Monday, January 31, 2011

Waiting for Snow and Reminiscing


A big snow has been predicted. The church has already cancelled some things for Wednesday. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to get my permanent crown. I hope I can get that done as I would like to be done with this even though it has been little trouble. I do notice that it is more difficult now to chew on that side of my mouth.

It did snow some this afternoon, but only a dusting or maybe half an inch. Most of it is to come tomorrow and tomorrow night. Since my appointment is in the morning I just might be fine.

Daughter Miriam, who books flights for her husband’s company is booking a flight for someone to go to Scotland and Turkey. Can you imagine that she is asking her parents about procedures in the Istanbul airport? We did go there in 2001. I am still amazed by that fact. Leroy said, “You should volunteer to go along if they pay your way and you could handle the details.”

That would be especially good if they need someone to weep if things go wrong. I never actually did that, but I was close. It was in Istanbul that Leroy got off the crowded tram and I could not get to the door before it closed. Some of the guys on the tram had been visiting with us about where we were from, etc. Seeing the terror on my face, one of them told me what I should do, “Get off at the next stop and follow the tram tracks back. You will find each other.”

I did not tell him that I did not have any money with me so I could not get around so well on my own. I only had a vague notion of the name of our lodging. Luckily I did find Leroy waiting at the tram stop. Generous Leroy then gave me 15 million lira so I would not be destitute and I had from then on a copy of the name and phone number of the place we stayed. Experience is a good teacher if not too expensive.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Water Pillow


Last night we got water in the pillow. That was easy enough but then we had to work to get out the air so Leroy would not hear sloshing in the night. That meant that you pressed from the top of the water line or where you guessed it to be and smoothed to the sides and up. It took three tries before one of us finally said, “That is enough. I’m tired and I want to go to bed.”

Leroy told me that when the pillow was on the bed he did not hear any sloshing unlike down on the counter. He also declared it a good sleep. I slept on it this afternoon for my once in a three month nap. It was quite good or at least I went to sleep easily and did not have a stiff or sore neck when I woke. Guess you can’t beat that.

I have put a note in the church newsletter about starting a book discussion group. Today, I was pleased that three people told me they would like to do that. We only got our newsletter yesterday. I call that a quick response. But then it may be the entire response. I can deal with that. I do not really want to have a big group.

Today was also the church annual meeting. I do not like to go to those so I had thought I would stay home as I did not think I was a member here. Leroy informed that I am indeed a member. I stayed and fortunately there was no controversy. It is the controversy that I dislike rather than the meetings. I am one of those people who just want everyone to get along. Now that is a pipe dream.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Plant Love Affair


Yesterday day Leroy had an appointment at the chiropractor so I went along to get my free plant since the green house was almost in the area.

It was such a nice visit to all of the plants. The one that was free was a succulent. There were so many succulents to choose from. Many of them I had never seen before. I wanted more but restrained myself. The owner did say that you could start more from almost any of them. She then proceeded to break off the top of one and strip off the bottom leaves. I then learned that I had three possibilities of new plants. I took those parts and chose a different plant to bring home. It looks quite fine sitting in my living room.

I also tried to buy some saucers to go under two pots and those also became a gift. We had quite a nice chat learning that she had gone to Luther College in Decorah just as Leroy and I had. When we left I said, “Leroy that is some place I would like to volunteer. Do you suppose you can do that at a business?”

Leroy got a new pillow because he has been having a little trouble with his neck. It is a water pillow. That means he can adjust the firmness to suit his needs. He will try that tonight.

I went across the street to the grocery store and discovered that they were selling their soy milk for 99 cents when it is usually $1.98. I got just six as I only had seven dollars with me. When Leroy was done we went back and got a case since he had more money. It is nice to be well supplied. The expiration date is not until September so age is not a problem.

What a great outing.


Friday, January 28, 2011



In the grocery store there were primroses for only 99 cents each. I picked up the biggest and the best one. Surely I could treat myself even though I sometimes feel guilt not earning money while Leroy slaves away. Guilt aside the bright yellow primrose went in the cart, but seemed lonely so I selected a purple with yellow center companion. They looked wonderful together.

When we lived in Slovakia we bought primroses and put them between the windows on the east side of the building. They lived happily there beyond all expectation. They were beautiful and brightened my life just to look at them.

Because I know these plants like cold I have put them in the window in the living room and moved my draft dodger aside. They appear to belong. They will surely give us many hours of pleasure.

