Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pay Now Travel Later


One more trip is in my future. I will go to Utah and help Andy deal with two girls while Miriam is gone. First she will go to California and then on a church council overnight. It will be a different experience to spend so much time in Utah without Miriam being there. Can Andy and I get along with each other? We will find out.

I booked the ticket last night. Even though I have done this before it makes me nervous. I guess it seems so final because I never buy trip insurance. I, of course, have to go since I have paid so much money for this. I wanted to sign up to get the frequently flyer miles, but it said I had not the right password. When I tried to sort through that it said that some of my other information was not correct. It has been a while since I have flown United, do you suppose I have dropped out of their radar?

I also like the idea of buying a ticket almost as I am getting on the transportation. Then it would seem the money is never wasted. Also it is something how plane ticket prices change from day to day or even hour to hour. When Miriam and I first looked they were higher and the following day the price had dropped by $68. Why do you think that happened? Maybe they knew we were looking and the lower price would lure us in. It is such a crapshoot. I’ll bet I would not like craps either. Maybe I have no gamboling soul. Depending on the situation that is good or bad.

Leroy used the car early this morning and it started with no problem. It was warmer, but not by a lot. Another crapshoot?

I am teaching adult Sunday school this week. Last Sunday they teased me about doing yoga with them. I am going to do just that for three moves. Then we will move on to the ELCA official position on health. From there we will look at the Seventh Day Adventist view and the Mormon view. Lastly I will challenge them to join me in walking during Lent.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Florida Car


When I was ready to go to the grocery store the car would not start. It was about 3 degrees out. One other cold, below zero, Sunday it did not start for Leroy, but someone helped him “jump” the car and it ran just fine. After lunch Leroy went out and started the car with no problem. He took it in to have the battery checked and at that moment it was fine. Now we feel a bit uneasy. Is it just a Florida car that appreciates warmth? Or is there something else wrong that we have not yet discovered.

Brian and Jen are getting a new car soon. We will be getting their old car, but not for a while as we have made no plans for the delivery of that vehicle to our house. With this strong winter still in place we are not anxious to make a commitment to driving it here. We did not think we really need a second car, but with the possibility of the current car needing assistance it is nice to have a back up around. Oh those needs and wants, they can certainly get tangled. Need is not the word in this case it would be want as most weeks the car is only driven two or maybe three days.

Leroy had a couple of meetings about the ELCA resolution on sexuality. He had been hearing some rumblings as had someone else in the congregation. The first encounter exposed a great deal of feelings. Neither Leroy nor I handle such tension very well. But we both prayed a lot about it and the meeting last night went very well. Nothing was really solved, but people seemed to feel that someone listened to them and they learned how resolutions are passed in the church. Now they know something about the change process. They even thanked Leroy at the end of the meeting for having this chance to clear the air. It is as if a weight has been lifted from our shoulders.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010



Yesterday I walked over to church to get my yoga supplies since only one person has come to a session there since Christmas. Quitting seemed the best action. Leroy forgot his sermon for the senior housing. I walked with him to increase my time on foot. Lastly we walked the short distance to the evening service. I play the piano for him at all of these services. That made a total of four miles walked. It increases my positive mental outlook when I get outside for a good walk. If the wind is strong and the air cool then I am always grateful for the opportunity to get inside again.

Last night the piano was an electric one that sounded quite nice. However, in the middle of one of the hymns I must have hit some auxiliary button because I was joined by some notes I did not intend to play. They continued even though I stopped. Turning off the power and restarting got us back on track. These people are not in a nursing home, but more like senior housing. Their singing is so much more robust.

