Friday, September 30, 2016

Pants and Shoes


I bought some new pants. They felt good in the store, especially when I was standing. As I always do I sat down to test the feel as they come against my abdomen. It seemed to be ok. I took the tags off and wore them to work one day. It was not long before I did not close the clips at the waist and just let the inside button do the holding job. If pants are too tight and press into my stomach I get quite a noticeable pain which is only relieved when I take the restricting item off. My dad also had this sensitivity. Perhaps we have a tight curve at the appendix or some other bend in the internal equipment. Daddy only wore overalls for farm work. I never saw him in a pair of jeans. On Sunday he would wear dress pants to church, but usually with suspenders rather than a belt. Mom told me one time that nearer the end of his life his underpants were so large she did not know how they stayed on his body as he was quite slim. But he was happy that way. Anyway my pants felt so much better when I stood up. I thought up lots of excuses to be on my feet.

One of the second hand pair of shoes that I brought home from UT is a brand that I have liked. All of these shoes look as if they were never worn or maybe worn once or twice. The problem with this pair was that they were a half size larger than I usually wear, but they had a strap across the instep so I thought it might be ok. They felt good in UT for the time I wore them around the house there. Here I wore them to work even though I felt that my foot was sliding forward and touching the toe. By noon I was wishing that I had not worn them. They felt best when I was seated so that I could slide my foot back to the heel. When I walked my foot walked out of the heel area. Luckily I keep a pair of shoes at work that feel good on my foot so I could change. I will pass that other pair on to someone else. I do have some shoes that I wear only when I am not walking anywhere in particular. For instance, I often walk to church in a different pair of shoes than the pair I wear for church where I am sitting a lot.

It seems I have stand up pants and sit down shoes. Now the real trick will be not to wear them at the same time. Woe is me if I forget which is which.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Cedar Rapids Flood


The crest is past, but it will be about Sunday before the river is below flood stage. The crest was lower than expected so that was a blessing. Also it did not rain as it was coming closer so no more water was added to the total. The citizens of Cedar Rapids and the surrounding area pitched in; moving possessions, filling sandbags, creating earth berms, and HESCOs (which I had never heard of before). As a result the damage has been on a much smaller scale. There is still a threat from the pressure on the sewer lines so we have been asked to conserve water.

There will be plenty of work to do to return possessions, sandbags (What does one do with old/used sandbags?) and HESCOs. At least there will not be a sense of impending doom, but maybe that will make the work harder. Leroy said they will be able to return to work on Friday or Saturday, however he expects most of the time and energy going to putting things back in order.

Only one bridge is open in the city and that is the interstate bridge. I used that yesterday about noon to drive to work. They have requested that traffic use the two right lanes so emergency and perhaps city vehicles can use the left lane. Most drivers respected that requirement. Traffic was quite slow and it was thanks to others that I merged in. Going around the s curve we moved at 30 mph with a lot of gawking going on because as soon as I was past that it was a more normal traffic speed. I gawked a little, but I still felt that it was best if I paid attention to the cars closest to me, just in case I might miss some unexpected move. As I have aged I notice that my focus gets directed and forgets to return to whatever.

We feel fortunate for less damage than expected.


Leroy’s Eyes


Leroy had complained for a couple days that his eyes seemed to be different. He got an appointment with the specialist this morning. When he came home he told me, “My vision had changed. Instead of needing 16 prism for focus I now have 12. The Dr. was upset that I had not been frequently seeing our regular eye Dr. as I should have called him after visiting with her.”

Leroy missed that instruction altogether. I did know that he was to call the eye Dr., but I was not sure why. I thought he had called the Dr.

At this point the specialist told him to take the therapy and got him signed up. So it is full speed ahead on that. We do not know if the insurance will pay, but he can make all of the appointments. We will pay if that is how it needs to be.

Leroy had been complaining that his thought process is slow. I did not notice because Leroy has never been a fast talker or a fast interjector in a conversation. When he mentioned this slowness to her this morning, she told him that the brain takes 70 to 80 percent of the body’s energy. Most of that is used to process visual stimulus. So that explains the slowness and his tiredness. With his new adjustment to his glasses he took about an hour nap this afternoon to help himself re-energize. He is doing museum work at home so this was easier and less embarrassing for him to do. I still think he should take naps at work because that is how he functions best.

