Monday, May 27, 2019

Garage Cleaning


Our garage seems to have accumulated more things in the seven years that we have had it under our care. This morning Leroy and I tackled some of that space. We pulled one car out to give us some room to put things that were taken off shelves. We were in agreement about moving the car out, we also seemed to be in agreement about cleaning off the shelves, and sweeping the floor. We also seemed to be in agreement about cleaning off the shelves and sweeping the floor. When it came to the organization of the moved things we were not in agreement. We were also not in agreement about moving the shelves to this or that spot.

I managed to clean out a few flower pots that no longer looked to have any value. We also threw out this or that odd thing that could not really be identified as having a purpose. Leroy got rid of a few things that I never looked at very closely.

In the end it became a hard job because of too many emotions floating around in the air. We had planned to do the entire garage, but settled for just doing half today. Leroy commented as we were finishing, “We cannot spend days together with both of us home.”

When done, we both felt happy to have accomplished as much as we did. It was also nice to be in a dry spot as the rain came down. Just how does anyone handle retirement for two? What I really do not understand is how we can think so differently about the same thing. Especially when it seems to me that my ways are the best ways.


Saturday, May 25, 2019

Memorial Weekend


Leroy and I had no particular plans so I asked, “Could you help me deliver the last books to the Little Free Libraries?”

Leroy, who hates to say no to me, said, “Yes.”

We loaded up our backpacks and set off. Again we each carried quite a bit of weight. The books are all paperbacks, but there were 42 of them. I was quite disappointed to find the first library was full so we had to walk on by. Later we found some that could accept a few books. It was only later that we found one that we could add a number of books.

Before we had turned around to head back, my boss called asking, “Who is to be working this morning? I had a call from a patron who reported that the library is closed.”

I did not know the answer, but I certainly hoped that it was not me. After that I hustled along with Leroy as we delivered all but one book which we will take care of later. We were walking so fast that both of us raised our heart rate, sweat a bit, and panted.

I have not put so much effort into walking for a long time. I was even becoming smelly. Guess I should do that more often to keep everything working at the highest function.

At home I was able to look at the schedule. I texted my boss to tell her I would call the person when she texted back and informed me that the other person had finally come to work. All in all I am just so happy that it was not me who had forgotten to go to work.


Friday, May 24, 2019

Water on, books delivered


This morning our water was turned off for some repairs for our downstairs friends. I left a good bit of that time to do some shopping. In preparation to no water,  three plus gallons of water were in containers ready to be used if needed. I managed with just a little of it used so now I am trying to heat it and wash dishes in it because I am not happy to just dump it down the drain. I am newly grateful for the ability to turn on the tap and have clean water come just when I want it. Such luxury!

While shopping this morning I struggled with torrential rain and wind. Mostly I guess I won because I had an umbrella, a rain coat, dry stores to go into, and a dry car except where I had dripped a bit. There was much support in this endeavor. Not so many people had come out so the stores were quietier than usual. Such luxury!

In afternoon I loaded up my backpack with several pounds of books that I hoped to leave in two little free libraries. The weight was enough that I started to get a headache. I am not sure why that happens to me, but it has in the past as well. No long hikes with a lot of weight are in my future. The first library is about a mile from my house. I was so happy to get there and find only three books in it. None of them were children’s books so that was even better since all of mine are. I left a generous amount. Then it was on to the next stop that was about a mile in another direction. That library had a number of books in residence, but with careful placement, I managed to put in all of the rest that I had with me. My walk home felt light and free. What luxury!


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wallet Found


This morning as I pulled up to the library for yoga, I noticed something on the ground by a car across the way. I stopped to see what it was only to learn that it was the wallet of someone that has used the library from time to time. Because I was in a bit of a hurry I just brought it in and showed it to my boss. We discussed whether to deal with it now or at the time the library opens. We decided to put it off partly because there was little time now and we did not know how early this person gets up or when the wallet landed in that vulnerable spot.

After yoga, I thought I would call the patron only to not be able to find the wallet. On inquiry I learned that the owner had desperately knocked on the library door in search of the missing item. At that point she had searched fruitlessly in several places and hysteria was taking control.

I was glad I found it but not so happy about the discomfort that she experienced because it was “safe”, but she did not know that. My phone battery was at about 2% so I id not feel I could send a text, but maybe I should have tried. I could have dashed back out to her car and attached a note to her windshield, letting her know where the missing item was.

It seems there is always more than one course of action to take. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing what the best thing is.

The rest of my day was good even though I felt the pressure of books piled up on my desk waiting to be added to the collection.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Bike and Car fixing


This morning I drove to the car repair place to pick up Leroy who drove the car needing some work. Luckily the repair bill will not be over the top amount we would pay. However we might have felt obligated to pay it anyway because it was a corroded fuel line that needed replacing. Somehow that just seems so necessary.

Leroy also had some adjustments made to his bike so that it is more comfortable for him to ride. That was at the shop so I picked him after work and took him to the bike shop. They were quite busy consequently it took a while. I passed the time by meditating and observing people. Finally he came back out and told me he would ride the bike home. It was only about four miles so it was not a long trip, but he tells me that some of the hills were a bit daunting fortunately the wind was blowing him along more than slowing him down.

