Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Taxes Done


We set out early this morning to get our state taxes computed at the United Way which turned out to be manned by AARP volunteers. This guy had to input our federal taxes so the program could automatically compute the state taxes. It was wonderful as the same answer was extracted that we had gotten from the for pay company. Unfortunate at that earlier time Leroy had not done the state taxes because he wanted to check on the Federal before moving on to the state form. He became quite stressed because he had not been able to replicate the refund that the preparer figured. Instead he was having us pay the state. Leroy did not want to go to someone who was a free preparer, but our income was below that point by an adequate margin. Could that have been pride that stopped him? However, he realized that something must have been wrong in his steps because he was so far off from the answer. Now we will indeed get that refund without having to pay the preparer’s fee. We are both happy. This guy encouraged us to use them next year as they would have the records and could just fill things in. That seems like a breeze to me. I do not imagine that our income will rise, but who knows, we might not even be here and have even lower income if Leroy’s work grant does not get approved. I do not fuss about that as it is too far in the future. Also I know it does no good. Although knowing not to fuss and doing are sometimes two different things. All that can be done has been done. Leroy and I will have to do some more of that living on faith. Is God trying to let me know that I have not settled in as a faithful follower?

The sun is out and it looks to be a beautiful day. I am going to take a walk with a friend from my days of working at the school library. It will be good to reconnect with her. It still amazes me sometimes that we are living in this place where we actually knew some of the residents before we came a year ago. Life can make some curious twists and turns.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Look


I looked at my too long hair as it hung down after my shower. The length of my hair alters by the humidity and it was not humid yesterday morning. I put on some product and hoped for the best. At least the product makes it look much darker. It started to settle into long curls that I have seen on other people. Maybe it would be ok.

Then it was on to getting dressed. I had bought a gray jumper with a block pleated skirt. Course it was on a clearance rack. Later I saw the same style jumper in a different color than dark gray. It was at an expensive store. Somehow I suspect this garment cost much more than the $3 I had paid. I wore an old, but still good looking white blouse with gray metallic strips. It looked good to me and to cover my knees I had on black tights. I had tested this skirt and I was pleased that it hung below my knees when I sat down.

My old leg skin takes a while for me to expose. So I welcomed the black tights. They were a little tight around the waist. I do not like anything tight around my waist so I positioned them a bit lower. At some point I became aware that they might be slipping down. A trip to the restroom adjusted that before they became a puddle around my feet. How do people wear those tight jeans without being in pain?

I topped off my look with an old, much worn, and liked necklace. It must have been good because I got four compliments on my look before the day was over. Wow! That does not happen so very often. Someone even said that I looked younger. I did not ask it out loud, but wondered it if was because of the skirt length or my darkened hair. I felt quite cool for the rest of the day. Leroy even complimented me when I came home and took off my coat. Too bad I can not duplicate this situation everyday. Today will be a much more ordinary day with just the usual stuff.


Sunday, March 24, 2013



Miriam has her mother’s bargain hunting genes. “A store has a deal that an 8x10 collage is free. You should do that.”

“I don’t have enough pictures,” I sighed. “And I do not know how to do it.”

“Sure you have enough and it is easy,” Miriam responded.

“I do have some from Christmas, but they were not so very good.” I decided.

She gave me some brief instructions about downloading the photos and I was off looking for the Christmas photos. The only problem with having two computers is that the photos are only saved on one of them. Course I looked at the wrong one first. At the store website I saw how to download the pictures. I got nine of them situated. From there I put them in the collage, juggled them around some, sighed because they should have been cropped, decided it was ok as I had had enough messing around, and sent it off only to realize that I had not found the spot to put in the code to get it free. They did have on line live chat for help. I was working my way through that when Miriam called to see how I was doing. She said, “I will call the store because I am not sure that will work.”

She called the store and told them I would be stressed if they did not help me. Oh? Me stressed? They told her I should print off the online offer and bring it in when I picked up my photo.

It is a good thing she did that because I am not sure that the other way would have gotten me a free print. I would not have been stressed, but chalked it up to education. Certainly it is cheaper than a college course.

Miriam then told me how I could have edited the photos on the store web site. Now I am ready to go do it again and feel much more confident about that.