Leroy suggested that we go to the greenhouse and pick up the free plant that is coming our way from the greeter pack. It is finally warm enough that we do not have to worry about them freezing as we transport them to the car.

Speaking of warm, our driveway is almost denuded of ice. Only in the deep shade of the garage is there a big patch, maybe today and tomorrow will eliminate that. It will be wonderful to walk in the morning without clinging to Leroy. I do not think he minds, but it seems the minute I let go to walk on my own he surges ahead. So I must be holding him back. That is ok until we come to another very icy patch. Much of the park sidewalk is clear, but there too those shaded spots lurk waiting for the un-alert walker.


Thursday, January 27, 2011



At 10:00 I had another hair cut appointment that was a free deal from the greeter. Since it was in a part of town I am not very familiar with I looked it up on MapQuest, thought, “I can manage that,” but set out early anyway. I did not take the directions with me as it seemed like something I could do without. First I did not see a sign for the street that I needed, knew I had gone too far, turned around, and tried another unsuccessful street. After that I turned around and tried another muttering that if it did not work out I would look at the map. Looked at the map, turned around again, but still did not spot the turn off. By that time I was over the highway. The next logical move seemed to be to go back to a road that I know and try another approach because I knew how to get on this street at the other end. I hadn’t really been lost I just couldn’t find my destination.

I know Americans do not like to be told what to do, but I think there should be a law that house numbers be two feet tall and made of flashing neon lights especially when I am being followed closely by any number of impatient people who know where they are going. At 9:56, after spotting their rather large sign, I drove into the parking lot, gathered my purse, locked the car door, noted a lack of cars, and pulled on the door that would not open. Peering in, I could see no lights. Is this the wrong day? The wrong time? What to do? I went back into the warm car, searched for a pen and paper since I knew that they listed their cell phone numbers on the voice mail. Just as I was calling a car pulled in beside me, a woman got out, apologized, and let me in. She gave me a good hair cut. She looked at my hair and noticed it was naturally curly. That increased my confidence in her ability. I have had cutters ask me if it is natural when they have cut about half of it and frequently their cut is not the best. She also suggested a shampoo for my curly hair as well as a good diffuser blow dryer that cost $65 on sale. I passed on the dryer, but I am a bit tempted by the shampoo. Can I spend so much money on my looks? Not yet but maybe when I am really old.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No Walking


Because Leroy had to be at the Dentist office when it opened we did not take a walk this morning. I will get out when I am finished with this. It will be a treat to walk in the light and see where my foot is going down.

Leroy’s teeth are fine, but they could not be cleaned. Apparently, the hygienist is far behind and they made an appointment for cleaning in six months. If there is a cancellation they will call him. It seems strange to me since I had no trouble getting my teeth cleaned. He went to a different dentist, but in the same group that I did.

I had volunteered to work on the church library fiction by myself just because the boxes of books have been sitting there for a long time. The woman in charge told me that someone was going to read or scan through the fiction to see if she thought it should be on the shelf. When I called that person she knew nothing about it. In addition she made the comment that she felt the church library did not need fiction as she would not look there for a fiction book. She would go to the city library. What do you think? Should a church library have fiction books? Especially given limited shelf space or does that matter? Here I thought this was a simple task that I could finish in a few days. I will talk again tomorrow with the woman who is in charge of the library and we might find a solution.

I miss making bread. We had so much left over after our bread making activity that I froze quite a bit. The freezer is small so I try to keep using foods in a timely fashion creating space in order to get more food in later. Also I do not like to have bread be in there very long. But I miss getting my hands in the dough.

Yesterday I thought it was a perfect day to chat. I called my sister only to find she was in town. I called a friend only to find she was out of the state. I called another friend only to find she was in a meeting. So much for calling! What good is a phone if no one is home? If you want to chat just call me.


Monday, January 24, 2011



As you no doubt have gathered Leroy and I walk almost every day. My yoga and weight lifting have not been so regular. I probably do the yoga more than the weights. I have decided I must get back to both on some type of regular schedule. I am noting that my posture is not as good nor is the flexibility up to my former level. Then when I tried the weights the other day they seemed so heavy even though that was the weight I had last used. Where is that woman who could once life even heavier weights? She seems to have left the scene.