If he had had the bike he could have ridden it to work for the car drop off in the morning. I am just thankful that all of the distances in this small city are so easily managed. I do like the size of this place.

Hopefully everything will work for a few weeks before we have to consider another repair. Leroy is looking for a rack to put on his bike, since it is a used bike he would like to find a used rack, but so far that has not happened. However, one never knows when the perfect item will come along often when one least expects it to happen.

We still look to replace the car that we just had repaired, but now there is again no pressure to buy right away. Leroy is hoping the rain will diminish so he can just ride his bike most days. That also helps to put the car question more out of mind.


Monday, May 20, 2019

Tasks Completed, Money Flows


Both Leroy and I completed some tasks this morning, most of which involved money or the idea of money. Leroy, after an online chat with our internet provider on Saturday, learned that he must call a customer loyalty line to get a better deal than had been offered. He made the call this morning and saved $20 per monthly bill.

He also made a repair appointment call about the oldest car which has a gas smell about it when the car is off. I have been much more concerned about that than Leroy has, but he has agreed that it should be checked. It will be looked at this week.

I also figured up our expenses for the last two months. I like to do that so I can see where our money has been used. Along with that I put some money in an investment fund. Something I should have done some time ago, but I hate to make those phone calls even though they are quite happy to help me give them my money.

I realized this morning that I do not touch money much these days. Our salaries and social security monies are direct deposited. We have it set up so more and more bills are paid out of the bank account. It almost feels quite mysterious. Certainly it is nothing like my life in the past. We did not keep money under the mattress, but would certainly hand the check over to the bank teller and get some cash to use for many smaller purchases. These days I seldom write a check. Check writing was also a bill paying technique; somehow it felt more like “handling” money than the current system does.

Will cash disappear in time?


Saturday, May 18, 2019



Three house plants enjoyed the gentle rain yesterday. I enjoyed it because it washed them a bit. I just realized that I have one more plant to move to the outdoors. It is a sansavieria that I have had since before 1984, possibly 1981 or even earlier. My friend was going to throw it out because the glass bowl in which it resides was jam packed with roots. I thought I would courageously break that bowl and transplant it to a roomier home. I found I could not gather enough courage to break it but have kept it in that bowl for all these years. It frequently blooms when it is out for the summer. They are not spectacular blossoms, but I always find it quite astonishing that it seems to survive and thrive. Perhaps there are some life lessons there if I could just figure them out.

I washed the sheets this morning because it was nice and sunny when we got up. I knew there was rain predicted, but thought it might come later. However, just as I got ready to hang out the first sheet, rain started to come. I consider that a good deal because I did not just get things hung out and then have to dash around getting them off the line before they were soaked. Fore warned is fore armed, right?

Leroy is taking his bike to the shop between rain showers. Once again the sun is shining. He is not riding it, but put it on the bike carrier on the car. He does not truly trust this reprieve from the rain.

Many things around here are so green and pretty. The walnut tree is growing some medium sized leaves and the catalpa tree has not really started to leaf out, but they are the latest trees that I know about in this area.


Friday, May 17, 2019

The Lost Is Found


Our downstairs friend asked, “Didn’t Leroy lose his wedding ring?”

“Yes, but it was a long time ago.” I replied.

To which she said, “Well, I found one and it is probably Leroy’s.”

It was Leroy’s. We are not sure when it was lost because we did not write down such a thing. We all think it was probably at least three years ago. What a small thing to find in the yard after so much time. Do you suppose there is hope that he could find his Luther college ring? However, he tells me that he lost that ring somewhere on the bike trail. Even though it was years ago as well, I am ready to go look except we are experiencing a bit of a rainy time.

Now if I could just find my lost house cleaning urge it would all be good. I did wash two screens and the matching windows today. We had only two screens on windows. With the heat yesterday we had more windows open and flies thought it was an open invitation to join us.

One window already has rain streaks on it but the other still looks fine. Maybe tomorrow I can do two more if the rain is still gentle. Then there will only be four left.


Monday, May 13, 2019

Check List


I like to make “to do” lists and check off the tasks. It gives me a real sense of accomplishment. Today I only had two things on the list, but I got many other things done as well. Perhaps I should add them to the list just so I could check them off.

One task was to take out the plants that will live outside for the summer. The six poinsettias and the fern dripped leaves all the way to the end spot. That means that leaves must be picked up before they are stepped on and crushed into the carpet. Yes I got that done as well. I did not tell my plants that they are not coming back in until the fall because I did not want to scare them. I had that thought the last time I took them out but ended up bringing them back in while we were gone. Since we came home it has not been warm enough until today to take them back out. The prediction is that it is not to get back down into the 30’s this week, so I am hoping for the best.

