it come to be on the top of the heap without me seeing it? Is it Alzheimer’s or just plain old dementia moving in?

Leroy was not helpful without any logical explanations to offer. My glee is cut a little by these thoughts, but I am still glad to wear this hat. Winter can come. I wore it last night when we walked to church only to be dismayed by the sight of my hair in the mirror when I arrived. My new haircut looked great on Thursday when we still had a bit of humidity in the air. Winter and straighter hair has indeed come. With my thinning, straighter hair more of my scalp is on view.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Leroy No Coat


“Should I wear a coat today?” Leroy wondered as he was getting ready to leave the house. He planned to be home in the middle of the afternoon when the source he was looking at predicted that it would still be close to 50 degrees. Because he was using the car, he
decided to go with just his suit coat.

I went on my usual shopping foray with just a light jacket. By the time I was leaving the last store it had become cold enough that I wondered if I should walk to church with Leroy’s coat. I suppressed the urge rationalizing that he did have the car and could manage with that.

“How did you escape the cold?” I asked when he got home.

“I moved quickly from the car to the building and back again,” he said, “it wasn’t too bad.”

Once solidly in the door he proceeded to put on warmer clothes.

We are grateful that we live in such luxury that we have a warm place in spite of a strong wind. The insulation works as does the furnace. Had I been thinking ahead I might have prepared bean soup, but as it is we will eat a lot of Swiss chard which I have cut level with the ground. I also cut off the chocolate mint to which Leroy applied the quick drying method. We will use that for tea. I also cut off some oregano that we will also dry, but not until tomorrow. Some broccoli was ready and I picked it. I left out the Brussel sprouts, collards, and kale hoping for hardy survivors.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Scary Person


Last night I drove up the darkish alley after work, swung over to the left, as I always do if there is room so I can make a smooth arch into the garage without backing. When I got to the left I realized a car was coming up the alley behind me. Because they might not realize I wanted to go to the right and cross their path, I stayed in place and let this person pass only to find out it was my neighbor. Embarrassment flooded my soul, because I was really on their property. He waved a little as he went past me and parked. Then I swooped into the garage, climbed out, and decided to go over and talk with him a little.

He had not yet left his car, but was looking at some piece of paper. He read a while as I considered what to do. But in a short amount of time he put the paper down, opened the door, stuck out his leg, and dragged out the rest of his body. I said, “Hello.”

He leaped in shock and said, “You scared me half to death.”

I apologized and we had a nice conversation. I was pleased to learn that he had used some of the greens from the community garden. In mentioning collards which he grew up liking he commented that they are better after the first frost. So I guess we have some time to go yet for the peak flavor.

When in the house I looked at the mail, there was a letter from the state of Iowa to me. What could this be? On opening it I found myself looking at a scary person, me. It was my new driver’s license which I had really forgotten about. Leroy wanted to see it so I handed it over. I showed him my previous license and asked, “Which is the better picture?”

He never really answered the question, but just muttered some. There is certainly a serious imposing face on each. Hopefully it will not scare too many in a dark alley.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Social Media in my life


I had been becoming weary and unhappy from reading many of the posts on social media. The problem is how do I avoid all of that and yet still get the posts I want to read and react to such as a grandfather, I know, snuggling with a grandson, or how about the friend who has some serious health issues whose wife posts so that I know that I need to pray, or how about the friend whose son surprised her by coming from the west coast to her home in the Midwest. What it all comes down to is that I want to know that personal stuff. I want to share in the joys and sorrows.

Unfortunately it is not so easy to exclude negative vindictive political comments and not eliminate the entire group of comments, except by unfriending. Unfriending must be a new word that will surely be included in the dictionary some day. I still consider these people my friends even if I do not want to read most of the things that they post. Now I am trying to race past their name every time I see it come up. Does that mean I will miss something personal that I would like to rejoice or commiserate with them about? Possibly so.

Since I have taken on this racing tact for the last two days, I feel my spirit lightening and expanding. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were just a place for personal comment and one for political? I do indeed have political stance and concerns, but I do not want to read something that almost borders on yellow journalism with attack being the primary method of expression. In that sense I like the magazines and newspapers which are not mixed in with things I really want to read.

Enough! That is my rant for the day.


Sunday, November 13, 2016



My college roommate and her brother are going to stop for a short visit on their way back to Denver. Leroy and I have done a little cleaning. Nothing like company coming to bring out the critical eye searching for dust and clutter. Preparing for a phantom guest might be good for the condition of the living quarters. Can I convince myself of such a thing?

Last night Leroy and I went to the symphony. It was a fine concert, well worth waiting for. Leroy is always in a rush to leave so we arrive in plenty of time. Perhaps he forgets that we live just a mere ten minutes away even with allowing for searching for a parking spot. Two of the composers were of Czech origin and the third wrote the Prague symphony as a good will gesture because he, Mozart liked being there.

Today Leroy was doing some small chores outside so I requested that he dig up the amaryllis bulbs even though it has not totally frosted. I like those bulbs to spend some time in the cold before planting them. This year they seem to be good firm bulbs. They do not grow so very well for me here as they have in other locations. At least I am hopeful that more than one will produce flowers. More waiting.

