Monday, April 29, 2019



It is harder to get my steps in when it is rainy. This morning I noticed that the rain stopped so I went out thinking I would just walk around the block. When I reached the end of the block there was no rain from that cloudy sky so I just turned the corner and kept going. The next thing I knew I was several blocks away in the park following the bike trail. By the time I got done I had added at least 4,000 more steps. I like being out among the trees. It is nice to see how much the leaves had grown. Soon I will not be able to see through the bushes that I pass.

Because I work today, I will have some difficulty adding the rest of my 3,500 steps. But if I tell myself to get up and move from time to time I might manage.

Leroy was disappointed that the rain kept him from taking the bike to work. This year it is much harder for him to get his bike rides in between rain, cold and needing to drive to see someone farther away or in an area where it is more difficult to ride his bike.

He does some walking especially to church. That he can do in most any weather. He is also able to walk from the church to the two hospitals giving him some more walking time.

Maybe when we are visiting Miriam we can both get a bit more walking accomplished. They have a young dog that will also be welcome on our walks. Her girls might come with us, but they do have school most of the week we are visiting.


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Butter or Rhubarb


Butter that was a great price but only one per customer was my gift to my friend because I do not eat butter very often. While at her house she told me I could pick some rhubarb. I gratefully got a small, small for me; amount because we are going to Utah on Wednesday.

Her sister also got some rhubarb. When she was done picking she started to pull weeds in the close raised bed garden. Much of what she was pulling was dandelions. After a while I asked, “Are you going to eat those dandelions?”

She looked a bit surprised and said, “No.”

“I will take them,” I said as I started to tear off the leaves and discard the flowers and roots. I was happy as a clam because I had not seen any in any yards that looked large enough to harvest easily. I am also hoping that these are organic given their location.

My friend saw my taking them and asked, “Are you going to use them in salad?”

“I had planned to cook them,” I said.

Cook them we did after much washing. At this time of year they are so mild in flavor that I could not have told you what green I was eating. Both of us enjoyed them. I am a little disappointed this year. Last year the nearby college had a large pile of dirt that grew a nice supply of lamb’s quarters and this winter they removed that pile so there are no lamb’s quarters on the lot. I suppose in a sense it was trespassing to take them, but no one else used them that I am aware of. I love eating in the wild. I am going after the chives of both the onion type as well as the garlic type, but they are mine because we planted them. I might have to slow down for a while, but I will be gone so they can re-grow during that week.


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Retirement, oh, It Snowed!


We have gotten some snow. It is not sticking to the cement surfaces, but the grass, leaves, and rooftops show a bit of accumulation. For a while it appeared that much more would come but it has stopped for the moment. That is nice. I just hope the blooming fruit trees are not hurt by this late cold that goes with it all.

Leroy has many stamps spread out on the table. He has been working at organizing and putting some away. Perhaps when I retire I will have to take up a hobby. I did read about someone who walks people instead of dogs. Apparently it has gone over quit well as he had to hire helpers. That sounded interesting to me until I walked behind some slow people this morning. I am afraid it might drive me nuts if the client would need to walk slowly. This was also a good way for some people to get out and visit with others.

Another job that some do in retirement is working with people who need someone to come in and change a light bulb or do some other easy task that is out of reach for certain people. Often this also turns into a friendly visit.

We have both talked about volunteering when we retire. I guess the possibilities are endless if one can just think of the best fit for oneself. Leroy is certainly getting more serious about our next moves. He wants to spend more time talking about it and planning. I just love sticking my head in the sand because I do not know what is best for us. I really think our children should live close to each other and we would just go there. For some reason the kids do not follow my mental instructions.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Sunny Day Turns


It was such a beautiful sunny day, not so warm as to be hot, but always sunny. I put clothes in the washing machine first thing after I got up. I almost pulled the sheets out from under Leroy so I could start on them. Three loads were hung out and flapping in the wind before I headed out on my shopping errands. It was a soul satisfying sight. I have no desire to live in any place that does not allow me to hang out clothes, although I am aware that it could happen.

When I came home most of the clothes were dry, but it was after noon and I was hungry. After I brought in my purchases and put away the items that require refrigeration, I made lunch. Of course; just to get some energy, I had to snack on a handful of peanuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds before I could do much of anything.

