Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Corn Growing and Black Raspberries


When I drove to work on Monday I was astonished to see how much the corn had grown since I had last seen it three day before. It seemed to be almost a foot taller. Perhaps you could have heard it grow if you listened carefully.

Leroy and I went black raspberry picking along the bike trail close to our home. It was wonderful. We just stuffed our mouths full and enjoyed. Sunday evening we came back dressed in jeans, long sleeved shirts, hats, socks and shoes. Bug spray had also been liberally applied. We pushed our way into the thickets and got a nice amount. Some we shared, some we froze, and a big some we happily ate for the next two days. This afternoon I went back with two buckets. I was able to get an inch or two in each bucket. I could tell that someone had recently picked. But I certainly got a lot. On the way home I spotted a young woman coming toward me. I wondered what she thought of me in my berry picking garb. Soon I learned as she asked before we were even together, “Did you pick raspberries?”

“Yes,” I told her.

“I am going there too,” she smiled.

“Oh no I picked most of them and the bugs were eating many of the others.” I said with a bit of distress. “I picked the edge ones for sure.”

She was not dressed in berry picking clothes, but she had a backpack. “I have paper bags in here and I will catch a supply of those bugs for my chickens.”

“Do they like those beetles?” I wondered.

“Yes they love them. Last year they ate so many that their poop turned glisteney in the sun.” she said with a laugh.

I apologized for taking so many of the berries. But she assured me that it was first come first served. And she had picked a lot last night.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

New things, New Learning


I have now started to use the IPhone five that a friend gave me. The flip phone that I had purchased worked, but after about a week no one could understand me. Did I drop it or did my voice just become garbled? I am not sure, but it was no longer a good option.

I am now learning to use the new phone. Mostly that is going well because we do have an IPod and there are many similarities. Also at work I spend a little time using the IPad for yoga. Today I figured out how to post a phone picture on FB and it was easy. However I am not sure how easy it will be to move it to the computer so I could share it with you in a letter. There is more new learning in the future.

The pictures that I shared were of our oatmeal bowls this morning. The fresh fruit was heaped up on them. Before breakfast Leroy and I went out along the trail that we can access about two blocks from our house. Yesterday evening we had taken a walk and “pigged out” on the black raspberries that were deliciously ripe. This morning we went back dressed in jeans and long sleeves allowing us greater penetrating ability without getting scratched. We were also carrying buckets. We picked both raspberries and mulberries. It was so exciting and satisfying. Almost made me feel back home on the farm even though I am in the middle of a city.

Later this morning we bought a new laptop. The current machine is seven years old. The battery no longer holds a charge and apparently there is a short in the power cord because from time to time it would just stall. I was quite surprised that Leroy did not take the new one out of the box immediately, but he did not. So I am still using the old model. Tomorrow the new one will surely come out and then I will have to get used to that model. We are keeping our old forms of all other programs so it should not be much learning required. This one is also a touch screen. We were not sure that we needed this feature, however this one was on clearance so we took it as part of the package. Hopefully it will work well and faithfully. Seven years would be nice.


Complaints and then a new perspective


Complaints can become a way of life when dealing with the uncontrollable weather. It seems just a week ago we were considering getting into high gear complaining about the dry spell that did not have an end. However now we are contemplating complaining about the rain that appears to have stalled over us.

I hung out clothes today. I had planned to just hang out the sheets, but before I knew what had happened the entire first load was on the lines. The moisture in the air inhibited and lengthened the drying routine. Most things were almost dry on the line and finished dried satisfactorily when I spread them out on the bed or hung them on the clothes rack. No rain during this period of time was much appreciated.

Pain has a way of exploding into our lives and wrenching us sideways just when we feel that life is good. My friend’s young granddaughter was hit by a car and killed.  I was so shocked yesterday I could not write, but these thoughts.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Greens, Greens, Greens


I heard Leroy get out of bed and take off his pj’s. “What time is it?” I wondered because I had not heard the alarm go off.

“It is 5:29, and I am going to go to the community garden to get some lettuce for my lunch.” Leroy replied.