Today, because I did not have another reason to go out I only took one walk that consisted of two miles. Before going in the house when I came home, since it was so nice out, I grabbed the shovel and went to the end of the sidewalk that is close to the school. For reasons that we can’t imagine this last five feet of walk is frequently not cleared. It only took me about three minutes to carve a path. We both feel it is the school property, but for some reason they ignore it. This morning we walked that stretch with a boy who was not wearing boots. I figured I could complain for much longer than was necessary to just clean it up and enjoy it the next time I walked. Besides, that gave me an excuse to exercise a little more. Opportunities are there if we just seek them out rather than looking for the “easy” nonphysical method.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Winter Returns


In the morning new snow was already covering yesterday’s bare spots of ground. Additionally a brisk wind was piling it here and there. I bundled up to go to yoga. I am grateful for the winter gear even though it takes longer to get out the door. Nice that the temperature was at least 19 degrees so no worry about freezing. School let out early. Leroy and I headed downtown for a walk and to do some errands. Going there was fine, but coming back a little harder since we had to walk into the wind.

Leroy was a little disgruntled since he had wanted to buy some stamps for his collection. Unfortunately he is not able to do that in this Post Office. Instead he must do that online and he does not want to do that. Is it the official rule for all facilities or just small ones like this?

I have logged over 10,000 steps today in spite of the weather. I am also grateful that we did not try to clear the driveway as it would have promptly blown in again. We have some bare places and some deep places. I am also grateful that we do not have to drive somewhere for work in this storm. Even if this were a work day for Leroy he could just walk which seems easier and safer.

The storm rested because when I came out of yoga there was no snow in the air, but by the time I got home it had started again. It now seems like a gale wind out there with snow coming down and blowing around making visibility limited.

Lentil soup is on the supper menu with fresh bread. Freshly roasted pumpkin seeds along with great tasting organic oranges provide a snack. How blessed we are. Pressed down and running over.

All five of the amaryllis are sending up bud stalks. One of them has a baby bulb in the pot. At least it has small leaves coming up at the side, indicating additional growth.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Last Pumpkin


“The last pumpkin has a spot on it,” Leroy said, “You should take care of it soon.”

After investigation I brought it upstairs yesterday and with help from Leroy, washed, cut it, scooped out seed, cleaned seeds, and cooked the pulp. Because the freezer was so full it seemed best to can it, but we had only five jar rings and the canner holds seven jars. I drove to the store, gasped at the price of jar rings with lids, paid the price, came home and started putting the pumpkin in jars to find that there was only enough for six jars.

“Grumble, grumble,” I thought, “why did I buy those rings, I could have gotten the amount of one jar of pumpkin in the freezer.”

I only beat up on myself for a little while as I tried to be grateful that I now had enough rings for the large amount that I will surely can in the future. Even in the pressure cooker the pumpkin had to cook for 80 minutes. Between the rings and the energy this is quite expensive pumpkin even if the original fruit was free. We had better like it. But then wait, it is organic and locally grown that must make it more valuable.

The last batch of pumpkin bread was particularly good so that is something to look forward to having again. We are certainly getting a dose of vitamin A with all of this yellow veggie. Another positive I no longer have to worry about a pumpkin rotting in my house. Leroy even was able to bury the skin and other waste by the house so it is making the soil richer by rotting there.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Less Ice


We confidently left the house this morning, I in regular shoes and Leroy in boots. After two slips almost immediately, I returned to put on boots. Then we set off again, clinging to each other and offering support. Even thought I always thing it odd that men seem to be able to stand upright and women cling that is the way it really was with us too even though Leroy did slip a couple times. Somehow he is not as afraid of falling as I am, but then he has not been told he has osteoporosis.

In many places the street was clear, but then cars seem to think that is their place so we have to give way a lot. It was still nice to go out for this mile walk. When I came home it was much better as just a couple hours helped the melt. This afternoon almost of the ice came off the trees. Now one had to be careful not to be hit on the head.

It seemed that I was doing a good job learning the “old lady afraid to fall on the ice shuffle”. Amazing it is that I have gotten to that point. Now however, since it is melting, maybe I will not need that skill for a while.

I will be singing a solo in church on Sunday. It was to be a duet, but the person who was to sing with me does not know the song and she has been unable to get out her driveway for three days so it is all up to me now. I practiced with the accompanist today so I know where my weak places are.

