Thursday, February 26, 2015



It seems to take as much energy and thought to pack for two days as it does to pack for a week. How to explain that? One thing  that helps is that it is cold and the prediction is to stay in that territory for the next three days. So clothes choices are narrowed. We drive up one day, stay a day, and come home the next. Part of my problem is that I would like to wear some new cold weather clothes and my coldest weather clothes are old friends. Some winters I have not worn them.

I have a black wool sweater that I was given while we were in Slovakia. I have worn it many times. This year I have decided this warm sweater that I have had for at least ten years is just for “round home wear”. For some reason the last time I wore it the sleeves were short. After washing it, along with other cold water only items it seems that I am learning the art of felting without trying. That means that it looks quite a bit smaller than it had been in the past. How did that happen? I will have to figure out how to make those cute mittens from felted wool sweaters. But will I, that is a big question.

At least I have a birthday gift for Logan who will be four tomorrow. That is the reason for this trip. This month is the big birthday month in our family.  Leroy starts it off followed by six more before we get to this birthday.

Last night when Leroy and I walked home from church it was just beautiful with the snow. For some reason the air was so clear it was almost startling. There must be more pollution around that I realize. Does the cold make it go up or down?

It was so astonishing to drive to work today because the Ely road had been cleared. I was pleased and amazed as I zoomed along in comfort with a relaxed grip on the steering wheel.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snowy Day


I like a snowy day when I am home and safe. I was out this morning when it started to snow. By the time I got home I was happy to see the garage and that I did not slip going into it. We have it cleared close to the garage, but the alley still has some serious hills of ice that we have not been able to extract. Leroy is at work so I will go out before he comes home to clear that crucial incline into the garage. I looked out the back when I had been home for a half hour or so and could no longer see my footprints. This is some serious fast snow. I would guess that it is two inches or more.

We are going to Brian’s on Friday. I am so grateful the snow is coming today. Roads should be clear in two days, especially the major roads.

Right now I am wearing sandals around the house. This is a pair I got at the Minnesota shoe store. They were on a good sale. Even though I was not looking for sandals a woman customer and the sales woman talked me into getting them. They fit me and according to them looked cute. I thought they looked a little old ladyish.  Generally I do not consider old lady a cute look, but I have to confess that I am not up on things. After all they were a great deal and they even fit me. The original cost was $245. And their mark down cost is $61. Going on the assumption that more money is more value, at that original cost my feet should love them, but I am not sure they do. For one thing they are cold without their usual wool socks. It also presses on the corn on my little toe, although not so much that it hurts, but I am aware of it. I do, from time to time soak my feet and file down that corn guess I should do that again. So far my Morton’s neuroma has not complained and that is my real concern. If I do not like or want these sandals the store will take them back for a full refund of the amount that I paid. But I must decide by Friday so I do not have to mail them.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Car is fixed


The car was fixed yesterday. It starts just as I remember it doing. We will put off buying a different car. Although I told Leroy, “I am almost sorry as I was pointing my face in a new direction.”

He agreed he was also thinking of new possibilities. We will wait on that. At least now we are not so pressured to get one immediately. We can make a more leisurely decision. The difficulty starting had something to do with the fuel going some other place than where it was needed. They also found a tie rod, whatever that is, that was almost to the point of unsafe. I can now drive confident that the car will get from point A to point B. How is that for a good thing?

Leroy and I are grateful that we had the money to make these repairs when I know for some people it would have been a much more serious issue. I saw on FB someone’s comment about a furnace wearing out and the cost of repair or replacement. They were complaining. I think sometimes we forget that our money is to be used generously for others and ourselves. It is to keep things running and life functioning. Faced with the possibilities of spending on luxuries we forget that money does indeed work for us on a more practical level. Perhaps somewhere in our mind we have the idea that things will never break down or need replacement. We just want to spend on the new and exciting.

When it was so cold yesterday I was grateful to walk into a warm house. What a wonderful thing this indoor heat is, allowing us to momentarily forget about any inconvenience of working at survival. Instead I can turn on the computer and write to you or read a book or contemplate my navel in comfort. Actually do you know why Leroy’s navel collects lint and mine does not?


Monday, February 23, 2015

Life Goes On


This morning we took the 1999 car to have it checked for possibilities. The outdoor temperature is about five below zero, but Leroy still walked to church. We walked yesterday as well and it was just about zero with a wind so it might have felt worse at the higher temperature. When I asked Leroy, “Are we going to walk?”