It is too bad that neither Leroy nor I like to call companies and negotiate with them. Our bill for internet service is almost going to double. That seems like much too much of a raise. Another company is having a special, but we have been unable to learn if our modem will work with them and what the installation rate is. It is too bad that our youngest daughter does not live closer because we would have her deal with all of this. She seems to have a knack for that type of thing. Usually I can talk Leroy into doing these tasks, but he does not like to call more than once, unfortunately his one call did not result in a positive outcome.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

How To Help?


One person that I know, but do not know so very well asked me for a small amount of money. I gave it to her with the understanding that she did not have to pay it back. Probably five months later she asked for a larger amount of money which I simply gave her, but with the understanding that she would pay me back. Perhaps it was three months later when she told me about a monetary jam she was in. This time she was asking for a lot more money. I did discuss it with Leroy, but gave her the money even though he was quite hesitant and felt she probably would not pay it back. He has had a bit more practice in this territory. We talked about how we could manage without this money if we never saw it again, but I was confident that she would repay. Well, so far Leroy has been right and I have been wrong because two months have gone by. Friday she again asked for more money. This time I regretfully said no. How does one know where the point is that one should help or not?

There is a part of me that believes she still will pay it back, but a part also wonders about that. What is the right thing to do?

This afternoon while delivering neighborhood newsletters, I came to a house where a young woman had opened the door to yell in at someone in the house. I held up the newsletter to hand to her when she told me, “I don’t live here.” In a second she turned back to yell in the house. As I turned to leave, a young man came out and started yelling too. I saw him grab her around the neck. I turned back and yelled/talked over them, “Do you need help?”

At that point an older woman came out of the house and all three of them paused to look at me. The young man released the woman and I moved on. Later, I came back down this street and the two younger people were still arguing, but at a much lower volume level. Again I am struck by the fact that I do not know how to help or what is the best way to respond, praying seems like little help, but I did that too. I did not get too close as I know that domestic violence is dangerous even for police, whom I would have called if anyone had indicated that it would be a good idea to get help. Life is not simple.


Friday, May 10, 2019



Someone asked, “What did you do for excitement on your trip?”

I started to tell that we went to two kid soccer games and a children’s choir concert. They interrupted to say, “No I mean what was exciting.”

All I can think is that ordinary has some excitement when it is seldom experienced. It is not often that we are able to witness our grandchildren’s activities.

Besides those things we worked moving some small rocks from a bed at Miriam’s house, went shopping, visited with my niece’s family, helped clear a garden plot, played cards more than once, played a game, met the puppy, ran around the yard with the puppy, hung out clothes, went to church, and spent much of the day with my college roommate because of a long layover in Denver on the flight home.

In Denver we saw pelicans, walked, saw prairie dogs, had breakfast, ate lunch, and got a snack for the flight home.

I suppose that all is not exciting, but I found it all highly satisfying. It refreshed my soul.


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

New Experiences


We are home from Salt Lake. Leroy and I had not used LYFT by ourselves until this trip. We flew out of SLC at 5:00 in the morning. That meant we needed to be at the airport at least an hour ahead of time. Neither Miriam nor Andy wanted to make that drive. So they arranged for LYFT to take us. Both Leroy and I were a slight bit nervous about them getting us there in time. Even though Miriam said the drive would only take 20 minutes we requested the ride to be there sometime between 3:25 and 3:40. Our driver arrived at 3:18. He drove right along as he chatted at about the same speed. We know a bit about his life and feelings about this and that. Getting closer to the airport he commented about being retired, which he assumed we were. Upon learning that Leroy was still employed, he wanted to know what he did. As frequently happens, when he learned that Leroy was a pastor the conversation became centered on religion. He shared some of his feelings on the subject. In spite of all the chatter we had plenty of time at the airport. Some wait time, but not too much.

For the trip home from the airport we used the same service, but a very different driver. This guy seemed much more hesitant about driving and certainly did not chat much, but would answer a direct question. Leroy thought he might have been from another country because he seemed to listen so intently to questions before he answered. I am not sure as my perspective from the back seat was more limited. He did not have much of an accent that would place him from another area. His command of English was quite good.

We are happy to be home. Amazing happy to visit, but ready to come home.


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Leaving Town


Leroy and I are going to visit Miriam’s family, leaving tonight on a jet plane. When I was growing up I never suspected that such a statement could ever be applied to me. Now I do not even think too much about that mode of travel.

We are flying the cheap way so we only take a personal bag that will fit under the seat. We both have clothes stored at Miriam’s house. Nice she has a large house with extra storage place for our two small boxes of clothes.

Still, it is a struggle getting just the right things in the bag. Hemming, hawing, and mumbling all seem to be part of the process. There was also a certain amount of changing the mind and the pack of this and that. I found I could not take a pair of sandals and a pair of shoes in that small backpack. The sandals stayed in while the shoes are staying home. My clothing matches will be a little farther apart that what I might like even though I do not consider myself on the cusp of all things clothing and style.

Now we are ready and have some time to spare. We certainly do not like being late for anything. And with a few close calls in our repertoire, we get it together earlier rather than later. We are taking the city bus so we will arrive at the airport ahead of time, but we have some reading material and I like to spend a good bit of that time walking so I can get my steps in.