In the present moment I am enjoying the first two flowers that have opened on the Christmas cactus. Joy and beauty still come forth. They love the sun coming in the window as do I. Such gifts we all get even without asking for them on a daily basis.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Perfect Gift


Our family is gathering December 10th for Brian’s graduation. That will be our holiday time half way between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We draw names and exchange gifts that amount to about $25. Last week I saw the perfect gift from my name only to learn that it cost $50. Two days later I saw the perfect gift only to find out that it cost d$150. So much for the perfect gift! Twice I have wandered stores looking for something that might leap into my mind or cart and be the perfect gift, but nothing happened. Today I took Leroy with me and he was no help, instead he wanted help getting something for his name. Just how close is the 10th of December?

Leroy and I had a perfect gift by going to the garden and pulling up the zucchini vines. There was one perfect little zucchini on one vine. We also pulled up the remaining five tomatoes plants. Nestled in the leaves there were about three tomatoes that were starting to turn color. Now the bean plants did not yield any surprises. That was true of the lone eggplant as well. The hardy greens are still in the garden and producing delightfully tasty healthy eating. There is another perfect gift. I was amazed to see that the lone hot pepper that is still in the garden had no frozen fruit on it. We left it to produce more fire. I have only used one from this prolific plant and Leroy complained a little when he bit into a miniscule amount of it. Every time I look at it I want to take some more home. I might do that before that big freeze that will take almost everything with it.

On the walk home we greeted a neighbor who had a long conversation with us. She has more and larger house plants than I do. She shared a start of a white Christmas cactus and a pink one too. Mine are starting to bloom. This is a great gift that I might pass on since I do not really need more.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Warm Fall Day


The best thing about today was that I walked to the garden to check on the zucchini because it was a bit cool this morning. Each surviving plant has a three inch narrow fruit on the vine. I left them since they seem to be able to make it for a few more days before the temperature dips below freezing. The warmth at this time is quite amazing. I did pick up a number of tomatoes from the ground that have a nice red hue to them. There are still some almost ripe red ones on the plants and I hope some of the neighbors find them.

Another good time in my day was walking around the neighborhood delivering newsletters. I tried to watch my step while still absorbing the beauty of the leaves left on the trees. It is fun to see a beautiful, full, leafed tree next to one that has closed shop for the season. For some reason there were a number of dogs feeling quite territorial of their yard today. They barked vociferously, running and leaping at the fence when I came close to their house. I also met several people who were out walking dogs. Those dogs also seemed to regard me as an intruder. Luckily their walkers had a good hold on the leash.

As I was walking up my block I saw a couple get out of their truck and approach their house. Because they were not looking at me as I passed I did not say hello. I do not know them, but have seen them before and greeted them. I was not much past them when there was a big explosive sound. My heart raced as I jumped and turned with a startle. They did not say anything, just stared at me, and neither did I. I then realized that it was a firecracker that the man had set off. As I proceeded on my way there were more popping sounds. I can’t say that I was impressed with all that nor did I find it to be kind and courteous. I guess there are all kinds of people in the world, but a little warning would have been nice or perhaps a little waiting so it would not have been so close to me. My marvelous heart shortly returned to a normal beating pattern.


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Garden Work


In the morning a friend came over and I shared some of my kale and collards with her. When picked it looked like large bags full, but the kale, especially does not look as if any of it has been picked. I have just so enjoyed the look of the garden. Those greens are as beautiful to my eye as a flower. There is still some colorful chard in the mix so that adds to the beauty. One good thing about the garden is that new weeds do not so often appear as they are done for the season.

In the afternoon Leroy and I, along with three others, worked in the community garden. We were cleaning it up, but left much to grow. I did pull some tomatoes that were volunteers, but still gave us their all in mostly small types of fruit. One of the tomato cages had blown over so we got that plant out along with one that seemed to have only brown leaves on it. I brought home all of the green tomatoes that were of a size that promised a time to be ripe in the future. I took them because no one else was interested in them. I thought we might pull the soybeans, but the pods were not curling open. It will take quite a lot of work to pop them open so I left them for another day. Leroy clipped off the okra and then dug out the roots. He cut some of them to a smaller size so they could be easily bundled and carted off.

All in all it was a very satisfying afternoon. One of the people who helped also writes for an organization. I thought I would share the link she posted.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Leroy and Work


It seems to me that Leroy has gotten busier at the church, but maybe that is just my thought. He has moved all of the nursing home services so he can be off on the weekends, but now they have asked him to work a bit on Sunday. He is also starting a class that will meet Sunday evenings and last until sometime in March. I asked, “How come you seem to be working more at the church?”

“They have gotten used to having an intern for the last two years,” he said, “Someone has to do some of that work.”

Leroy is also going to his eye therapy once a week as well as seeing the eye doctor more frequently. Plus he needed to see the dentist so he has had time used with all of those activities.

I need to schedule a colonoscopy, but I will try to wait until after Christmas when some of his work load and hopefully therapy load will lighten. Leroy will need to be with me the day of the procedure. Right now I do not think he has any spare time.

Even though the garden is still producing he is not spending much time there. Tomorrow we, along with helpers, will go and pull some of the plants that have finished their active life such as the okra. It does not like the cooler nights or the shorter daylight hours.

At the museum Leroy’s hours are much more stable and constant. The only time they seem to change is when his boss would like some time off on Saturday, and then Leroy just switches out a day.

I am glad that I only have half time work as that gives me time to get things done around the house without feeling too tired.
