Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas trip


After lunch on Sunday, I said, “I really want to go. Someone stated that the highway was clear yesterday.”

Leroy reluctantly said, “Ok, but if it is bad we turn around again.”

We left the snow covered streets of town and zoomed on down the totally clear road. The only problem was when we got on the county road to go the ten miles to my sisters house. That road looked snow and ice covered with a suitable gleam. But we can deal with ten miles of not such good surface. At least the other 400 miles were fine. Except for St Louis there weren’t even that many cars certainly all people seemed to have driving instructions.

Because of snow predicted for yesterday we came home a day early. It was good to be home when we saw new snow on the drive yesterday morning and through the course of the day.

It was much warmer there and a lot less snow. It is interesting to come back to it. Somehow I tend to think that the whole world is just like it is where I am at the moment. Again it was the streets in town that were snow covered. After some additional snow yesterday they are still mostly covered.

I was so happy with my new boots, but no more. They leak even though they state that they are puddle proof. I walked almost a mile yesterday, they are great for walking. There was quite a lot of melting snow and by the time I was ready to come home I realized that one of my feet was wet. I am going to write to the company and let them know. The big puddles did not attract me. I avoided all that I could, but to no avail.

Leroy and I went to the Sherlock Holmes movie last night. It is nice to go, but I did not enjoy it a great deal. There was too much violence for me as well as too many decibels. What a wonderful thing if each patron could control the sound level. I suspect I would have cut it in half. My ears were ringing when I went out. The guy behind us said that he even turns off his hearing aid. Can this be good?


Saturday, December 26, 2009

At Home


Because of my fever last night and the new snow this morning we did not even talk about getting in the car. I have felt great all day and there was not much additional snow so we will head out early tomorrow morning, or as early as we can get around.

Leroy spent a good bit of time on the driveway and the sidewalk today. It even has some very clear spaces.

This afternoon we walked to the library only to learn that it was closed. We put our return books in the slot along with our donated empty oatmeal container. I love recycling things and especially when I believe that they can be used again in another way. On the way we remembered that we had wanted to stop at the hardware to get some ice melt since it was on sale and ours was all in use. Wouldn’t you know it the cheapest bags weighed 50 pounds? We maybe had .7 mile to walk home. We discussed the possibility of getting the 20 pound bag, but Leroy said, “I can do this I will just have to put it on my shoulder and go slow.”

When we checked out the owner said, “Are you walking home?” (We are known in this town as the walking people.)

“Yes,” Leroy said, “I will just take it on my shoulder and go slow, resting if I have to.”

“We came to the library and forgot when we left home that we needed this,” I added.

“I can drop this off after I close tonight,” the owner said.

Leroy considered and then reluctantly agreed. As the clerk was ringing up the sale, the owner added, “Add a delivery charge of $25.95.” Then he laughed. We had a conversation about how we could have brought a sled. Hind sight is great for the next time.

More treats came this afternoon from another neighbor. Here we thought we had eaten them all. But Leroy manfully dived right in. I did eat one cookie since it was oatmeal raisin. Those are my favorite and blessedly these did not seem as sweet as many that I have eaten.

Our doorbell just rang and the Ukrainian pastor brought a beautifully carved shelf as well as a 13.7 ounce box of chocolate. Pressed down and running over.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day


“Is that sleet blowing against the house or rain with a lot of wind behind it?” I wondered as I lay in bed.

At 6:00 Leroy got up and looked out the window announcing, “It snowed some. The sidewalk is covered.”

The TV was mined for its wisdom as was the Internet. It looked icy, but crunchy outside. At 7:15 we decided to head out on our 7-8 hour drive to my sister’s house.

After getting gas and navigating slippery streets we went out to the highway that was cleared much better. A bit of moisture was falling on the windshield. The wipers were only able to clear the part that was already warmed by the heater. After four miles it had not improved but gotten worse. “I vote for turning around, I can’t imagine it is really going to get better soon,” I said.

“I am not ready to stop yet,” Leroy said.