I am grateful that our power has stayed on and that we have not had as much ice as other many places. What a blessing to be warm and be able to turn on the light to read. I am now on page 900+ of my book and starting to read in gulps rather than word by word. “Too many words, too many words”. I do like the book in spite of wanting to get to the end.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

No School Again


There were no cars in the parking lot by the suggested late start time so that meant school was cancelled yet again. There will be a lot to make up before the end of the year.

Finally this afternoon the driveway was clear of most ice so it seemed quite safe to walk to a store. There was a sense of freedom as I stepped a long briskly. Some places caution was required, but especially in the street it was fine. This particular store is only about .5 miles away, but it was fine to go that short distance. I did not buy anything, but just shopping is a skill that some have and I may acquire. Generally I do not shop unless I have a “need”, but today it was just an excuse to get out of the house. The day was especially long because Leroy was out for lunch.

Still I managed to find some tasks to do. I made more pumpkin bread, and sewed up a pillow so Leroy can have a knee pillow. It is just a soft old thin pillow that I folded over lengthwise and sewed together. Then an old pillowcase was sacrificed by making it smaller so the pillow would not come out. It is a little tricky to get the pillow sown as it does not want to stay in this position, but I waited and had Leroy hold the pillow while I guided it through.

When I was done I thought I might see about sewing our names on some napkins as my mother had done. For unknown reasons the sewing machine would now only sew a straight stitch even though it had been zigzagging quite nicely. My sewing machine was a wedding present from my parents. Leroy and I were married in June 1971 so I suppose the machine might be tired, or maybe it just needs cleaning or maybe just oiling. It is made of medal and quite heavy so I would like a new one even if this one could be repaired easily. I will have to look into the possibilities. For a mostly now sewing person not much is required, but I think small new ones have more abilities than mine does.

I am now on page 767 of my book, World without End, so I will likely finish it before the due date.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

House Bound


The thick coating of ice on the east windows has diminished after the rain stopped and the temperature came up a little. Branches are down in the yard, ice is on the drive, and fear of falling is in force.

Leroy went to work, but I stayed in the house all day. If I finished this before it is dark I will go out as my mind like the cool clear air outside.

One more large pumpkin has been cut up, steamed, frozen, and some made into pumpkin soup for lunch. The seeds are drying on the cookie sheet waiting for Leroy to do his roasting/frying thing. There is only one pumpkin still whole.

Paper has been read, comics enjoyed, and Sudoku finished. Jeopardy watched, 20 minutes of pilates endured, email read, video call made to a friend from Slovakia, and the bed is made.

Sleep was great last night with a stretch of 6.5 hours without waking. Memory can not pinpoint a time when this last happened. Sleep feels good.

Now what is supper going to be?


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Movie Night


Leroy and I both enjoyed the movie, Blind Side. Because it was a Monday night we did not get to the theater so very early. It was surprisingly full. I was thinking that we might have to sit in the front, but there some empty seats in the back, however no two together. I told Leroy, “I do not want to sit in the front. I am going to ask if any of these seats are still open.” Then we found that some people had their coats on a seat and they did move them for us and we got to sit together in the last row. I consider that a good thing.

I am also glad that so many people were there. It helps to insure that the theater can go on. It is a community project of some type and the tickets are only $3. That is great for such newly released movies. Leroy and I do not even spend any gas getting there so it is a very nice thing. The five-ten minute walk provides a little exercise.

We have seen a movie a week in the last three weeks. That is just way above average. We have probably gone about three times in the rest of the months that we have been here. Leroy has gone to some without me, but I have not gone alone. Many have not appealed.

The preview was for Invictus. Another movie to be watched next week. It might become a habit. At least I think the movie is coming next week. There are two movies available each week. So there are some choices.

Now if I can just finish reading my book, World without End before I have to return it to the library. The total number of pages is over 1000. With half of it read and already renewed once, It is questionable if it will be done in time. Perhaps a scheme might be to return it and check it out on Leroy’s card. Maybe they might make an exception since this is not a new book so there would surely be no one waiting for it.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Plants and Birds


The Christmas cacti are at the end of the current blooming cycle, but two people who have just seen them were so impressed by the numbers of blossoms that I now see them with fresh appreciation. They still look good.

