Thursday, July 30, 2020

How Connected?


I did zoom tai chi this morning and all was good. I was to do reading support for an hour and a half, and the internet was down. Where did that connectivity go in just half a day? I rebooted the modem two times. Once I thought maybe a little fast so the second time I slowly counted to ten while it was unplugged. I did not have the phone number of the people I ws to listen too. I called my boss instead, luckily the cell phone still works and I have her number in my phone. She was not in town so she could not immediately access that phone number. She got there before I was finished struggling with the possibilities. Even though I did not think it would make a difference I rebooted the laptop, all to no avail. There was another person working at the library so she took over my job.

As with many things in life there are alternative ways of doing things if we just consider them. Sometimes it is good to think outside of the box, whatever the box is.

I am grateful that the power seldom goes off in my life. That could apply to all sorts of power. When I was growing up electric power outages seemed to happen from time to time. Often it was evening or would last until evening, time to get out the oil lamps. I could not imagine how my parents had grown up with no electricity. My mother was a voracious reader and she read books in the light of the kerosene lamps. Is that the right name for those lamps? Leroy is not home for me to ask and I cannot look it up. Happy that word processing is on the laptop and I do not need the Internet for that. Do my grandchildren wonder how we lived before the Internet? We were in such a bubble of knowledge ignorance. Is ignorance still with us?


July 30, 2020
Our phone wire was cut that carries the internet so we are without a phone until we get our new service, which we had ordered before this, until August 15. We still can use our cell phones.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Driving to Work


Now, it takes more thought and time for me to get to work. There is street construction in my neighborhood. I was using a particular alternate route, but they worked on a different spot so it did not get where I needed to go. More than once I have headed out the door and up the street only to realize I would have change course. In another place they are working on an exit ramp that I use, but then I just drive farther so that is much easier to make it come out right if I forget about it in advance.

The other day on the interstate, I waited for the cars on my left to move on so I could come into that lane. I put on the turn signal and started in, glanced in the rearview mirror and saw a motorcycle zooming up. I stopped turning, moved back into the lane I was just in, only to see him come over with me. I then moved into the left lane and he stayed where he was but passed me very quickly. I don’t know if he realized how it seemed so unsafe to me, but he waved as he went past. I could see him darting across all three lanes, going much faster than the rest of the traffic. It seemed strange that he was wearing a helmet. There is no helmet law in Iowa and most motorcycle drivers do not wear them. Maybe he felt the helmet protected him a bit, but I am sure his speed and lane changing did not. I was grateful that I had not hit him and he could fly on a bit farther.

Luckily most drives are not filled with so much drama.

Leroy and I picked the third of three cabbages today. They have all been nice tight heads with no cabbage worms, however slugs found them. We also took the netting off the garden. It was a bit of a struggle because some of the vines had grown into the netting.


Leroy Works and so Do I


When Leroy came home from work he asked, “Were you bored today because I was not here?”

“It got so bad I had to talk to myself.” I replied.

He knows I do not mind days by myself. I did finish a book I was reading, but otherwise did a bit of this and that. I made an appointment to see the dentist because another hunk of my deteriorating crown fell off last night. When making the appointment the person asked if it hurt. I responded, “No, expect a little if I chew on that side. I am careful to eat on the other side.”

The appointment is next week. It will be a time of decision about next steps. For sure it will have to have the sharp point ground down. Possibly I will get a new crown. This is the third time a piece of it has come off. Now my tongue is starting to hurt either because I am careless eating or just checking things out. Could a tongue have a mind of its own? I really want it to stop going to that spot in my mouth.

I work tomorrow and Friday. I must remember to make my salad a bit smaller because it takes quite a bit of brain work to remember just how to move my jaw in a pain free manner.

Otherwise I feel good. I went the garden and picked some kale. It is now cleaned and ready for salads tomorrow.

I also made a batch of bread, but before that I went to the store to get some flour. In fact I made two trips to the store because I forgot their opening time and I was too early. The first time to be open is for those of us who are older or vulnerable. I was pleased to note that there were few people. This store also requires a mask to be worn, the sign said, “no exceptions”.


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Found the Lost?


Leroy and I had only walked about three blocks when we spotted a cell phone and woman’s type wallet lying in the grass. The wallet was long and looked almost like a purse, but smaller. These things may have a name, I do not know it. They looked so neat as if someone had left them there on purpose, but what purpose? At six o’clock in the morning there was no one else around. We thought about leaving them there and calling the non emergency police number, however I did not have my phone as I usually do not. Leroy had decided to leave his at home as well. I picked up the two items and flipped open the unsecured wallet to see cards in there. There was a zipper part which was unzipped. That had money in it and Leroy noticed a driver’s license. I did not want to touch things very much so did not see to whom it might belong.