He is not comfortable doing that, if the whole place napped he would be the first one asleep, but since he would be the only sleeper it is not acceptable to him.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Traffic Cones and the garden


I learned what those traffic cones were for. Not for directing traffic, but repurposed as funnels, with the top cut off, to get sand in bags at the museum. The city is a bee hive of activity as people prepare for the crest to come through. It is now predicted to be at 23 feet instead of 24, but that is still high enough to reach a lot of things precious to many people.

Leroy and I did not go help today. Leroy’s knee does not like all of the activity that he has subjected it to for the last two days. He did walk to church this morning, but a bit more slowly than usual. On the way home we walked past the community garden. I saw a big zucchini that I picked. While we were getting it in the backpack, the grounds keeper at Coe College saw us and stopped to vent about his need to do more than he had time to do. We just provided the listening ear. His storage building is low enough that it needed to be emptied. Yesterday was a day of visits from high school students so he was running around taking care of this and that most of the day. Then he commented that the police had just texted him that the city bridges were closed.

Later in the afternoon I went back to the garden and picked two more zucchini. Two men stopped by to pick some veggies for supper. It was great to visit with them. One was a close neighbor to the garden. I have seen him several times. The other told me, “I met you and your husband where I was living before (and he told me the address). You stopped and introduced yourselves. What is your name?”

I was impressed that he remembered me. I will say he looked vaguely familiar, but could not remember why. I am glad to see that he is using the garden. Life seems to have been a bit of a difficult journey. He also told me that he does a little weeding from time to time. I believe that Leroy and I are known around the neighborhood as that old couple that work in the garden.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Flooding Coming


Flooding will come to our town. How much and just exactly when is not totally known, but a close prediction has been made.

Friday, Leroy spent most of his work day at the museum moving things around. He also packed some books and his laptop that has library software on it, so he could work from home next week as the museum will be closed most of the week. I also went and helped in the afternoon. I did not feel that I did so much, but I helped move a few things. The second big task also involved Leroy. They wanted some traffic cones. I called a store to learn if they had any before heading out to get them. It took several tries to get an answer at the store then they wanted to know the size, medium or large. I am grateful for these portable phones we all have now, because I could run across the lawn and question someone.

I had ridden to the museum with Leroy and did not bring my purse so I could not buy these things. Leroy did not know either how to purchase them so he did some swift walking to find out how to get them. He was given the museum credit card. He also found someone to talk about the cost. I knew how many they wanted. Because we were going to a store on the side of town where we seldom go, we went together. I suppose someday we will have to buy a smart phone. For its own mysterious reasons the GPS would not turn on.  At the store it was a struggle to find someone to get these things down from a high shelf. As many people were buying equipment for the impending floor they were quite busy. Then it was a problem to fit two large boxes in our small car, especially since the trunk was already filled with all of the things Leroy was taking home. We finally emptied one box so we could fit them in in a different manner. I asked a worker who was getting shopping carts if he would take the box or if I should. He told me it would really help if I took it. He would have to take it all the way round to the back of the building. He jumped on it to flatten it and we jammed it into the car too.

Because of so much traffic with all of the extra people in the area it was a struggle to get around.

Leroy went back this afternoon. I stayed home feeling guilty, but baking some sour cream twists because I had some sour milk that needed to be used or thrown. Guess what? I dislike throwing.


Monday, September 19, 2016

Long Weekend


It was a good time. We visited with seminary friends that we have not often seen, but they still have a good connection with us. We learned about their families, health, joys, and sorrows. When we saw the entire group of the seminary class there were two people I did not remember from the past. All of these graduates were men, because that was the rule back then. I asked one man, “I am sorry I do not remember you. Did I know you and just forget?”

“I do not know you,” he replied, “You probably did not know me because I would come to class and then go home or go to work.”

From the update at the seminary, I suspect that, today, with all of the online students many of them will not know each other and a 40th class reunion will not hold the same attraction that it does for us.

It was a nice coincidence that Sophia’s birthday party was on the same weekend and we got to share in that time with her.

All went smoothly. Leroy even did not complain of his hip hurting him on the way home. Course I drove for three hours at a stretch and he just drove 1.5 hours. That might have contributed to more moving around and keeping it easy.

We did not see any exciting wildlife except in the park close to Brian’s house. Early in the morning a great blue heron was checking out the fishing possibilities. We also heard some owls.

