Sunday, December 29, 2019

Leroy Sick, Well


Yesterday Leroy came home coughing and not feeling well. He mostly sat around for the evening and went to bed early. This morning he decided not to go to church. When I got home I learned that he had slept a nice amount. At that moment he was up reading a book but said, “I feel like sleeping some more.”

”Go ahead. It must be what you need.” I assured him.

He took another longish nap. We had lunch. After that he sounded like he felt much better. As soon as I got done washing the dishes we took a walk. He just went around the block while I carried on up the “mountain” to get my 10,000 steps. It is the highest point around here and Mount Mercy University is at the top of the hill, but I believe it is more properly called a hill than a mountain. I am trying to get a bit more hill work in as we mostly walk on the flat here.

Now Leroy tells me, “I feel much better, but not 100%.” Perhaps this was just some type of 24 hour bug.

We have one stalk of celery in our garden. After the first on slot of cold, it still survived, so we covered it with some leaves and a flower pot. The weather has been so nice. Today I thought about uncovering it. It looks quite green and fine. It does not seem to have grown much from the short that I cut it before covering it. Now I hope I do not forget to cover it again when the temperatures drop as they surely will before winter is over. I am pleased that it looks to healthy now.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Small Town Library


Yesterday, the UPS driver delivered a small package to me for the library. “Got any new movies?” he wanted to know.

“Not since you were here when we were last open,” I replied.

I see this guy frequently so we visit often. Usually he teases me on a cold day and says, “Did you ride your bike today?”

“But you might have delivered a movie, it feels like it.” I commented as my fingers moved around the package. “Do you want me to look?” I wondered.

“Yeah, that would be great,” he said as I started to cut and then tore into the package revealing a movie.

“I have never heard of that one,” he said. I agreed, but gave him the case to look at.

“I suppose I can’t take this now,” he questioned with a grin.

“No, but I can get it ready and put it on hold for you,” I said.

“That would be great, I will be back tomorrow,” he said as he went out the door with a wave.

I immediately processed the DVD and put it on hold for him. How is that for small town personal service?


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Present for Each Other


Well Leroy did not find my present. Perhaps when we move it will be visible? He did tell me about how large it is. I can help look from time to time. It is small enough to slip into small spaces. In the meantime I am just grateful for the things that I can find such as Leroy in my life.

We lit the luminaries last night and invited our downstairs friends to come out and enjoy them with us. We spent some good time ooing and ahing. We are going to light them again tonight with the idea that we might let them burn for a longer period of time.

Leroy and I took two walks today so I could get my 10,000 steps in. I feel as if I have accomplished something. I started to feel quite warm before we got home. We climbed the tallest hill in the neighborhood. I am sorry to tell you that we were both breathing a bit harder before we reached the top. Most of our walking is on the level. Just a report the taverns in my neighborhood were closed this morning, but open this afternoon.

We are both reading books that we like. For a time this afternoon we started a movie, but it did not get our attention that seriously before our children called with Christmas greetings.

Merry Christmas to all


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Prep


Last night Leroy said, “I have to make a confession. I bought you a present, but I cannot remember where I hid it! I have looked and looked, but nothing. It is the only thing I bought for you to put under the tree.”

He again spent some time this morning, before heading to work, looking in the likely places that he has probably already looked in.

We, especially I, consider our impending trip to Guatape, Columbia to be a present. I want experiences rather than stuff since I seem to have plenty of stuff.

Leroy has nothing under the tree from me because it was all purchased with him “present”. Poor guy, but I do not feel so sorry for him. He will survive.

Leroy put out some luminaries last night while I was at work. I had been hoping to see them, but he had already put out the candles by the time a arrived. He was afraid fires would be started if they burned too low. He had put them on the dry, winter grass along the sidewalk. This was so no one would trip on them if using the sidewalk.

I think we used to put them on the sidewalk, but he insists that we always had snow and could put them in the snow which would have been great fire prevention. We will put them out after the church service tonight so I can see them for a short time. I remember them as being beautiful and somewhat ethereal.


Monday, December 23, 2019

Picking up Trash


I work this afternoon, but still wanted to get it a bit of a walk. I noticed the last two times that I walked that I should once again pick up litter in the neighborhood. I told Leroy that my plan was to clean up the block we live on and get a walk as well. He said, “I will help with that.”

