Sunday, May 31, 2015



The last time I worked, my boss who was cleaning out the back room said, while beckoning me to follow, “Have I got something for you!”

When she pointed to a large, square, (maybe three gallon) bucket I was very pleased indeed. Leroy and I can always find a use for such an item. It has a lid so I might even use it to store something more delicate like rice that I have in a fifteen pound bag. Then I learned the downside, this bucket still contained leftover frosting from making the gingerbread houses.

Because he knows I hate to throw away anything, even things I do not like very well, Leroy wondered if I was going to use the frosting. Getting Leroy’s attention, I responded with a resounding, “No, I am going to throw it away.”

I did that even though it was a little hard emotional task. I sealed it in some other smaller plastic containers and put it in the garbage since I suspect it is good for no animal. I felt badly about not recycling the containers, but once it a while I guess it is ok.

While things were being eliminated at the library I asked about the almost empty ice cream bucket in the freezer, after all it had been in there since last summer. I brought that home as well, let it sit out over night, dumped the remainder in the yard, and hosed it down hoping it was ok for the grass and ground. My boss even told me she would keep more ice cream buckets for me since they eliminate them frequently.

Now I am rich in re-usable containers. I am so happy. No longer can I use no scrub buckets as an excuse not to clean. I am building a reputation as a person who will use the refuse. So I may collect other unexpected good things in the future.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

In the neighborhood


I took an early morning walk into a part of the neighborhood that I seldom go to. I should go there more as it is uphill a good bit of the way, giving me more of a workout. I saw this perfect statue of a deer on a front lawn. As I was wondering why I had not noticed such good work before it flicked its ears and then twitched its tail. As I got closer it stepped back a little before it darted across the street. I had thought there might be deer around here, but I have not seen one before. It was beautiful even though probably unwelcome. I remember how vigorously they can eat prized plantings. Is my lettuce safe? At least on my street the houses are packed a bit tighter and there are a number of dogs even though those dogs are inside at night, they still might be a deterrent.

Another tree has come done across the street. I was sad to hear the roar of the shredder yesterday as all the branches and much of the trunk disappeared. I suppose it is on the city rotting list just as the one next to it. After the workers had gone I did look at that trunk, to discover that more than half of the diameter was no longer supporting life. These were both big old trees that contributed much to the shade and ambience of the street.

The city has been good about replacing them so I expect to see a planting in the fall. Since many of these houses are 100 years old the trees are ancient as well.

I was able to plant a tomato, three peppers and an eggplant in our front garden. Leroy is gone so I picked out the spots. He will be fine with my choices and just happy that I got the job done.

Our landlords were gone for a few days so I was the only one in the house on Thursday night. Even though we have quite separate spaces I was aware of being in charge and responsible. Guess I am not ready to live alone in a house.


Friday, May 29, 2015

All in a day’s work


Yesterday at work a women asked my co-worker if two of us working there would witness a signature on a social security form. That seemed like an ok idea. Hoping it would be ok, I said, “Yes we can watch you sign and then sign it too.”

“Well, it is not my signature. It is my mother’s.” she said. “And it  has already been signed with an X.”

Oh dear what is all this with no mom in this room, I wondered as I asked, “She could not sign it?” I am also wondering if her mother is alive or not. I know that she had been quite ill and in a nursing home.

The patron had me read the part on the back of the form that stated it could be signed with an X and witnessed by two people.  My co-worker said firmly, “We cannot sign this.”

I was so relieved to hear her say that. I was busy trying to work my thoughts around what was being asked and how to handle it in a diplomatic manner that I was tongue tied. The patron was not very happy, but I too did not think we could sign as witnesses when we did not witness anything. Seems to me the word witness means to see or be present. Her take on it was that we just had to see the mark and sign rather than see it being put there.

Something else I would like to know is what boy is using the toilet, filling it with so much paper that I have to plunge it. Not my favorite part of working. I suppose that would be one perk to working in a larger place, I could call a custodian to do the dirty work. At least I have had experience with this task in the past so I do know what to do. Probably not a good thing to do, but I once asked the man who reported it if he would do the plunging honors if I gave him the plunger. He did help me. For which I am grateful.