He replied, “If you want to, you know we have a reputation to uphold.”

We laughed and bundled up. I have to confess that I am frequently the one who wants to go in the coldest weather. Yesterday, I did not wear long underwear, but I wore my leg warmers and was glad for them. The wind was a bit painful on my face because vanity dictated that I not wear my more face protecting slip on hood which compromises my hair positions. As it was I wondered if I should have a sign made that says, “My hair looked good when I left home.”

Yesterday my hair was fairly good, but sometimes it is not the result. This wild and unruly hair can happen even on a summer day that is windy.

Just in case we have to purchase a different car in the next week or two, we have spoken with all of our children and gotten some input as to what is good and what is not. Course we are not planning to buy new so some of the decision will be based on what is available. Andy, son-in-law, is all prepped to be our car buying consultant. I think he would even love to come out here and do it for us. The only thing is that his standards of cars are just slightly different from ours. But perhaps we could prevail. I think he is more into speed, power, and luxury than we are. We just want to get around in safety and reliability. He would certainly enjoy the chase whereas Leroy and I have to keep encouraging each other.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life is a mix


We went from a refreshing visit with friends to learn that at the same time our landlady was involved in a hit and run accident. She was not the one who ran, but still has some sympathy for the guy who did. She was not hurt, but her car is now in the shop waiting for some attention one way or another.

Our older car may be soon leaving us. It has a major problem that we will learn tomorrow if it is cost efficient to fix. Leroy and I are not the worlds enthusiastic car buyers. Both of us think it would be great if a car landed on our path with a sign that said, “I am just what you want for a fair price."

The car we truly want/need and a fair price are mysteries to us. Sometimes we know when we have a car that does not meet our needs, but not often. Prices are just vague ideas.

Happiness and sadness are often right next door. It is just a question of rolling with both or either. Sometimes it just takes a little longer to have downer situations get in their proper place. Happiness seems to climb aboard in short order.

Life and people can be full of surprises. I made a dish for supper that is called green rice. It has spinach and tofu in it. It could have been good for a non-tofu aficionado because the tofu was blended and added like cream.  Leroy was quite amazed that I even followed the recipe, except that I heated it in the skillet instead of the oven. I wanted it finished faster. We both liked it, but though it could use more flavoring. The left over portion will be subject to some experimentation. At the table Leroy added more pepper and then rosemary. Why he thought she would help I do not know.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Great Day


We had such a great day! Fairly early in the morning we headed out of town to visit friends in a neighboring town. This was someone who had been in Leroy’s seminary class. There was another former seminarian there visiting from MN. What a wonderful renewing and uplifting experience to see these people once more. We spent much time laughing, talking, and sharing. That is one of the perfect gifts of life.  We had not been in the same room at the same time with all of these people for perhaps forty years. We had seen each of these couples some in the intervening years, but not frequently. It was fun and fortifying. Even something as simple as taking a group picture turned into a laughing extravaganza.

On the way there, I was driving; Leroy was privileged to see a beautiful bald eagle resting in a tree. Now why we think bald eagles are so exciting to see, but do not feel the same about bald men, I am not sure. Of course, if we know and love the bald man we might get excited.

He, my bald guy, also saw two hawks swooping around doing their thing. I just kept my eyes on the road and tried to avoid cars.

Tonight I took my two mile Lenten walk, but it turned into a 2.79 mile walk. Even though I am in a city it was so refreshing to be out. I like the country better, but I tried to ignore the cars except when I crossed streets. The trees in this neighborhood are tall towering affairs sporting the random birds nest or more likely squirrel’s nests. It is nice to see them silhouetted against the setting sun. It was brisk and invigorating. What a gift to be able to spend time in the outdoors refreshing my body and spirit.

We are both working tomorrow so that should be good too.

Here is a picture of our group

. And one of Leroy and I.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Car Troubles


Our older car (1999) has been having a hard time starting. When Leroy had the tires rotated the person there checked the battery. It was low so we had it changed and almost immediately the starting issue developed. Early today we dropped it off at the place to be checked. Unfortunately there were no forms in the box for Leroy to tell them what the problem was. So he just left the keys, thinking he would call later. In half an hour he called me to tell me that the phone was always busy and would I just go back there now that they were open and talk to them. What an old school idea! Talk to people directly! I called for at least another hour with the same result as Leroy. Once it actually rang for more than a minute and then was cut off.