One afternoon we took the kites to the park and tried to persuade them to go up in the air with the light breeze of four mph or less. We did a lot of running and for some brief moments they did get off the ground and teased us with the possibility of flight. On the next day, we noted that the wind would have easily kept them up, but we had no time for such frivolity.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Old Friends

Yesterday we had a great lunch with three other couples. Leroy graduated from seminary with the guys because at that time it was only men who could go to seminary. It was a pleasure to see their dear faces and talk about our lives at this moment and in the recent past. The others have all retired, but still seem to be quite busy and occupied. Life must just move in new directions. Two things hold us back from retiring. One is that we both like our jobs and gain satisfaction from them. The second thing is that we do not know where to go when we do finally say it is over.
Later we spent some time taking a tour of the seminary buildings, but many of these were in a former part of the church. Lutherans keep shifting their organizations. One surprise and joy was for us to see Brian's picture in the building where Leroy spent most of the time when he was in school. Now the PA program is using that building although Brian did not actually take many classes there. Somehow it seemed as if a circle had been completed.
Leroy and I went shopping today because the kids were in school. Leroy who does not often shop found a pair of shoes and a pair of dress pants. I do not know how it happens that he can find things. Maybe it is because there is not so much variation in men's clothing. He just wears it out and gets new in almost the same style.
We are babysitting with the kids. There has been a bit of giggling, bocci playing, and getting ready for bed. Sophia did her fun run yesterday and Logan did his today. Luckily my bit of money has been given correctly.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Long weekend


Leroy and I are going to MN tomorrow for a long weekend. Somehow leaving always means a push to get everything done. I washed four loads of clothes today because Friday and Saturday are my main laundry days when I can hang clothes on the line. In the winter when I do not put them out it is easier to get it done in a shorter amount of time so I more frequently wash a load before going to work. Going up and down the stairs was my workout for the day. I also delivered some of the neighborhood newsletters down here in the flatlands helping someone else finish their share. It would also have to add to my exercise total. Then tonight I will walk to church for choir. I am grateful for these legs that work for me.

In addition I got some green beans put in the freezer as well as some okra. These were rather small amounts of each, but they would not keep until we got back.

Then I did a little bit of cleaning in the bathroom with the idea that I really should do a complete clean of that room. When the garden is done I resolve to work on those tasks that are not so much fun, but have satisfying results.

We will see Leroy’s seminary classmates as they graduated 41 years ago and the January reunion did not work so well in a snow storm. I had the idea that I might get some new clothes just for this, but could not get myself to the store so it will be whatever I can put together. There are days when I wish I had a personal clothes buyer, one who would know what would look good on me and that I would feel comfortable wearing. There is a pipe dream.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Papers Lost, Money Pledged


Last week I looked for the sheet that I have passwords written on. It was not to be found by me. I looked in every place I could imagine that it might have been placed. My entire grasp of life seemed to be slipping away as I wondered how I would access this important file or that important file. Who knew that my life could come to a halt just because of some sequence of numbers, symbols, or letters? At least for a day or two I got along with my memory and only needed to seek another password for one file. Leroy also did not know where this paper was, but he remembered using it since we had returned from UT. The search was on once more, but destined for a lack of success because I just looked in the same places I had already search. The next day I moved an object, saw a corner of paper sticking out and there it was. Now if I could just totally think like Leroy I would know where to look as this was close to where it belonged.

Logan and Sophia are doing a fun run for money for their school. Leroy and I have set $15 as the amount that we will pledge all grandchildren when we get inquires for support for school needs. I went on line; signed up both Sophia and Logan. Unfortunately I signed up $15 per lap for Logan. They are doing at least 30 laps bringing my pledge to at least $450. Oh no, not what I had intended. I got an email from someone either at the organization or the school asking if that is what I meant. I promptly emailed back and explained that I just wanted to give $15 total. In the evening I saw that my email had come back as not being deliverable even though I had simply clicked on the link. In the meantime Brian had noticed this pledge and talked to Leroy about it. Brian knows just how generous his parents are. Leroy tried to correct the situation on line, but this morning it was clear that it had not worked when I got a phone call from someone at the school thanking me for my generous donation. I explained that I did not want to give that much. I suppose that means I would rather keep my money. This woman was able to change the situation instantly. When I went online I could see that Logan’s total pledges are now just over $100 so my $450 pledge was gone. Whew! Life on computers can be just a bit of a minefield.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sunday Tasks


Today was the first Sunday choir sang in church this fall. It is great to be in the same group for such an extended time. I like the possibility of greeting people with whom I have a connection. The sense of familiarity sits comfortably on my shoulders.