The most exciting thing is that the five amaryllis bulbs that are now in pots are all sending up a bud stalk. The summer in the shade has been good for them. What color will they be? That remains to be seen.

The two geraniums that are in pots are also looking very good and appear to be getting new bud shots. The broken branch in the jar of water is healthy, but not sending out roots. This year the begonias are alive, but not flourishing.

On our way to Des Moines, we were privileged to clearly see a mature bald eagle sitting in tree. Shortly after that sighting we saw a turkey striding though a field. We do not have bird feeders so I do not see so many birds by the house other than the one that lives in the Christmas wreath. It is hard to identify as it flies away as soon as the door is opened. The wreath has to stay up because it is sanctuary even though this bird poops on the cement. Sweeping does keep it fairly clean.

Leroy and I will be going to a movie tonight. I hope the streets are not too slippery. But at least we can hang on to each other. Hopefully we do not both slip at the same time. This morning there was a sheer strip of ice that did not bother car drivers, but was a bit hazardous for walkers. I walked like an old lady or if possible I used the grass.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Door Shuts Softly


Ever since Leroy put insulation around the kitchen door it was hard to shut and it had gotten harder. When I went out I would have to pull sharply to get it to latch. The entire neighborhood probably thought I always left home in a rage as I slammed out. When inside the only way for me to make it latch was to bump it solidly with my butt. Leroy did not lower himself to such tactics; he merely put on the deadbolt. That worked, but I like it latched.

Especially during the extremely cold weather we did not lock the door because we did not want to come home to find that we had forgotten our key. That has only rarely happened, but we did not want to freeze on our doorstep. Besides, many people in town have said they do not lock their homes. It seems that if someone needed to get in when it was so cold they were welcome to do that. Sometimes, because the latch had not caught, the door was slightly ajar when we got home. I always felt bad about trying to heat the outdoors when it takes enough energy just to heat the indoors.

Just a couple days ago the door would not close. Investigation revealed that the latch holder had a screw loose. After it was tightened the door closed with ease and almost silently. Now again it is a little harder to get it to latch, but nothing seems to be loose. What a blessing this has been. It is the small things that make life joyful.

When visiting Brian, he always complained at how much I slammed doors. Maybe now I can develop new habits. Can an old dog learn new tricks? Yes it just takes longer.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Trojan virus


Yesterday the virus protection listed two Trojan Virus strands on the computer. Then some unknown virus protection came on, scanned without permission, stated their product should be purchased to eliminate this threat, and locked everything. Leroy proceeded to wipe the hard drive and reloaded most things. Luckily we had saved the majority at the end of the year, but it is still annoyingly time consuming to fix the problem. Luckily it was Leroy’s day off. Luckily he has done it before so it got faster. Luckily he is a patient man. Son Brian gave some tips to help prevent this from happening in the future. That gives us hope but still I have new resolves to backup things more frequently, especially pictures. Will I do it? Yes for a little while.

The computer screen is much less cluttered than it was and life does go on around us.

Leroy and I went to a movie last night. We both enjoyed it and laughed so that is a plus. Can life get better than shared enjoyment?

The church here is interviewing two people so we have had to have the house looking presentable and to leave for a while. It is easy to pick up, clean up, and adjust the inside. However on the outside are two clematis vines that we did not trim. There is some discussion going on as to the best time and how deeply to trim. For now there are brown leaves fluttering in the breeze around the front of the house. It does not bother me because I know the score; however, I have a powerful urge to leave a note explaining the reason for the leftover vegetation. And then there is the half brown fern upstairs. Seems that should be explained or justified. For now there is a lid on any explanations. Maybe someone will think we have a partial green thumb. Maybe they are more interested in looking at closet space so do not notice such externals.


Saturday, January 9, 2010



I put on the pedometer to record my 8000 steps today. Taking it off before I went on the first walk, I forgot to put it back on. I did remember when we went to the library in the afternoon. That walk required 4000 steps. That seems excessive since it was only about 1.5 miles. So does that mean the pedometer is inaccurate? Or do I do too much bouncing? Or does it mean that in the snow I take much smaller steps therefore taking more steps to get to the destination? Life is full of mysteries.