And you thought librarians sat around reading books all day.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Leroy teaches me


Last night as we were lying in bed I asked, “What do you know about the 008 field? Do you use it?” Do you suppose any other couples have had this conversation in bed?

Leroy started to go into a rather lengthy explanation. “I cannot remember this stuff; I will have to come visit you to see what you are talking about.”

That is just what I did today. I now know more than I did, but I am not sure I really want to know or know enough o correct errors in the field. According to the ILL(interlibrary loan) group our catalog records are 18% corrupt. Not wanting to be corrupt, I asked for a list of the bad records. The result was a rather cryptic report of 58 pages. These are just one or two liners that tell the title or part of it and what the error is. When I glanced through it I saw that many of them refer to the 008 field which I have never dealt with. To say the least it is difficult to repair something that has many parts none of which I knew about before now. It was helpful for Leroy to go to library school after computer catalogues were in rather common use. I learned the paper card. Then when I was working I did go to some workshops and learned a lot there, but there is still more to learn. Leroy tells me that he also learned much more at workshop, but his workshops were later than mine.

Leroy came home in a great mood. He likes dispensing knowledge.

I rode my bike to Leroy’s work place. Spotting my bike helmet, two people asked if I also ride my bike to work just as Leroy does. I felt sad to say no, but it is about 13 miles for me instead of three and I work until 8:00 two nights and go at 8 one morning so it is not really easy for me to do that. If it were only five miles I could do it like a breeze.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Night lights


In my house there is no need for a night light. Inside there are numerous lights that are on all night. The ones that come to mind are: clocks, two individual, plus one on the stove and one on the microwave. There is the phone which has a small red light on each unit. The main phone unit that brings in the signal from the internet has a blue glow that can be quite bright. I try to remember when I dust to leave it in the low light position. Swiping across it is how the intensity is changed. Our wireless router contributes to kitchen light with its two or three green lights. In the bathroom one toothbrush glows green when the brush is charged. The other turns off. I have a little glow in the dark snake snuggled next to a luminous rock sitting on a bookcase in the hall. Outside there are street lights, alley lights, motion lights on the back deck and porch, and sometimes a great full moon. We barely know what darkness is.
I am always surprised when my grandchildren want a night light. Even though I pull out that assistance, I wonder what they want it for.

Last Friday Leroy and I visited with the social security office so I am now going to get the spousal benefit of Leroy’s social security while he continues to earn. I will also earn, but it also does not matter. This seems to be the most advantageous move for us. It was good to have some expert help. I also got the feeling that this particular maneuver is not one that can be done without guidance. It was quite easy to get to the office since it is just across town. The appointment was met exactly on time so Leroy felt it was a good use of his time as well. It will be nice because my Medicare payments will come out of the check so I do not have to pay that on my own. Leroy, because he suspended his benefit will continue to pay his Medicare bill. I thought it would be nice if both could just come out of there, but it does not work that way.


Monday, May 25, 2015

Life Changes


Tis the season of graduations. We have gotten three notices of such. Yesterday we attended a graduation party. As Leroy said, “It has been a few years since we have done this.”

It was for the daughter of one of my co-workers. I have met the daughter and her boyfriend who were having a combined party. The introverted part of me did not want to go. With the overcast skies it was almost easy to talk myself out of it, but I dearly like my co-worker so, for her sake Leroy and I went. It really was not so hard because I had met her dad, stepmom, and mom when I helped her move. It was nice to reconnect with those people. We even had a crazy picture taken in their little photo booth. When I attend an event such as this I am always surprised by my comfort level after I get there, but getting there takes quite a bit of effort on my part. I did scan that crazy picture and put it on Facebook, but it is rather small and not worth further display so unless you are friends with me on Facebook you will not see it.