Leroy’s knee has been tender so he has not been walking. I walked to church and he drove. We both stayed for a class on Islam. Because we were coming back to church to have lunch and then do a service project, I rode home with Leroy and back to the church to get that lunch and meet our group. I had planned to walk to the place that we had volunteered to clean. Leroy was taking a ride with someone else. Because I was not totally sure where this place was I also accepted a ride, but at the end of the time I walked all the way home and it felt good on this nice fall day.

At this place we did housework, but it was more fun and easier doing it with a group than when I work at home. Group housework sounds like a good idea; I would help you if you would help me. I did not actually do much housework. I cleaned computer keyboards in the computer room and then ended getting the floor of the men’s bathroom clean in the corners and along the edges as the woman who was doing that could not squat as I do and her knees would not allow a closer connection with the floor. Leroy did a lot of vacuuming.

We all patted ourselves on the back for a job well done when it was finished. It only took a couple hours. Not a bad amount of time given to make something better for someone.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

In the garden + at a concert


Yesterday I went to the garden after a hiatus of three days. In that time the zucchini had grown large or at least two of the six were large. I gave those to people who had claimed to like the large ones. I found other people to take all but one of them. I selfishly kept one of the small ones for myself. While there, a girl from the close college stopped to talk so I helped her find two cucumbers, a few onions, and some cilantro. She did not want to try okra, or edamame. I was quite pleased that she talked as most of the students just ignore us.

Last night we went to a community concert as someone had given us tickets. It was nice to see so many people from church there to make a little connection. The program was a woman who writes songs and is now singing and performing. It is more in the country music genre which I do not listen to. I did know a total of three songs out of perhaps twenty, Leroy knew one more than I did. I was also pleasantly surprised, that I did enjoy it after I learned it was country.

During intermission I set the programs (just a folded sheet of paper) down on the arm of Leroy’s seat since no one was sitting next to him. After the break a woman came and sat there. Leroy turned to me and whispered, “She just sat on our programs.”

I whispered back, “How do you know, can you see a piece of them?”

“Yes,” he answered quietly.

“Can you pull a corner of them?” I wondered.

Leroy looked horrified, “No,” he said as he shook his head vigorously.

“How about asking for them?” I wondered next with a laugh.

After a bit, this woman stood up noticed the programs that had fallen and gave them to her companions.

In the end we just figured we did not need to look at the names of the songs. I cannot tell you who the performer was as it was also on the program. First name was Victoria.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Crazy clothes hanger


Even though it was quite dark out I planned to hang out laundry because it is my day off and the bedding needed attention. Far be it from me to change plans if I can avoid it. I checked the weather on the IPod saw a prediction of rain in about two hours, happily hung out the mattress pad and two other things. Fans were in the windows in two rooms pulling in or out the cooler outside air. It is great to have fans work in tandem. I did not hear the rain start because of fan noise. When I looked out it was obvious that the time to bring in the items had passed. When the next load was out of the washer, I hung it up on racks, because I dislike running the dryer in the summer. After all there is the great outdoors even if I could not use it at that moment. Shortly the rain stopped and the sun came out. I checked the local TV station’s radar map to learn that the rain was over for a time. I hung out much of that next load, brought in the other and put it through the spin cycle once more wringing out the rain water. After which I hung it back out. Just before I ate lunch I thought I better check on the clothes only to feel sprinkles as I went out the door. Hastily, I threw the driest things in the basket, brought them up, raced back down, and gathered up the rest before much rain came down. All clothes are inside either put away or on the rack except for one pair of socks that I overlooked. I have a big old clothes drying rack that was my mother’s. I often think of her when I use it. The only problem with it is finding a spot to store it. There, in front of me is a sentimental object that probably has little value to others, but I do not know how to let it go when I think about further narrowing of our lives. I also love to keep practical items.

As my children no doubt think, “Mom is over the edge when it comes to hanging out clothes.” Generally I do find it to be a pleasant experience. This way I have managed to go up and down stairs several times. Could that count as my exercise?