Tonight I took a walk because I did not have 10,000 steps accounted for. When I was returning, the incoming storm could be seen gathering with a jagged line of clouds coming at us. Beyond the clouds there was no more blue sky. Tomorrow parts of Iowa are to get snow, but hoping it will not be here. One good thing about a snow storm this late in the season, it will not hang around so very long.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Not Always Right


This morning I got some small rugs in the wash almost as soon as I was out of bed. As soon as they were done they pinned to the clothes line in anticipation of them drying in a timely manner.

About two hours later Leroy commented, “It is getting dark and cloudy. Should we bring in the rugs?”

“No, it was not supposed to rain on the site I looked at.” I replied confidently.

A bit later there was a rumble of thunder in the distance. Again Leroy wondered, “Should I go bring in those rugs.”

Even though the sky was darker, I said with confidence again, “It is not raining yet. When, or if, it starts, we can both run out. It is just three rugs.”

There was a much closer crash of thunder. Leroy said nervously, “I could go out and get those rugs.”

“It still is not raining, we can go when it starts.” I replied.

In about three minutes I heard the first drops fall, got up out of my chair, yelled to Leroy, and ran downstairs to the porch only to find rain pouring down so fiercely that I did not want to go out. I should have listened to Leroy. But when I think I am right.


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Choir Robes


On this Easter Sunday, we wore our choir robes. Much of the time we wear them, but today there were special instructions for hanging them after the service. Church renovation will start Monday morning. The choir robe storage space is not a part of the coming activities, however dust knows no bounds. All robes were to be incased in a plastic much like that at a dry cleaner. This seems like it should not be a big deal, but it took some people a bit of fussing around to get the job done. Many of us have that plastic sheath hanging on the hanger under the robe. I got the brilliant idea to pull that plastic up to the top of the hanger while I still wore the robe. Once that was gathered, I took off my robe, hung that robe and pulled the plastic over the entire business. It worked just fine.

Some of the men in the choir complain because they are not used to anything long and swinging around their ankles. When they go up and down stairs they have been known to trip. We women all know to grip a bit of robe in our hand and pull up as we navigate the stairs.

I will say that one of my least favorite activities is going to the bathroom with the robe on. I must gather it up to find the opening to my pants so I can unbutton and unzip preparatory to pulling the pants down. Today seemed it should be a breeze since I was wearing a dress with tights. Getting it all in place was no problem, but replacing things, I managed to get my long dangling dress belt caught in my tights so my dress was dragged almost up to my waist. With some adjustment I managed to get it all back in the proper place before I disrobed.


Friday, April 19, 2019



I am grateful for a car that drives through or over pot holes with little visible effect on the vehicle. I do try to avoid pot holes or other uneven seams in the road, but it is not always possible. So far the car has not, after five years, developed any noticeable rattles. Such a resilient item! The engineers that created this did a fine job of perfecting and building on inventions ahead of them. There is a bit of dirt on it especially from the last dirty rain. Perhaps in time dirt won’t hang around because of someone’s brilliant idea.

I am grateful that I have not had a flat tire that needed some attention. I remember when I first learned to drive, my mother and I could change a flat like the pros. However, I would have a tough time doing it now. Not sure that I even know where the jack is and how to use it. Back in those days it might have been driving on gravel, farm roads, but flat tires seemed to occur with great regularity.

I am grateful that the car protects me from many types of weather conditions. Temperatures can be regulated for my comfort as well. My hair does not even have to be a mess from the wind coming in. When I was growing up, before the time of air conditioned cars, my family had to take drives with the windows up and swelter in the heat. My mother could not tolerate any wind blowing in her ears. She always wore a scarf when outside, even in the nicest weather. She had had many ear infections which resulted in a lacy ear drum. Even we kids in the back seat could not put a window down more than an inch or so. I am grateful that our tolerance level was quite high. Or perhaps we did not dare complain much.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Weather Reports


Sometimes those weather reports control our lives. This morning after consulting two different sources, Leroy felt that it was not prudent to ride his bike to work. He was disappointed as the temperature would have been quite fine for riding, but he does not like riding in the rain. I did not even volunteer to come get him as we had so much trouble with the bike in the car the last time. I could have put in the bike carrier, but that is not so easy to use either.