More ice on the window, less clear spots on the highway, and almost no traffic, convinced Leroy after one more mile. He turned around and drove cautiously home. Happiness was making it without incident.

I called an 80+ year old woman who had told us that if we were home we should come for dinner. She said, “Come right on over about noon.” The trip to her house was only a little more than two miles, but her back road and lane were liberally coated with ice. When we got there she told us that her dinner of six had now become a dinner for 12. That is hospitality.

Unfortunately in the middle of the afternoon I started to feel queasy. After we got home I chose a lightweight pan as my companion in case the nausea became more serious. Luckily that did not happen and now my abdomen feels better, but I have a slight fever. I am happy to be home.

We still might try to head south on Saturday (I don’t think that is going to happen now.) or Sunday because it is supposed to be a little better on Sunday. Then we will just stay a day longer on the other end and Leroy can work tomorrow instead. It will work out. I am grateful to be safe and warm with the furnace working.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas 2009

May you have a Wonderful Christmas day with all your loved ones safe in God’s care.

Remember there are always new people to come to know and love. Some people that I have come to know and appreciate are the people in the community yoga group. They are an interesting group. For example one is an artist (so the paper said with paintings starting at $2000), an artist who works in cloth, a creative writing teacher, an art teacher, a writer, a herbalist and healer, a believer in UFO’s, a witch, a retired special ed. teacher, and then there is me. How would they define me if added to a list? I am not sure.

You may not know, but Leroy and I no longer get up at 5:30, waiting until 6:00. Are we getting old?

Almost everyday, as soon as he gets out of bed, Leroy exercises.

We no longer walk in the morning, but try to walk around town while doing errands. Yesterday Leroy walked six miles and I did 4.5 miles.

We think webcams are the best invention since telephones. One picture is worth a lot and our granddaughters know that pictures, books, and hello waves can be seen.

The weather can still change our lives so we must respect it.

My love affair with fruit continues. I consider the cupboard bare when the fruit is gone.

Leroy has much patience with me and little patience with repairing the faucet.

God Bless you in the New Year. You will be loved and cared for by God who often works through others so let them help.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sweets Galore

Leroy and I are no longer walking the straight and narrow when it comes to sweets. More have entered the house and I think they are multiplying on their own. Three of them can disappear in someone’s mouth in an instant. Good thing we are not hung up on alcohol, no discipline here.
I did take some pictures of the Christmas Cacti. They look better in person. But here is the website so you can take a peek.
The first four are of a cactus that was my mother’s that is 25+ years old. It was shocked quite a bit when we moved it three years ago and has just now recovered. The older one that is on the floor does not get as much light so is not blooming as early or as profusely. It is 38 years old. Leroy and I got a slip the first Christmas that we were married so it is easy to keep track of the age. The basket is Slovak, as is the stand that the other is on. The stand was a gift from our Slovak teacher and we were able to being it home in our suitcase. A friend brought The basket to the US in their shipment since they had a little extra space.
The amaryllis bulbs are planted. The second pumpkin has been cooked and put into containers. For the time being it is residing in the refrigerator temperature garage. When we get the duck and chicken out of the freezer there will be room for the pumpkin. Good thing nature can help us.
The Christmas letter is waiting to be captured as it rolls around in my brain. Because I write so much all of the time I was hoping to do something more philosophical, but the thoughts are illusive and only occur when I am in the shower or walking across town.
Soon, soon, I will do this task.


Monday, December 21, 2009

time Flies


Even though I have been awake since 5:00 and up since 6:00, I can’t say that I have accomplished much.

What did I do? Yoga and Tai Chi, read the newspaper, read devotions with Leroy while eating some more sweet things, went to the library, and three stores, visited with people in all establishments (we really have been here a long time since that is happening), did a Sudoku puzzle, made lunch, and washed dishes. The real problem is that nothing but the yoga and library were on the “to do” list.

Maybe tomorrow will be the magic day when I actually get a Christmas letter finished and repot my amaryllis bulbs.