Leroy and I polished the ice on the driveway again this morning while getting off the light snow that had fallen during the night. I am ready for enough sun to get rid of that pesky ice, but it is hard because the drive is on the north side of the house. Then there are tree trunks that shade much of the rest of it. We both slipped on the ice this morning. The sidewalk is quite clear, but both the mail carrier and the paper carrier walk on the drive so they are in danger of slipping too. They are probably cautious as we certainly do not have the only ice they encounter.

It is interesting to see ten inch spots on the park grounds that have been cleared of snow. We think that it is the squirrels looking for those nuts they buried last fall. What other explanation could there be? We did not see deer this morning, but we certainly saw plenty of tracks including five sets that traversed our sidewalk.

Hopefully it will not snow tonight so we can just get out and walk to our hearts content.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Walked and Napped


Leroy frequently naps and I almost never do. Today we both napped. What is happening? Am I getting old? I even stayed in bed an hour, asleep more than half the time.

After our nap I encouraged Leroy to walk. He did not want to, but when I said, “I am going anyway.” He went too. I think he felt he should go along just incase I would fall and need help. There are few other walkers out there now and many slippery spots. He enjoyed it after I shared a head band that he could use to cover his nose. It was a little nippy, but not too bad. We have gotten used to having our faces covered. I have a head thing that I bought on clearance last year. It can be worn just on the head as a cap, pulled down and just on the neck as a neck gaiter or on the head like a hood with the neck and face covered too if you please. I had no idea that I would like it so much. Since the first cold snap in December, I have worn it almost everyday on our walks. It is great. Leroy is jealous. I have not seen any in stores this year so perhaps they were just an experiment last year.

I still find my new boots to be comfortable and I am grateful for that. When it is really cold or other adverse conditions I still wear the Sorrels, but they are not quite so good for taking a long walk, as a bit more of a goose step is required and that wears me out.

We walked by the ice skating pond. Surprisingly the snow as not been cleared from it even thought it has not been above 30 in recent days. Someone had tried to clean off a corner, but it was not big.

Each day we get a dusting of snow that just enough to make us question if we should shovel or not. Also it makes our ice layer more slippery.

This week I will get another free haircut if I can get an appointment. I really do not like going to a new place, but am too cheap to not use this opportunity. At least Leroy does not need a haircut so I do not have to share with him.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another Lost Item Found


While looking for another “Christmas tree” brush to clean the spaces between my teeth I noticed that the box where we keep our travel items was so full it would not close. By the way I think that brush is an interdental brush which is shaped like a Christmas tree. Looking in the box I started to see what I could take out of that travel supply box only to find my eye cream Christmas gift from Miriam. I was sure that it was gone forever either left at Sarah’s house or lost in the airport security. Instead it was safely packed away at my house.

I now remember having Leroy take it since I had more liquids to go through security than he did. He had it in his bag and kindly put it away as if it were a travel item rather than something to keep me looking young. I did not know whether to kiss him or growl at him. Isn’t life just full of situations that can be felt either way? I growled a little then moved on to hugging and kissing.

I found something else that makes me happy, but it is a slightly different scenario. Leroy and I were out shopping yesterday and stopped at a shoe store because Leroy keeps talking about hiking boots for his next mountain hiking trip. He wasn’t buying, but just looking. As we were standing there the young, maybe 25 year old shoe salesman asked for the brand name of the shoes I was wearing. After supplying the information I asked if he knew of anything I could put on them to take away the scuffs. “Oh, sure,” he said bending down to pull a tub of supplies from under a chair.

Then he proceeded to put a leather wax on the rough spots. It is as if I have a new pair of shoes. I am delighted that I can wear these shoes much longer now in polite and discriminating company. Even though I thought the wax a bit pricy I gratefully bought a can. Surely, now Leroy can help some of his shoes too even though he polishes them.


Friday, January 21, 2011



I am so fortunate to have some color from flowers in my house. The poinsettia is still looking good even though it has dropped some of the green leaves. All of the red leaves are clinging to the stem and look great.

Then there are the two Christmas cactus. Both of them are still blooming. The smaller one is doing the best as it has all season. I finally moved the larger older cactus to a different spot because it was getting too much southern sun. It likes this much better.

Then I have those five amaryllis in pots. One of them is sending up two bud stalks. Two others are each sending up one bud stalk. Because of being in the pots all summer I would not have been surprised if there were no bud stalks. As it is I have much to look forward to.