When I went to the place, I explained that we had left the key, but there was no form to let them know. I explained the problem, signed the paper, and commented that their phone was busy all the time. “That was the phone company’s fault,” one guy exclaimed, “they had the phone off the hook.” There is another old school idea with the phone “off the hook”.

Hopefully we will have a second car that works in the next day or two. It is hard to imagine that about two years ago we were seriously talking about having just one car. Now I look ahead and think it will be quite a problem for both Leroy and I to get to our places of work tomorrow. Today was easy, because I am off, I took him and will pick him up. Unfortunately our work hours to not jive, instead they do a strange dance.

Also adding to the excitement this morning was the malfunctioning garage door closer. Leroy left ahead of me. I tried to close the garage door, but it would come down a little way and then go back up. After a couple tries I got out using the switch inside with the same result. Then I noticed that a board might be covering the beam, moved the board, but it did not help. Then I tried closing it manually. For some reason I was unsuccessful. At that point I decided no one was out trying to steal anything early on a morning with negative temperatures and drove off to pick up Leroy at the station. On the way I had to stop for a garbage truck, and almost every stop light that was on the path. Leroy did tell me he wondered what had happened to me. I could have called him, but I am not so good at using the phone in the car. Seems like an unfortunate event waiting to happen.

On the way to Leroy’s work we stopped at our garage and he was able to shut the door. We will wait for warmer weather to check on that situation. For now I am saying that Leroy can park on that side of the garage because he is strong enough or tall enough to get the job done. I am just a weak, helpless female. Another old school idea?


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fastnachts and Library work


Leroy and I had fastnachts on Sunday with the church staff invited. I think Leroy was disappointed that so few could come. It was to annual meeting after church so it was a very full day. I, and my introverted self, felt quite comfortable with the smaller group. It is so much nicer for me to have a small gathering where I can spend some more time with someone. We also only had to make one batch of the recipe and that is good too. It all came out just about right. I do not make these donuts very large and I am always a little surprised at how many can be eaten. It is quite different from any donuts that can be purchased. Maybe that is the draw.

Yesterday I worked at the library, but before I got there I did some library work. Granddaughter, Olivia in Utah called me with a plea for some library help. She needed to do a report on George Herbert Walker Bush and was unable to find any books in her library relating to this subject. I thought there will surely be several books on him even if not so many in the children’s area. I questioned her about what she was seeing on her screen as she did her search. We did not get anywhere with that tack. I then told her that I would log into their library’s web site. I thought it is a county system. When I asked Olivia how she finds the web site, she said, “It just comes up.”

Well I had to do a little more searching for it, but felt sure I had the proper place when I saw the name of her branch flash past. I then did a search on Bush. It was not quite as seamless as it might have been, but I worked past any Bushes that did not apply. I will have to confess that I do not know which George Bush is which with their middle names. I just refer to them as the older or younger or the father or son. Luckily Olivia knew the proper name. In the end I was pleased to find five books for younger patrons. Great that I can do library work long distance. What an assist all of this technology can be.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday Work


Both Leroy and I worked today. I worked a little longer than he did. He felt tired after he came home, took a nap on the floor, and when he woke his inner ear was full of fluid. That is the down ear. He also said his hip hurt. I suspect he did not move the entire time. Now you should know that we have two beds here, neither of which was occupied. It is not unusual for him to choose the floor. Do other 66 year old guys do this or am I married to one of a kind?

He worked at the museum in the morning and then did a nursing home service in the afternoon. I am not sure, but I would imagine that he frequently looks at a schedule to figure out where he is to me. I rarely know where he is.

I was busier with people than I thought I would be. Because of the cold and the wind I thought many would stay home. But we might be getting used to the temperatures or people felt they need a movie or book to keep them occupied. It was not summer time busy but just a steady stream.

There is a lot of work on my desk and I thought I might be able to get more of that done than I did. Next week is another chance to help the pile get smaller. I do like to be busy so it will be good.

