Wednesday, June 29, 2016

More Info About Leroy


Several people had talked about the need to have Leroy see a medical person sooner. This afternoon I could not handle it. I called Leroy to see how he was doing at work. He sounded tired as he frequently does these days. He also admitted to feeling a little dizzy. My impression was that the dizzy comes and goes, but he said it is there much of the time. I then asked if I should call the Dr. about getting in sooner. I did and learned that he could be seen just a few hours ahead of the scheduled appointment. I talked with the person about urgent care instead. When I called Leroy back he thought that would be ok to go to urgent care. When there he told them he was concerned about having a stroke. They immediately leaped into action. The physician on duty came in, examined him, and thought he was ok to wait until tomorrow morning, but after she called the primary care physician he recommended that Leroy go to the emergency room. The urgent care people called ahead so when Leroy got there he was seen immediately. They did a CT scan along with some examining and blood work.

I felt a little like we over reacted when they came back with the report that he was not having a stroke, but one of his nerves in not functioning correctly. He did not track when they held up some fingers. He will see the primary care person tomorrow and the expectation is that he will schedule an MRI to look at it more closely. I hope this does not get to be any more of a big deal as otherwise Leroy is health. He tells them he is perhaps closer to light headed than dizzy, but it interferes with walking sometimes and his perception of where this object position is off. I wish those glasses would come soon as that might clear up his ability to deal with the world as he sees it.

Even though we had not heard of anyone experiencing this type of thing, someone told Leroy that their son had had something similar. So it is not totally unheard of, just outside of our pool of people.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Walking Sticks


Leroy has not felt comfortable walking to church. This morning I took him and someone brought him home at noon. For tonight’s meeting he decided to use the walking sticks that he was given. Because he did not call for help, I am guessing that they helped quite a lot. It would be just like many people use a cane for balance, giving just a bit more stability.

We keep talking about going for a hike and using these sticks, but had not done it yet. I suppose we were waiting to take a long walk. I am looking forward to prying the full report out of Leroy. He does fairly well doing the day, but still gets tired quite quickly. He watched 44 minutes of a movie and declared that was enough. It is hard to learn a new skill, especially as our brains get older they are perhaps a bit less flexible.

I have mostly taken the day off, but feeling a bit of guilt because I did not go to the community garden today when the air was so cool and refreshing. Instead I stayed home and read some on the book for book club. Even though I have read 200 pages I do not find that I want to read the Education of Nancy Adams. Perhaps the next page will be better. I would have quit if I were not talking to others about this book. For some reason someone at the public library thought it was good enough to buy a set. It certainly has not taken my attention. Heavens, I am almost ready to go back to Harry Potter.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Leroy and a dream


Leroy is about the same as the previous days. He does not move very fast, listens to books on tape, reads just a little, and gets tired quickly. He will go to work this afternoon as he can sit at the front desk and cover books which does not require quite so much intense eye work. Tonight he will work in the community garden, catching a ride to get there. Hopefully that will be just a day that can be managed with him and his one eye at a time.

This morning I had a dream where Leroy and I were in some country in Africa. I believe we were tourists. We were other people that I do not know in my waking life, but we knew in the dream. I had to stop and go to the bathroom. Leroy and the rest of the group went on. The bathroom was a rather large room with several people in it, but only one toilet. The other spot was a hole in the ground which some man was able to find a toilet that fit perfectly on it. When I came out of this strange place, my group had left me. I talked with some young girls who were outside. They said they would walk a ways with me. After they left I realized I had no clue where I was and I should call Leroy. I pulled up my phone only to discover it was not my phone. The bag with me was rather voluminous so I searched again and again, pulling out at least five phones that were not mine. A man stopped to help, but I could not remember Leroy’s phone number to call him.

I woke up about then. Leroy was already awake. He also does not know his phone number. We lay in bed and memorized his number. Hopefully now if I lose my phone and need to call him, I have the number in my head.


Sunday, June 26, 2016



Sometimes I hear people complain about technology; mostly this is because it does not work as they anticipate. For now technology helps Leroy. He is listening to audio books, watching TV a little and looking on the internet for a UV shirt.

