Tuesday, November 24, 2015



I should be packing instead, I am looking at the Internet and writing a letter to you. I was making sure that I did not have any important messages. I also want to check the ten day forecast for DC one more time. Just did that and we are going to a warmer place. Leroy has been fussing about what coat to wear, but I have selected, whether it is the right one or not will be known later. I have laid out all of the things I want to take with me, but have not put them in yet, just a little concerned about, will they fit.

Leroy is working this morning and he has already packed. He is such an organized guy when it comes to traveling, picks out a few things and puts them in, done!

If I did not feel so busy, I might take a picture of the blooming Christmas cactus and send it to you. Without out the smart phone it is a longer process. I suppose some day we will have to get one of those gadgets too. Our camera has a WiFi capability, but that is to connect to a smart phone. Just now I took a picture of the cactus because I think it will be quite different when we return. Later I will post that picture. I am enjoying the cactus with the sun coming in the window. I am thankful for such a nice room to have where I can write letters to you.

Wishing all of you an uplifting and refreshing Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Growing Papers


Do your papers ever multiply when you are not looking? Mine do. Leroy is much more comfortable leaving mail, notes, and other reminders lying around. When I see them I want to tend to them as I like to have my space totally clear when I work or even sit and think.

I have put some things out so I remember to take them to DC with us. I had a bad dream the other night about someone taking my purse which holds credit cards. When I woke I was ready to make sure that we had a copy of any cards we might be taking with us so when they were stolen we would know the numbers. I have resisted the urge to do that because I was not sure where I would put that paper. We do have such copies, but I cannot remember which file they are in. Passport copies are in the passport file. Maybe Leroy remembers such a thing. It seems to me that thieves would have a difficult finding our things to steal them since I cannot find them. Perhaps thieves know me better than I know myself.

Where do we put the note that tells what we are giving to the church for 2016? Last year Leroy changed our giving selection on line and we were giving double the amount we intended. Leory thinks it will be best to wait until January and change that amount. But can we remember the amount if I throw the paper away? Probably not. Some of these papers, I will have to discuss with Leroy as they are really his. Some we have already discussed and I just now tended to them. Then there is the item that we are not sure about or the bill that is not due yet so I am waiting a bit before I pay it. There are also some papers that I need to record in our budget as spent. Maybe tomorrow morning I can eliminate two more. Hopefully no more will be added to the pile by that time.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Churchless Sunday


Because the choir sang at church last night, Leroy and I did not go to services this morning. It seems strange, as if it is not Sunday. Sixty-six or sixty-seven years is a long time to acquire a habit. Leroy did a nursing home service this afternoon, but it is not the same, especially when I did not go.

I made gingerbread with cranberries in honor of snow on the ground. It seems like such a nice winter treat. True to form, I left out the sugar, but included the molasses. We ate it with some homemade unsweetened applesauce and a bit of plain yogurt. We both enjoyed it.

For lunch we enjoyed the fruits of the garden. From the refrigerator, I made a mixture with the last onions, Swiss chard, cilantro, parsley, and rosemary. I added a jar of home canned tomatoes, and purchased green peppers. We served it over rice. Leroy and I both pronounced it quite tasty. Too bad I never use a recipe so it cannot be duplicated.

Leroy and I watched, and liked, the movie Inside Out. It is an animated film, but had a universal message. Nice to see a film that we agree is good. Too often one of us likes something and the other does not.

My Christmas cactus blossoms are opening. They are beautiful. I am amazed at how many there are on the plant. It is more than usual when I have had it in my house. It must like this place. It certainly has the best seat in the house, raised up on the table.


Saturday, November 21, 2015

More Garden Chores


I was wrong the garden was not done, but now it is. Leroy went to work at the museum, but they closed so he came home in time for me to put him to work. He finished shoveling the front walk. We are glad that is finished because it is dry now so it should be safe for walkers.

After that he helped me clean under our bed while I washed the bedding. I have to confess that I slide my shoes under there for storage. There was a spider web on one of them. Those residents had to go. We took the bed totally apart. I had planned to do that by myself, but it would have been a big job without another lifter. Leroy thinks much in life is easier with a helper. I am wondering if we are programmed to want to work together.

