Sunday, March 29, 2015



Leroy and I made a quick visit to my sister and her family. It was a nice time to travel and a good visit. I guess one would say that my sister is doing as well as can be expected. We even took a little drive to see an eagle’s nest. Our small camera has a 20x zoom. So we could get a fairly decent picture of the nest. After we came home and put the picture on the computer and zoomed about 150 times more we could see the head of one of the parents. It is fun to be able to do that. We also saw their farm sheep out grazing and enjoying the outdoors. Of course we got some nice pictures of them.

On the walk to church this morning, we were both bundled up quite well. At least it did not rain on us as it seemed to be done with that. It did not seem much warmer on the walk home except for the wind at our backs instead of in our faces.

I am trying to read “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” for our book club. I know that I read it when I was in college. Somehow it would seem that my reading skills are not the same as they once were. Perhaps it is my attitude that has changed. I now have to make myself read this book. I did not get a copy very early so that might be my excuse if I do not finish it which could very likely happen.

Leroy and I have been invited to a home for Easter. I asked what I could bring. They asked me to bring desert. Now my brain is scrambling, wondering what I can bring that has a maximum of health to share. I guess I will have to check on some recipes.


Here is that eagle's nest. Perhaps you can zoom on it alsol

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My exercise life


There have been times in my life when I never much questioned how I should exercise. For instance when I was in college and would come back home to the farm for the summer, I started riding my brother’s bike on the gravel roads which was all I had available. No bike of my own and no paved roads. I would ride eight miles almost every day. It was steep up hill and down in northwestern Illinois close to Wisconsin. It took quite a lot of stamina, skill, and daring just to stay the course. I remember one hill that was especially daunting to go up and almost as challenging to come down without slipping and falling on the gravel.

Much of the time I did not see other vehicles on the road. It was a rather remote place by some standards as I was not close enough to any houses to be seen on the road. I was especially struck by this fact when a pickup truck, complete with three young males I had never seen before, came by. They stopped and tried to engage me in conversation. My heart started racing faster as I realized I could not possible get any help if I needed it. I do not remember the track of the talk, but they finally wearied of the process and moved on. I did not ride for the next few days, but could not stay away from the draw of the wind, solitude, and energy expansion. Fortunately I never saw them again.

Now I wonder where did that person go who risked life and limb to get that feel good feeling of physical release. Instead I have to talk myself into moving more and stretching more. I realize I probably could not do that type of riding today, but I could certainly do more than I am doing. It is a switch in our lives, but now Leroy gets more exercise than I do. It is too bad we cannot give each other the benefits. Wouldn’t it be nice to share?


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Lost and Found


At the risk of having you think that I am forever looking for something I have to tell the tale of my last experience. I purchased a jar of coconut oil. It is touted to be healthy for some glowing body part or another. For some reason I could not remember to use it when I had something that required oil. So I had stored in a couple different places hoping to jog my memory. Someone told me that you could not only ingest it, but use it as a skin cream on the face. Because my night lotion of choice had run out I thought I would use some of that coconut oil to see if I could tell anything about the quality of it. Does anything get rid of wrinkles? At least it would probably not grow more wrinkles. But would I notice anything?

I looked in the cupboard where I store my oils, no coconut oil. I looked in a cupboard where I store extra cans, etc., no coconut oil. I looked in the place where I have stored body lotions that I have found on sale as I must have them ahead of time. My dry skin is never without lotion if I can help it, anyway, no coconut oil there. Then I looked in other kitchen cupboards where dishes, etc. are stored. No coconut oil to be found. Leroy helped me look and I repeated all likely places. I even found myself looking in my underwear drawer. Why I looked there, I am not sure. Maybe I thought, I lost my senses for a minute and put it in some unlikely place. Maybe I threw it away.

This morning I could not find a cutting board. Leroy assured me it had to be in there it must have been pushed to the back. Sure enough there it was and there was my jar of coconut oil. I do keep oil in this spot so it was where one would expect, except it had been pushed all the way to the back and out of sight. I had thought about getting out the flashlight when I first looked in there. That would have saved me much time and effort. Do I need a smaller place to live so there are fewer possibilities?