I am certainly glad that he helped. He took the street side and the gutter had plenty of refuse. It also makes it a much shorter trip. We did stop about three fourths of the way to empty our bags. I am thinking of making a new year’s resolution of picking up trash once a month for the year. I am not sure that I can manage, but surely I will do more than have for the past year.

One of the neighbors thanked us for cleaning up. It is great to get some thanks for this. We get bags from the city that we can fill so we do not have too much trash in our containers. This bag that I have had for several months is almost full now. Getting another bag from the city will not be as easy since we do not have neighborhood meetings in the winter.

Leroy is reading a book that I read first. I smiled some as I read it, but at the last short story I did laugh. That Leroy has been cackling for some time. It is great to hear him enjoy it so much, but then I wonder, “Why didn’t I get so much laughter?” it is certainly good for the soul. The book I am reading for the church book club has had me laughing a couple times. It is not often that I read books that cause me to laugh out loud, smile maybe.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dream House


Yesterday Leroy asked me what I was looking for in a future home. I talked about the local of the house and how I would like to walk to something that I go to with a certain amount of regularity. For instance, here we walk to church and the grocery store. We could also walk to a number of fast food places if we used them.

Interesting to me was that Leroy did not mention any of those location types of things. Instead he talked about the rooms he would like in the place. First was a room where he could have a table set up for his stamps and have them out all of the time. Here he has to put them away from time to time and I suppose that is a bit of work. I never touch them so I do not really know. He would like another room where he could exercise and have a large enough open space so he would not have to worry about hitting or kicking anything. Then he talked about wanting a work bench that was inside in a warm place. Here I thought we were looking to go smaller, seems to me this guy wants to expand. The last two parsonages that we lived in had four bedrooms and lower levels. Without children in our home, Leroy could have that stamp room. Even though we tried not to acquire many things in those larger homes, we did use much of the space.

In our adult lives we have never owned a home. Perhaps because of that I often feel that I do not have so much to say about where I live, I just try to find things that I like or can learn to like. I suppose that is why I did not think much about the inside of the house when he asked that question. I would like a storage room that has shelves so I could put things that I “might need” in an easily accessible place. Guess I am not downsizing in my mind either. We did not mention it, but we both like the idea of having a garage for getting the cars inside so we do not have to scrape snow off of them. We have been fortunate to have always had a garage.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Flying Around


For his retirement, the congregation gave Leroy a nice amount of money. The suggestion was that he would use it toward a trip. Now we have booked a trip to Columbia in January. We know some people there and we will visit with them. Since we have never been to South American, it will be a new experience.

Every once in a while someone would ask if we had gone on any trips. The answer was no, but we did go to Salt Lake for Thanksgiving. I am not sure that was considered so much of a trip since our daughter lives there.

We are also planning another trip in February. We have both checked with bosses to make sure it is fine with them if we leave so much. We both have some vacation time that we can use. In fact I need to use more vacation time. So this will be good.

It does make us quite agitated or unsure when booking these trips. Or rather the Columbia one was an issue because for some reason it kept taking out the country that Leroy is a citizen of. Finally changing browsers made the difference and we were able to get the job done. Leroy could not handle it so I had to do the final bit. Unfortunately I have us coming home two days earlier than intended. When we looked at changing that return it made the cost quite a lot more. We figured that we can handle the shorter trip.

Such a first world problem! Not much in the whole scheme of life. Even though we can have a check in bag, I wonder if I can get it all in a carry on and a personal item. Seems to me packing for a summer spot should mean less bulk. I so like not to pick up bags. Leroy sounded a bit more hesitant, but then his clothes are bigger, because he is bigger?


Friday, December 20, 2019

Returning an item already


Leroy had gotten some books which he was donating to the Ely Library where I work. Finally, yesterday I started to catalog the last two. When I opened one to put in the library stamp I found that it started on page 55. Oops! Leroy ferreted out the receipt and we took it back for a full refund. He did not replace this exact book because I also learned when trying to catalog these he had gotten a book by the same author, but in a different series. Instead he needed book two in the original series. Unfortunately, there was no book two on the shelves. He will do an online search to try to fill it in. Even though it took some time the return was all managed quite easily.

Leroy said, “I want a red shirt.”

