Monday, March 2, 2015

Walking in the woods


Yesterday when I was ready to walk Cleo, Sophia and Logan wanted to go too. It was about 20 degrees which feels like a heat wave so I was happy to have them join us. Leroy always wants to walk so I did not mention him. When we got to the hockey rinks in the park, Sophia wanted to walk between them. With memories of the last time Leroy tired this, he, Logan, and Sophia set off while I stayed on the path with Cleo. The last time the snow was so deep that Leroy and the kids had a seriously hard time getting through, but yesterday offered no such challenge with the hard snow pack. When they were done they spent some time sliding on the ice. Cloe and I walked to the rinks and joined although Cloe had difficult time maintaining balance. After that Sophia wanted to walk through the woods so we set off on the small path up the hill and through the woods. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this trek even though I could see out of the woods at all times. It is not a big wods. I have missed being in the country where I can just wander at will in the trees. I really am a country girl in my heart. The city is my adopted home, but not my first choice.

On the way home yesterday the roads were quite clear except for many areas south of Rochester where snow had blown across the road. Leroy found it a bit disconcerting to be speeding along and then encounter one of those patches. We never slipped, but he drove slower on them. After we had left those snowy road places behind we turned right and there was a pronounced protest from the right wheel area. After a little discussion Leroy wondered if the wheel bearing were going bad. We stopped to get some groceries and again heard the grating as we turned. When I looked at the right wheel area I became aware of a coating of ice under there. I tried to kick some of it off, but it was akin to cement. It is to warm up on Friday maybe on that day our noise will disappear. We are both hopeful.


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