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Taxes are Done


Taxes are done, are we happy? Yes! We paid quite a bit, but we knew that would happen because we do not withhold enough. We use the money for the year and then turn it over. Also it is so hard to guess the right amount because Leroy’s income has varied so much this last year. At least he guessed high enough not to be penalized.

We met with two neighbors to make a list of vegetables to grow in the community garden. It is a long delicious list. I am looking forward to some wonderful harvest times. We did not get a hoped for grant, but one business in the neighborhood volunteered to buy some plants or seeds. It seems that gifts come from unexpected places. We need to be open to the possibilities.

Leroy was given a garlic chive so we will grow that at home here. Do you think it should have some space away from the regular chives? The chives and winter onions are looking good. There are also tulips poking out of the ground and the iris has green on it. Spring is here.

One day I looked out and saw a lone squirrel racing up the tree, stopping in the middle, turning its nose down, and racing down the tree. It did this crazy route at top speed about ten times. Then it ran around on the ground a few times before I had to stop watching. Surely that too is a sign of spring or something crazy is in the air.

Leroy made a check list of chores today. He was happy to cross off most of the list. He disposed of our defunct microwave. I had him save the glass in the bottom because I think it might be nice to put some plants on it rather than on the floor. The real question now is where to store it until next fall when I bring plants back in. Will I think of it, will I find it? I am optimistic because it is spring and hope abounds.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Aging well or normally?


I had a friend request on Facebook from a fellow “P” person, initial used to protect the privacy. Now who is this I wondered for a bit. She looked familiar, but from where? After a few minutes it came to me that I had met her at the neighborhood meeting last month and saw her again this month’s meeting which was just last night. There was a reason she was friending me, but what was it? I even asked Leroy about this, but he could not think either. Perhaps 15 minutes later I remembered that she wanted to know what our garden looked like in the front yard. I, with no smart phone, could not give her immediate gratification of that wish, but could show her now. Good thing she is younger so she could get this process started. Had it depended on me it might not have happened, certainly not until much later.

Leroy keeps changes of clothing at the museum so he can ride the bike and look professional when he is at the desk. He also keeps clothes there so he can wear things for “dirty, dusty” work. Also he sometimes changes clothes when he goes back and forth between the church and the museum. For a guy who does not like to change clothes he does all this with little complaining. Today he brought home some of those clothes because they need to be washed. Not that I was going to wash it, but he did not have his tie and tie bar in the bag even though he remembered picking it up. After two phone calls he finally learned he had dropped it and someone turned it in at the front desk in the museum. He was so happy because he liked that tie bar.

Age is showing, because I had some great thing to relate to you, but I cannot bring it to mind now. You will just have to live with not knowing. Hopefully I am not bothered by that loss either.

I even put some plants outside to start learning what it is like to live outdoors once more. I have been told I could have left the parsley out, but since I did not I thought I should work it out gradually, or it will be gradually if I remember to bring them in for the night.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Getting jobs done


Leroy and I have seen our lawyer to update our wills and power of attorney. I thought there would be little to change, just our daughter’s last names. Instead we did have to make a small adjustment to the power of attorney because we had set it up to make sense when we went to Slovakia. When the changes have been made we once again meet with the lawyer.

We also need to look into when we will start collecting social security. Leroy has so little time off in the working day that we have having difficulty getting to the office to meet with someone there to discuss some options. On Saturday we will get taxes done. It was about the last possibility again because Leroy could not go during the working week.

One reason Leroy is so locked in is because the museum is getting about 20,000 items out of storage. They have some Americor people helping so that means he must be there to supervise them at specific times. That in turn locks in his church work times. He tells me that in a month it will not be quite so rigid. Until then I just say, “Hello, and good-bye”.