We do have ear buds with the IPOD, but they do not work with Leroy’s tablet. A new purchase allows him to listen without disturbing me all of the time. This set of ear buds even has a switch so he can pause the book, reverse or seek forward. For some unknown reason this set of earphones will work with the IPOD as well as the tablet. In addition they have a mike for answering calls. Amazingly they cost less than the set we originally purchased.

Leroy is also watching a movie and he has the sound quite low, but put up the subtitles so he does not have to hear so well. Course I wonder about the visual strain involved. He has not yet complained.

One good thing about all of this is that he has no pain and does not feel sick. He went to church this morning, but I drove as it takes him longer to walk. He also did a nursing home service this afternoon. Again I drove, ordinarily he would have walked.

By the end of the day he will be tired from all of the new learning that his brain is tackling. He finds that he has an altered peripheral perception. He is not able to look quickly between two things and focus immediately. He changes the eye patch from eye to eye. He is talking about work tomorrow. I might drive him there, but I do not know how he will get home as the bus route is not quite as good for his work place. I work until 8:00 pm on Mondays so I cannot help. Tuesday and Wednesday I will be off so I can assume all chauffer jobs.


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Brain adjustment


Leroy’s brain has been struggling to adapt to this new environment, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. He woke feeling quite fine. I announced at some point in the early morning that I was going to work in the community garden. He said, “I will come too.”

On the half mile walk there, he hung on my arm some but seemed to navigate quite well. Once at the garden he weeded in the shade while I braved the sun. Weeding was not quite the joy it had been the day before when the soil released its hold just right and the temperatures were cooler, but it was still nice. I finished weeding the onions and weeded some by the lettuce. Leroy weeded the cucumbers and put additional compost soil around the onions. Then we both sat in the shade and pulled leaves from the lamb’s quarters. It became such a large amount that we froze some. For the most part Leroy managed quite well, but became so hot. I do not consider that part of his brain, but just the sun and high temp.

On the way home we gave away a kohlrabi to a young woman who was sitting on her porch. She had many children around her as we discussed just what this vegetable was like. She would have liked some collards, but I suggested she try those kohlrabi leaves as I had been going to eat them. Before we moved on she commented with a grin, “All of these children are not mine. Three are mine and three are nieces and nephews. The rest are neighbor kids.” Considering the various colors represented I was not surprised to learn that not all were hers.

I was quite happy to share with her. It appeared they did not have a lot besides joy in each other. For instance they had the door open and a fan running. I am now grateful for the AC that has been running for some time. What luxury I live in.

This afternoon Leroy has had a little more difficulty from time to time feeling dizzy. I suspect some of that is the day’s effort of struggling to focus. We do anticipate that the new glasses will work a miracle for him. What a blessing that he can get a diagnosis and a solution.

See a picture of the new pirate Leroy. 


Friday, June 24, 2016

Brain Change


Leroy commented earlier in the week that his eyes felt “funny”. Yesterday he called me at work and asked if there was a yoga move for a bad sinus infection. I did not know of any.

Once home I learned that he could not focus his eyes any distance away and the near focus was only accomplished with difficulty. He said, “I was afraid to drive. Would you take me to the eye place for them to adjust my glasses?”

Adjusting his glasses helped not at all, but he got an appointment to see the dr. the next day. The odd thing was that he could see ok out of one eye, but not both. He had a slight headache and was dizzy once in a while.

With a downloaded audio book he managed to get through today. It seemed he was sick without feeling sick.

At the eye doctor he learned that his vision focus had changed. He has new glasses ordered. They will take a few days to arrive because as the person explained, “These have to be done to very precise measurements for them to work. They will take a bit of time.”

The doctor told Leroy, “This could happen because of a stroke, but you have indicated no symptoms, it could also be a brain tumor, but I do not see that. In some instances it just happens. You should make an immediate appointment next week to see your physician so they can check you out.”

He also told Leroy he had just been to conference on this very condition. So we feel confident that he is up on what it is all about. Too bad it is Friday evening because we will have to wait until Monday to contact the Dr. Office directly.

Leroy is now wearing an eye patch which he can put on whichever eye he feels is the best place. His eyes are still dilated consequently seeing is not his forte. He is ready to be a pirate.