“Why would you want a red shirt?” I wondered.

“For Pentecost!” he exclaimed.”

“I do not want to spend a lot on a shirt you will only wear once a year. Let’s run into Goodwill.” I said.

“We could walk and not run,” Leroy said smartly.

Would you believe we walked up to the shirt rack and Leroy immediately found a red shirt in a good brand and exactly his size. Well that was an easy purchase. The checker made some comment about a red shirt for Christmas, I refrained from saying it was for Pentecost as I did not want to get into any theological discussions.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Christmas Prep


The first thing this morning we lit the third advent candle and read devotions. Rituals satisfy both of us in an elemental way. Church was next on the agenda. It took a bit of serious thought to figure out what to wear when the outdoor temperature was 9 degrees F. The indoor temperature would be much higher. Layers work, but it still takes some thought to make it smooth and minimal undressing at the destination. Because there was no wind it was mostly nice out even if my nose did get a bit cold.

The choir sang this morning, one “easy” piece and one “difficult” piece. The difficult was written by a member of this congregation. Both pieces had some thoughtful words, but it was harder to keep my mind on the words when I was concentrating on hitting the right notes.

After we had lunch, we got out the tree and other decorations. The tree is done but we will work on the other things tomorrow as we were both tired.

We have written our Christmas letter, but not addressed a single envelope. Tomorrow is another day. For some reason I cannot get at that letter task as early as some of you do. Maybe next year? I thought we had plenty of stamps, but it is not true. Many of our stamps are one, five or ten cent stamps that Leroy did not use in his collection. With the forever stamps I do not know the cost of a stamp as I once did. Plus I have no desire to use a lot of small stamps on one letter. Perhaps I do not even have enough small stamps to mail one letter. Tuesday we will go to the post office and take care of that detail.

I am also trying to read four books. How can I have started so many at once? I do not know. From time to time I have two that I am reading in the same week; usually that is one fiction and one nonfiction book. This time I have three fiction books and one nonfiction copy.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Squirrels in the Tree


Our squirrels are quite athletic and gusty. I watched one leap from the garage roof to the trunk of a tree, spinning around in the air to make the grab for a safe landing. The tree might be about five feet away.

This morning two other squirrels were gnawing on black walnuts while sitting in the walnut tree. Their tails were tucked up against their backs with an artistic curl at the end. Very nice! I knew that if I were outside I would have been able to hear their teeth scratching away at the tough walnut shell. In the meantime the leaping squirrel snuck up the tree trunk before it charged out on the limb holding the lowest gnawing squirrel. Gnawing squirrel stopped scraping and immediately jumped to another nearby branch. The following squirrel kept at it for a little while before it quit in disgust or despair. For reasons not known to me it never when after the squirrel that was higher in the tree.

Our neighbor feeds the squirrels corn on the cob. Yesterday I saw him put two ears in two separate holders. It was not long before an enterprising squirrel grabbed a cob and zoomed up a tree, on our garage roof, onto the board which links the two garages on our property (We call it the squirrel super highway.), before settling on the farther garage to strip the cob of corn. That cob is still there, but no corn on it that I can see.

Some years, squirrels spend quite a lot of time in the front looking in our office window. They seem to have changed locations as I rarely see them here. I miss them.


Friday, December 13, 2019

Just a Day


How did Friday the 13th get such a bad reputation? So far it has been a day just like many others. Leroy and I are both home and have gotten some tasks done. I had talked about putting up the Christmas tree, but that has not happened. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for that even though Leroy is working half of the day.

I went alone to do my usual shopping. Leroy had a list for his boss for a present, but he remembered after I was out that it needed to be purchased now instead of when he was planning. Grateful for the mobile phone! Did we do more and better planning before it was invented, or perhaps we did more repeat trips to get the forgotten.

I also bought some nuts and dried fruits to give to my co-workers. I am not so good at the gift knowledge for others. I know that some of them do not want to have sugar in their diet, so chocolate was off the list. Even though I personally do not eat chocolate, I have on occasion purchased that for others because I know they like it

Leroy and I took a nice long walk. It was a bit brisk, but so refreshing to be out among the trees and a random squirrel or two. At least the paths were clear as almost all of the snow has melted.