We turned around and walked back home where we left the phone and wallet on the bench in the back porch.

Leroy looked in his phone, unable to find that non emergency number. I looked in the home phone, no luck. My cell also did not have it. We were sure we had that number in one phone, but no. So we turned on the computer and found it there. Leroy called and gave them the information. They did go through a series of Covid questions for us.

After a bit Leroy suggested we put our name on our door so they would know which one was ours. I dutifully made a sign, walked down the steps, opened the door, and was startled to see a police woman already looking at the things. She apologized for not knocking, but stated she did not want to wake anyone up. I did not have a mask on and neither did she. I stood back a little way, but the way we were situated it was hard to do that. I told her how we had found it and that I was glad to see she was wearing gloves. I told her I washed my hands very well after bringing it home. She was also surprised at the neatness that the items were arranged and that the money had been left. I was happy to pass off the job of finding and contacting the owner to someone else. How does one contact a person who has lost their cell phone if it is the only phone they have?


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Leroy’s test negative


Leroy got the call this morning that his covid test results were good. I had planned to wait to go to the grocery store until he got the negative results, thinking it might be one more day. I was happy to go as we were out of a few things.

Yesterday at work I learned that my co worker’s husband is also getting the covid test, but I do not know what day. She also thinks he is fine, but that he is just worried about it.

Hopefully we will soon find out why Leroy has had such a long time with a low grade headache.

We are still taking many walks to the close park. I am grateful for the big tall trees and the grass. I soak in relaxation when I am there. On our early morning walk we went a ways up our street. I find that I miss seeing the neighborhood. I used to go on these streets once a month as I delivered the neighborhood newsletter. The newsletter has been suspended along with the neighborhood meetings. I also miss our walk to church and seeing the changes on those streets. You know, the cycle of seasons. Much of the time we do not see many other people. It is amazing to think that we have gone through an entire season without going to church in the building. We are quite adjusted to the online service, but miss the interaction with people.

There are three taverns on our walk to the park; if people are out and about we cross the street. I am pleased to notice that one of the places has gone back to only serving people outside. They also serve food so the menu is posted outside. Our state has not mandated that rule again but they are being caring about their employees and customers. They now have outdoor seating which they have placed a distance apart. Along with lights they have put up a small misting sprinkling system to keep people cool.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Mouse Caught


Last night, Leroy and I were watching a movie when we heard a light crashing sound that seemed to be in the house. I wondered had something fallen? Leroy did not know what it was. There were no other noises so we just finished the movie. When I went in the kitchen I saw that the trap had sprung and a small mouse was caught in the middle of its body. I realized as I picked up the trap that I did not want to finish killing it but did not want to release it. Leroy saw my look as I gingerly held the trap by the string that we had attached to the trap. That string was so we could anchor the trap and not have the detainee run off with it. Leroy said, “Give it to me and I will take care of it.”

I handed it over with great relief, but did not follow Leroy to learn what he did with it. After a while I just had to know, “What did you do with that mouse?”

“I put it in the back yard,” he said.

“Running free?” I wondered.

“I think it was about dead,” he replied, “If not it soon will be dead.”

I remember catching mice in the grain bins. We always called a lot of cats to come help with that task. It was quite the circus. Kids, cats, and mice running around in random patterns.

Now it is question are there more mice in the house? And how did that mouse get in here? We have not had them on the second floor before. The trap is still set, but no discernible activity around it.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Mouse in the House?


We had noticed some small dark things in our small frying pan. I thought something might have flaked from the oven since it is stored in the drawer below the oven. Today in a discussion of what this might be and where it was coming from, Leroy or I wondered about mouse droppings. “Oh yuck!”

We are both a bit grossed out about that idea. We cleaned out the entire drawer and only found one similar item. Leroy went up to the attic and brought down a mouse trap. I set it since he does not like to do that. I put our expensive organic, peanuts only, peanut butter on it. Hope that will appeal to any mouse that might be in the territory.

I am not really afraid of mice although they have the power to startle me. I am disgusted by the thought of them climbing around on any pans that I might eat out of. I do not know whether to hope we catch one or not. If we do catch one, then it is always a question of how many more might be here even though we have not seen any other evidence of them. If we don’t catch one it is a question of is it just too smart? And is it still here among us?