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Air Conditioning


I do believe that air conditioning is nice, but it does not allow us to adjust to the higher temperatures outside. I remember a time in my life when 80 degrees seemed quite fine. Now I find it a bit warmer than I used to, especially when I am working in the sun.

I went to the community garden this afternoon to pull weeds in the onion area. I did not feel too warm at first, but it seemed to just grow the longer I was there. I did not wear a watch so I do not know for sure how long I was there. It was nice pulling weeds after the rain that we had. I had my phone in my bag, but did not want to pull it out because my hands were so dirty. I was wearing garden gloves, but the wet soil soaked through in spots. I now wonder when I will be able to finish that onion spot. I managed to pull up two onions, but replanted them, hoping they will continue to grow.

I remember a time when I was young, my brother and I were in the garden. For some reason we started pulling onions. The soil released them easily so we pulled all of young things. My mother was most unhappy when she saw that. She immediately charged out to the garden, yelling and ready to spank which was a discipline method used at my house. Robert and I easily ran away from her, hopped on the swing in the large walnut tree, and started pumping. With one of us sitting and the other standing we were soon much too high for mom to stop us as we soared out over the garage roof. I cannot remember what happened when we finally came down which we had to do eventually. I remember we were responsible for replanting the onions. As I recall they lived just fine in spite of the interruption of growth.

No air conditioning in those days. I do not remember being so hot. Was that because I had never heard of it and I was younger?


Monday, June 20, 2016

Service Berries


Saturday, Leroy and I both rode bikes to Ely. Leroy planned to pick mulberries. In Ely he learned that there were not many berries that he could reach. Are we both shrinking or was the tree trimmed? He spoke with another friend there and learned that they have service berry trees in their yard. Leroy looked up a lot of information about them. They are a native plant that we had not met before. I still have not met the tree. Leroy picked them until he got tired, biked home, washed those berries, and made a rhubarb service berry crisp.

He called and asked for my crisp recipe. Seems to me that guy does not know me as well as I thought he did. I laughed, said, “I do not know,” and proceeded to make up a recipe on the spot. The crisp turned out quite fine. I will try to pick some more of those service berries after work tonight. They are quite a mild tasting fruit that was used by our native population. I like eating some of their choices.

I found a kite on a clearance sale and bought it for Leroy for father’s day even though we do not buy things for each other on those special days. Did I buy that new kite for me just so we would have an excuse to get out with kites?  It was so warm yesterday that we went in the evening to the arboretum. It was quite fine, but there was very little wind. We went to another open area in the park. I got out one of the old kites which we had brought so I would have a kite to fly. It lifted up rather easily. The new kite is heavier with a long tail and is made of fabric rather than plastic. At any rate Leroy could not get his kite in the air. I graciously let him fly mine as I helped fold up the tail and put the new away. It was not long before Leroy came up to me with his kite all put away. The mosquitoes had found him. He had about seven bites and I had none. Sort of how life goes for us. Leroy is all bitten up and I wonder what he is talking about.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Buying Fruit


One of my favorite things about summer is buying fresh fruit that tastes better because it is in season. Today I came home with cherries, grapes, honeydew melon, and some colored peppers that taste almost sweet enough to be a fruit. The only problem is eating all of this before it gets too tired. We already have watermelon, apples and bananas in the house. The bananas were even free because they were mischarged and this store’s policy is that they are free if there had been a mistake. Riches indeed.

I went to pick some mulberries, but most of the branches were too high for me to comfortably reach so my bucket that had been full of anticipation just had enough for two bowls of cereal. I like to make rhubarb mulberry crisp and that was not to be. Leroy is talking of riding the bike to Ely tomorrow when I go for work. He will see if he is more successful than I was. I hope so. Height does have a use once in a while.