I was so grateful for a car that starts and keeps me warm while traveling. Life could be so excruciatingly different. Just think, these materials endure the temperature extremes and do not complain while wrapping us in a cocoon.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dead Microwave


Wednesday night when I used the microwave it made quite a lot of noise and created a strong smell of burning plastic. Leroy came home at that moment and noticed the smell immediately. I tried running it one more time, but quickly turned it off declaring it done. We had purchased this machine on the 24th of February 1997. We believe that it has given about as much as could be expected for almost 18 years. The only problem is that I hardly know how to live without it. I use it every day. Before we got one, I was sure that I did not need such a luxury. How attitudes change! A new one is needed immediately.

Today at work a friend came to the library. Knowing that she has things at her place from other family members, I asked if she had a microwave to sell. She had one that she could loan us until we get a new one. How is that for a deal? Seems like the best to me since we do not know much of anything about the best one to buy. We are now talking size and power. How much is enough? We would like to have the minimum to meet our needs.

Yesterday I chopped and moved quite a lot of ice off the alley. Ice can be seriously heavy stuff. At one point I got the chopper under quite a large piece. I stepped on the handle, levering enough space to get my fingers under. The only problem was that I could not lift this piece and then I could not get my fingers out. I had to step on the handle again to give just that little bit of clearance. I had visions of being trapped in the alley with my fingers under this heavy chunk of ice. Luckily I had not slipped the chopper out before putting my fingers under.

Now I do not worry about getting stuck on those icy spots that are left because there is plenty of pavement for traction. It is much colder and it would have been quite a bit harder to take up ice today. I am so fortunate to have been home yesterday when the sun worked its magic warming the pavement loosening the ice sitting on it.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It is all relative


First I should let you know that Leroy’s sore wrist is magically better as of yesterday. That second fall, when pushing the car, seemed not to affect him at all. After he hurt his wrist he told me that his throat was not noticeably sore because it was so much less pain than the wrist. Does that mean if you have a pain you should create a worse one somewhere else? When I was growing up, I read a story about someone cutting out the hole in their blanket. I am sure you can see where that was heading, a cold sleep experience.

Gas prices started to fall and I was pleased to get gas at lower and lower cost. Before I went to MN Leroy filled the car with gas that cost a mere $1.77. On my way to Brian’s I purchased some that cost $1.95 and thought to myself about how much that was even though a short week before that $1.95 looked very good and competitive. Than in the Cities I felt I had better purchase more gas because I could not make it to my favorite station in Clear Lake, IA. That city gas was a terrible $1.99. With a sigh I filled up knowing that it was better to have it than to run out of gas on the road. I was so happy to find Clear Lake gas to be $1.77 again. Good old Iowa!

This week however, the stations that I see have now raised prices to $1.99 and just yesterday it was $2.09. I bought gas at the $1.99 and thought rather philosophically that change was coming once again. I did not want to disparage Iowa, after all. It was still much lower than it had been in the not so recent past. Our impressions of high and low prices change with time and circumstances.

It is also amazing that when we have had temperatures below zero for a few days we find ten above to be much warmer than it had been when we came at it from a higher temperature. Does this all point to our adaptability? I hope so.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

In a Rut


Boy was I in a rut. Last night I came home from work, turned into the alley, curved over behind the neighbors parked cars (just like I always do) turned toward the open garage door, got to the middle of the alley and stopped. I tried to give a little more gas with no forward movement. Then I tried reverse with the same result of wheels spinning like mad but no progress. I immediately turned off the car and called my knight in shining armor. That is Leroy if you have not already guessed.

“I will be right out,” he said, “welcome home.”

I waited a few seconds then got out of the car traversing the solid lumpy hills of ice proud of myself for still being in an upright posture.

I was unable to find the ice chopper, but our shovel has a metal blade so I grabbed that and went outside to do battle. I got a bit of it up after struggling and speaking firmly to it to give up. My knight must be having trouble finding his horse is what I was thinking when Leroy came out. I asked what took so long thinking something might be wrong. His reply, “I had to go to the bathroom,” made me laugh.

He got down the ice chopper from the rafters of the garage, no wonder I could not find it, and attacked more places by the wheels. After a bit he declared, “Get in and I will shove the car over and you should be fine.”

“Be careful,” I said as I started the car opening the window so we could give and receive directions without shouting.

In a few seconds the car moved over and Leroy slid down to the ground. He managed to avoid falling on his hurt wrist. In fact it was about as softly as a person can land on pointy ice. I got the car in the garage and we both went out and got up more of that offensive stuff. This afternoon I once again went out so that I have a clear space of about two feet square that should give me good traction into the garage. I am so grateful for front wheel drive vehicles. The inventor of that deserves many thanks.