I remember being told by another high school student that she had always thought I was “stuck up” until she got to know me. I believe that was just me strapping on my courage armor so I could manage social situations and hoping no one would notice that I was uneasy.

Our next door neighbors are going to have the big old tree that graciously spreads its branches over our back yard, taken down. We will miss the wonderful shade it provides as well as the squirrel entertainment that happens there. This is the tree in which I have seen young squirrels testing out the world. Apparently there is some concern that the tree might come down in a big wind storm which we have from time to time. I understand this feeling, but I would still wait a year or two. We will notice this lack of the many benefits it provides.


Sunday, May 24, 2015



Leroy and I went to the community garden yesterday. Four other people joined us. One woman and I pulled weeds, making great progress. It amazes me how fast the work goes when there is someone else to talk to. The other four hauled and distributed mulch. That also went so much faster than one person working alone. Now if we could just pull in more people from the neighborhood we would really feel that we had accomplished something.

The rain ties in with this because I felt that ground in the garden needed water. I am always so happy when we do not have to use the hose and apply it. Considering the size of this garden that is a rather lengthy process. When the fire station was by the garden one of the neighbors, who is also a fireman, did the watering. He told me it took him six hours to do that. Not such a terrible job when he was doing other things most of the time and just moving the hose now and then. That might sound like am not grateful that he did this, but I am so pleased that we did not have to do that for one year. I suppose I could read a book or weed if there is a need.

Leroy and I walked to church in the rain. Under umbrellas it was fine because the wind was gentle. Leroy has a golf umbrella so he is well covered, but he tells me his arm gets tired. My umbrella is small making it light but I was careful where I placed it and the angle was of concern from time to time. Much of life is a trade off isn’t it? There was more rain and wind on the way home, but we made it in fine shape. I am grateful for that rain.

Now all of my onions and other plants by the house are drinking it up.


Friday, May 22, 2015

What drivers do not know or see?


Pedestrians seem to be an unknown entity sometimes. I often find that cars pull into the crosswalk, especially unmarked ones without noticing that I am coming. The closer I am the more likely that I will be left some crossing room. Otherwise I frequently find a car solidly taking up the cross walk. If they cannot pull into the cross street, I must decide if I should walk in back of the car or in the front. Generally I walk in front, hoping that lets them know I am there. Sometimes this puts me a bit farther out in the intersection than I care to be. In that case I might walk behind the car with as much clearance as I can give them. I do not want them to roll back my way which can happen especially if there is a slight grade. To think kindly of people I cannot decided if it is better to surmise that people just do not see me or that they do not know the rule about not stopping in the crosswalk when waiting for their turn.

This morning I was sitting in the car waiting to turn right at a stop sign. Even though I have rarely seen a walker in this area, I stopped behind the unmarked crosswalk. Before I could move on, a rather large SUV type pulled up to the left of me, stopping squarely in the crosswalk and blocking my view of the street to the left. Seeing no walkers, I pulled up a little so I could see around this vehicle. I had to wait as a car was coming. Then the auto alongside me again pulled up enough that I could not see over them. I then pulled up as much as I dared without getting the front of the car in the cross lane. I was able to go in a little while. I wonder why that vehicle pulled up so far; didn’t the size of it allow the driver to see over me? Did they have no clue that they were totally cutting off my ability to see in their direction? Is ignorance acceptable as a reason to do something?

Patience is required many times a day. I just hope people are patient with me when I might unknowing cut them off in some way.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Fern Attack


Leroy was feeling much better yesterday, not totally well, but better so I asked him to help me divide the fern which had reached the limits of growth in its pot. Before we started we took a before picture with first one and then the other of us standing by it. Then we gathered tools, gloves, and pots. It was a question of whether we could cut into three good pieces or if we should go for four. Leroy declared, “Four would be easiest.”

“Yes, but I think three was what I did last time and it would make a larger result.” I countered.

I got the fern out of its pot and laid it on the table. Leroy was in the garage so I went to see how he was gathering the saw for such a long time. He could not decide which saw was best. I suggested one and of course he immediately realized that the other saw was better. Great, I eliminated choices for him.