Leroy used that grabber thing when he knocked something into a difficult to reach place. I have also used it for the second time. It was a much more timely purchase than I would have expected. We might even get to the point of thinking it is a necessity.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Going To Work


Monday the weather report was for some snow, but when I looked at the local Doppler radar it appeared to be going north of us so I was not concerned. About five minutes before I was to leave, snow was pelting down, but nothing was covered yet. I made my way to the garage noting the ice that had appeared on the sidewalk. I took the Subaru which is the car to drive in snowy conditions. That provided a modicum of comfort.

The streets were not bad, but it was much different looking when I got up (It does go uphill.) on the interstate. With much more snow cover. Also it was snowing furiously. I moved with caution and care as were most other drivers. A pickup truck came quite close behind me. I was glad to move to the middle lane as soon as I could as I would need to be in that lane later anywat. Not long after I made that move I glanced in the rear view mirror to see that truck moving into my lane. The next thing I knew it was turning sharply back to the first lane. I kept flipping my eyes from forward travel to watch as the truck came back in my lane. Then it a little bit it did a 360. Three vehicles were coming toward it, but they all seem to have slowed enough not to hit it. In a little bit the truck did some more wild swings before it slammed head first into the cement guard rail. After that I could no longer see it as I had gone around the curve.

I crept to Ely and did not test the claims of this car brand to be superior to others in the snow as I think this was a lot of ice under the snow that was the real danger. I did not slip for which I am grateful. Most of the cars were going very slowly.

That stretch of interstate which has an “S” curve and is up in the air or more like a bridge, has a reputation for being risky in snowy/icy conditions.

This snow squall was over in about an hour, so my drive home was quite a different event. I did see in the paper that snow squalls are quite dangerous and often there are multiple car pile ups. They are now going to post a warning about them. The good thing about them is that they are generally very short lived.


Monday, December 9, 2019

Reflections on the Gathering


I now have two granddaughters who are my height. Their legs look long. How did that happen? They are not little anymore. That includes all of them even if they have not attained anything close to my height. All grandchildren had grown and changed since we last saw them.

My niece’s family and my brother-in-law attended our Thanksgiving festivities. However, I found that a bit sad because my sister was not there. Even though it has been four years since she died, I have not been at family gatherings where I might expect to have her there. This was a painfully sharp reminder that she is no longer alive.

On a more cheerful note, I have used the hard to transport grabber already. I knocked something behind the stove. I could have gotten it with a bit of moving and adjustment, but the grabber did a great job without moving a thing. It will earn its place.

I found it interesting to see which of the grandchildren spent a lot of time building the snow fort. It seemed to me those two or three spent much time out there without talking, but seemed to enjoy working together. Because usually if one was out another soon joined them.

It seemed to me that my grown children have such different goals from me. Perhaps that is simply the generation gap or just a different focus. I definitely feel that there is a difference in how we think about many things: such as how to spend time or money.


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Even More Travel Tales


My carry on is too large for the small plane that we were getting on so the woman at the gate said, “Just put it by that door.” As a man climbed into view she added, “Oh good, just give it to him. He will stow it for you and you pick it up at the end.” I am used to that so she did not have to tell me, but that is fine that she covers all the instructions because she has no idea who knows and who does not.

All I had now was my long grabber thing, coat, and smallish back pack. Leroy’s back pack is quite a bit larger, but it still goes inside the small plane. He was also toting his coat plus a small bag that he puts under the seat. We were assigned seats in the first row. Almost all of the overhead bins were full. The flight attendant did a small amount of searching before she said, “I will just take your things up here with me.”

She took Leroy’s larger backpack and my grabber thing out of sight. I was sitting by the window where I put my coat next to the wall. Leroy sat on his coat, while we both almost tucked our smaller bags under the seat, or at least in back of our legs. Not really what they want but we all ignored it. One more person got on before we were settled and sat behind us. The plane was full and we took off for the short flight to Cedar Rapids. The fasten seat belt light never went off so Leroy did not go to the restroom. I was incredibly grateful that he, with the stronger holding power, had this issue and not me. As soon as we landed and the door was open, Leroy strode ahead gathered our stuff, suggested where we would meet, and almost loped away.