And there is still some color outside, but not on the ground in the early morning. Leroy and I walked this morning even though the thermometer registered -10 F. It was a crisp cold, but not so penetrating because of the still air. We both were quite bundled with only a slit of eyes showing for Leroy and nose and eyes for me. Leroy wears a face mask and leaves his glasses at home. I wear my glasses because if my nose is covered my breath causes the glasses to fog up. Consequently my nose gets to experience the air. I did take off my glasses and tuck them in my pocket about half way because I could then cover my chilly nose. However that did not last long because I can not see the ground and there was too much snow and ice for me to feel comfortable. When I put my glasses back on I spotted four deer looking at us. As we watched two more deer joined them. It was a great morning walk with the sun putting some beautiful multicolored light in the sky before it came up.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nothing Going On


What to write about when nothing interesting is going on? No special wildlife seen except for one brown small spider. Unfortunately that spider was in the house consequently I suppose it could be considered tame, but I stepped on it so it is now deceased.

Because the snow keeps drifting down, I finally gave in and got a snow brush giving us one in each car. Now we do not have to think about which car to drive because of the weather. However we are still without a good shovel. I looked but did not see one such as Leroy described. If we get out early enough he goes over to church and brings over the good one from there. The second rate church shovel citizen has already taken up residence in the garage along side one crumpled denizen that moved from Chariton where it perhaps should have been left for dead.

Ever since we have moved here the computer has not been as smooth and free flowing as in the past. Last night Leroy took off two programs that were loaded by our internet provider and defragged the system. Today is a defragged and swift day. May that ease last.

Not a sign of a robin today but then the apples/berries or whatever they were eating are hidden under a short layer of snow.

How old does a person have to be before they no longer want to do a donut in the parking lot? I just happened to look out and see a guy that might be my age spin around on the snow covered ice out there. I think he meant to do it as I heard the engine rev. Maybe I should go out and try that. Have I ever done that deliberately? I can not remember so probably I have not. Just too staid I suppose. What will life be like when I turn over a new leaf?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tooth and Birds


I now have the crown off my tooth for two weeks. The dentist or the hygienist commented on the lack of room in my mouth. I have been told before by a dentist that I have a small mouth. When I mentioned that fact to a friend he wanted to know, “Who is that quack?”

I can say that they had to ask me several times to open wider when I thought I was at the full expansion. I did manage to get it open another minuscule amount. This crown is on the last molar so it is as far back as a dentist will want to get. I can say that even though removing the crown did not take long my jaw hinge is sore and protesting. Since the deadener has worn off I am aware of it. I had been hoping I would not notice.

I am not sure how I reacted when he put in the shot, but he wanted to know if it had been a long time since I have had my mouth deadened. I think it has been seven or maybe even eight years.

When back at home I looked out the window and saw a robin with lots of friends eating the fruit of a tree that is maybe an ornamental crab. I counted about 30 of them. They moved around so much that it was hard to pin down a number for sure. They seemed quite excited to have had the snow melt under this particular tree. I do know that robins stay around all winter, but I had never seen so many in one place in the off season. These birds were also acting differently as they fluttered around more in the tree and out without so much hopping along the ground. Of course they did not have to pause as no worms were moving.


Monday, January 17, 2011

walked in my Boots


In the house last week, I walked in my new boots for half of the day. A good bit of that time was sitting. My feet got hot, but they did not hurt so this morning I wore the boots outside. So now they are my boots. They felt good for the whole walk. It was about a half hour walk. They are Keen boots. It is so interesting that I tried on a pair in town that was a different style and they hurt my feet almost right away. Now these out of town boots are no problem. Who can explain such discrepancies from the same company?

I am going to have to use that same wear in the house first technique with all new shoes. I have gotten a few pair of shoes that do not feel good on my feet in a short amount of time when I walk around.

Tomorrow I go to have a crown taken off and a temporary put on. I hope it goes quickly and without incident. We are fortunate to have such care taken of our teeth. Now I am hoping that there is not more freezing rain that comes over night so I can still keep this appointment. Cars are still going up and down the street without difficulty so hopefully it will be fine by 9:00 in the morning. Leroy just came home to say it raining a lot, but not freezing any longer.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Happenings


Leroy and I did not walk this morning because I needed to make a batch of dough before we left for church and we had not managed to get up with enough time to spare. The temperature registered zero degrees F. so we did not cry and moan. As I pulled up the curtain I noticed two guys in the park on the Frisbee Golf course. These guys at least had on coats, hats, and mittens.