Leroy needs to self isolate for three or four days waiting for the corona test results. I am planning to work tomorrow since they did not say anything about people he lives with. I also only see one person at work and I saw her Friday so there is already that contact.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Hot Out There


Leroy and I have spent much of the day inside the house where it is cooler. I have thought about some of my neighbors because I noticed they have windows open which means no air conditioning. I do not know these neighbors so I am not comfortable inviting them in. I am happy to have the comfort, but feel a little guilty.

I was out earlier this morning getting the ash tree seeds off the sidewalk. I thought maybe they were about done, but Leroy told me he could see more seeds up there. It is quite a bit of work, but satisfying as I look over the cleared sidewalk. It is so helpful to have them gone so we do not track them into the flat.

Leroy has had a persistent headache for three months. Yesterday he went to the dr. again. This morning he had a covid test although neither of us thinks that could be it, but at least it will be checked now. He had been feeling quite tired and sometimes weak so he is going to see someone about his heart as well as a neurologist. He will have an MRI in addition. Leroy said, “I wish I had just continued to take the pain pills on my own and not gone to the dr.”

I just try to be supportive, but that is not an easy role for me to fill. As I want to give advice and prod him to do this or that, which he does not want to do. He would like that magic pill that cures all, but it has not yet arrived.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Home Phone


We purchased our home phones in 2010. We know that because we remember where we were living at the time. A set that had four handsets was on a very good sale. Even though some people thought this was an unreliable brand and it might only last a year, we went ahead. At that time we lived in a large house so it was great to have that many handsets. Now we do not need them as much, but we still accept that luxury. About a year ago one of the batteries quit so we eliminated that unit. So now it was where to put three. We settled on kitchen, living room, and office. The one in the bedroom was seldom used as no one calls us at night. Now another handset has failed. The big question is where are the best places for the remaining two units? Even though we walk a lot we do not really want to walk to pick up the phone. It Why is that? Especially since there was a time when all phones had to be answered by a walk with only one phone in the house.

We have looked a little bit at replacing the phones, but there is the question should we just have cell phones?

We like having the home phone because we can both talk and not need to be together. I often walk when I am on a long phone call. It is amazing how many steps accumulate just during that chat.

We have given that home number to a several concerns who might like to call us, such as doctors. If we eliminated it that would require letting people know.

I suspect we have a few more months before we have to decide on the next steps.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

In the Neighborhood

This afternoon I had time to take a nice long walk. Because it was so sunny and a bit hot I stayed in the park which has beautiful tall old trees. On the way home I walked along the side walk, but danced from side to side depending on the amount of shade. As I was going along, I realized that a car was driving across a lawn, reached the sidewalk, turned a bit and came rather easily onto the street. Their speed was fine so I suspect they have done this maneuver before. As the woman made a sharp right turn she waved and called out hello as she went past me. Perhaps she could see astonishment on my face and the greeting was to reassure me that everything was fine.

About five minutes later I saw the same car. She stopped at a stop sign I was approaching to cross the street. Then she quite pleasantly told me, “I have lost my husband. He is riding a red lawn mower. The only one I have seen is that green one.” That statement was accomplished with a point at the one that was close to us.

I assured her I had not seen a red lawn mower either. Then I felt compelled to tell her, “I was walking back and forth across the street so I could use all the shade I could find.”

There is something about being out and available for people to visit with. I must look quite approachable in my long sleeved shirt and sun hat that do not particularly match or look very uptown.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Work?


I have strong feelings about not working on Sunday. There are times when it is harder to hold to ones principles. I washed and hung out clothes today. My excuse? It was a nice day. Yesterday I had wanted to wash and hang two loads, but the predicted storms convinced me to only do one load. That did work well and all clothes got dry outside before the rains moved in. We needed some clean clothes that were in the second load so I did them, wishing that no one could see that I was working.

This afternoon I picked black raspberries, probably for the last time this season. We only pick every other day and today is the designated day. The weather was also very nice with highs in the 80’s and not 90’s as it frequently has been. The bottom of my bucket was covered plus a little more when I was finished. There are not many berries left on the plants so I am not going to get geared up for that walk in the wild for just a handful.

Does reading count as work? Not usually, but for some it might be more work than pleasure. I did read a very good article about the children’s author, Sandy Boynton, as well as one about cows having best friends. Months ago I read one about trees helping each other.  Also if a tree is stressed and endangered it produces many more seeds. I believe the seed comment when seeing the amount of seeds the close by ash tree is producing this year. I keep sweeping up the sidewalk so we do not track so many in the house. But no sweeping today because, it is Sunday.