After that, we tackled the four foot long Brussel sprout stem that was so thick I had used a saw to get it in the house without the roots. We washed and froze many of the leaves along with only one small bag of sprouts. They were such tiny balls. Someone else told me that theirs were also small this year.

By then it was lunch time.

After lunch we moved on to onions or shallots or whatever they were. We cleaned, chopped, and froze them for later use. The last thing was to freeze the broccoli that was left. It was a lot of stem and not much that could be easily eaten so it was not such a long task. Now the garden is done.

We will be gone in the future so I wanted to stop the mail. When the website asked for money for this job, I realized it was not the USPS website. At least I did not give them the credit card number, but I did tell them my name address and phone number as well as the days we would be gone. Hope it was a legitimate place that would also take care of your newspaper as well so they wanted money for it. Vigilance is always necessary. I did stop the mail with the real post office site.


Friday, November 20, 2015

No More Garden Chores


Last night when I came home from work Clark asked, “Are you finished getting things from the garden for yourself?”

To my affirmative he then asked, “Do you want to go to the garden to pick the last things there? We could take them to the neighborhood meeting.”

 I have to confess that I groaned a bit inwardly because I was tired, but I said, “Yes, after I change my clothes.”

Just as we started to go we saw Leroy coming home from work. Leroy and I had talked about getting the last things out because we would not have enough time on Friday before the weather got much worse. I have this strong sense that nothing should go to waste. He was all pleased to go. He walked, while Clark and I rode there. At the garden we picked Brussel sprouts, cut the last of the Swiss chard, picked two lonely purple kale leaves, cut off three celery plants, cut parsley, chives, collards, and arugula leaves.

At the meeting people were a bit hesitant to take some greens, but we did pass out a few. We also took some of the dry soy beans that we had picked earlier. The produce that was not taken we left with the Mission of Hope which serves a daily free lunch. It was exciting to give all of that away.

This morning I zipped out to our front garden, pulled up the only brussel sprout plant, and the lone broccoli plant. There were five small cabbage heads on the stalk that we had harvested earlier. I also dug some more onions, cut off the rosemary, celery, and parsley. Tonight Leroy and I cleaned and cut up the rosemary for drying, while the celery and parsley went in the freezer and the cabbage in the refrigerator. Tomorrow I will tend to the brussel sprout and broccoli plant. We will eat the fruit and many of the leaves. The gardens seem to just give and give.

We also had talked about getting rid of our roaster. I asked last night if they would like it at the Mission of Hope. This morning, with that affirmative in mind I put it in the car and dropped it off. The cook was quite pleased to get it. When I said, “I have not used it in years and it did not check to see if it works. If it does not work, I will take it back.”

“If it does not work I would like the pan and the rack inside. But I’ll just plug it in.” he said.

Yes! It works, another thing out of our and it will be used somewhere else.

Now Leroy is thinking we should perhaps get rid of the dehydrator because we have not used it in the last two years. Not sure if I am there yet or not.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015



Yesterday our set of photos (for the church directory) came in the mail. Leroy did not open it, because he knows I like to look at such things? It would have been ok if he had opened it. As it was I went through this set of thoughts and emotions.

I opened, pulling out first, the set of nine wallet size pictures. “Wow, we look good. We did not need to purchase that wrinkle smoothing, hair fixing, and blemish diminishing touch up. Our color choices were good for each and we looked good together.” I was pleased.

Next in line was the 5x7 set. It was now clear that there were some winkles to be seen, but not excessive, especially on that young guy, Leroy. My hair had some funky curls, but I suspect that is quite normal. At least my teeth were not stained and Leroy’s mouth, as usual for a picture, was closed with a hint of a smile. Our color choices were good and we looked good together.

With a little dread I looked at the 8x10. More pronounced smile wrinkles are visible on me, Leroy even has a wrinkle here or there. I also noticed a bit of my hand on his arm at the bottom of the picture. The guy had told us they would crop it so that would not show. I suppose that touch up could have taken it out. Centering probably dictated that the hand be left in. I had not planned to get such a large frame for this picture, but I might have to get the next size up so it can be matted. That somehow will make it more dramatic than I intend. Our color choices were good and we looked good together.