Yesterday we went out on the cross country skis and noticed that someone had cleaned off the launching pads of the Frisbee course. They had probably just used their boots or hands, but it was done. Early in the afternoon I happened to look out and see a number of people at one of the tables as well as the fireplace close by. I even saw one of those small bikes they use on the bike/skateboard ramps.

For Sunday school this morning there was an intergenerational activity that involved making bread. I led that. We started with dough that was ready to knead and shape. During that time I gave instructions and a small demo about how to. After they had cleaned up we went on to starting bread from the beginning. First I showed them wheat berries. I regretted having sold my mill ten years ago so it could not be ground into flour in front of them. I let the kids smell the yeast in the jar as many had not seen it before. Also when I proofed the yeast they again smelled it. As I added the flour I had them stir it. They rather liked doing that but thought it was hard before it was ready. Then in the end I kneaded the bigger lump of dough. After that Leroy talked about bread in the bible. Did you know that bread is mentioned more than 300 times?

All in all I had a great time. Many of the “kids” seemed to like it a lot. We had cubes of the whole wheat bread that we eat on a regular basis at home. I did not want to waste too much bread so the pieces were bit sized. Some of them even liked it and took a second piece. After the bread demo was finished we had soup and bread that baked as we talked. During the meal time the kids’ bread was baked so they could take it home.


Saturday, January 15, 2011


January 15, 2011


Yesterday there was an article in the paper about eagle watching at Keokuk which is about 40 miles south of us. “Leroy, I would like to see the eagles but I do not want to drive 40 miles one way since I think there are surely eagles here too,” I said.

At the library they had a nice display of books on eagles. Leroy asked, “Does Burlington have an eagle watching day?”

“No, but people who came to work on the bluff road related seeing quite a few this morning,” responded the librarian.

We headed off north of town without seeing a single large bird in the sky or trees. Then we veered off towards the river on a side road. Success, as after about five miles we finally spotted two in a tree. We got out, looked through the binoculars, admired them, and drove back only to spot three more in another tree.

In town we mentioned this to someone and they said, “You need to go to lock and dam no. 18.” With directions in hand we headed off again.

As we approached the area there were indeed large birds in the air swooping, diving, turning, and floating. I counted at least 13 hopefully without counting the same one too much. Then I aimed my eyes at the trees across the Mississippi to count 35 roosting and taking it easy. I think I even saw a nest.

There was a path that we could go down. Because it was cold, 16 F. we thought we would just go home, but then I saw two sitting in a tree. So we again parked the car, bundled a bit more, and walked under the tree they were sitting in. One of them got nervous and flew off. Farther on we could see four more in another tree. It was so great to be able to get closer. Closer is a relative word at they were easily 30 plus feet in the air. Again two flew away as we approached. I tried to tell them that they were safe from us, but they were cautious and stayed away. It was wonderful to get a clear look at them through the binoculars.

We have two pair of binoculars: a very small set and a larger set. We know the source of the small set, it was a gift and much appreciated, but we neither one know how we happened to acquire the larger set. It seems they just appeared one day. They are made specifically for people who wear glasses. They help me so much. For some reason with the smaller set I can only see if I close one eye.

What a gift to be able to see so many of these magnificent birds.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011



This morning, while at church for a bible study I glanced at the table with piles of green hymnals to be given away. Sure enough second one down in the first pile was a spiral bound copy. Sure enough it had my name in it. Good thing I had written my name in there. Sometimes I neglect that task. The book is now home and on the shelf. I do remember laying my things down. I suppose somehow that book did not remain in the pile, someone saw it, and helpfully tidied up putting it on the stack with its mates. Now if that lost star and my lost slides could turn up so easily.

Late yesterday afternoon Leroy and I got out the cross country skis. It was an easy walk over to the park. For reasons unknown Leroy had a time getting his skis and boots to hook up. After that and a good part of the way his mood was restored. Maybe by the end he might have had a bit of fun even though the wind was coming up and the temperature was going down. Someone else had been there ahead of us so we just followed their trail. That makes it easier. We are out of exercise, but not too much? I was pleased to see that we were not the only ones.

Last night we went downtown, here we literally go down, for a concert. Leroy was low on his library book supply so we went there first. I, on the other hand, seem not to be able to read my books fast enough as I renew to the limit. I refrained from getting any more even though I get a lot of pleasure from checking out books.

