Saturday, April 27, 2019

Retirement, oh, It Snowed!


We have gotten some snow. It is not sticking to the cement surfaces, but the grass, leaves, and rooftops show a bit of accumulation. For a while it appeared that much more would come but it has stopped for the moment. That is nice. I just hope the blooming fruit trees are not hurt by this late cold that goes with it all.

Leroy has many stamps spread out on the table. He has been working at organizing and putting some away. Perhaps when I retire I will have to take up a hobby. I did read about someone who walks people instead of dogs. Apparently it has gone over quit well as he had to hire helpers. That sounded interesting to me until I walked behind some slow people this morning. I am afraid it might drive me nuts if the client would need to walk slowly. This was also a good way for some people to get out and visit with others.

Another job that some do in retirement is working with people who need someone to come in and change a light bulb or do some other easy task that is out of reach for certain people. Often this also turns into a friendly visit.

We have both talked about volunteering when we retire. I guess the possibilities are endless if one can just think of the best fit for oneself. Leroy is certainly getting more serious about our next moves. He wants to spend more time talking about it and planning. I just love sticking my head in the sand because I do not know what is best for us. I really think our children should live close to each other and we would just go there. For some reason the kids do not follow my mental instructions.


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