All in all it was a fun time with a lot of laughs.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Clean Phone


Once I got to work transferring the names on my phones it was not such a hard thing to just keep going and get it all done. It is good to go through the list and I checked the accuracy of some of the numbers so that was good. I also went through the calls list and eliminated all of them. Oh, and I got rid of all the messages in my in box and out box. Nice to have it so pristine! I tried to look through everything that might have some data that would be just mine. I am glad I found it so it can be passed on to someone who might need it in an emergency.

Leroy thought his wrist was a bit swollen this morning, but still not in such bad shape that he needs to see the doctor. That is good. He made it to church this morning without falling so that is good too.

I have a team meeting at work today which means I should go an hour early. To you think I can manage that change? The last time we had one I had a note on the table just as I do today, thought of it at 9:30 and then forgot about it. Today I have set a timer along with the note. How much help do I need?

Fastnachts will be served this Sunday to the church staff at an open house here. Because of the annual meeting we shortened the time of the gathering. I hope that it does not mean so many people all at once. We have managed with crowds in small spaces before, so surely we can do it again. The apartment at the seminary in Bratislava was much smaller, and this would be about that same number of people. I keep telling myself, “We can do this.”

I will work on Saturday, but not on Tuesday so there is no excuse for not getting the work done ahead of time, such as cleaning. One of the larger issues is that our chairs are not so good for large sized people. I am not sure how to handle that. The best might be to bring out the office chair.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Walking to Church


I walked to church alone because I was singing in the choir. Leroy decided to give his throat some more time off, meaning he could come later. It was a little wet and slippery in places, but I had no difficulty. Leroy, however, fell down hurting his wrist, not enough to see the doctor, but enough to take a pain pill. He is sleeping now so it will probably feel better when he wakes. We both found that in certain places the sidewalk was more like a pond than a walkway. I met one guy on a bicycle in a particularly treacherous spot complete with ice, water and a minimum of bare pavement. He managed to navigate it with skill and daring.

Leroy had a nursing home service this afternoon so he got to walk on these streets for four miles. He did take some different blocks, but all had their unique hazards. It certainly keeps us alert as we walk. I almost wished I had worn my boots, but then I would have to deal with carrying my shoes along with the choir music.

Just to see what would happen, I tried to call the house with my old phone that is not connected to a service. It said it was switched to Verizon wireless and I could make a call with a credit card or phone card. I did not realize that happened. I guess that is how the people who accept used cell phones can utilize them at the shelters, etc.

Now I just have to get all my contacts off that phone. It is a job that I do not really want to do so I am putting it off. I will go do some of them when I get this letter mailed, how is that for a clear statement? Since you are my witnesses I will do at least one or two. I would not want to go back on my word even to myself.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

New Things


It is almost an old thing, but Leroy’s head is still not happy. Just a few days ago I learned he was dealing with a lot of dusty, I could have said dirty, books. At least one day he did not wear a mask and it was much worse. Yesterday he came home significantly better because he said he did not handle any of those items. He is moving things around in the back room because they are getting about 20,000 books or items from storage and they have to find space for them. I suspect that means more dust coming in, maybe storage in boxes will stop that.

Today was the first day off Leroy has had in a while and he was moving slower enjoying no pressure when I realized that if we did not mail the birthday card to a granddaughter she would not get it for her birthday. We then sped up a little to get to post office in time to pay the extra postage for the odd size envelope.

The car did not want to start as easily as it should have so I stayed out in the car and moved the floor mat wondering if it were too much under the clutch. It still was a little hesitant to start. We had just gotten a new battery so now Leroy thinks it might be time for a tune up. As he says those cars demand attention with feeding or tweaking. I happened to put my hand down between the front seat and the door only to feel my lost phone. Yeah, now I can get the names off and give it away to the women’s shelter where they use old cell phones.