The concert was very good. Because we got all that snow and wondered if the roads might be slippery we would have stayed home if we had not gotten season tickets. As it turned out the roads were ok and the piano, violin, and cello were professionals that played with sparkle in spite of the small audience. I was happy that we had gone.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011



How does it happen that a book I rarely use is lost and now seems quite valuable? When I played for Christmas Eve Services I used my own accompaniment books so I could write in them without bothering to erase or worry about defacing someone else’s book. The green hymn accompaniment book is not to be found in this house. I have looked in every possible place I can think of to logically look. While it is not a huge book it is big enough that it is not easy to get out of sight without effort.

I called Leroy and had him look at church thinking maybe I had left it there. He remembered me talking about bringing my books home. I thought too I had done that as the rest of them seem to be here. I suppose it is not the end of the world if I no longer have this book since it is older, but it annoys me that I can not find it.

This makes the third rather more significant item we have lost since we have lived back in the US. I can not find the slides that I took on my trip to Russia in 1999. The odd thing is that I still have in my possession the rejected slides. Rejected means that I did not use them when I gave talks on my trip.

The second thing is the stained glass star that was made and given to Leroy by a parishioner when we lived in Ely. Moving means looking in almost every box so I think it is gone, but we can not figure out how that happened since we are both sure we saw it when we lived in Des Moines. I also think I saw it in Chariton, but maybe that is a wishful memory as Leroy can not say that he did see it.

On the weather front it has snowed at least four inches here. Leroy and I went out this morning before breakfast and shoveled quite a bit. Leroy shoveled by himself just before lunch and I went out after lunch to help. We finally got the job done. We are satisfied, but tired. That is indeed a long drive.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Out of town


Leroy had a meeting in Iowa City today. I went along so at noon we met another couple we had known when Leroy was at the seminary. It was great since we have not spent time with them in years. The conversation just slipped into place with little hesitation. It is so wonderful to have friends like that.

I even found a pair of boots there. We will see if they are the perfect match. I told the clerk that I did not come into town often and how long would I be able to keep them without wearing them outside and still return them if they were not really a good fit. She said I could take forever. My plan is to put them on in the house, put on my pedometer, and walk at least a mile or more. If there is pain before that I will know what to do.

We are supposed to get snow today and tomorrow. We were grateful to get home before there was any sign of snow. The road workers were out coating the road with the magic snow/ice melting liquid. The roads were white but quite dry.

Leroy was quite pleased to see three hawks sitting so he could get a good look. I only caught sight of one of them, but it was a beauty.

We did have to come back in plenty of time so Leroy could get to his evening meetings. Before he left the house, he even got to eat a light supper of leftovers. Sometimes I am happy to have leftovers. They come through when time is short.


Saturday, January 8, 2011



Leroy has decided that one of his sports coats is just too old and frayed for wear in public any more. Because several stores were having sales I went shopping this morning. Leroy was working so he could not come. I do not like to shop on Saturday because I suspect there will be too many people. Well, it is not so true when the temperature is 5 degrees and it is early in the morning. In the first store I felt like the only customer.

I did find a sports coat even though they are apparently a seldom purchased item. It was 65% off so that made it possible, but when Leroy saw the price on the receipt he gasped. However after looking at the original price, trying it on, noticing the quality of the workmanship, and learning it was the only one of this style in his size, he has decided to keep it. I also looked in some other stores, but I have to say that he is getting hard to fit. He used to wear a 40 reg. and now he wears 38 reg. There are not many things in that size. Sometimes there were no smalls only mediums or larger.

While I was out I looked for some boots for me. That was a hard job as many of the stores did not have much in my size. They told me the boots were quite picked over and they only get a few in my size. Two of those in my size seemed too tight or short. That is hard for my ego. I was wearing my wool socks since that is what I would probably wear in the boots. Is it the socks or are my feet growing again at this late date?

It was zero this morning when we walked. Because there was little or no wind we did not mind so much, but Leroy had a meeting at 8:00 so we could not dilly dally. Venus is beautiful in the south east. You should check it out.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Ravioli and company


Today we made ravioli and had Leroy’s sister, Pat and hubby over. We learned something about this ravioli recipe. For some reason the recipe given to us had almost no garlic in it and Pat tells us it should have quite a bit. That makes more sense as this is rather bland. We will have to get a copy of the original recipe that came from their Italian neighbor.

Leroy also gave away some weight—tools that is. Now the next move should be lighter. We keep working on elimination and it does seem to be happening. We went through some pictures but most of those Pat already had.