Last night at our neighborhood meeting I learned a lot about water runoff. I am happy to report that the city is looking into ways of managing it much better than has been done in the past. It will cost quite a lot of money, but they are working on ways to pay for it. What a good thing that it is considered important enough to follow through even if it will not be embraced with open arms by all because of the cost, but there will be great benefit. It seems to me that people are finally realizing the value and power of water in our lives. The infrastructure that has been in place for a hundred years is not doing the job that needs to be done. One surprising fact I learned, Kentucky blue grass is not a good rain collector. It might work well in Kentucky, but is not the best in Iowa. If I could be alive 100 years from now I might not recognize this place at all.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016



It seemed like an ordinary walk to the grocery store to get a few things. On the way I pass a laundry mat. Because of the shade I was across the street from it when a man who was outside the establishment yelled at me. “Is he talking to me? I do not know him.” I thought.

After a bit I realized there was no one else he could be talking to, as the woman ahead of me just kept walking. Then I understood him to ask, “Do you have a phone?”

I have heard that the laundry mat is a drug traffic place, although that could be mostly closer to night time. Why would he want to know about my phone? Is he trying to take it? Boy will he be surprised if that is the case because my phone cost about $10. Certainly there is no resale market for it. “Yes,” I hollered genteelly.

At that point he checked traffic and came across. He did not seem threatening, about my height with a face that could have been shaved two days ago. He was wearing a cap and a stained white tee shirt that was quite stretched out of shape, perhaps because he kept using it as a towel to wipe his face.

He commented, “I need to call work and my phone needs time on it.”

I pulled out my antiquated style flip phone saying, “It is not a smart phone. Do you know how to use it?”

“I have one just like that,” he exclaimed with a smile, “It works well. My father got it for me.”

He proceeded to put in the numbers, but there was no answer. He tried again with the same result. Then he went on to say, “They said there was no work for the rest of the week and I need work. I can manage for a day or two more before I am out of money.”

He tried the phone again and then sighed, “I wish they would answer. I only do laundry about every three weeks because it is so expensive.”

He talked a little more before he headed back across the street saying, “Thank you and God Bless you.”

On my way home he was still there, came back across the street and asked if he could try again. Then he talked about working for a temp agency. He again made a remark about God as he thanked me. I said, “I will pray for you.”

“I will pray for you too,” he said, “What is your name?”

We exchanged first names and proceeded with the rest of our day.

I was struck by the fact that I am so rich that I have never wondered what I would do after the money ran out. I just go to the grocery store and buy what I want. I look for sales, but that is not because it is totally necessary. I also wonder is this why I am in this neighborhood, to meet and pray for my neighbors?


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Corner of My Eye


As I was hanging out clothes I saw it floating out of the corner of my eye. I whipped my head around, but the little thing went with my hat. Next I saw it start to go down its web. Oh! A spider! I snatched my hat off my head, slide it along close to the ground, hoped the passenger was gone, looked for it in the spider colored weave,  and put it back on my head. My heart went back to a normal speed and I hung up lovely boring socks.

Later in the kitchen, out of the corner of my eye I saw something small fly by looking just like a wasp. I screamed once, twice just for good measure! Leroy, who was home for lunch, wanted to know what was happening. By that time the flier had landed and I could identify it as a harmless firefly. I put my finger out, it climbed on, I loosely wrapped my other hand around it and went to the stairs so I could take it out. My loose hold was too loose and it flew away once again. I asked help from Leroy as it was too high on the wall for me to reach. Leroy managed to chase it around, which caused it to go out of sight from time to time. Finally I captured it once more, walked downstairs, opened the door, opened my hand, and watched it fly to freedom.

Peripheral vision is great. Have you murmured a thanksgiving for that gift? It has kept me from having more intimate contact with insects. I am grateful indeed.


Monday, June 13, 2016



Leroy and I would like jobs that have the Slovak idea of more time off. Six weeks seems to us to be what we need. Now we have jobs that do not have written in vacation because they are only half time. The trouble is that we both have a difficult time just taking what we want. It was not part of our ideas when growing up. One must be responsible and on time.

At least I only have one job so I do get time off that I can use in many ways, but really I am stuck in a rut. Next Saturday I work, but Leroy does not. He is disappointed because he would like to do something with me. I believe he should ride the bike to work with me. He can go home anytime that he would like, but we could ride one way together. Or I suppose he could ride the same ride twice. That would give him fifty miles in one day. Seems that could be a challenge.