Thursday when I came home from work there was a rather loud noise as I was pulling into the garage. I stopped immediately thinking I might have hit the side of the garage without realizing it. I then noticed that I was in my usual middle path. I drove into the garage, got out of the car, walked back around, and saw a piece of the car lying on the ground. It was a not so very big triangular plastic chunk that was about a foot long. It had come from the front bumper. Oh dear, now the car is literally falling apart! Later I thought about my parking job in the morning. Hoping to be out of the traffic lane, I snuggled up to the snow pile at the side of the street and scraped the car against. I suspect with the cold negative temperature, the snow was rock solid and damaged it some. It was not until I drove home that I jiggled it a good bit of the way on the bumpy road when it finally disconnected. We are discussing what to do about it. I had hoped to get at least one more year out of this car maybe even two. We will see. Do you think duck tape will work?


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Leroy’s Birthday


“Happy Birthday,” I told Leroy before we got out of bed. I was rather proud of myself for remembering in a timely fashion.

“Should I give you your presents now?” I wondered.

“Yes, that would be great,” Leroy said.

I was pleased because He seemed to like all of the gifts. He got an outdoor thermometer which we may change for one of those digital ones. Has anyone had good luck with those? We had one about 12 years ago and it did not work well. I would guess that they have improved. But what would be a good brand?

Next he got a neon green t-shirt. Just when he will use this I am not sure because he likes his bike shirts with the pockets in the back. However this was on his list.

The last gift was a tea pot with three small cups. He wants the pot for the church office. I will now have to make or find a cozy for it.

Nice to know the gifts were appreciated. Maybe I should start thinking about next Christmas now. Actually that will not happen. I seem to do better in the week ahead mode. Pressure makes it happen. Now I can relax for several months.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Beautiful Snow


Leroy went out early to shovel the last snow off the sidewalk before people tracked it down. I lay in bed a little longer grumbling because I had woken up at 4:00 and not fallen right back to sleep. After that self righteous session I got up and tackled the area between the alley and the garage where the snow plow had gone by in the night. It was a tremendous lifting job to hold onto the packed snow and get it up high enough on the pile to be to the side. I should lift weights more often. It is so satisfying to see the clear expanse growing and the snow pile diminish where we want to drive.

Yesterday I was almost wishing for a snow blower, but not today. Each day is a new day. Mid morning I went out with the scoop shovel. That is the scoop shovel that my daddy had given Leroy. So I thought of my father and growing up on the farm. Shovels can spark memories.  With that shovel I dug paths across the lawn for the mail carrier. My neighbor on one side was out and he met me half way. It created an expansive feeling in me to do this cooperative good deed. It is so beautiful outside now. I am not sure why we have to have such disruption to our lives to create it, but I am grateful for my eyes that can see it.

I got on a web site where I could figure out how to put my new phone on vibrate. It is in a slightly different place than my last phone. Now, if I can just remember that when I want to use it, I will be impressed with myself. I also set up my voice mail. Another goal was to add more phone numbers to my contacts, but I am not sure that I will get that done before I leave for work. I thought I would allow a little extra driving time because the Ely blacktop is often not a fun road after a storm.

I am looking forward to working again as I have been absent for a week. How did they survive without me?


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Shoveling equals health?


The snow started last night before we went to bed. As is our habit we got up early to shovel. It was such a nice temperature however that made the snow quite heavy. It was possibly about four inches. At any rate we did a good width at first and narrowed to a path at the end as tiredness set in.

Leroy announced that he would not be going to church as he was too worn out. He asked, “Will you drive or walk?”

I was surprised by the question as we seldom drive. I did walk and by that time my tracks had been covered by the new snow. The temperature must have been dropping and the wind for sure had come up because by the time I got there I was happy to get in the building. Because of walking through some deep stuff, I was barely on time for church or was it because I did not have Leroy to race after?

There was a slim crowd, but still a good corporate worship experience. As I was thinking of leaving a woman told me that she could take me about half way home if I would like that. She is quite a bit older than I am. I was impressed that she braved the weather to come to church. I did accept the ride and helped her clean off her car. The streets did not seem that bad for driving. I had walked some on the sidewalk and some on the street, which ever seemed easier.

When I got back home I could barely see my footsteps. I started to shovel a bit more, but did not last too long as it was still quite heavy. I thought more colder temps might help  provide lighter snow for me.

After lunch Leroy when back out to shovel some more. I went out when I have finished washing dishes. I was quite surprised to see that once again my footsteps were just a faint impression.

Later Leroy and I went out to shovel by the garage. After that exertion which was quite deep, Leroy declares, “I think I am better now.”

I guess all he needed was a bit of work to move things around in that body of his.
