Friday, May 17, 2019

The Lost Is Found


Our downstairs friend asked, “Didn’t Leroy lose his wedding ring?”

“Yes, but it was a long time ago.” I replied.

To which she said, “Well, I found one and it is probably Leroy’s.”

It was Leroy’s. We are not sure when it was lost because we did not write down such a thing. We all think it was probably at least three years ago. What a small thing to find in the yard after so much time. Do you suppose there is hope that he could find his Luther college ring? However, he tells me that he lost that ring somewhere on the bike trail. Even though it was years ago as well, I am ready to go look except we are experiencing a bit of a rainy time.

Now if I could just find my lost house cleaning urge it would all be good. I did wash two screens and the matching windows today. We had only two screens on windows. With the heat yesterday we had more windows open and flies thought it was an open invitation to join us.

One window already has rain streaks on it but the other still looks fine. Maybe tomorrow I can do two more if the rain is still gentle. Then there will only be four left.


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