I remember doing that for Miriam when she could not decide what to wear. It was a rare day when she went with my choice, but she often asked for help. I would get disgusted. Finally a wise friend told me, “You did help, you eliminated choices for her.” That calmed my soul. It was almost a game in my mind which could I pick that she would not wear.

Leroy got the proper saw and attacked this fern with vigor. We ended with three fairly even chunks and one very small bit that was a single root or appeared to be. I also have after pictures.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Phone Call


While at work on Thursday I received the following phone call. I answered with my usual, “Ely Public Library, Paula speaking.”

The caller then told me his name and explained that he had returned a DVD two days before, but it still was on his record. He also informed me that he had put it in the external drop box. I am wondering if it had missed the slot and not been found in the box. But before I got into any of that I asked for his library card number. He hesitated and said it was really under his wife’s card. He searched for that card and started giving me a long number. Our patrons have a maximum of four digits on their card. “Do you want just the last four digits?” he wanted to know.

“We only have four digits. Do you want the Ely library?” I asked because many of our patrons use several libraries in the area. I told him about the only four digits fact. He assured me he wanted the Ely library.

Then I asked for the name on the card. He told me a name I had never heard before. I asked him to spell it. He did and we had no patron by that name. I again asked if he wanted the Ely Library, thinking about his hold on reality and if he were on something stronger than water. He tried to give me that number once more and I told him I did not understand how this could be because I did not find the name he gave and we did not have 12 digits for our patron numbers.

He then asked me, "Are you in Ely, Nevada or Ely, Minnesota?”

“Neither!” I laughingly said, “I am in Ely, Iowa!”

He also laughed, “I looked the number up on my phone and did not pay attention to what state it was in. I did not know your name and wondered if they had a new librarian.”

That solved my problem, but not his.


Friday, May 15, 2015

A shift Car


I have driven a shift car almost from the minute I learned to drive, which would be 52 years. In that span of time I have driven several different vehicles. For some reason the car that we currently own is one of the least friendly. I used to drive that car most of the time so I was quite used to it and “handled” it quite well. Leroy who did not often drive it had a bit of a tussle with it each time he drive it. I felt quite superior in those moments. About six months ago we decided because I was driving the longer distance to work, I should take the older car which has the easier shifting mechanism. It seemed to make more sense to wear out the older car first. Today I decided to drive the newer car because I had parked in the garage too close to Leroy’s bike; also it had not been driven in a week. I used that car on my shopping errands this morning. Most of the time when I started forward, I managed to jerk around a bit, one time even squealing the tires. I noticed that that the car behind me dropped back a safe distance. They might have thought I was a new driver or some kid showing off or some old person who wanted to return to another time of life. At any rate I got home in one piece and my shifting was smoother by that time.

Leroy has been sick/allergy prone again. His head is full. He came home Wednesday with this malady. Thursday and Friday (today) he did not go to work. I am not good as a care taker. I always suspect he is putting on more of an act than it is worth. He got different care from his mother than I am able to give him. He once had a sore throat when we visited. I had never seen such an outpouring of concern. At least I talk to him once in a while and feed him, but I do not fuss over him. I believe he would like that. He was quite pleased because the seniors group at church sent him a get well card. Glad someone is looking out for him. He is much better today as he even walked down to the garden while I was there. That is about three blocks one way.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015



Every once in a while I hear people talk about the feeling of coming home in a place that has never been their home. When I went back to my real home town for the funeral, I felt that I had come home. A feeling of love and appreciation for the beauty of the area just filled my soul. I like the hills and I liked all of the wooded areas with trees that had their new leaves. I had forgotten that sometimes, even though it is not the mountains you can lose the radio station when you go down in the valley. Instead of annoying me, that pleased me. Also there is one hill that is marked as a 7% grade. I believe that is quite steep even if this was a rather short hill. There used to be a lookout tower by Elizabeth. It is still disappointing to me that it has been taken down and not replaced. I loved going up there and just looking all around.