Today I did some shopping errands. Brian had gotten some new furniture glides for his chairs. Leroy decided that ours were not working so well. Last shopping trip I got some, but Leroy did not like those. He thought the ones Brian got were a better quality. So I went to a different store today. Hopefully these will be the solution. I also got a book about planning for long term care. We will look at that and donate it to my library as it has nothing like it. A shoe store was close so I stopped in just to see what might be on sale. I even asked them how I could learn about their sales. Then I confessed that I generally got my shoes at a store in MN. The person standing next to the woman I was taking to asked, “Is that Schuler’s?”

“Yes, how do you know about that store?” I asked.

“Our suppliers talk about what a good store it is,” she then added, “It must be a big store.”

“I think they have five stores in the cities area,” I said.

Small world isn’t it.

I did end up getting a pair of sandals. I believe they will be much more comfortable than the pair I returned in MN. So Iowa might be good for some things. Course in MN there is no sales tax on clothing and shoes. It does make a difference to the total. I just hope the tax money is going for some worthwhile purpose. In other words, something I agree with.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Working on Sunday


Leroy did not have to work today so he had a list of at home jobs that he kept talking about. He now feels that he has accomplished some things. We worked in the attic, getting rid of excess boxes and the other odd jar or something else that I thought I might use. It looks much better up there. Leroy even found some more canning jars that had not come to the surface before. We are lighter now. I also found some things that I am not quite ready to part with, but the separation feeling is growing. I think they will not be moved because I have not used them since we have lived here. That is three years and long enough to know they are not a necessary part of my life.

Leroy and I have another small box of things that is going to be given away. I really should go over my clothes with a more critical eye so I could eliminate a few more things. I am not sure why the “I might need this” voice is so loud, but some days it is very strong.

I finished the picture puzzle that I was working on. That will leave the house as soon as I take it apart. Rather I asked Miriam if she wants it and she does. Do you think we can remember to take it out west this summer? The real question is where I should put it until we go so I can think of it, but not be bothered by it.

It is interesting the feelings I go through when putting a puzzle together. First I think there are way too many pieces, next I think there are not enough, usually I think when getting close to the end that they are the wrong pieces and they will not fit. I am always a little surprised when it all fits just as it should.

Now I am getting rid of an electric roaster that we have had when we lived in Ely. We left there in 1999 and we have not used it since. Here you thought I was good at getting rid of things. That is true for some things. I guess I thought I might use it or one of the children might want it. It is going after I plug it in to learn if it still works. Course it must be cleaned up a bit even if I give it away.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Beautiful Days


Yesterday I got the car washed. It could be called a rite of spring as I saw some other clean cars on the road. It was so nice to be able to look at that clean car and know it was mine before I got back in it. The only sad thing was that I drove through some of those tarry balls they put in pot holes. No one was behind me so I went very slowly and only heard a little of it ping up on the car. I am glad they are filling pot holes, but I wish someone else had driven through there first, maybe someone with a dirty car? Now if we can just get the other car cleaned we will be in good shape.

Today was a special gathering at church for other congregations in our synod. Leroy and I both were volunteers at this event. Leroy did have to do a nursing home service so he was not there the entire time. Because of that serviced he also drove the car, but I walked both directions. I was a little tired at the end and thought about riding with him; however I was happy that I did not as it was wonderful to be out in the sunshine.

One fun thing about this event is that I get to visit with people we have known in former churches. That is one of the best things. It lifts my spirits. Hugs are great. I suppose I should get in the habit of hugging people I see much more frequently.

After we came home Leroy went out and dug in the dirt in our little raised bed garden in front of the house. Late last year we planted some garlic or shallots out there. Leroy tells me that something is showing some life. What a nice surprise. I thought it had just died, never to be seen again. The winter onions are also showing green.  Then there are some onion blubs that I have to give to the neighbors or plant myself as they somehow did not attach to the soil.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Changing Perspectives


Some time in my life I have surely said that 40 degrees F is cold, but not today. I hung out clothes for the first time this spring and thought it was quite nice. It was freeing to be outside for this task. It helps the earth and my psyche. I did have to be a little careful about walking in the grass because of the wet and in some part there is still ice. Instead of going out at the first possible moment this morning, I made myself wait until the sun came a bit more in that direction. It is still to be nice on Friday so I can hang out more clothes. I am excited.