We are fussing a little because we plan to travel into Illinois on Christmas day and the forecast is not the best. Actually if predictions are accurate Christmas Eve will be a wild weather time.

I wish you could see my Christmas cacti they are both as beautiful as they have ever been. They should be in a public place so many people could enjoy them.

My boots are noticed and complimented. That is fun. I do find them to be very good for walking in the snow. I have slipped once, but only once so that is good too.

Leroy is working on his stamps with a seriousness that he has not shown in some time. Stephen gave him some stamps and that piqued his interest. So now he has purchased some more things, but I really do not know what they are.

Leroy tells me that he is ready for winter to be gone so he can ride his bike. Winter has just arrived. Course after tomorrow the days will get longer.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas is coming


No Christmas cards are done, most presents are purchased, no krumkaka is baked, pumpkin bread has been made and distributed to the neighbors, the tree is up, decorations are up (But not just right, unfortunately we can’t figure out how to make them better. Just what did we do last year when everything seemed perfect?), three candles lit on the advent wreath, and there is snow on the ground.

More blessing come to our door. Someone gave us three rather large pumpkins. Leroy and I cleaned one, cut it, cooked it, cleaned seeds, fried seeds, froze some ten cups of the pulp, and made three loaves of pumpkin bread. This was the small pumpkin, who can guess how much bounty is in the other two. We will certainly get our fill of vitamin A. It will be a bit later before we tackle the others as our freezer is small.

I am accompanying four songs for the Sunday school Christmas program. I have been out of town when they practiced. Since they are familiar carols, I am not nervous, but I just hope they know when my intro is finished. Life is always interesting. Even though it is not required I am playing a postlude because it is a favorite of mine. It is a noel by D’Aquine. Darn, I can’t remember how to spell the name of this French organ composer. I have only practiced it the last three days. Because I have not played it for probably ten years I am skipping the hardest middle section. Do you think anyone will notice? Will anyone listen anyway? Usually there is much talk and a fast exit from church.

My granddaughters like to help Granny “fix” her face. I have pictures of Sophia helping to put caps on this and that. Earlier, while in Kenya, I had taken some pictures of Lexi checking out my equipment. If you would like to see them both, here is the link.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Health and Plants


The person scheduling my mammogram asked, “Do you still have both of your breasts?” Feeling slightly shocked, I realized that of course that could be answered with “no”. With a pang of guilt for taking health for granted, I breathed a prayer of thanks for my health and for the people I know who have just one breast, but live with joy and appreciation.

Yesterday the Dr. did comment that I did not take many medicines, in fact it is just one. I am thankful for that too.

Leroy and I are both going to get the H1N1 flu shot if we do not have to wait in line for a very long time. We are both sure there is a good chance that we will not get the flu. We can walk the mile so get some exercise in the process.

Sunny warmth has come to us, but I am still dressing as if it were cold. I do not want to be caught without needed protection.

The two Christmas cacti are blooming. One is as covered as it is possible to be. What blessing! Then the Wandering Jew that lives in a vase filled with water is also blooming.

Leroy says, “We now have the upstairs conservatory.” The computer room has eight plants and the writing room has nine with one additional plant in the spare bedroom. We moved some plants up because a Christmas tree took up residence in the living room. Downstairs two plants are in the kitchen and four are left in the living room. Then there are the three half dead plants in the basement that were brought in from outdoors. They did not look very good when I left for Minnesota, and Leroy tells me that he did not water them. Would you believe that there are also five amaryllis bulbs not yet replanted? I guess I am waiting for others plants to stop blooming. Or maybe I just don’t want to do it. I like dealing with dirt, but not inside and outside is no longer an option.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