We had talked about doing some short drives in Iowa, but we have really only done one of those and then it was raining at our destination. That hardly seems to count as a trip. We will get better at this. Surely we can learn how at any age. I guess it is true that I have a difficult time having fun. I was told this in some personality studies that we did. Maybe it is because I enjoy so many things daily, that I do not live in others’ realm of having fun. I, for instance, do not look forward to drinking or going to loud concerts. My fun is on a much quieter level. I would rather visit and play games. Traveling is fine, but I have to confess that I often find it tiring after a week or so. I also do not really want to plan any of that, but like it when someone else figures out what we are doing and then I can just do it. When in Slovakia we often traveled, but part of that was the realization that we would not be there so long so we must do it now. We saw much of Slovakia. Glad we did that.


Sunday, June 12, 2016



The visit was refreshing and delightful. We would be happy to see any of you on your way to somewhere or we could even be the destination. Talk flowed without strain and smiles abounded. What difference does 20 years make? Not much when it comes to connecting. They did not stay long enough, but it was after church and before Leroy went for the nursing home service so it fit nicely.

Maybe we will get to Texas to visit them in the future that is not too far away. Now we are thinking of how to visit our two daughters. It has been a year since we have been to Utah. In the fall it will be a year since we have been to DC. I am grateful that Brian is close enough that we can do that on a weekend or extended weekend. It is just hard to get it all done. If my work schedule were three days in a row giving me more flexible time for travel, I might get it done, although the distance is great enough that I would like to spend some time when I do get there considering the few trips per year. Leroy does talk about quitting one of his jobs so he would have more flexible time as well. Retirement does start to look more attractive. I will be 70 in a year and a half. Leroy will be 70 a year after that. One of the big hold ups for me is that I still do not know where I want to be when I retire. Really I would like my children to live closer to each other. That would solve the issue.

At book club tomorrow night I will talk about the book, The Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff. I liked it so it will be easy to talk about it in a very positive way. Again I am impressed with the generosity of people. The connections between people are of great value.


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Heat is Relative


Yesterday it was 90F. something in the morning. Today it has not quite made it to 90F. in the afternoon. I am pleased at how comfortable it feels outside even though it is just a few degrees cooler. We have put up a thermometer. It required some calibrating. We took our three thermometers and set them all in the same space with it, waited three hours, and all four had a different reading so we averaged it somewhat to come up with the new setting. “We should go around and find a temperature from a bank or something.” I told Leroy.

“One that is accurate?” he wondered with a laugh.

Last night we went to a picnic in a park. The tables were up on a knoll and with a breeze blowing it was quite fine up there. Is that why the wealthy in this country have tended to head to high ground?

We still have not turned on the air, but probably will tomorrow because we have company coming for lunch. I even bought bread because I did not want to turn on the oven and raise the temperature several degrees. We have a window fan that is used at night to pull in the cool outside air, but Leroy does not think it does as well as the box fans. Today we bought a box fan. It is to be a high of 72 F. tonight. I think that should feel quite nice. I will surely have to pull up the sheet if that is true.

This woman visitor is someone we knew from Missouri Valley, IA, Leroy’s first parish. We do not remember when we last saw her, but it has been years. It is fun to think about this meeting once again. By the way, if you are going through our area please stop in we would love to see you. Even if we are working we can probably make that disappear for a few hours.


Friday, June 10, 2016



I am so grateful for the coolness of the house. We have not yet turned on the air conditioning. This must be a well insulated place. We open the house at night hoping to let in all the coolness that is outside after the sun goes down. Tonight we are going to put in the window fan and if that does not help we will turn on the air tomorrow.

When I was at the grocery store the clerk had on a light jacket which she took off commenting, “Now that I am not in the cooler I do not need that.”

There are different perks to different jobs. Leroy wore a short sleeved shirt today for the first time this year. He stated, “In the library I was cold. It was so nice to go out in the hall.”

I am also often cold at work. We humans certainly have difference temperature preferences.

We have a picnic to attend this evening. I wonder if attendance will be down because of the temperature. I know that many do not like to leave the inside altered air. We are so dependent on electricity for so much of life. Could we survive without it? Changes would have to be made in so much of our existence. I have lived without many modern conveniences, but electricity has been available throughout my life.