While they were here we had a video chat with Miriam and girls. They had commented that they had not seen her in more than five years so we fixed that problem even if it was not in the same room they could see and talk. Olivia and Nora spent some time going in and out of a closet providing entertainment.

After they left I went out and took a walk in the park. There was almost an inch of snow on the ground with a little bit more falling. I am so pleased that the park policy is to clear the walks. It was so great to take that half hour walk on the clean surface. It was wonderfully peaceful.

Leroy had shoveled most of the drive way before I came out to help him in the morning and he did not think he needed any more exercise. He did work up a sweat out there so I guess he did enough moving around.


Thursday, January 6, 2011



Epiphany is here so the Christmas decorations are coming down, slowly, but coming down. The advent wreath was easy since it has its own box. At some point my children asked me to label furniture so that they would know, after Leroy and I had died, the source of items. This is a good idea when talked about but takes more effort for this chick to put into reality. I have decided this year I would put notes or a big sheet explaining the Christmas things. How long will it take me to put these things away? It will be a long time. Or maybe it will be a short time because I have almost everything strewn out on the floor behind me and I do not like looking at that even if it is in the basement that I can escape from.

I have finally uploaded our Christmas pictures. There are over 80 pictures in the file, but you are welcome to look at as much or little as you would like. I have left all duplicates or duds in as our children have not looked at them yet. Why I think they would be interested in duplicates or duds I am not sure. Leroy told me he had worked on taking out the red eye, but I still see quite a bit, but then maybe he got tired and quit before the job was done.

Enough Christmas stuff. Last night I thought the music went well for the children’s event. I enjoyed doing it. It has been a long time since I have done something like this. Our oatmeal eating reputation is getting solidified. Because of the number of boxes people seemed to think we must be eating it for more than just breakfast. I was glad to have those boxes as the children enjoyed beating their drums and imitating walking as we sang “As with Gladness Men of Old.” The little ones sang la-la and the older kids read and sang the words.

Tonight is an Epiphany service at one of the other Lutheran churches in town. I am looking forward to that. Can you imagine that people seldom say, “We get to go to church again today!” Seems something is not in our sights as a good thing.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who Knew?


This morning walking in the park we saw a bike rider. I was pleased to note that there were four bikes on the rack at the middle school. A couple riders went past our house as well. Leroy put our bikes away and neither of us is very eager to bring them back out. The weather fluctuates quite a lot and we like to keep the bikes warm.

While walking in the park Sunday afternoon, I heard a crack above me and then a solid thump on the ground about five feet away. I yelped and looked in time to see a squirrel twisting and thrashing to get from its back to its feet before scampering off. I looked up to see where it might have come from, but there were only very high branches up there. I wondered if the branch broke bringing this guy to the ground in a hurry.

Tonight Leroy and I are going to lead the music and worship for a kids gathering that happens once a month. It is pre-school to fifth grade. I had been saving oatmeal containers because I hate to throw them away. They will be drums and I have 14 of them to use for that purpose. Can you imagine that Leroy and I have eaten so much oatmeal since we have been here? This is the 42 ounce size. We have it every morning for breakfast, make granola, and make some apple crisps. The oats growers should be happy.

We get more junk mail here than we have in other early months after a move. I wonder what that means. Because the state of Iowa thinks I still live in Chariton even though I sent a letter telling them I have moved. We renewed the car license and their records showed that I did not live here. Also many businesses think the former residents are still here. We have even gotten some of their mail at Christmas. I was so surprised to see that. Also when I look myself up on the Internet they still do not have this address for me. Maybe I can just hide out for a while.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Random Thoughts and Happenings


We ate all the smelly cheese before Christmas, but the smell lingered in the house for a couple days. Then there is that scent on the fingers or it is in the nose after eating it, lingering, lingering. Sarah and Stephen had some cheese that they use to make raclette. It is also a bit pungent, but not so much. Anyway they had some ends in the refrigerator that Leroy and I enjoyed eating, especially melted on bread.

One really nice thing about a Christmas Birthday is that I generally celebrate with some family around as families tend to get together on Christmas.

The sidewalks in both parks across the street are in great shape so we can walk on them even in deep darkness without worrying about tripping over the unexpected and unseen crack. They even clear the snow off the miles.

It warmed up after we came home. The greatest thing about that was that I could bury all of the compostable garbage that I had been unable to just throw out. I talked about taking it out and tossing it in the empty bean field, but Leroy was against that so I just kept flinging it into a five gallon bucket in the garage. Luckily it was frozen along with the ground so no mess, no smell. Now it is frozen so once again the bucket has been called into service.