Leroy and I spent more time looking for that mystery star. We got our moving boxes organized and much neater than they were before, however no star. Then we went to church and Leroy looked there while I marked some CD’s with the church name. I did find some small wooden stars that Leroy had gotten when he went to Israel. They are about the size of an ornament for a Christmas tree. He will take those to church since he wants stars there. They will add stars each Sunday in Epiphany. Unfortunately the large rather dramatic stain glass star will remain hidden. When something is just out of reach and out of sight it gains considerable importance.

Tomorrow it is to get warmer. That will be nice. We noticed a difference from our morning walk and the afternoon walk, just a few degrees makes a welcome change.

I had put that unusual smelling cinnamon stick in the bean soup that I made yesterday. Neither Leroy nor I could taste cinnamon, but it is the best tasting soup. I will have to use some more of the sticks this way.

I lifted weights today, but they seem to have gained weight from two days ago. I thought they should have lost since I am surely stronger.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Sun, Wind, and Cold


The sun is so inviting. But the air is deceptively cold. My light weight gloves were not adequate for shoveling the end of the drive as well as the sidewalk. Everything was fine with the addition of better gloves nestled in sheepskin mittens. I am so grateful for warm clothes to wear in this weather.

For lunch we moved the table over so we can soak up the sun along with some nutrients. In northern climes why aren’t houses built with a lot of southern exposure? We have never lived in a place that had really great south windows and we have lived in many places. Thirteen places we have called home for three months or more. One place we left and came back to and I am not counting those returns. How many more places will it be before we die? It is hard to believe that I never was farther than a half day’s drive from home before I was 18 years old. My dad was a dairy farmer and that certainly made a difference.

I have some spice sticks in a package from Stephen and Sarah. Today I got those out and added them to liquid thinking that they were cinnamon sticks. The smell is something different that I can not identify. On the package it is called Canelle Baton. The internet reveals that it is indeed cinnamon sticks, but in French. However they are their own breed of cinnamon.

I forgot to wear my pedometer when I shoveled. Do you think I could add 1000 steps for that? I do not think I will walk anywhere outside. Leroy tells me it was not so much fun going that .8 mile to church. The stairs should give me a good workout if I do them enough times.

I spent some more time looking for that elusive stain glass star. Maybe Leroy and I should tackle some boxes that were mostly for packing. Something might be stored in one of them. I know have seen this star in the last six months. Can the memory be true?


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow, wind, cold


Finally last evening the snow stopped so I started putting on the required clothes. Leroy was watching a movie so I was surprised when he immediately turned it off and said, “I’m coming out too.”

“You won’t finish the movie?” I wondered.

“No it is ok to quit. I want the snow off the driveway,” he said.
With less accumulation than sometimes it was a 20 minute job. Unfortunately, this morning it was necessary to do it again as more snow had fallen during the night. Tomorrow it will be necessary to take out the drifts. But we can do it we are strong. I just lifted weights. I am going to try to go back to doing that at least twice a week. It takes a long time to gain strength and a nano second to lose it.

Each time I looked out I could tell that the wind was getting stronger and blowing more snow. I worried about Leroy walking home in that. When he did come home he did not seem so concerned. The temperature was still above zero so I guess it was not as bad as it is going to get. We even went to the grocery store and library. It was good for me to get out of the house. At least we have some more movies to try to find a good one. We checked out five that means there can be some discards.

Maybe we will move soon since I got the urge to clean out a drawer. Could it be called a junk drawer? Next it was on to some of the files in the file cabinet. I am always trying to psych out my urges to get rid of things, maybe moving, but maybe not. At any rate five pounds of things will not be moved when ever it happens. Someone should thank me for this effort.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Snow is Falling


I am trying to track my steps for a wellness program. I have a pedometer, but it only works if worn. I forgot it this morning on a walk that is about a mile one way. So I am adding 1000 steps for that although my walk this afternoon of 1.5 miles logged more than 2000. I would not want to inflate the results.