Because of copyright laws and ethics I cannot post a print of the picture for you. Consequently, you can imagine us just as young as the last time you saw us with happy looks on our faces. Fuzzy eye sight will make us look great, apply that too. Our color choices were good and we looked good together.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Life Moves On


One of Leroy’s seminary classmates is retiring today after 40 years in the ministry. For some reason I have stopped to think about that for Leroy. He is officially retired, but it did not happen with any particular fanfare. He is still working half time in the ministry, and half time at the museum. He has gotten some recognition as he left jobs here and there, so maybe that was a partial retirement. Some days he talks about actually stopping working, but he does not want to quit entirely and cannot choose which job he would stop doing. So for now he will continue as is. I think he would like two full days off a week and sometimes maybe three, but otherwise he is content.  He does not know when his church job will end, but he expects it to last another year or two. As usual we do not know much about our future. I like my job and am not ready to quit either. Strange that we have these jobs we like when people our age are stopping. What happened to us? We simply did not follow the usual pattern.

Today we had a brunch at church. But we ate breakfast before we left home, otherwise we would be too hungry. Then about noon or a little later we went for samples at a food coop. We will eat an early supper because we have an early evening meeting at church. Somehow I think my body does not know what to think. It seems hungry much of the time.

We did get some buckwheat flour at the coop. Tonight we will make buckwheat walnut pancakes. However there will have to be a big side of vegetables because they were not represented at brunch. I certainly miss them.

One thing nice about the meeting at church tonight, we will get our four miles walking today. It is pleasant because the weather is just perfect for that.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Lovely Fall


Leroy commented tonight, “It is November 14 and we are eating broccoli and pea tomatoes that we have just picked.”

The pea tomatoes are next to the house, have a tremendous supply of vine, and were low to the ground allowing them to survive the frost. We did pull them as there is not so much time left.

Leroy also dug up the small rosemary plant in the community garden. I am hoping to be able to save it over the winter and then put it back. I planted some more of the winter onion bulbs in the community garden. They just keep showing up around the house.

Back at the house Leroy got out the ladder and cleaned the low gutters. When Clark came home they went a little higher and even repaired a shingle that had come loose in the last big wind storm.

That wind storm was a furious distributer of leaves. Many of the leaves from our trees that had not come loose went on down the street. In our yard I found some leaves that I believe were from a ginkgo tree, or maybe not a ginkgo. I have no idea where there is such a tree. This has to have come from several houses away.

I pulled up the marigolds from our front garden. All that is left now is one Brussels sprout plant, a broccoli plant, a cabbage that is forming new little heads, and some small carrots. Before we leave for Thanksgiving in DC, I will pick most of those things. They are doing such a good job I dislike disturbing them. Also as Robin said, “They look pretty.” They are a nice green color.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sleep Patterns


I have been walking up early since the time change. Most of the time I feel rested, but it would be nice to sleep easily beyond 4:30. This morning when I got up to go to the bathroom, I noticed the computer’s lights were on even though I had turned it off before I went to work yesterday at noon. Because Leroy only spent a little time at home I doubted that he had used it. I tried to get the screen to light up, but not luck. Neither the mouse nor keypad made a difference. I tried the on switch with no luck in stopping the humming. Sleep seemed more important so I went back to bed wondering if we had lost the use of the laptop, and why do I not save my things every day? All of that rumbled around in my head for about an hour. Leroy also seemed to be restless, but I did not start a conversation.

After falling back to sleep I commenced dreaming. When I dreamed that my wallet had been stolen out of my purse, I woke up wondering if I should go check on that. Now the lack of a computer working seemed like a very small thing indeed. I knew it was time to get up when I heard Leroy say, “Oh darn.”

It was late enough that we needed to move more quickly for him to get to work on time. One thing that made it easier was that he took the car instead of the bike because the prediction was for rain when he comes home. He does not like riding in the rain.