shoveled snow

Leroy managed to finish shoveling the snow before I came home. He did the drive as well as the sidewalk. Because there are kids who walk to school we like to be sure to get the sidewalk done. Today I looked out to see three kids come up the side walk and then they proceeded to walk on the snow beside the shoveled walk. The same route was chosen when they went home. When they crossed the street they did the same thing. Oh well we tried.
Unlike the students, I walk in every cleared spot that I see, be it on the sidewalk or in the street. I do watch to see that there are no cars that want to occupy the same space at the same time that I want it.
My will power it great if there is nothing around to tempt me. Our new neighbors brought over a plate of candy. I have been fairly good about not eating it all, but it calls my name if I listen carefully. We each only eat one piece a day. So it will be ok.
I had a physical today and my blood pressure is great. Could it have been because I just came from doing yoga and tai chi?
Maybe tomorrow I will walk downtown to get the H1N1 flu shot. I got the regular flu shot today. Generally I do not get the flu, but one never knows now that I am older. It seems to me that Leroy should get that for sure.
The temperatures might be colder in Minnesota, but it can still feel very cold here in southern Iowa. My cheeks hurt by the time I had walked a mile.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting to the bus


Brian and I agreed on the time that we would need to leave the house to get me to the bus station at my desired time. Thinking about getting up, I heard Brian go out to walk the dog. Then the dog came in but Brian did not instead a machine roared to life. “Did it snow?” I wondered.

Later Brian reported that he thought it was about three inches deep. We had breakfast, got ready, and got in the car. The small streets had not been plowed yet. The interstate was semi snow covered. Luckily traffic was cautious, but unluckily slow. After a bit Brian commented, “I am not sure that we will get to the station on time.”

It seemed rather likely when we inched our way from one freeway to the other. Ten minutes were required for just that maneuver. After a bit traffic was moving faster. When we were on the downtown streets we had just seven minutes to go. Unluckily we stopped at a red light that was particularly long as it segued through several possibilities for movement from other cars. As we drove to the station I could see buses lined up with four minutes to departure time.

“The bus is still there,” I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed the bag that had my book and snacks. Brian got my other small suitcase out of the trunk. I snatched it out of his hand said good bye with hugs. Did not say goodbye to Sophia and dashed into the building.

There was not much business this morning and I joined four other people on the bus. They waited a while for one more person to get on. As the bus was leaving someone else came. The bus stopped to let them on. We crawled out of town so we were thirty minutes late the entire trip. The road was not good much of the way with strong winds so we did not make up any time.
After I was gone, Sophia asked Brian, “Why did Granny have to go?”

“Grandpa was lonely so Granny went to be with him,” Brian told her.

Later Sophia said, “I don’t like Grandpa.”

“Why not?” Brian wanted to know.

“Because Grandpa is lonely,” she told him.

Ah, jealous of grandpa.


Sunday, December 13, 2009



Brian and Jen came home last night as planned. When I put Sophia to bed and told her they would be there in the morning I hoped there would be no screw up in those plans. I do not like the idea of telling a child one thing and another materializes.

Sophia smiled a lot and gave hugs when she saw them. It was great to see the joy.

I will now try to get my clothes back into the suitcase. I am wondering how I did it as it was small and tight. Winter and summer clothes do not take the same amount of room.

The plan is for Leroy to pick me up in Des Moines, but now he tells me that freezing rain is predicted. Wondering what I will do if he cannot make it. At least I know some people there who might be able to help me.

Hopefully I will be home the next time I write.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

In Minnesota


Jen’s mom came to visit today. She graciously brought lunch and a snack. We had a nice visit. Sophia went to bed for her nap when Maxine left. It is now an hour later and I can hear her still talking downstairs. It is hard to know how long that should go on. She is not crying, but it seems like a long time to stay in bed not sleeping.

Sophia was restless in bed last night. She spent quite a bit of time awake and talking. I covered her once. The second time I went in she wanted me to hold her so I sat and rocked her until I got cold. Seems to me that mom and dad do not do this, but I asked if she wanted to come to bed with me. She said yes and I think she fell asleep about a minute later and stayed asleep until long after the usual time that she gets up.

Oh dear, I have ruined her sleep pattern.