While leaping out of bed I said, “I’ll come with you,” with visions of greens and a great half mile walk moving through my mind.

The garden is producing produce well. Leroy picked a nice amount of green stuff. On the way home we stopped at a small garden that is by a school in our neighborhood. Last year a man had told me that it was open to the neighborhood, but no one was going there, except himself. I hope that was still true this year because we picked a nice head of lettuce as well as some leaves. The headed lettuce is getting ready to bolt, or at least that is what my mother called it when the heads went off into space and eventually became seed pods.

After we got home I put the head of lettuce on the kitchen counter because we had run out of bags for this bounty. In about one minute I noticed some long, half inch bugs coming out of that head. I smashed two or three of them, but more kept coming. Leroy was stretching in the living room. I called to him, in spite of my belief in the necessity of exercise, “Come kill bugs, I am taking this lettuce outside,” as I raced down the stairs and outside. Hopefully there are no more of these critters roaming around our rooms. Little creepy to think about, but I suspect they do not like humans.

I declare, one day early, summer to be here, bugs and all.


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Inside Cool


I did go out this morning to hang out three loads of clothes. I was happy that they were all dry before noon so I did not have to be out in the hot time of day. It was wonderful to be out in the cool of the morning. I am so happy with our flowers it lifts my soul to look at them. The poinsettias still have red leaves on them. I am quite surprised to see that in the middle of June. I do not remember this happening in the past. I have previously planted them outdoors, but usually they just get green leaves almost immediately.

I see I should have weeded today before I took these pictures, especially the ones by the compost bin. We are becoming a go to place for creeping Charlie. Apparently the word is out that we are tolerant to a degree.

We are taking care of both front garden beds this year. I planted marigolds on one side about one week before the other because I had not bought enough. The first side looks vigorous and healthy. The second side has been attacked by some bug. We had put netting over it since the squirrels wanted to dig in there. Do you suppose that bugs were trapped under the netting? The marigolds were not only there for their looks, but to deter bugs. Leroy wonders, “Did the marigolds save the plants by attracting the bugs? The other plants have not been eaten.”

Life is full of mysteries.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Hot Walk


This afternoon I delivered the last of the neighborhood newsletters that are our responsibility. I had intended to have Leroy help me for this last bit. However, after learning that he was working at the museum Saturday morning and preaching Saturday night as well as preaching on Sunday, doing it all alone was the easy way out of guilty feelings.

 I set off at 2:00pm which is a hot part of the day. Usually this part of the route can be done in about half an hour so water did not seem necessary.

At the third place I delivered to a teenager who was outside. Upon learning that he lived in the duplex, I handed over the newsletter. He was going in the door when a woman’s voice called out, “Wait!”

I assumed she was talking to the boy so I continued to move until he told me, “Mom says to wait.”

Shortly his mom came out with a water bottle in hand. She put that ice cold bottle in my hand. I still did not really think I needed it, but took it since she was so gracious as to provide it. Later I decided a drink would indeed be nice. That walk took me over an hour. Before I got home I had gratefully consumed the entire bottle.

Renters and blacks do not have as high a status in this country as home owners and whites. This woman was probably a renter considering that she lived in a duplex. I could clearly see that she was black. No white home owners offered me anything. It would be good if all could remember that there are good people everywhere in many different circumstances.

I perhaps looked like a homeless person in my garb and backpack. I did notice that a well dressed white guy in the bank parking lot looked at me and then quickly looked away as he might have done with someone he wanted to avoid. He certainly did not seem concerned with my welfare.


Monday, June 11, 2018

My Sister Is Not Here


Saturday Leroy and I got up early to make the five plus hour trip to visit my brother-in-law. I have put off this journey because I knew that it would bring it home to my heart that my sister was no longer living as she would not be in her home. It was indeed a difficult experience, but not as wrenching as I had thought it might be. Of course, some of that could be because I am skilled at tamping down my emotions. If someone talked about how nice it was for us to be there and I tried to tell why I could not come sooner, sad feelings washing over me.