I am also pleased to drive without thinking about the possibilities of snow. It affects my parking at work as well. The snow pile is getting much smaller at the side of the library. Yesterday I drove two wheels up on it and claimed my spot.

In spite of the dense fog yesterday, Leroy rode my bike to work. He said there were still a few patches of ice that he found. At least no cars had trouble seeing him with his lights and reflector vest on. He is talking about getting that bike replacement soon. He is disappointed at how little the insurance will pay, but it will help. He will no longer have his bike outside at the church so the next one should be safe there.

I have out a picture puzzle. It is fun to work on it. I have to confess that my eyes are not the best. When the sun shines in the window I can see many more hues and shadings. Yeah, for the sun this helps me to find those pieces. Perhaps I should invest in a special lamp that I can use for such tasks as I don’t think this is a question of the proper glasses.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

All Kinds of People


I went to play at a nursing home service with Leroy. I can say there are all kinds of people there. Today was a big crowd for attendance. One woman seemed to be quite alert and with the flow of the service even though she indicated that she could/would not read. Then there was the woman who interrupted at any moment with a little understood comment. At the end of the service when I too went around and greeted people, she asked if I had come with Leroy and was I married to him. At my yes response, she told me I was cute, but added that he was cute too. Before we got out of there she once more ran through the query and affirmed my cuteness. Now if I could just remember that on some bad hair day, I might be uplifted. Surely her vision was still functioning.

There were two men in attendance. They did not speak much, consequently I do not know much about their mental capacity. One of the women who seemed totally silent smiled happily when I shook her hand and commented on the flower in her hair. She then spoke a little too and it made sense.

The only good thing I can say about the time change to daylight saving is that I have not traveled across any time zones so I only have to deal with one change. By the end of the week it should all be good. Right now both of us are tired. I had thought maybe we should set an alarm, but that Leroy woke me up at the best time so we could go to church. Between walking to church, home, nursing home, and back home we put in four miles. It was at a bit slower pace that has often been the case in recent days when the temperatures had been in the single digits. Today was a heat wave. The only problem was the water/ice on the sidewalks from the melting snow. For the early trip we walked much of the way in the street where it was dry.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Shopping with Leroy


While in Minnesota visiting Brian I returned my shoes and a set of inserts that I felt did not help, but just distracted me from the good life of walking comfortably down the sidewalk. Leroy looked for a pair of his favorite style boot that he can wear indoors and out. He found just such a pair. Unlike all the women’s boots and winter shoes that were so numerous that clearance pair were spilling out of the bargain room into the main room, these were not on sale. They cost more than Leroy has ever spent on something for his feet, except for his custom made inserts. Even with a little lure of $15 off he was still hesitant until I reminded him that I had just returned about half the cost with my non fitting items. He then got those boots. Course you should know that he will wear these boots until they fall apart about ten years from now. I figure they are well worth the price. Also I no longer have to listen to him complain that he cannot find boots that fit and are what he likes to look at. If calculated the cost per wear will be minimal. I can think of some other clothing items, in both of our closets that do not fit in that category. Now that he has finally gotten some boots, spring will come soon. We have surely turned a corner when boots will not be necessary.

This morning Leroy was home so he went on my shopping outing with me. Because of his presence I went to two second hand stores to look for small loveseats. I had found one on another shopping trip, requested that Leroy look at it the next day, and it was gone. I guess this is furniture buying month as neither store had much there.

In one of these stores Leroy looked at the jeans and pants. He found three pair of wool slacks, two looked very warm and one was a bit dressy. Even though they were listed as Leroy’s size, after trying them on, he said, “Two of them were too tight and one was much too short.” So with a sigh he let them go. Personally I think he should visit Scotland to get the pants that he would like. Or maybe Ireland where wool pants seem more the thing, at least in my mind that is true.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015



I have learned; do not borrow a library book after it has been in a smoker’s house. The book I have now was renewed by the previous patron so it was in the smoky environment for about six weeks. Even though it was sprayed with an odor blocker it is so noticeable when I riffle the pages looking for some piece of information. It is about windows 8. Maybe I do not need to know much more. There have been some tips that I would not probably have found on my own. Right now I am done with smoke. I am so grateful that Leroy does not smoke. Could I live with him if he did? Probably would not have gotten so far in the relationship.