I am happy that I can now tell Sophia that her parents will be back tomorrow. I think she is missing them. She wanted to look at their pictures on my photo album on the computer. They should come home in the night and then see Sophia in the morning. I expect it to be a happy reunion.

I did take advantage when Maxine was here to go for a walk with Cloe. That dog does not like to poop in the yard. She pulled me to the park and went there, but on the way home she went again. Luckily I had taken two bags. Before I could get the bag tied up the second time I realized she had to go again. Would you believe three times on the way home? Luckily the second bag was the larger bag so it could hold more.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Learning, Learning


Last night internet connection disappeared. Brian has WI-FI and I know nothing abut that so I just turned off the computer. I usually turn on the outside light when I put out Cloe (dog) for her final potty trip of the night, but there was no light. “Must have burned out,” I thought, “Brian can take care of that when he comes home.”

When I got up I realized that there was no nightlight outside the laundry area. “Maybe it is a fuse,” I thought, “I am glad Brian showed me where the fuse box is.”

All fuses seemed ok. He said there was an additional box in the garage. “Hope the garage door opener works,” I thought, “If not, Sophia and I will just have to stay home today. And I am so grateful the heat is warming us.”

Garage door works, garage fuse box found, but lights still not on.

“How can I survive without internet?” I wondered.

I figured out that I could stretch the cord from the outlet to a live outlet and I am now wired with the rest of the world. Yeah!

I am going to pick up the repaired vacuum and work away this afternoon. The house is not so dirty, but dog hair abounds. Good thing Leroy is not here he would have a fit about the hair.

Sophia stated that we should take Mommy’s car. I will have to say it handles much better on the snow. I will still take Brian’s to get the vacuum since they are soon replacing that car. I would not want to have any accident with the keeper car.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Babysitting II


Time flies when you are playing around. Sophia and I have spent a good bit of time building towers, reading books, hiding, dancing, singing, and running around. And today she went to daycare.

I might say that I could lose some weight, but Brian left so much good food that I am eating for two because it is tasty. The stars are squash soup and lasagna. Not necessarily eaten at the same meal.

It was quite cold this morning with about 3-5 inches of snow on the ground. I went out at 5:30 to start shoveling before Sophia woke. Because of the wicked wind I was not able to stay out more than 15-20 minutes before my cheeks felt frozen. I was able to drive the car out even though the snow plow had gone and piled up more snow. The streets were slippery so I slide at the bottom of the hill and it was a bit hard to get up the hill on the return.

Because of that I cancelled plans to meet friends for lunch. It seemed that an accident of any type would really make it difficult since I was here alone.

I managed to finish clearing the snow off the drive by small increments, plus a neighbor with a snow blower did about one fourth of it. Then I realized that the dog was not moving beyond the door when I would put her out. I shoveled a short path for her too. She was quite happy to go potty on that, but had to jump over her excrement since I did not make the path in a circle. I am learning too. Maybe tomorrow I can make a proper circle so she can walk on.


Monday, December 7, 2009



Leroy is home complaining about weakness and an intestinal track that does not feel right. At least it is no longer speedily rejecting everything that passes through. He tells me that the driveway is full of three inches of snow with more on the way. I suggested he try to hire the neighbor to use his snow blower on it. It seems to me that could work.

I am in Minnesota with two-year-old granddaughter, Sophia. Her parents have flown off to enjoy a 10th wedding anniversary holiday. In the afternoon that I came, Sophia was running a slight temp. Yesterday it was a little more so we were off to instant care since it was Sunday. The Dr. declared that it seemed most like the common cold.

Last night Sophia did not cry, but talked in her bed. I went in several times to cover her and feel that she was hot. Should I wake her parents and suggest we go back to the Dr.? Should I give her fever reducer? These are not easy questions to answer. I felt that Brian and Jen might cancel their trip if I woke them, but if Sophia were seriously ill I would want to do that. Finally at one in the morning I gave her the medicine. She went to sleep about half an hour later. Finally I drifted off as well.