The forecast now is for rain later in the day, almost certainly after Leroy is home. The weather certainly is not in our control.

I looked at three weather sources before I decided that I must move my walk to the morning. It was nice, but cloudy, consequently I did not think of wearing my hat until the sun came out. I was a good distance from home so I just hoped for the best for my skin.

The last time I was at the dermatologist they did not give me an appointment in six months. Supposedly someone was going to call. I suspect I need to be calling them as appointments are filled a few months in advance. Amazing I got that call done and it will be almost exactly six months since I was last there. I suspect it helped that they could look up information about me and see that I did need the check up.

I do like to check things off my to do list be that list mental or on paper.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Life Changes


The mail had my college class newsletter. I found it surprising to learn four of my classmates had died last year. I did recognize all of the names, but could not picture them in my mind. After looking them up in the yearbook, I “recognized” three of them.

How did I not know that we had moved from announcements of marriages, births, and job advancements to Obits? It seems there is a new stage in life. Before this in both high school and college classes some classmates have died, but never this many in one year. Because of it being younger people it did not have the feeling of a pattern to come. Each year will the list grow?

I do not feel close to death, but it is sobering to realize that I am a year older than my sister was when she died. It feels like a bonus even though my parents were older as was my grandmother when she died. She was 87 and I remember that seemed ancient. These days an eighty-seven year old can be quite young. As with much of life it is all relative.

I did go out and pick up trash on our block even though I had done it not so long ago. From a distance, it all looked good, but I still managed to collect a bag full before I felt too tired to proceed. I was a bit warmly dress and that added to my fatigue.

I will have to go out this evening to get in some more steps. Picking up trash is much squatting, but not many steps. I think there should be a notification to smokers that the butts are not good for the water ways and should be disposed of properly. They are rather tedious to pick up. To urge myself on I try to think of some friends who do this almost every day. They are my trash pick up role models.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Spring is Coming


After walking to church in winter coats, hats and wearing scarves as well as gloves, we were happy to get inside out of the brisk wind. On the way home we were grateful for the same get up. I have to say that we did meet some much younger people who were in shorts, but with a jacket.

After lunch Leroy and I both went out to finish delivering the newsletters. Again we put on more winter attire and met some who were, in my opinion, scantily dressed. I guess that is one way to separate out the young and the old or the foolish and the wise.

Leaves are giving a green glow to hedges with some flowers blooming here and there especially on the south side of buildings. The tulips are up but look a bit weary. The jonquils in the neighborhood look much more at home in this wavering weather.

None of the seeds that Leroy planted outside have sprouted. We both think it might have been too cold. Course as I told him seeds left on their own will sometimes sprout later. Hope is still alive. Our garlic and onions look quite fine. If there were more of either I would be using some right now.

Is it spring or something else, but Leroy is quite busy working to organize stamps that he has been given. For some time he has an album that someone else had put together. Now he is soaking those stamps off the pages where they have been stuck. It is quite a big job, but he tells me, “There are many interesting stamps here.”

So he is quite willing to put forth the effort.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Card Sorting


Today I wanted to send someone a greeting card. While looking for the right card, I realized that some sorting was in order. I have cards I bought, cards that I think came from Leroy’s mother who died 20 years ago, and cards that Leroy brought home from church because they were cleaning out and he knows I do not believe in throwing away anything that might yet have a use.

I made card stacks of the different types of occasions that require a card. Then I started matching envelops with the cards. That was a tough job as several cards were too large for any envelops in my possession. Especially that bunch from church seemed to be missing envelops for the larger cards. Did someone snitch them to be used elsewhere? Now how am I going to use these cards? Does anyone sell various sized envelops that would fit cards? Or will it be necessary to just buy some larger envelops that obviously do not fit, but will allow it to go through the mail? Maybe envelops could be made from a plain white piece of paper?

I do not have any larger envelops in my possession, but as of right now my cards are organized and ready to be sent to just the right person.