When informed about the computer, Leroy held the on button for some time and it turned off. I turned it on this morning. It worked, but it took it ten minutes to spin, update, and restart. It now works and I am grateful for that. Can I live without a computer? It would be quite the adjustment.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Winter is coming


Yesterday I did not take the time to write because I had a long to do list. One thing on there was to wash and hang out clothes. Because they were not quite dry before I left for work, I spread them out on the beds. The clothes line is now in the shade all morning so not as much drying going on. Winter is coming.  

The water in the bird bath on the deck had a little skim of ice on it. Winter is coming.

Yesterday I dug all of the winter onions that were in the front garden. They could survive the winter and maybe even reproduce before spring, but I do not need as many onions as I have around here. Plus Leroy wanted them out of there. Winter is coming.

The broccoli in the community garden is now very fine. With two nice heads that are not quite as big as they will get. I left them there for others or me if I get them before the next big cold snap. Winter is coming.

This morning, on the way home from Tai Chi, I drove past the garden to check on the Swiss chard. I could not stop and pick it because I needed to go to the bathroom. But I hurried back on foot, and cut off most of it. I left a few small leaves thinking that they might make it. I also picked some more arugula and cilantro. They like the cool weather. Winter is coming.

Last week I spotted a tiny blooming violet. It was taking advantage of the warm after the cold so --- spring is coming!


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Church Brunch


Today was the brunch for women in our church. I set off with my fruit salad in my backpack along with a change of shoes. As I was crossing the parking lot that many people use I was surprised to see it virtually empty. I started thinking, is it the right day, the right time? There were a few traffic cones stacked close to the crosswalk. Next to those cones was a red car. A tripod was on the other side of the car which had the hatch door lifted. A man was close to the tripod which was aimed at the new medical building. When he saw me coming, “He said could you use some half used AA batteries? Or do you know someone who would? If you do not I am just going to put them in the garbage. I am a photographer from New York. These batteries might have a bit more life in them.”

When he stopped for breath, I said, “I will take them and if I do not find a use for them, I will recycle them. It is so much better than putting them in the garbage.”

“Oh I do not want you to go to any work about them.” he said.

“I probably would use them we use rechargeable ones now. I do not mind recycling. How many do you have and do you have a bag for them?”

“I think there is about 30,” he said, “I do have a bag. If you could wait a minute while I gather them.”

I do not think there were 30 but it was quite a few. Leroy figured he did not want to risk getting a picture so he kept changing the battery. He had a lot of cases that would hold batteries.

When I came out of the brunch, he was still there. He waved and came over. This time he asked, “Would you like some air freshener. I thought the motel room smelled of smoke so I went to a store and got some, but then decided to complain and the hotel people took care of it.”

I told him I probably would not use it as my husband does not tolerate many fragrances, but he said, “I have the receipt with it so you could return it. I am just going to throw it in the trash. And here are three more unused batteries.”

“Or I could find someone to give it to,” I said.

Now I think maybe I will return it and give the money away, how do I ask someone if they want air freshener. They might think I was trying to hint that they needed it.

Guess this guy found the right person to keep all these things out of the trash for a little while.

Leroy was quite pleased with all the half used batteries. He put two in a flashlight and it was bright indeed.

That was a lot of talk about what went on outside of the brunch! The brunch was a good and uplifting experience.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Switching Cars


Leroy took the Saturn which needed gas. He was going to the west side of town and gas is 20 cents cheaper per gallon across town. Thanks to gas buddy we know just where. I only wanted the car for some shopping. I suspect Leroy had it easier than I did because he is somewhat used to driving either car.

On the automatic, I tried to put in the clutch three times, could not get the key out once, tried to shift as I am used to and did not find low, and did not find my favorite radio station. The radio station will have to wait for me because I figured it was distracted driving when I tried to find it. The gears were there when I looked for them. This car which is really a small car seemed so big. The only time that I wish I had a bigger vehicle is when I am at a stop sign/light on the right of an SUV or a pickup. Generally I cannot see if a right turn can be made safely or not. I learned, after I got home that the clock had not been reset for standard time. Helped me not to dilly dally.

I was pleased with myself because I always remembered where I had parked and did not have to do a guessing game about which car belongs to me.

Generally I do not look at car ads. However I saw two electric cars on the way to church the other day. After looking up information about them, I told Leroy, “I am ready to get another car, it only cost $38,000.”