It had just stated to snow when I took my trip to the library. By the time I came back, after stopping at two stores, my footprints were almost filled. Hours later it is still snowing. When it stops I hope to have enough fortitude to go out and shovel. I think it might be nice since the temperature is higher at 15 F. Also at the moment there is no wind so it should be fun. Maybe Leroy will feel guilty enough to join me and we might finish the drive. It is nice to have it clear when the paper comes as they drive up to the house.

The Christmas tree has been put away along with the advent wreath. It is nice to have things back to normal if I could just remember what normal is. There are still extra plants upstairs. I will have to think on that for a while.

Leroy wants to use a stain glass three dimensional star at the church. We have searched many places for it, but no luck yet. I think I have seen it in a box and Leroy cannot remember seeing it since we have moved to this house. Frustration mounts even though I have found some other missing items.

Leroy canceled confirmation classes, but wonders if he should have since it does not look that bad out. But then we live in town close to the church unlike others who travel the country roads. Choir was canceled as well and the one person who had planned to come to yoga told me she was going to drive on home.

More cold is expected on Friday so that yoga group will not meet. I will have to work on my own.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Warm and sunny


It is sunny and warm if you sit in the sunny window. Walking to church was fine except for my face. Do they sell helmets for walkers? It would help if I did not need glasses to see. Leroy just takes his off and he manages. For me the ice is not visible from a distance of five feet so my glasses stay on. My down coat seemed like a good idea, but it was really too warm by the time I got to church. Warmer boots might have also contributed to the warm sensation. Maybe the body has adjusted to cold weather. At least it will be cold for a bit longer so there is no necessary return adjustment to warm weather.

This summer I buried all vegetable compost. Since it got cold I put it in a bucket in the garage. Now the problem is that the bucket is full and the ground is frozen. What to do? Would it be good to dig a hole in the snow and bury it that way? Put it in the garbage to go to the landfill? Put it in the garbage disposal? No definitive answers raise their hands.

One of the people at my yoga class commented that I walk like a girl not like an older person. How old do I look? This is a compliment, right? I must stride right a long. I have to confess that this ice is slowing me down as I have no desire to join it on the ground. At least my boots have good traction.

This afternoon the Christmas decorations will come down since this is the last day of Christmas. I will put all away, but the tree and the advent wreath since I want to light them one more time tonight.

I picked out a movie yesterday and only did a bit better than Leroy has been doing. Are there no movies in the library that we would like? Do we instead have to rent them? The negatives for renting are paying and returning them in 24 hours. It is nice to have a week. We do not have cable TV so we need other sources of entertainment. Mostly we like to read, but once in a while something else is nice.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Cold Again


Again the thermometer listed just a slight bit below zero so I was getting prepared to walk to yoga when the phone rang. “Paula, I can give you a ride. I need to run my car a little more than just four blocks.”

I hesitated.

“It is cold, and I would be happy to do this,” she assured me.

“Ok, but I will walk home,” I said, “It should be warmer then.”

“Yeah, right, maybe one degree,” she laughed.

When we went past a time and temp board I noted that it was -9. “At our house it is -10,” my rescuer said.

So I guess the carport does protect the temperature. I walked home the mile, but it was not too bad as long as I did not face the wind. Leroy and I walked to the library this afternoon and again it was fine as long as we did not face the wind, but there was no help but to do that to get home. Sun is not always a predictor of warmth. Supposedly it is 5 degrees now.

I again made pumpkin bread. Because it was for Leroy and I the recipe got altered in this way: less than one cup of sugar instead of three, about ¾ c of oil instead of one, and one and a 1/3 c. of whole wheat flour instead of all three and 1/3 cups being white. We both think it is plenty sweet and tastes good. Next time I might even put in half whole wheat flour as we like the taste.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Church Day


Even though this morning the thermometer registered a heat wave of zero I rode to church with Leroy as planned the night before. It was looking good when I was ready to come home so I walked and it was fine with no wind. We did not lock the house so I could get in even if something happened and my key did not work.

From people in church I learned that our thermometer is not accurate or I did not look at the right time because others in town had -15 and those in the country had -16. Or maybe it is because the thermometer is in the car port and it really is warmer there.