Her home looks much the same even though there are some new things there. I firmly believe that new is how it should be as life moves on. I guess that process goes in fits and starts. Along with that idea we met my brother-in-law’s special friend.

We missed all the serious rain storms on the way south, but the next day when coming home, we got a serious weather report on the radio. One of the problems is not know that neighboring counties or towns. But the clouds confirmed the notion that we were past the high winds and possible hail. A couple hours later we again got surrounded by serious looking clouds. They did release some of their load of water just as we were coming through. Luckily it was just rain and no hail. Even the wind was not as strong as it could have been. We were grateful for safe passage. It was great to see that we had gotten 2.45 inches of rain at home where it had seemed rather dry.

I am glad that I made this trip because my brother-in-law was so pleased to have us come. Also I believe it is important for me to be able to get farther along in my life’s journey.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Exciting Morning


I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast when I heard Leroy coming in the hall. “Argh!” he exclaimed.

“Are you alright?” I wanted to know, thinking he stubbed his toe since he manages to do that every once in a while.

“There is a bat in the house,” he excitedly responded, “a low flying bat.”

“Where did it go?” I asked as I prepared to help look.

“In the kitchen,” he replied as he came in the room, head swiveling.

Neither of us could see it. So Leroy looked in the closet/pantry. He found it behind the ironing board and extra table leaves. “Oh, it’s a small mouse,” he reported.

He then got an old ice cream bucket. With great team work; me moving the ironing board and the leaves while Leroy manned the bucket he managed to capture this animal. Leroy then procured a piece of thin cardboard which he carefully slipped under the bucket making it possible to carry it outside to freedom.

Leroy was not dressed yet so I had the honor of taking it out to the street and instructing it to run away, which it did.

This was certainly an unwelcome guest. In the six years that we have been here we have not seen another. Now two traps are set in the attic with expensive organic peanut butter that has no added sugar or oils in the mix. Hopefully any relatives will be enticed by this treat.

By the way, Leroy is not really scared of either bats or mice, but he was startled.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Library Quiet


For story time the local creamery came to talk to the kids about their cows. They also provided milk and cookies. It was tremendously popular. This was followed by crafts at the half hour. There were even more in attendance for that as the older kids could come as well. We think the head count was at 200. That is definitely a lot for us to accommodate. I heard several people comment that we need a larger library.

I do not run the program so I was not totally involved with that. However many people stopped at the desk to check out books or sign up for the summer reading program. Four people also signed up to get library cards. That task involves a bit more time.

It was hard/impossible to get anything done that was cataloguing. I got the three magazines that came today entered and that was it. Luckily my boss knows what a steady stream it all was so she would not expect any different activities to have happened.

The afternoon program was well attended, but at more manageable numbers. However it was still quite busy for the small library that we are. I think back to those days and times when a patron will come in and talk about how quiet we are in the middle of the winter. What a difference a season makes! It is a good thing I like and deal fairly well with intense activity which has a manageable end point.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Green Life


Yesterday on my way home from voting, I stopped at the old and the new community gardens. At the old I harvested many lamb’s quarters which are vigorously growing up the side of the mound of dirt. But I left enough to feed many more people if they just knew the food value treasure that is available to them. I try to lead by example, but I see no one following. It is something how we ignore the gifts we have been given and seek out other things. Leroy and I had a nice dish at lunch that included some onions, also from the mound of dirt in the old garden. I picked rhubarb that was across the way before I moved on to the new garden where I gathered a variety of tender lettuces. From the land around the house I picked some oregano as well as garlic chives. Those last things made a nice salad for both of us.

I will say that it does take a bit of energy to get all of these greens clean. Three washes seemed to be adequate to me. Or perhaps it is because I just quit looking for any dirt, bugs or odd grass stem.

In the mornings we have green tea with chocolate mint. The mint is harvestable each morning. This task introduces me to the outdoor feeling as well as the flowers that have opened over night such as the lily that was not open yesterday. It is a great way to start the day. Again I have to do multiple washes of the leaves to make sure that all is pure. I chop up the mint to release its flavor in the hot water.