Sometimes I wonder what in the world will be necessary twenty years from now. Just saw a note from daughter Sarah who is traveling to Kenya for business. She is taking more than one laptop with her. I believe life was lighter in the past even if less connected.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Email Woes


I blog and send these writings to a number of people. Because I have so many that I send I have two email accounts that I use. When the numbers get too large they will not let me send the letter. One of my email accounts updated. Since that time I have not been able to send my group letter. I suppose they have it tagged as spam because it is such a big group. I have started to write to small groups to let them know to check my blog, but it is a slow process.

Today I delivered some of the neighborhood newsletters. I met one man who told me he is the nephew of a famous Iowan. However, he made me promise not to tell because he wants to remain just an ordinary person in the neighborhood. He even showed me a book that he had about his uncle. It was nice to see that. I want to tell about it, but I am trying to keep my promise.

Leroy and I pulled weeds in our front garden and put in tomato cages as well as tried to find things that the mystery vines can climb. The tomatoes are also mysteries. We put compost on from our own bin. The heat must not have been high enough to kill the seeds. I am hoping for butternut squash and some cantaloupe. Time will tell. Today I wondered if one of them was really a pumpkin. In any case we are going to have trouble keeping all of these vines under control. The lettuce is finally starting to grow as are the beets. Then there is another mystery thing that we planted. As our memories fade we need to write down what we have put in the soil.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Riding home from work

June 5, 2016


I was not so busy with people yesterday and that makes the work day seem longer. But as sometimes happens, just when it was almost closing time at 4:00, someone came in. I like visiting with this person and I did not notice the time until it was after closing. At that point none of the closing chores had been done. So I hurried around doing those things, hoping I was remembering everything. I still had to change my clothes, pack the bike bag, and get on my helmet and gloves. When I got the bike unlocked and tried to move it would not. The gear was not right. There was a bike guy sitting on the bench so I asked for his help. I held up the back of the bike so he could turn the pedals. That got it solidly in gear. He then told me that it was supposed to rain in half an hour. “I hope not because I need a bit more than an hour to get home.” I remarked.

I hoped on, rode off, and succumbed to fatigue and doubt about getting home without being soaked. Several people passed me now because I was going so slowly. After about a mile or two I talked myself into a better more vigorous mood. In another mile I felt some rain drops and the clouds were definitely darker with a strong wind blowing in my face. My speed picked up in spite of the resistance. I met quite a number of bicycles some of which seemed to be groups. One man was looking at something on my side of the trail. He did not notice me until he was quite close. I had been thinking about what to do, run off the path even though there was a bit of a drop? Yell, but he had music blaring? When he saw me he immediately swerved back to his side of the trail. That happened later with one of the groups, but that is because they were visiting with each other and just having a good time taking up more than half of the trail. Every time I felt more rain drops I picked up speed and calculated if I could make it to the next overhang where I could, call Leroy to come and get me. Each time the rain held off and I kept going with encouraging self talk such as “you have gone five miles you have gone seven miles”. Finally I was back in Cedar Rapids with only three miles to go.

There is a place where the trail crosses a street. A rather large group of bikers were just hanging around on the other side taking up the entire trail path. I waited for cars, rode across and tried to get someone’s attention to let them know that I wanted to go through them. Finally I yelled and said I wanted to go on the trail. No one heard me or responded. I yelled two more times. I think I sounded like a banshee. I was feeling quite frustrated. I rode on the grass some, and got back on behind them. Part of the way home I use the city streets. There was almost no traffic so that was great. I was traveling on a street that goes from two way traffic to one way when I saw a car ready to turn onto the street from the left, where it was now three lanes all going in the same direction. There were no cars there just me way over in the right lane. I had planned to move to the left so I could turn off about three blocks down. That driver roared across the other lanes of traffic and came up behind me, looming large in my mirror. They revved their engine, scaring me quite a bit. As there was still no other traffic, I moved across to the extreme left side while the car zipped along in the right lane. I was grateful they did not follow me. It was a woman with children in the car. What do you think that was about? I also wondered if she had wanted to turn right immediately, but she was still on the street about four blocks farther on.