The print was not so bad, but could be better. One thing is that I showed it to Sarah and her girls tonight on the computer and Lexi wondered where her picture was. There was one with Lexi in it, but six with Natalie as the star. Oh dear how did it happen that we got so many pictures of her? But maybe that is nice for a second child to get more press time.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Book Recommendation


I am now reading two books the first is called Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking. As an introvert I find it wonderfully affirming. The writer, Susan Cain is also an introvert. I am certainly not alone and I have value. Good to know!

The other book is by Anne C. Voorhoeve. The title almost tells what it is about, My Family for the War. It concerns an eleven year old Jewish girl who was part of the kindertransport that allowed Jewish children between the ages of 4 and 16 to go stay with sponsoring families in England just before WWII started. I am only about 100 pages in, but I want to keep going.

It reminds me of an incident when we lived in PA while Leroy was on internship in 1974-75. I worked at a retail store’s snack bar. One of the security guys used to spend a lot of time chatting (flirting?) with me. He had an accent so I wondered where he was from. Upon learning that he had come from Italy (Or that is what I remember, but it seems it should have been another country.), I asked about when he had come to the USA. He told me, “I was twelve.”

“Did your whole family come?” I wondered.

“No, just me,” he replied.

“How did you come?” I asked incredulously, hardly able to believe this fact.

“I just got on a train and then a ship,” he added.

I must have had a questioning look because he then went on, “Hitler did not like little Jewish boys.”

After that what could I say? I had at that time never heard of the kindertransports. He did not use that word, but I suspect that is what it was. I was overwhelmed by the idea of leaving my parents at that tender age and traveling into the unknown. There was certainly a strong sense of danger pushing these parents to let children go or perhaps to make them go.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Exciting Work


I know, I know, you’re thinking, “How exciting can working in a small town library be?” Depending on your point of view it can be exciting. For instance, I had noticed the number of people complaining about the late season snow yesterday. Leroy and I took a walk in it and I thought it was lovely as it swirled around us in large clumps locked together. It was warm enough that the roads were clear so that made it great for me.

I drove blissfully to work forgetting that it was spring break week for the local students, however I knew the situation upon entering the door noting the four elementary age kids in attendance.

My co-worker informed me that the DVD player and projector were all set up and ready to go at 2:00 pm. Good thing she mentioned that and set it up because I had forgotten about that. She left at 1:00 just as I started work. Luckily I like to be early so she and I could connect.

Not much later there were several more boys who came in to use the computer. I had to firmly tell one boy that he could not have another turn because he had already had two hours. He first said, “No, only one.” But agreed it was his name signed up for two. Then he tried to convince me that he could have three hours. I did not listen long to that talk as I watched more children and a few adults come in. I was grateful that all were behaving as I would hope; this was true even of the few that I have found much livelier in the past.

Starting the movie was not as simple as activating the switches and pushing play. For some reason the signal was not going through. After struggling with this connection and that connection, one of the mothers suggested that I unplug it and start over. That was the miracle solution. This might have taken almost five minutes from the beginning to fast forwarding through the previews to waiting for the on screen warning, etc. In all this time the children were perfectly polite. What blessings abound among the young!
Over 30 children and five adults attended this movie. I did not notice any problem behavior and many commented that they liked the movie. They can be good if we just give them a chance.

Busyness was the order of the afternoon up until about 6:00 pm. After that I seemed to have only one or two people in at a time. I almost missed all of that rush. My boss did stop in a couple times but, of course those times were some of the quieter times. I was even able to get the interlibrary loan as well as some cataloging done.
I certainly do not have to sit around wondering what to do with my time. I feel needed and worthwhile. Is that how we are created?


Friday, March 15, 2013

Dream House


“Do I have a dream house?” For sure I would have answered in the negative and perhaps asserted, “I can live anywhere.”

Well that changed. I now have a dream house. The library regularly has to weed magazines because of space limitations. All libraries must purge some because of always acquiring in order to stay current. When the magazines are taken out I often sort through the discards and bring them home to look at when I do not feel like reading some serious book that I am working my way through. Recently one of the magazines had a big article about a dream house that they were using as a sweepstakes prize. Anyone could sign up to win, however as I was looking at this magazine after the contest was over it did not affect me.

