Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wallet Found


This morning as I pulled up to the library for yoga, I noticed something on the ground by a car across the way. I stopped to see what it was only to learn that it was the wallet of someone that has used the library from time to time. Because I was in a bit of a hurry I just brought it in and showed it to my boss. We discussed whether to deal with it now or at the time the library opens. We decided to put it off partly because there was little time now and we did not know how early this person gets up or when the wallet landed in that vulnerable spot.

After yoga, I thought I would call the patron only to not be able to find the wallet. On inquiry I learned that the owner had desperately knocked on the library door in search of the missing item. At that point she had searched fruitlessly in several places and hysteria was taking control.

I was glad I found it but not so happy about the discomfort that she experienced because it was “safe”, but she did not know that. My phone battery was at about 2% so I id not feel I could send a text, but maybe I should have tried. I could have dashed back out to her car and attached a note to her windshield, letting her know where the missing item was.

It seems there is always more than one course of action to take. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing what the best thing is.

The rest of my day was good even though I felt the pressure of books piled up on my desk waiting to be added to the collection.


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