Friday, April 12, 2019



We have had wind and rain so I know that we are missing much more that others have had to endure. Yesterday when I was starting my drive to work it was just raining a little. As I waited to turn left to the on ramp for the interstate, it started to rain much harder. The black truck ahead of me was just starting to make that left turn when another black truck from across the intersection almost slammed into it. I would guess there was about two feet of clearance once the interloper stopped. The truck in front of me, after some hesitation, proceeded up the ramp. The truck in the intersection sat a moment, but I waved it on. It continued with its left turn. By the time I got up on the interstate it was raining hard enough that I had some trouble seeing the lane markings. I just hoped the person in front of me could tell what the right space to be in was.

Luckily that serious rain did not last very long. It was still raining when I stopped at the library, but it was little enough to easily get in the building.

Today I delivered some of the neighborhood newsletters. Because of the cold wind I only did a small amount of the route. I am hoping that Saturday and Sunday are ok for finishing the job. Leroy will be home so he will probably help. That means we can get it done, however I will not get in as many steps as I like to do. I like taking walks that have a purpose other than for steps. I might have to walk around the block a few times because I only have 7,000 steps so far today.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019



The violets are blooming beautifully. I am so impressed, considering that I have not always been successful with violets. It must be the space that they are in which feels just right.

One of our blinds broke so to raise and lower it we have been moving the poinsettias in and out of their space. Perhaps because of that they have been losing more leaves. At Leroy said, “It will be good to plant them outside.”

Two days ago it seemed the weather would soon be warm enough to put those poinsettias out, but today makes a different thought come to mind with the wind, rain and cooler temperatures. Course our neighbors to the north are having snow fall so we are not complaining. Again today Leroy drove rather than rode the bike. He has not been on the bike as much as usual.

The two Christmas cactus are now officially done blooming until in the fall. The anthurium is still blooming, but does not have many blooms. I gather it is supposed to be in a warm to hot room and we do not have that. So the violets out shine the anthurium , but they are in a different room. These flowers can each feel appreciated.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Leroy Saw the Pictures


Sunday, Leroy finally saw the pictures. We had been gone since Friday morning so he can be excused for some of the time. We returned Sunday. He was pleased with how it looks now that it is the focus of his attention.

My plan was to tell him on Wednesday which would have made it a week without noticing them. He does often eat with his focus on his food and his head is lowered over it. We do talk some during the meal. Or perhaps I should say, “I talk some during the meal.”

Leroy has planted some lettuce and a few radishes. However last night he told me that something has been digging in the bed. We both blame our friendly neighborhood squirrel or squirrels. They certainly feel at home anywhere around the territory. It could be that they buried some walnuts in that very spot or they have a vague memory of last fall’s activities. Now they just search in many places hoping to get that nut free from the clutches of the earth. Leroy made it easy to dig in the garden. Surely lettuce and radish seeds are too small for them to consume.

Our winter onions and garlic look quite fine. I just so look forward to things that I can eat in my local area. It satisfies my sense of what is good. Even though I rarely eat meat, I might be persuaded to eat squirrel if that were an acceptable city thing to do.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Day Off?


I am not sure why I call it a day off. First thing, I drove across town to get my glasses adjusted. Earlier, I had gone to a place on this side of town for an adjustment, but it hurt quite a lot behind my ear consequently I kept pulling on the frame and I believe it was not in proper alignment. So I went back to the purchase place. It feels much better, but I am not sure it is in the very best position for my distance vision. Position seems to be critical for focusing on the far away objects. If I press the frame up closer to my face I see better. Maybe another trip will get it.

After that I had three stores to go to for needed supplies. One of the stops was to pick up the family pictures. In the 8x10, Miriam and Olivia have a bit of the side of the face compromised, but I am ignoring that because it will probably be years before we are all together once more. They do both look good in other pictures.

By the time I got home I could start on making granola now that I had all the ingredients.

Continued April 4, 2019

I know that I was busy much of the rest of the day.

Today I worked an extra hour because my coworkers had other obligations. One of the good things about this work experience is that we help each other when someone needs some time off. I am grateful for that so I try to help whenever possible, because I know they will help me.

Leroy did not see the family pictures hanging in the kitchen yesterday or this morning. He was home for lunch by himself so he might have seen them then. Last night after we were in bed, he questioned, “Did you pick up the pictures today?” He knows they are here. Obviously this guy is focused when he is in the kitchen.
