Thursday, February 26, 2015



It seems to take as much energy and thought to pack for two days as it does to pack for a week. How to explain that? One thing  that helps is that it is cold and the prediction is to stay in that territory for the next three days. So clothes choices are narrowed. We drive up one day, stay a day, and come home the next. Part of my problem is that I would like to wear some new cold weather clothes and my coldest weather clothes are old friends. Some winters I have not worn them.

I have a black wool sweater that I was given while we were in Slovakia. I have worn it many times. This year I have decided this warm sweater that I have had for at least ten years is just for “round home wear”. For some reason the last time I wore it the sleeves were short. After washing it, along with other cold water only items it seems that I am learning the art of felting without trying. That means that it looks quite a bit smaller than it had been in the past. How did that happen? I will have to figure out how to make those cute mittens from felted wool sweaters. But will I, that is a big question.

At least I have a birthday gift for Logan who will be four tomorrow. That is the reason for this trip. This month is the big birthday month in our family.  Leroy starts it off followed by six more before we get to this birthday.

Last night when Leroy and I walked home from church it was just beautiful with the snow. For some reason the air was so clear it was almost startling. There must be more pollution around that I realize. Does the cold make it go up or down?

It was so astonishing to drive to work today because the Ely road had been cleared. I was pleased and amazed as I zoomed along in comfort with a relaxed grip on the steering wheel.


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