It did not matter since I had not a dream house, any place will do. How would I even recognize a dream house? First page showed the living room of this home in the mountains of New England. The view from the windows was indeed beautiful, and according to the article this was true in all seasons. The kitchen was well equipped and spacious as was every other room they showed. It was nice, but I knew I would not really want to live there as it was no closer to any of my children. Then they moved on to the bedrooms showing a magnificent master suite followed by two lovely bedrooms. Next there was a tastefully decorated dorm that would sleep eight so that you could have guests for the skiing season. In all, the house would easily sleep fourteen people! Now that is my dream house complete with room for all the kids and grandkids to come visit. You all could even come visit at anytime of the year. What a deal!

Course the house should be elastic so we would not have to deal with so much space when it was not needed. Dreaming, dreaming.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Time change


I always wonder why we have to change the time to save daylight and give it back again. Whose idea was this anyway? And why did this mysterious person want to make the change at a different time?

It seems I always have trouble making this change in my sleep patterns. Even though I am a morning person, getting up an hour earlier is not a great shift to make. For some reason my internal clock or whatever wakes me up seems to think that 4:00 is a great time to greet the day. Leroy and I have not set an alarm for years. Maybe I am afraid we might oversleep and I cannot judge just what hour I must get up so I over compensate.

Meals are not such a problem. Eating early just happens with ease. In fact I even get hungry before a reasonable time. Maybe I just want to eat all the time. Someone once described my eating habits as grazing. That could explain a great deal.

Our phone has had a lovely blue light all day. Son Brian told Leroy last night that when he unplugs an electronic device to reset it he allows a 30 minute rest. Perhaps that has been our problem all along. We now know how grateful we are to have it back, but next time we will be patient and allow a longer rest.

The amaryllis is blooming beautifully with three wide open flowers and one more to come. Two primroses are sending up new buds. We will have white and purple flowers once again. Flowers, in winter! The Christmas cactus still has a couple flowers and the impatiens are just happy smiling all the time.

Someone donated to the library, a book, Twilight Children by Torey Hayden. I find I do not want to put it down and do other things. It is not new, but new to me. This true story is sad, but I am hoping for the happy ending that seems to be indicated in the jacket blurb.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blue Light


The blue light has been on the phone box since some time yesterday. Leroy thought it was working, but had not actually checked. It did not work he learned this morning. However, after it was unplugged and plugged in once more, it worked. I am hoping for the best. Being saved through the air is a good thing, right? Yeah! No red flashing light stopping talk progress.

The mysteries of the life around us are bountiful. Leroy is taking the morning off and learning that time flies. He thought I sat around and twiddled my thumbs wondering what to do.

His glasses needed a little adjustment so we took a trip out for that stopping at Goodwill to drop off four things as well as looking in the store. There was a small couch or loveseat, but when I sat in it I felt that I was sinking a bit low. We will continue to look.

I will wear my free top to work today. Last Friday when at Sears I bought a couple of tops. With this discount and that point I walked out without paying a cent for these two. It felt a bit disconcerting, almost like I was stealing. I have to confess that I do not understand the rewards point system, but when this one particular woman waits on me I get the best discounts. Surely it cannot just be her, but it seems that it happens when she assists. She needs a raise, but the store might not think so.

Well I must pack my supper, eat lunch, change clothes, and put on a warm coat before I head off to work. Leroy had wanted to ride the bike but I think he is concerned about the cold wind.

I am thankful for the draft free car that glides down the road with little effort on my part. Haven’t cars come a long way?


Monday, March 11, 2013

Birds and Phones


Birds contribute to and control our lives. They contribute with their beauty, cheerful songs, and movements. We are blessed to have woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches, sparrows, and crows in the neighborhood. It is just as interesting watching fish, but I do not know why.

They control us by pooping anywhere they are. That means my clothes hung out in the open air are vulnerable. The other night when walking to church we could hear the crows up ahead. At least two trees that were over the sidewalk had a large crowd roosting there. That set the route for me, as I immediately crossed the street to avoid any random bombs. That decision was wise as there were a total of five trees that were residents for various numbers of these squawkers. We had noticed the decorated sidewalk in a past walk when the flock was out visiting other places.

On our last return trip from Minnesota we noticed two very large birds flying by. Even if they were not bald eagles it still gives a feeling of awe to see this magnificence.

