Friday, May 10, 2019



Someone asked, “What did you do for excitement on your trip?”

I started to tell that we went to two kid soccer games and a children’s choir concert. They interrupted to say, “No I mean what was exciting.”

All I can think is that ordinary has some excitement when it is seldom experienced. It is not often that we are able to witness our grandchildren’s activities.

Besides those things we worked moving some small rocks from a bed at Miriam’s house, went shopping, visited with my niece’s family, helped clear a garden plot, played cards more than once, played a game, met the puppy, ran around the yard with the puppy, hung out clothes, went to church, and spent much of the day with my college roommate because of a long layover in Denver on the flight home.

In Denver we saw pelicans, walked, saw prairie dogs, had breakfast, ate lunch, and got a snack for the flight home.

I suppose that all is not exciting, but I found it all highly satisfying. It refreshed my soul.


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