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Labor Day


Leroy and I labored on Labor Day, thankful for the chance to do that. Leroy, whose knee is still a bit painful, did walk to the garden with me. He picked edamame, searched unsuccessfully for cucumbers and zucchini. Happy that people are finding the produce. There were only two ripe tomatoes to be had as well. Now if someone likes collards and kale there is an abundance. We forgot to check on the broccoli. Hopefully it is not flowering. I do like to keep picking the small heads as they add up to a great meal. The okra is growing like it loves Iowa. Those pods get quite long and hard rather quickly. I picked all but the longest. The harvested ones were passed on to a neighbor who said he likes okra. Another of the neighbors told Leroy he likes to pickle the large ones. I hope he goes over soon and finds them. This same man also suggested that we save some for seed. We can do that, but we do not need a field of okra next year. Leroy and I also picked green beans that have put on another crop. They had been attacked by bugs earlier, but look quite fine now. Many of them were too old, but I was still able to get a lot that we will enjoy.

My kale at home looked so beautiful and I was not using enough of it so I shared some with our pastor and wife. It strikes me that I have said, “our pastor”. Life does have changes in it, who knew that I would be able to use that phrase. They would have liked some tomatoes too, but I do not have more than the small ones to pop in your mouth and enjoy. I shared all that I had.  Those yellow ones are delightful. I will save seed. Do you think I can get them going in the spring? A seed saver I have not been before.

Last evening I delivered some of the neighborhood newsletters. I got about half done. It was a hot walk with lots of hill work. But I should not complain because I only spent about an hour at it. Wednesday I will be able to finish it if it does not rain. The community garden needs rain so I would not complain. We have repaired the hose there, but we prefer water from the sky as it is more efficient and easier.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bike to Work


Once again I rode my bike to work. It was a beautiful day with a fall feel to it. I wore a light jacket for the morning ride and it was just fine. I do not work on a Saturday again until October 1 so this might have been my last long bike ride until spring. It is so nice to be out now the trail is not quite as busy, but there are still people to see almost every mile, walking or riding. I am happy the trail gets so much use.

On the way to work I went over a train. Luckily the whistle blowing was over by the time I got there. The wheels made plenty of noise. This empty coal train was really moving, creating a bit of a wind up on the bike trail bridge. Someone else told me it was awful to cross that bridge when a train was down there. I did not linger so I did not find it bad.

On the way home a nice sized doe deer walked across in front of me. Otherwise there was little wildlife to behold.

I even remembered to bring home all of my clothes, including one piece which held my name tag. I try to leave that at work, but I will remember to take it on Tuesday as I put it in my go to work bag.

Only about 70 people come to the library consequently I got quite a bit of cataloging done as well as sorting through some donated books. I am always astonished at the number of books we receive. Maybe because I work in a library, I seldom buy books. The rest of the population seems to buy enough to make up for my lack.

Leroy and I sat on the futon and watched a DVD. First time in four years that we have been able to sit side by side to watch a movie at home. It was nice, however, because of the furniture arrangement we both wish that we had a larger TV. I never thought that idea would cross my mind. Life changes in many ways.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Changes Again


Yesterday at work a friend was talking to my boss about a futon that she wanted to give her. My boss’ husband said, “No.”

“I say yes,” I interjected into this conversation.

It looked quite fine when I went to see it. Leroy said, “Yes.” We discussed how we could get it before the middle of the day today. Because we do not have a vehicle that is large enough to transport it, we asked to borrow the van of our downstairs friends. It was a go. So last evening, in spite of Leroy’s hurt knee, we got it done. He hurt that knee camping, but does not know precisely how.

It was fairly easy to take apart with only one sense of excitement as some of it collapsed after extracting screws. We left the main part of the frame together to get it in the van, but at the house it was decided that we must take it apart as the turn in the stairwell could not be navigated.

We got it upstairs without much maneuvering. Now the hard part was putting it back together without directions. I had not paid much attention, but Leroy had and he did not want to wait until morning to work on it because he might forget. It was a little tricky as we had it folder the wrong way at first.

It is together and we both find it fairly comfortable. I could have bought a futon before, but I did not care much for the ones I had seen. This is much nicer. It will seat us side by side easily and even makes into a bed so we can have more overnight guests. There is more room rearranging to be done to find the perfect spot for it. As it is not we will have to give away one of our chairs. The room is too full. Can you believe that Leroy and I have gone four years without a couch or at least something so we can sit side by side? It is a want and not a necessity. When we first came here we thought it would only be for a year and half, so at first, we did not look very much to add to the furniture. I am happy to have this free piece of furniture, but my friend tells me that she is happy to get rid of it as they are getting a bed to take its place in the room so it had to go immediately.