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Bugs Abound


I have seen no more of those Japanese beetles in the house. I am grateful for that. Unfortunately I have now seen them chewing on the leaves of a bush by the house. Not good either. I hung kitchen laundry out. I carefully checked each piece before I brought it in the house. I did find one bug on one piece. Hopefully my eyes are good enough that I did not miss any.

I did not see any at the community garden. I went to pick Red Russian Kale. I also brought home some peas that may be too old, one lamb’s quarters plant (I have already eaten half of those leaves.), three radishes, arugula, and some not good looking broccoli. The garden is not doing very well this year. I suspect it needs to be tilled more and some good soil or manure added to the area. In spite of these facts there are some weeds that look as if they are quite happy there. I am surprised that there are not more bugs in the garden because I sometimes think they attack vulnerable plants. But maybe healthy plants taste better so they have stayed away.

Frequently in the past I have shared veggies with people sitting on their porches, but have not seen many people out. Perhaps I am going too early in the morning, but I am trying to beat the heat.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Bugs in the House?


True confession: I have found some bugs in the house. When we brought home the raspberries we found some of those unwelcome Japanese beetles in the bucket as we were washing the berries. I thought we were very careful and took all outside to meet a violent foot stomp death. Two days ago I pulled back the quilt on our bed and found one of those critters. I carefully scooped it up in my hands, took it outside and stomped on it. This morning I took the quilt off the bed so I would get the sheets washed. Oh no, there was another bug it met a similar fate as its relatives. Before I was done I found another one on the sheet. It must not have touched us because it too was under the quilt. This one seemed dead so I put it in the wastebasket, picked up the receptacle, went outside, turned the wastebasket upside down on the porch prepared to step on it, but did not see it. Worse than oh no! I do not want those things populating around my house. I hang my sheets out to dry. When getting them off the line I found five of those bugs on the sheets. I got rid of them, but called Leroy to come help inspect before they came in the house. We think we are good, but I saw one of those larger black ants in the bedroom. I smashed it with my fingers. My new name could be insect killer. I am grateful for screens on the windows which stop some of these critters. Leroy commented lovely encouraging words, “They could be even riding into the house on our clothes.”

We picked a head of cabbage today. There were three slugs on it. Never have we had slugs on our things before. What attracts them? The head is not so large, cut nice and compact. It will be on the menu tonight.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Missing my day off


My work hours have changed. I now go to work four days a week instead of three days. The number of hours has stayed the same. This is to spread the workers out a bit more. Hoping that less contact keeps at least one team operating.

I miss that day off in the middle of the week. I used to plan many things for that day, including just being alone. I like my alone time. This week Leroy has only gone to work one day and he will go again Saturday. He gets paid holidays so he does not have to go the third day this week. I do not think he enjoys the alone time as much as I do.

I am reading The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek. It is quite interesting. Not sure that I could have been that type of librarian. It took a lot of courage and stamina.

I am busy, but it is a lot of sitting around rather than navigating through the forest.

We gather items for people and pass them out the door, so that changes our work load. We have to read the message, gather, check out, call the patrons to let them know it is ready, and then pass it out the door when they pick it up. I am still doing much cataloging of books and audio books. When several of them are entered in the collection I take a picture and use a program called buffer to put it on three different social media sites at the same time. I had to learn something new so that is good.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Busy Berry Pickers


We have been going out every other day to gather as many black raspberries as we can. Most of them are going in the freezer which is getting rather full. Before the fall harvest of leaves, you know kale, etc., starts we will have to create room. The berries are getting close to the end of the picking possibilities. We will be both glad and sad. Glad because the arduous work will be over and sad because no more fresh berries. It is a bit daunting to go out in the extreme heat wearing socks, shoes, jeans, long sleeved shirts and hats. I can tell you there is a bit of sweat happening. If possible we go in the early morning. I am so grateful when we get home to air conditioned comfort. Then I wonder, “Would we tolerate the heat better if we had to live in it more?”

We shared some red Russian Kale with one of our neighbors. He looks oriental and speaks with a strong accent. I would like to know where he is from, but hesitate to ask in case he grew up in the USA. Anyway he showed us how well the kale is doing. Next to the kale was a tall herb. He offered some to us. At my ok he gave us plenty. He said, “For soup.” As nearly as I could tell he was saying the leaves went in the soup and the flowers were used as garnish.