Today I spent a bit of time outside enjoying this neighborhood and delivering the neighborhood newsletter. I finished about half of my share. When I started I thought it cool so I was bundled up, but before I was done, I was sweating and had to remove my jacket. I will deliver more newsletters tomorrow, but will dress a bit lighter. I am also hoping to get myself to the community garden as there is still a bit more weeding to do there. But then I will also be out hanging up clothes since it is to be a nice day.

My winter onions are growing fast and going to seed in a hurry too. They do not really go to seed in the traditional onion sense, but they develop new onions up there that fall to the ground and grow more onions. I suspect that means I should share more of them so I gave some to the neighbors across the street. Soon I will have bulbs to share from those seed growths on the top. These onions really are an early producer. I put some in the community garden, but last year I noticed someone kept taking off those pods. I just hope they planted them instead of throwing them away. I had planned on a big patch of them this spring, but it is quite small because they were not allowed to reproduce. This year we are putting up signs with instructions, hopefully that will help them to expand.


Monday, May 11, 2015



Besides paying my respects at this funeral one of the big reasons for going was the hope of seeing some of my cousins. I was truly rewarded in that regard. Besides the two sisters of my cousin who had died, there were seven other grandchildren on my father’s side who were able to attend. Six of us sat together at the meal following the service and visited until it was all being cleaned up. Two of these cousins lived close, two others drove about as far as I did, and one was from Florida. She happened to be visiting a daughter in Iowa and drove over. Even though I am not really that close to any of these people, all but one are quite a bit older than I am, it was wonderful to reconnect. Growing up, as you might imagine, the older cousins did not have so much to do with us younger ones.

I will make an effort to create some more connections maybe even calling once in a while. I do send Christmas cards to some of them. We did not do a count, but I know five of our 29 1st cousins have already died.

My brother was also at the funeral, but he went to his own home for a meal. I did visit with him and his family for some time. That is good too since I do not often see them. Guess we just let things slide and other priorities get in the way.

I am realizing that some of the most important things in my life are not where I am putting much energy, such as staying in touch. I resolve to do better. Think I can do that?


Sunday, May 10, 2015



I have three plants at the school library. Thursday seemed like a good time to bring them home even though I had not talked to anyone about being there. Because I do not know when school is out there were still children around. I was a bit dismayed when I signed in that the person I know was not there. Luckily this person streamlined my entrance and I went back to get those plants. I decided to leave the Christmas Cactus because I lost one of them last summer. I am concerned that it is the conditions here that caused the trouble. Instead I got down the spider plant, tucked it on the bottom shelf of a cart, and gathered the fern. These plants are both quite large. As I went into the hall a boy and an adult moved past. The boy exclaimed, “Wow, look at that plant!”

All along the way kids were turning around and staring. One shouted, “Plant attack!” One child even wondered they would fit in my truck. “I only have a small car and I am sure I can get them in.” I assured them and myself.

At the car I did have to fold them in, but I got both on the back seat. When I walked back into the building with the cart I heard people talking about the trail of leaves. The fern had a lot of dry leaves on it and so I dripped a lot of them. Made me think of Hansel and Gretel and the bread crumb trail. Both of these plants are hanging on the clothes line. I do like them; however I suspect I should repot both of them. The fern I would chop into pieces so it would not be so large. It takes some courage for me to tackle that.

I do miss the big Christmas cactus. If it stays in school all year it does not seem like my plant because I do not go there. Another dilemma to be solved. I do have two smaller cacti from my sister. They sort of fill the void. But that cactus at school is the one I have had since we got married. It will be 44 years old in December. I cannot abandon it.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Garden work


I got tired from working in the community garden for an hour. Seems like a short time, but I was battling some tough weeds, mostly dandelions that had roots down to China. I managed to get much root out thanks to the recent rain and my digger. It is such a satisfying thing to look at the ground I covered and not see a weed because when I came it was hard to see the ground in some spots. Each earth worm delighted me and I greeted it with pleasure. There were many of them. They are working for us without complaining that I know about. I also came across a number of grub like looking things that I threw out as far as I could get them. If they are beneficial instead of harmful as I think, I apologize to the world.