Leroy took the hair clippers apart and cleaned it out. This morning when I tried to trim his beard, it cut only about one in fifteen hairs. Is it together wrong or did it just need the oil he put on it later? Then he got impatient waiting for me and trimmed the top of his head that is just cut as close to the skull as we can get it. Then for some reason he adjusted the blade without realizing that he needed the guide on there to adjust so he cut more of his precious hair then he intended. I personally suspect no one noticed, but he was upset about it. He certainly looked shorn.

I made pumpkin soup. How am I going to use up the meat for two big pumpkins when the recipes take such a small amount? I also got out more to make some more bread, but that too only takes about two cups. This could be a long pumpkin winter.

I am so grateful for a furnace and electricity that work. What a blessing to be able to come in to the warm. We bought a space heater so we can heat the bedroom that has the computer in it. It is one of the coldest rooms in the house and I dislike the idea of turning up the heat just to warm this space. It works nicely with a thermostat so it does not get too hot.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cold, Cold, Cold


It was about -10 on our inexact thermometer. At any rate it was cold. Leroy decided to walk to work in the afternoon. I went with him so I would not be walking alone in the cold. I did have a task that I could do there. I have somehow gotten in charge of choosing the music for the Krista Bell group. It seemed important to the librarian in me to have a list of our pieces as well as stamping the church name on the cards. We did share a copy with the Baptist church and borrowed theirs. Seems like someone ought to know what belongs to whom, especially with borrowing going on.

The walk was not so bad, but by then it was getting close to zero F. with only a hint of wind. It felt good to get out.

In the morning we made a trip by car to the grocery store to take advantage of the good sale on mushrooms, bananas, and milk. Leroy wanted to have homemade pizza so we also got a green pepper. With the addition of onions we made a great pizza and warmed the kitchen at the same time.

Leroy is getting so excited about his stamp collection and purchasing more and more supplies for it. Can’t say that I understand that, but I will admit that he has learned about world geography as well as some points of US history. So it is not all for naught. Collecting things just does not appeal to me.

I have written the new year a couple times but have not really mastered it yet as usually an additional zero gets in there before I can make the one appear. Good for the brain to struggle with some things.

Tomorrow since it is to be even colder, I will ride to church with Leroy and entertain myself for an hour ahead of time. Then I will either find someone to give me a ride home or go with Leroy to the small church or even have him drop me at the house on his way past. It is possible to live with one car. We just have to think and plan a little more.


Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day


Leroy worked this morning and I went to yoga so life was mostly like a regular day. It was quite cold, close to zero so I donned a facemask. I do not like to do that because my glasses steam up with my breath. But if I do not wear glasses I do not see the ground surface very well. With all of the ice and snow around it is crucial for good footing to be able to see it. Adjusting the mask up and down helped to keep my glasses clear and provide intermittent warmth.

There were only two of us at yoga, but I am glad I went. When I am at home I do not keep at exercises as well as I used to. The same can be said for lifting weights. No resolutions are being made on that score; I figure that I will get at it when I can.

It seems that we are going through withdrawal from sweets. They are all gone except for “boughten” candy that we might save for a while or give a way. Grapefruit and popcorn were snack today. It worked when we finally thought of it.

Leroy and I played a game of trivial pursuit this afternoon. Amazing, but we ended in a tie. Usually Leroy trounces me. In spite of having the same number of game pieces, he did answer many more questions than I. His face shows that he even knows many of the answers to my questions. I tried to keep my feelings under lock and key, but it was not easy. I really want to know everything.

It snowed again today so we have a beautiful landscape. I thought about getting out the cross country skis, but this cold is daunting. Maybe another other day will work out.

The Christmas cacti look beautiful. Just a few blossoms have dropped of old age so they are really covered. Then I have a potted white geranium that is blooming. Leroy declared it so perfect that he thought the flowers were fake. What joy!
Leroy checked out a movie from the library yesterday. He got a comedy. Again we are not sure who laughs at these things. I told him I would look for the next movie and see if that would be better.