I had to stay at the end of the jet way to collect my bag. When we met, Leroy let me watch the stuff while he checked on the bus schedule. Yeah! It was coming in about fifteen minutes. We stayed in the building because of not wanting to stand outside in the cold, plus we could see the road where the bus would come and we had plenty of time to go outside to the proper spot before the bus would reach it.

As we were gazing out Leroy saw a woman from the congregation get out of a car. He dashed out to say hello, while I came at a slower pace, gathering things. Getting there we learned that she was dropping her husband off. She graciously offered us a ride. Since we know where she lives we accepted. She drives fairly close to our house on her way home.

From the conversation of the flight attendant and a passenger we learned that the plane we were on was going to make a return trip to Minneapolis. In the car we learned that our driver’s husband was taking that plane. Somehow it all seems so serendipitous!


Saturday, December 7, 2019

More Travel Tales


As we waited to get on the plane we became aware of more and more dense fog covering the airport. “Does fog affect take off?” Leroy wondered.

Yes it does. We got on the plane, but sat by the gate for almost half an hour. Safety must come first, but it was a bit anxious because we only had 45 minutes for our connection in Minneapolis. On the first trip we had to traverse a good bit of the airport because one plane is big and one is much smaller.

We exchanged gifts at our Thanksgiving. I received one of those grabber things that can go into narrow spaces. This one was not collapsible and measured 33 inches from tip to handle. Our children probably brought it in a larger check in bag. We do not have a check in bag so I had to carry because it was much larger than my carry on. I thought it might not be allowed on the plane either by TSA or the carrier, but no one objected. Carrying it to the airport on the train was not a problem. After I took off my coat at the airport and had to carry my coat, pull one bag and had the other bag  on my back, that long object was a bit more problematic. I certainly did not want to poke someone with it and it was hard to keep it in my hand with the slippery coat.

On the airplane they told me to put it in the overhead bin so that was not an issue.

In Minnesota, it took us a while to get off the plane because we were almost in the last row. Leroy commented shortly before we landed that he needed to go to the restroom. Luckily I had gone earlier on the plane. The flight attendant had told us how to get to our connecting flight so that would not take so long as when we have to search out directions. We had to use the train, but just missed one. Supposedly they come every three minutes. It seemed to be a much longer interval as we waited, knowing that we had little time.

We hopped on the train when it arrived and got off spotting the direction sign easily. The first moving sidewalk was broken on our side so we just walked fast. It is not so easy to move speedily when gripping so many things which bang against my legs from time to time. Leroy, who could go faster, did not get on the next moving sidewalk so I did not either as I was not sure I could maintain balance with all my things and grip the railing. Coming within two numbers of our gate a woman stepped out of that area and called to us, “Cedar Rapids?”

We yelled, “Yes,” while we kept trotting. Amazingly the hall was almost empty so it all worked for us to arrive gasping for breath.


Friday, December 6, 2019

Travel Tales


Our trip to Salt Lake for Thanksgiving celebration was quite ordinary, but the return trip had a little interest. We got to the airport in plenty of time which we both appreciate even though Miriam thinks it is much more time than anyone needs. Because we took the TRAX it requires a longer walk from the end of the line to the terminal that we needed to be in. However, we believe walking is good; we just want plenty of time for that. On the way through security neither Leroy nor I noticed the pre-check symbol. So we did the full shoes and jackets removal. Are we getting old or just not reading carefully? Leroy went through the scan just fine, but they told me to step to the side. A nice young woman told me, “I am going to have to pat you down. Do you want some privacy?”

“Will I have to remove any clothes?” I wanted to know.

She laughed and said, “No.”

“It will be ok here,” I told her.

She then showed me the scan with a spot on my upper thigh that was the problem. When it was suggested, I searched all six of my pockets to finding nothing. My pants have front and back pockets as did the top which was long enough to hang mid thigh.

The next step was lifting that top so she could see the top of my pants where she felt around the waist. First I had to hold the top up in front and followed by the back. After that she patted down my legs, but she told me I should hook my thumbs through the belt loops to hold the pants up as she was concerned that she might pull my pants down.

“I do not think these would come down, but it is a bit loose,” I commented as I dutifully hooked and secured.

“It is comfortable,” she said.

Finding nothing of any interest on my person, she let me go on my way to Leroy who has trying valiantly to corral all of our things. After that it was just a waiting game after we found our gate.