Because of all that excitement, I had forgotten about the street repairs, but the stoplight was working so I could cross in relative safety. I was grateful to get home but so tired it was hard to put one foot in front of the other. There was no rain at home, Leroy had set the table, and our downstairs friends had shared a pasta salad. Grateful for all of that blessing.


Riding to work


Yesterday morning, because of the cloud covered sky, I was undecided about riding the bike the 12 miles to work. At 7:15 the sun was visible so I strapped on fortitude and gathering speed to get ready to leave the house an hour and a half before opening time of 9:00. The air was cool, but tolerable and I was grateful for little traffic on First Avenue as I zipped across without a stoplight at the intersection. Approaching downtown and the spot where I get on the bike trail, I realized that it was farmer’s market day so no getting on there. I went down to the next one-way street planning to use the sidewalk. It was a question of which illegal thing to do; ride the wrong way on the street or be on the sidewalk. Unfortunately the sidewalk was only good for a while as there were some pedestrians ahead of me. No cars were in sight so I rode wrong way on the street for about a block when I could get on the sidewalk and finally get on the bike trail. All went well until I found a walking family group, with their backs to me, strung out the width of the trail, all intent on something. As I was wondering what to do, a biker came from the opposite direction and they moved over. I told them I was passing on the left and went by as a teenage gosling fluttered away from them.

Surprisingly there were very few bikers on the trail. Perhaps it was the serious looking intermittent clouds that kept coming past. I was pleased with myself because I made the trip in just a few minutes more than an hour, I remembered all the clothes that I needed to change into, I had brought my lunch, and a snack besides. It was only the second time this spring to ride this far and I physically felt semi strong. Life was good.


Friday, June 3, 2016



I washed the remaining five windows while the sun was shining in other windows. I like looking out through all this clean glass. I am reading, for our book club, Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. It is set in Iceland in the late 1700’s, early 1800’s. They talk about having skin over the windows. How fortunate we are to be able to afford the luxury of glass that we can clean and look out.

After cleaning the windows, hanging out a load of clothes, and generally picking up, I left for shopping. I like going on Friday morning because it is not so busy. “It must be because I got started late,” I thought as I saw so many cars on the road and people in the stores.

Finally at the last store I asked the clerk why it was so busy. By this time I was wondering if there was a holiday that I had forgotten about. This astute person thought it was just that school was out and parents were out with their children. Even though we had been very busy at the library yesterday because school was over for the year, I had not made the connection to shopping. What were they shopping for more food, since kids would be home?

I still have over one hundred pages to read in the book, Burial Rites, but I would recommend it. It informs me more about a time and a place. It is based on a true incident. Someday I might like to go to Iceland. I remember Miriam did a report on it when she was in school and I was intrigued by the country.

Leroy and I are both working tomorrow. I am considering riding the bike to work. In the morning it might not look as appealing. At least it will be cool then. I would like to shrink the mileage by about half, but that is not to be. Can I keep my resolve up when I ride by myself? Maybe.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

No Rain


Rain looked possible this morning, but disappeared by noon. I washed half of the windows which numbers just five, but I stuck to the shady side of the house. I have in my possession cloths from Norwex. It was incredibly easy to do without chemicals of any kind. I did wash with plain water and a rag before using the special cloths because I wanted to wipe away, especially on the outside of the windows, as much dirt as I could. At this point I do not see a single streak or mar on the windows. It could even have passed Mrs. Grinland’s exacting standards. I am impressed.

I will tackle the other five windows Friday morning when the unclean windows are in shade. My mother always said not to wash windows when the sun is shining on them. Is that an “old wives tale” or does it hold up over time as the best way?

I am making lasagna for supper. It is supposed to have spinach in it, but I had dandelion greens in the house, so they are the substitution. I also did not have ground turkey so tofu was the substitution for that. I did not have enough of the parmesan cheese so cottage cheese was the substitution for that. Did I tell you I was following a recipe? Don’t believe that statement for a minute. The recipe is a mere guideline not a rule.

Leroy has organized a bike ride at the church. I am going on that, but wonder if again I will be the slow person. If nothing else, I will just lag back and turn around when I am feeling like it is enough riding. I hope I do not feel too full after eating this experimental lasagna which will surely be good.