I put it in a soup/stew dish and we liked it. Leroy put some in his salad and declared, “It is like cilantro on steroids.”

I forgot to bring my phone home from work. Even though I do not use it very much, I feel its absence. Maybe I use it more than I think I do. How did I drive without a phone? What if I needed to contact someone?


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Early morning bike ride


Leroy and I left the house at 6:00 am for a “beat the heat” bike ride. It was a pleasant 70 degrees F. With the breeze created by riding it was lovely. We rode on the new wider sidewalk along the street to the close lake. Only one section was not finished and we could easily ride on the street for that bit, especially with no traffic. At the lake it was a bit of a trick to ride through the congregated geese. I suspect there were 100-200 of them mostly on the trail. We rode very slowly and they gradually got out of the way. One couple had with them some younger geese. The elders hissed at us. I was happy they did not attack. On our return trip I thought the geese had gone for the day, but they had just moved around the bend to a new spot. Leroy was ahead of me this time and as he went through these birds he barked and made other strange noises to encourage them to give way. They rather reluctantly moved aside for us. I was pleased there was not so much goose poop on the trail, but Leroy’s tire managed to fling some of it up on the lower part of his water bottle. Unfortunately he did not notice it until he put his hand on it. Bossy me, I insisted that he wash the poop off before he came in the house. He complied, but I suspect he was in agreement with the idea of no goose poop in the house.

There were other people out this early in the morning. We saw, in the seven or more miles we traveled, ten or fifteen riders and four-ten walkers. I suspect others wanted to be out while it was so cool.

The only problem with the bike ride is that I do not accumulate steps for all of this distance. As the temperatures soared into the 90’s I was less inclined to go walking.


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Day


Activities were certainly different this morning. Leroy went out picking black raspberries while I walked closer to home. After a bit of walking, I decided to pick up trash around our block. Because of mowing lawns there are usually fewer items that need to be moved off the edge. I managed to get the total in one bag from the grocery store. I feel good about that. Leroy came back with a smaller number of berries. Perhaps yesterday I had almost covered the entire space even though I felt that I had left some. He also reported that in the small patches along the trail there was another couple picking berries so he just walked on by.

After resting and eating breakfast we headed out to pick up donated items for a food pantry. An eagle scout in our congregation is doing this for a project. Leroy volunteered to help pick up the donations. We took quite a while doing that. We started a little later than the first possibility. Then I had to go to the bathroom. What a bother!  On the two lane highway we followed some bicyclists. I was driving and did not feel comfortable passing them on two rolling hills. I did not pay attention to distance, but I suspect the first stop was 15 miles away. They had not gotten their items out so we had to wait while they gathered them. Luckily Leroy had checked the addresses and directions on line before we left home because his phone had no service in this area. Then it was on to another small town where we did two more pickups. All was going well. Grateful for that list and directions as all of this places were on winding, convoluted streets or roads. The last place was in Cedar Rapids, but on the west side where we seldom go. Finally Leroy’s phone had service so we could follow the lady’s voice.

We think this was a good way to celebrate Independence Day, helping others and looking at the tall corn.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Berry Picking


Leroy and I have gone black raspberry picking three times now. We have never picked at this patch before. Perhaps it was not here, as those wild berries seem to move around. This area is across the road from the bike trail where no one mows. We are so grateful for that. It is close enough that we can walk without too much trouble.

This morning Leroy went out by himself because we were both going to work early in the morning. I thought he was taking quite a bit of time. When he got back he told me that he had fallen on this steep side hill after he became entangled in the long grass. The falling thought had crossed my mind and I was considering what to do about it when I thought I would give him five more minutes. He did not get hurt, but he had to pick up a lot of berries.

He still brought home a nice amount. I went back this afternoon after I came home from work. I brought home even more. Made me wonder where he had picked. Can they ripen so much in a day that I would believe I was the first to be there?

We are still picking mulberries, but not so many of them. The tree that has the most is so tall that we cannot reach the best of them. We do not want to drag a ladder that far away. We like the raspberries better than the mulberries, but like our rhubarb/mulberry crisp. Brian brought us a nice amount of rhubarb so we are all set.

My hours at work have changed and spread out so I work four days a week, but shorter times. This means not many of us are at the building at the same time. We are in two teams so we work with the same two people all of the time and do not see the other team. We are hoping that keeps us safer. We still wear masks and use hand sanitizer as well as frequent wiping of surfaces. Hand washing is also in the mix.