I am the plant lady at the library. There is a new table there. I plan to bring in two houseplants to see what looks best. The only trouble is the cold outside. Last week I was all prepared, but it was not suitable. I thought today would surely be the day, but it is now snowing just a little. So that also seems too cold. Maybe Thursday will work when the high is to be 46. I like winter, but I am looking for that warm day for safe plant moving.

The phone is still a problem. It is like wiggling a loose tooth, I keep checking to learn if it is working or not. Generally it is not, but I am so pleased on the moments when it does work. Then I wonder, “Who should I call?” Really it is also so that I can learn if anyone left a message for me. I can call using the computer as I did in the past before we got this miraculous connection going. So calling out is not the issue, but calling in is the issue. If you have something important to say to me and I do not answer the phone you might try my cell number. I am even keeping it out in the room so I can more easily hear it than when it is in my muffling purse in the closet with the door shut. I have not developed the habit of having my phone around all of the time as my co-workers do. So if it is out of my purse, I tend to leave it home. I really want to have the cell with me when I am out. I seldom get calls anyway. Also I have lived successfully for many years without a phone attached to my body so it will all be ok.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Phone Troubles


With the last snow storm came phone troubles. It might have been caused by the storm, but maybe not. Perhaps it was just a concurrent happening. We get our phone service over the internet. To get it up and running again, I have spent time working on it by disconnecting this and that power source, talking to a representative, and generally spending lots of emotional energy without making progress. I will have to say that when talking to the service representative I could not think of the words wireless bridge. She wanted to know where our modem or router is located. Normally our phone box would be connected to that. We had a most convoluted conversation at the end of which she told me that I would need to call someone else. She did not understand what I was talking about when I told her that we had something that received the wireless signal in a small box that we could plug the phone box into.

In relating the conversation to Leroy he supplied the words wireless bridge. I talked him into having the next phone support talk. He did have a thirty minute conversation on the phone with someone else. When he tried to run the diagnostic test the computer froze so they could not get the data needed to make changes. Now the phone malfunctions more often than it works. After talking with our landlady we learned that they had had their tech guy come check things only to learn that everything about the signal was good. We do not know where this leaves us. Why would it stop working after six months?

We tried to run the tests on the desktop computer only to say that the download that we needed for that was corrupted. It is hard to know what to do now. Leroy even looked into what it would take for us to have our own internet connection. It seems like the problem is something else since it has been tested for speed, etc. and rated even better than it should have.

Who needs a home phone anyway? Is that sour grapes?


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Still Here


Just a short note or I think it will be short to let you know that I am still here even though I have not written for a couple days.

Leroy worked at the museum today, while I volunteered at a church event. I was a greeter in the early time opening the door and welcoming. I rather enjoyed that. Then it was on to duty in the upper hall helping people find their way to the room that was eluding them. I was able to attend two of the sessions. In addition I got to hear most of the key note speaker and sing praise in the closing worship. I always feel privileged to learn new things and think about them for a time. I was especially happy to learn that progress has been made to keep malaria at bay for some. The death rate for children has moved from one death every 30 seconds to one death every 60 seconds. The change agents have been education, prevention, and medication.

One of the wonderful benefits from this meeting was that some of our good friends were there. We met with one couple last night and with another after Leroy closed the library today. What gifts are the joys of visiting with others! Certainly that is a gift from God.

Yesterday afternoon I spend time with one of the people with whom I had gone to library school. It was so refreshing to catch up with her. It is interesting how it is so easy to slip into a good talk with some people. Blessings, Blessing! Thank you, thank you.

There were other people that I hugged and enjoyed talking to at the event today. It makes me realize that is one of the positives of this less than settled life we have been living.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What to Write


Some days I do wonder what to write. And you thought it just flows. I am home today even though I usually work on Tuesday. Yesterday at our staff meeting I learned that I was to have next Tuesday off as I am working on the following Saturday. It was a problem because there will be a night story time and I would usually watch the desk while my co-worker tells the story. Because snow was predicted for today I volunteered to switch my Tuesday off and sit at the check out desk. Wasn’t I generous?

Now that the snow is almost over I think it would have been fine to drive to work, but one never knows. This morning when Leroy left, he shoveled off about four inches of snow by the garage.