I heard her parents leave at 3:30 a.m. I then woke up at 6:30 to find that Sophia was still asleep. She finally woke up at 7:30 and appeared to be quite fine. I was pleased to note that she did not act bothered that I was getting her out of bed instead of her parents.

She did ask, “Where is Daddy?”

“He’s on an airplane,” I told her.

“With my mommy,” she replied grinning.

Before she took her nap she told me, “My daddy will get me up.”

“Not today, but Sunday,” I told her realizing that she did not have a clue when Sunday would come to be.

At least today she has had no fever that I can tell. This evening it might come back, but I believe it is just a cold. She has not sneezed so much today.

Responsibilites! Even their dog is subdued. She did not beg me to take her for a walk.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009



The day was balmy, breezy, and sunny. It was time to check for the last flowers to be gathered before the frost the next morning. Still blooming were some geraniums, alyssum, petunias, Gerber daisies, begonias, mums, and the odd begonia that was tucked in closer to the house. The lone rose bush also had an almost finished blossom. There was a bud on a long stem before we went to Minnesota, but it was gone when we came back. It appeared to be ripped off. Could something have eaten it? Then I noticed another long stem that disappeared into the clematis. Working gingerly I got it out to see the most perfect rose bud. It was just open a little. What gifts and treasures there are to found hiding!

Yesterday I lifted weights. Seven and a half pounds was a lot even thought when I lifted the last time three months ago I had thought about moving up a level. Where did the strength go? All to flab! Now I must work to regain my former physic.

Yoga has taken over. Three times a week almost always keeps me supple, but perhaps not as strong in some areas of the body. I still walk, but have mostly dropped to three miles per day. I think with winter coming I will have to keep pushing myself as I did not enjoy it in the wind with 29 degree temps. At least coming home was better than going since I was going south with the wind at my back.

Leroy and I found some hedge balls in a park. I insisted that we carry them 1.4 miles homes so we could give them to the kids for Christmas. Here they put those in their homes believing that spiders leave since they do not like them. These hedge balls were quite large and both Leroy and I became tired before we were done with the walk. But it was worth it to see the bemused expressions on the in-laws faces as they opened them. I was surprised to learn that only Brian knew what they were. By the way you can even buy them in the store here at the great rate of 3 for a dollar. However ours were so much larger that they surely would have fetched a higher price of perhaps even 2 for a dollar.


If you would like to look at the rose, hedge ball, and advent wreath that is included because I am so pleased with it. I also think of the wreaths that we would purchase in the market in Bratislava and feel nostalgic.
Go to this web address.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Car Keys and Phone Lost


Just a half hour before packing up to go home from the Thanksgiving visit at Brian’s house; I looked for my car keys. They were not in their usual place in my purse, not in the entire purse either. Searching it all was necessary just in case I had put them in the unaccustomed place. Next I searched my coat pockets. At least here I had brought only one coat. No keys. No keys were in my jean pockets. Next it was on to the small suitcase pockets. Where could they be?

I asked Sarah if she had seen them, but no and there was not a lot of time to look since we must take them to the airport soon. “Surely keys even with keyless entry can be replaced,” I commented to Leroy.

Before we left I had enough time to dump everything out of my purse, search the suitcase, look around the house, and feel disgusted with myself.

Brian returned from taking Miriam’s family to the airport so I told him to keep an eye out for any key that did not fit their car. At least Leroy could find his keys so we left.

Every time we I had to wait for Leroy to open the door for me. It certainly took some extra thinking once in a while as we went to some stores in Des Moines on the way home.

Then after stopping at a rest area, I could not find my phone. “What is happening? Am I becoming senile and unable to keep track of my things all in one day?” I wailed.

When we stopped again, I searched more in the car and found my phone where it had fallen out of my purse. That was good.

At home I instructed Leroy who was emptying the suitcase, “Search everywhere in there for my keys.”

He did not find them, but I did when I got out my sweatpants. I had put them in the pocket for safekeeping. It was safe from me.