He just grinned at me. Is that because he always lets me have my way?

I was going to make applesauce again today, but I think Leroy will be home tomorrow so I will wait and have some help with this process. I made another apple crisp instead. It smells very nice. Cinnamon and apples cooking is a great gift to the senses.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Regular Day at Work


Because yesterday was local Election Day, I considered wearing something that had pockets on it. I like to keep my keys with me when I work alone and my last three hours would be alone. It was such a nice day that I knew I would be comfortable in my jumper, blouse, and tights even though there was not a pocket among them.
Pockets were not the big problematic issue of the day, but the tights which I had worn many times. I always get dressed for work just before I go out the door as I do not want to get my clothes dirty.

After getting to work it was not long before I realized that the tights were a problem. It seemed they were sitting lower than when I left home. At the moment I am dealing with some discarded books so I stoop down to the floor and lean over from time to time. It seemed necessary to go to the bathroom and make some upward adjustments.

I tugged these sliding tights up and felt secure when I went back to my job with resolution to “throw these tights away when I get home”. In about half an hour I was berating myself for even putting them on because earlier I had noticed the waist seemed larger and it seemed to be gaining stretch by the minute.

Through the rest of my day and evening I alternately went to the bathroom for an adjustment, or furtively pulled them up when I thought no one was watching or could see me. I also tried to note where the security camera was in relationship to me. I certainly did not want a record of my activities. When I got home I had no trouble remembering to toss out this offending pair of tights. No regrets, no weeping.

In all of this I did not think about my keys tucked away in my bag. Who needs keys all the time anyway?


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Life comes together


It amazes me how things happen. Lots of people can explain it one way or another, but I am not sure what spin to put on some occurrences. We are in a Sunday night study group at church. A woman who is in our group also does lots of work for refugees and people in need of many things. She told us that the table from our neighbor across the street was going to a grandmother, new in town, with four grandchildren living with her. They had nothing and were going to sleep on the floor. Ruth asked Leroy if he could open one of the rooms in the church where she could get some quilts or blankets for them. The next morning I asked if they could use a laundry basket and a laundry bag that I had as extras. I then thought of the griddle that I had not used in the 3 1/2 years that we have lived here. I also have an extra water kettle and added that to the supply along with some of the apples that we had picked on the weekend. Because I like to use rags I added an ice cream bucket and rags. It felt so good to give these things that are extra in my life. Ruth said the woman cried when she got the first load of things. Blessings to givers and receivers!

I had felt a little guilty for having things that I do not use and had been keeping, “just in case”. I must have been storing them for this woman. I have to confess that I thought of the extra dishes sets in my house and I could not quite part with them. Just so you know it is not all generous here.

Yesterday at work I learned that my co-worker bought a new table and chairs. She asked me if I knew someone who needed a table. I did indeed. I passed the message along and that table now has a new home as well. Reuse, recycle, repurpose! It is all good.


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fall Sunday


Church choir sang a new requiem in the service this morning. I am not sure why, but for me it did not all come together until the service. The music was a bit tricky rhythmically, my weakest point in singing. Perhaps that is why I did not really grasp the power of the words before. When they were set in the service it all made sense.

It was cool for our first walk, but much warmer for the second, causing us to sweat and wish for different clothes. We stopped at an estate sale across the street and bought a tea pot. Not that we really need another tea pot, but one might break and this one appealed to me. Leroy has a pot at each work place and I have one at home, now two at home. Leroy tried our tea cozy and it fits quite nicely, course then it covers the beauty of the pot. What is more important? Hot tea or a pretty pot?

After lunch we went to the community garden and pulled the rest of the tomato plants, put some of the tomato cages where they belong, and picked arugula and cilantro both of which were very nice in this cool weather.

The next job was to ride bikes to a store and pick up our free 8X10. Miriam had sent me a picture of her daughters and Sarah’s daughters in front of the white house. I was quite pleased, but sorry that Brian’s kids were not included. Here is the link for all the pictures Miriam sent. https://goo.gl/photos/8yQ1fFazUXmSRQgK7

After we came home Leroy had to cut toenails, how is that for an important job that he kept forgetting?  Now we are just relaxing.