I shoveled a path so I could use the sidewalk allowing me to make my way to the polling place where I was the lonely voter on the casino issue. Perhaps at other times there were more people. I do not like to track the sidewalk because it is easier to shovel before the steps are on it. It was fairly deep, but the temperature was good and the wind was down making it a pleasant experience. I enjoyed the mile walk to the polls. The only problem, but not really a problem for my waterproof boots, was the deep pools at some of the intersections. Luckily no cars drove by at the moment. The splash could have been uncomfortable.

It was supposed to start snowing last night at 6:00. I was so happy to get home at 8:30 and not yet see a flake of snow in the air. Soon there will be no snow and I might morn its passing, but not on my drives to and from work.

Last night someone brought in eight or more large paper bags full of books. I continue to be astonished at the amount of books people have in their homes. I have long been a believer in using the library. Partly it is because I am too cheap to buy many books and partly because I seldom re-read a book. There are too many books waiting for my attention. I am now reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and Proof of heaven by Eben Alexander, MD. Two books are sitting in my book basket waiting for me to get to them. I never like to be without a possibility of a good read so I tend to keep extras around. Perhaps that is silly since I go to the library three days a week and would not be bereft for long.


What to Write


Some days I do wonder what to write. And you thought it just flows. I am home today even though I usually work on Tuesday. Yesterday at our staff meeting I learned that I was to have next Tuesday off as I am working on the following Saturday. It was a problem because there will be a night story time and I would usually watch the desk while my co-worker tells the story. Because snow was predicted for today I volunteered to switch my Tuesday off and sit at the check out desk. Wasn’t I generous?

Now that the snow is almost over I think it would have been fine to drive to work, but one never knows. This morning when Leroy left, he shoveled off about four inches of snow by the garage.

I shoveled a path so I could use the sidewalk allowing me to make my way to the polling place where I was the lonely voter on the casino issue. Perhaps at other times there were more people. I do not like to track the sidewalk because it is easier to shovel before the steps are on it. It was fairly deep, but the temperature was good and the wind was down making it a pleasant experience. I enjoyed the mile walk to the polls. The only problem, but not really a problem for my waterproof boots, was the deep pools at some of the intersections. Luckily no cars drove by at the moment. The splash could have been uncomfortable.

It was supposed to start snowing last night at 6:00. I was so happy to get home at 8:30 and not yet see a flake of snow in the air. Soon there will be no snow and I might morn its passing, but not on my drives to and from work.

Last night someone brought in eight or more large paper bags full of books. I continue to be astonished at the amount of books people have in their homes. I have long been a believer in using the library. Partly it is because I am too cheap to buy many books and partly because I seldom re-read a book. There are too many books waiting for my attention. I am now reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and Proof of heaven by Eben Alexander, MD. Two books are sitting in my book basket waiting for me to get to them. I never like to be without a possibility of a good read so I tend to keep extras around. Perhaps that is silly since I go to the library three days a week and would not be bereft for long.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Home Again


We went to Brian’s house for the weekend which included a birthday celebration for two year old Logan. Friday morning we left with cloudy skies, but it seemed the roads should be good. However they had a layer of moisture or ice on them just north of Cedar Rapids. For the first twenty miles we saw at least fifteen cars strewn in the ditches along the interstate. It looked as if some kid had abandoned them in the middle of play time. There was even a semi trailer resting on the side as it waited to be turned upright once more.

Even though it did not look as if they had just landed there, cautious, I slowed down considerably. Those people who chose to pass me were not flying at their normal speed. We made good progress in spite of the slow beginning.

Cloe, the dog gave me her usual excited greeting complete with wriggling, moaning, and whimpering. Can you imagine what life would be like if humans could get so happy to see each other? Course I think I am the most regular walker of this animal. Well, Sophia was quite that excited as she leaped into my arms. Logan who has not seen us so much was more hesitant as he checked us over. By the end of our stay he was quite comfortable to be in bed with us in the morning and throw our noses into his room, over and over again.

The drive back was uneventful on a beautiful sunny day. Something that I cannot explain was all of the RV’s going north in Minnesota. Were they expecting to camp out or were they just returning home after being farther south? There were at least five of them heading somewhere. As for me I still am sleeping between flannel sheets and wearing flannel pajamas. Camping out does not yet call to me.