Last night I begged Leroy to play a game. We played Boggle because I like it and I usually win, but I generously proposed that we only play three games to keep it light and easy for Leroy. Leroy won the first game and tied for the next two. So we played at least three more. Leroy either won or tied. I was distraught. What could be wrong? Is it because we were sitting on the floor? Leroy just smiled with a the grin stretching from one side of his face to the other. The world is certainly changing for the worse. I also had trouble with Sudoku yesterday. Such times.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Exciting Times


There is always something new and different even in the most ordinary things.

When going through airport security on the way home the guy pulled my metal water bottle out and asked, “Is this yours?”

“Yes,” I answered. I was sure it was empty, but asked anyway, “Does it have something in it?”

“No, but we need to give it a special scan,” he said as he took it off to another place.

In a bit he came back and told me, “We need to do a special scan of your hand.”

He had brought an unusual scanner with him and he proceeded to scan the pads of my fingers. After that he gave back my water bottle.

The other excitement was on the highway. Leroy, who almost always obeys every law as carefully as he can, blatantly broke two traffic rules. I aided and abetted as I urged him on.

We went past the exit for the airport when arriving. There was a sign clearly stating no u-turns, but since no cars were coming I convinced him to make a u-turn anyway. Then on the way home, we were in the wrong lane to make a left turn onto the road that would help get us home. At the traffic light he waited until the cars in the left lane were gone and then turned left too. Again there were no cars behind us. All of this saved us quite a lot of time, but Leroy is not very comfortable with such disregard for law and order.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas visit


When we landed in DC we tried calling Miriam since their plane had a scheduled landing just two minutes after ours. We found them landed already, but “Where are you?” we wanted to know.

Luckily we were in the same terminal. After about a ten minute walk we saw each other. Olivia stretched her arms wide and ran the rest of the way closing the gap between us. I gathered her in my arms as Nora struggled to get there too. Hugs and more hugs, what fun!

Sarah had said she would meet us so we called her to learn where she was. She was still on the Metro so we waited inside in the warm for her to get there. Leroy and I could have navigated the group through the train routine, but it was nice to have the real expert be there. Then it was on to a short walk to their house where Stephen, Lexi, Brian, Jen, and Sophia waited with more hugging, eating, singing, laughing, talking, and playing.

We considered it fortunate that DC did not get the snow that much of the east coast received in abundance. It was, however, cold and quite windy one day. We walked to the library with children in or on the back of a stroller. Before we left the house it was a bit of a struggle to convince some of them that they must wear hat and gloves with coat zipped and a small blanket wrapped around their legs. On the way home there were no arguments. Nora again did not want the blanket wrapped around her legs, but was quite happy to hold it on her lap and for much of the walk she put her face down in the shelter of that blanket.

Olivia asked why some people were brown. I started to think about a good answer for a three year when genetics seemed like too much to get into. I talked about how people were many different colors. She asked the question again and then in a bit she said, “I know, it is because they were born that way.”
Now why did I not think of that as the perfect answer?


Saturday, January 1, 2011

On the Road


Christmas day found us on the road, not with a crowd, but not alone either. There was some fog and some bits of snow and slush on the road, but not much as long as we headed east. Heading north the road was at first not as clear as we would like, but when we turned onto a smaller road all improved.

In about 20 miles however, we started following a snow plow that was cleaning up the edge and putting on salt or sand or some such. Then it was much slower going on this hilly, windy road. Often we got down to 5 mph. At the first chance Leroy slowly and carefully passed this wonderful helper who was out working on a holiday just for me and others like me. As soon as we crossed the county line the road was again clear.

With all of the help we managed to get to the airport rather early. Many cars in the long term parking area had about six inches of snow on their roofs. The Moline airport is quite small so it was no deal to find our way around. It seems to be a well thought out building with some amenities especially for the electronic using passenger.

Our flight to Chicago was quick as the flight attendant said, “Just 27 minutes from wheels up to wheels down.” In the Chicago airport we had to walk for at least 15 to 20 minutes to get to the next plane. Somehow I had thought they would be closer together since they were the same airline. No trouble to walk that long especially since we had not had our morning walk. The flight was on time and it was a short two hours before we landed in DC.

Again I am so grateful for all of the people who worked on Christmas day so I could see my family. I could have waited another day, but this was great. Would it have been more than 100 people that made this possible? I think so.