Then sometimes I get a glimpse of the purple finches that seem to have moved into the neighborhood. At least they like to get a drink at our place. Red is a color that attracts. Called purple, but they look more like red to me then purple. They are beautiful to see.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Women's Clothing

I bought a cute dress that was cut much lower in the front than I usually wear. It has two pieces of material that cross over in a nice vee shape. When I stand up straight it is just fine. The last time I wore it, I put a safety pin under attaching the two material pieces. That was just fine, but it was a struggle to get the pin in just the right place without it being visible to the rest of the world. Yesterday seemed like just the right day to wear it to church, however I decided not to go for the pin after checking with Leroy to see how discrete it all looked. He thought it was fine even when I was sitting or bending over. Not that I intended to bend over, but one should be prepared for the uexpected.
I set off with a reminder to self about maintaining good posture at all times. That was easy to hold up while in the chruch service itself.
After church was the book club. There we meet in a room with couches. Most people probably consider this a comfortable seat, but I really like something that is straighter or fits my body better. Even with a pillow behind my back to make the seat shorter I still recline in a bit of a tilt. In that room I found myself continually pulling on those two overlapping pieces of material to keep them together. A few times I would get more involved in the conversation forgetting to hang on to my dress, only to notice that there was a bit of a gaping side, usually the right for some reason.
I know many woman are, at least seem, quite comfortable exposing some cleavage. I am not one of those people, mostly because I have so little cleavage to expose. I suppose I could acquire it with a bra that created that illusion.
My dress requirements are not always what is popular. I like a bit higher rounded neck with a bit of sleeve, not exposed shoulders. Than it is my joy and delight to find a dress with pockets. I am definitely not the fashion leader or at least no one is listening to me.

Sunday, June 3, 2018



Three of us worked in the community garden finishing that last bit that had not yet been mulched. While there, Leroy found an ant hill or perhaps I should say that the ants found him.  He got a number of bites on his hands and arms. Luckily his legs were protected enough that they did not get under his pant legs. Had that been the case, I believe we would have been looking at the backside of him as he trotted home to strip. The garden looks quite fine even though some of the seeds did not germinate. That means there is not much lettuce. Our home garden looks fine as well, but it also does not have has much lettuce as I would like. I will have to go get some more of those lambs’ quarters to round out our diet. Luckily the winter onions produce well and I have been adding garlic chives to almost everything. I consider it being a pioneer, eating what is available. Course I add a number of things like watermelon from the store.

The lack of shade in the back is quite noticeable. I miss those branches hanging over us. At least the clothes line is more in the sun so the birds do not sit in the tree and poop on clothes. Also the clothes should dry much faster.

We planted my celery today. Hoping it grows this year. I buy a stalk, cut off the tops, leaving about an inch at the root end, stick it in water and the inner parts start to grow long before the roots form. It strikes me like a mini miracle. Perhaps I should see all growth that way including personal grown into new ideas.


Friday, June 1, 2018

To The Rescue


While walking out to the get the mail, I always look at our raised bed garden. After all, something might have grown while I was away from it. There was a flopping around on the far side, not that it is far. Investigation revealed a robin sized bird hopelessly entangled in the netting we have over the garden to keep out squirrels/rabbits that seem to think the garden is for them.

I told this bird to stop in what I realized was a more soft soothing voice that I normally use. It did not stop, but as soon as I touched it, it became perfectly still. One loop of the netting came off but the rest was solidly jammed against its wing and several feathers were pinned. The poor thing was panting as I told it, “I will go get a scissors and cut you lose.”

Running into the house, up the stairs, looking for a scissors with the sharpest point, back down stairs, out the door, and back to the garden all seemed to take time. Again this bird struggled a lot when I came close, but stopped when I touched it. I gently cut off the netting slipping the point under close to its skin. It was free from the whole unit, but the threads were still tightly wound around its wing. With just one more cut I was able to get that piece off and smooth back its feathers after which it hopped a little before flying away.

I can’t decide if it stilled because it was terrified or if it trusted me to rescue it. I considered it a good deed even though it might have been a young starling which is not my favorite bird.