If we had a window seat I would be curled up in the sun today. It is so beautiful out there, but still quite cool. At least the sidewalks and roads are almost clear.

Even though I like winter, I am looking forward to getting many of the plants outside. At the moment I am thinking of adding more by starting seed inside. I have never had much luck with that, but this could the year when it all comes to fruition. Hope springs eternal.

These days Leroy feels incredibly busy. He is now once again working 20 hours at the museum. This week he will do even more than that because they are gearing up to bring items out of storage and the prep has required more time. He also puts in a full 20 hours at the church. Amazing how busy retirement can be! Who knew? He has always said he would retire when he is 70 and that is still four years away. We will see if the church job lasts that long. If not he might really retire before that. At that point we will have to make some decisions.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Still Winter


It surprised me, but we have more snow than Brian’s back yard. Usually it is the other way. We got another 1-2 inches this morning. Leroy and I easily shoveled off that amount even though it was a bit heavier than expected. I had cancelled Tai Chi because of predicted ice. Because this snow did not seem too bad, I felt a bit guilty, however after Leroy got to work at 8:00 he called to tell me that it was now icy rain. Should I feel happy? Well at least less guilty. The temperature is still a bit low for melting so I am glad to be home today. It is strange, but I am not truly tired of winter. I like the look of the snow on the land and trees plus I have been safe and warm.

When driving to MN. Leroy saw two eagles. I managed to see one of them. Leroy sees them flying over the river on his way to work. He tells me that he is beginning to recognize their flight appearance. When I cross the river, I am paying so much attention to cars that I could not say if there are any birds in the air. He is on back streets and I am on a busy road.

It is a blessing to see so many of these big birds. I never saw one until we lived in western Iowa. I suppose I was in my 20’s, but it could have been 30’s. I believe they have made a great return to life. Now if we could just do that for a few more species it would be nice.

I am proud of myself, because I went over the credit card statements for the last two months as well as the bank statement. My new resolve is to keep current with these things.

I just remembered I was going to put a picture puzzle together while it was still winter. I could get that out today. Is that a simple pleasure? Well, it is for me, but not for Leroy. Instead he is quite happy because Brian loaded him all of the James Bond movies. He started on them last night.a


Monday, March 2, 2015

Walking in the woods


Yesterday when I was ready to walk Cleo, Sophia and Logan wanted to go too. It was about 20 degrees which feels like a heat wave so I was happy to have them join us. Leroy always wants to walk so I did not mention him. When we got to the hockey rinks in the park, Sophia wanted to walk between them. With memories of the last time Leroy tired this, he, Logan, and Sophia set off while I stayed on the path with Cleo. The last time the snow was so deep that Leroy and the kids had a seriously hard time getting through, but yesterday offered no such challenge with the hard snow pack. When they were done they spent some time sliding on the ice. Cloe and I walked to the rinks and joined although Cloe had difficult time maintaining balance. After that Sophia wanted to walk through the woods so we set off on the small path up the hill and through the woods. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this trek even though I could see out of the woods at all times. It is not a big wods. I have missed being in the country where I can just wander at will in the trees. I really am a country girl in my heart. The city is my adopted home, but not my first choice.

On the way home yesterday the roads were quite clear except for many areas south of Rochester where snow had blown across the road. Leroy found it a bit disconcerting to be speeding along and then encounter one of those patches. We never slipped, but he drove slower on them. After we had left those snowy road places behind we turned right and there was a pronounced protest from the right wheel area. After a little discussion Leroy wondered if the wheel bearing were going bad. We stopped to get some groceries and again heard the grating as we turned. When I looked at the right wheel area I became aware of a coating of ice under there. I tried to kick some of it off, but it was akin to cement. It is to warm up on Friday maybe on that day our noise will disappear. We are both hopeful.
