Saturday, July 11, 2020

Bugs Abound


I have seen no more of those Japanese beetles in the house. I am grateful for that. Unfortunately I have now seen them chewing on the leaves of a bush by the house. Not good either. I hung kitchen laundry out. I carefully checked each piece before I brought it in the house. I did find one bug on one piece. Hopefully my eyes are good enough that I did not miss any.

I did not see any at the community garden. I went to pick Red Russian Kale. I also brought home some peas that may be too old, one lamb’s quarters plant (I have already eaten half of those leaves.), three radishes, arugula, and some not good looking broccoli. The garden is not doing very well this year. I suspect it needs to be tilled more and some good soil or manure added to the area. In spite of these facts there are some weeds that look as if they are quite happy there. I am surprised that there are not more bugs in the garden because I sometimes think they attack vulnerable plants. But maybe healthy plants taste better so they have stayed away.

Frequently in the past I have shared veggies with people sitting on their porches, but have not seen many people out. Perhaps I am going too early in the morning, but I am trying to beat the heat.


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