Tomorrow a crew will work in the garden. I will not be there because one of my cousins died and his funeral is in the morning. Leroy will not come with me as he has the garden in the morning as well as a nursing home service in the afternoon.

It will be about a two hour trip for me. Now I am wondering how many of my cousins have already died. I also realize unless I am one of them, this will happen more and more as we age. This man was my oldest cousin. I know my father’s mother had 29 grandchildren so that is quite a few. Unfortunately I have not kept track of all of them. On my mother’s side there were six grandchildren and two of them have died. Life is always changing. I only had one living grandparent and that was my father’s mother. She lived a long life until 87, otherwise not so much longevity in the genes.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Gifts for Leroy


Leroy called me all excited to tell me that he had been to the Dr. about his ear. He had been having trouble hearing and had a sense of pressure in there for some time, probably three or four weeks. In the meantime he was self treating a sinus/allergy type condition. I had also been putting those ear wax remover drops in his ear along with rinsing. Course only once did we follow the directions to the letter in terms of how long to put it in.

He called the Dr.’s office last week only to learn that he would not be back until the end of May because he was on vacation. It was recommended that he try Insta care or some such place. Today he finally made that move. Luckily the provider, after stating that he had so much wax in both ears that neither drum was visible removed the copious amount of wax. Leroy tells me the pressure is gone and he can hear again. Boy am I glad! My commiseration level was taxed and some days none existent. I have heard quite a bit about this annoying condition, but I was mostly not able to help as I think Leroy should be in charge of himself. Because ear wax is often a problem Leroy thinks we should go buy that machine the physician used to get it out. I suspect he can make a lot of office visits before he pays for the machine. I have generally been able to remove the wax, although I cannot look in there to see if there is any left.

Leroy had ordered a bike rake so he can attach his panniers to the bike. Delivery was attempted yesterday, but we did not hear the knock. Leroy got on the computer and tried to have them keep it at the store until tomorrow when I could pick it up. Something was not going smoothly on the web site. Leroy just got frustrated and disgusted. Today, he suggested that I put a sign on the door to knock loudly. That produced the desired result. The delivery guy said that something must have been stolen at our address because they have a stipulation that they must get a signature in person. We both think it would no longer be necessary when they put it on the back porch. This kind delivery guy said he would talk to their tech guy to try to get that changed. Anyway Leroy is happy to have his bike rack now.

Life should be good with open ears and a way to carry, on the bike, this and that to and from work.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Gifts of the day


In the morning, I got an email from a friend inviting me to adopt her rose poinsettia. I was excited to get that and it is indeed a beautiful plant. I will enjoy it. The problem is where it will reside, because after I brought it home Leroy started to get a full head, sneeze, and complain. We put it down on the back porch where I will see it every day and probably many times a day, but it does not seem as good as in the house. I’m guessing it would not do to put Leroy on the back porch where I would see him every day and probably many times a day. Unlike the plant I think he would not go for such an idea. Leroy’s head got better after the removal, but who ever hear of a poinsettia being a problem?

This friend also offered me some lilies. Even though I do not own this place I answered with confidence that I would take them. They look healthy and vigorous. Today I walked around the house with my landlord, another good friend, and talked about where to put them. I will get them in the ground and when his wife comes home, move them if necessary. Plants that come within my radar must be flexible if they want to survive.

As we were looking around the house I commented on the iris that is just about ready to bloom. I am so pleased with it because I found this half dead small stalk abandoned on the sidewalk, brought it home, and planted it. This is the second year and it had gown and will have ten to twenty flowers. What a great gift to me just for saving it.

Last night when I got home I could not get the key in the side garage door. Leroy put a new more secure lock on there because of his bike. I grumbled in my mind about this contraption, gathered up more things that I was bringing home and made a second trip back to the garage. When there I suddenly realized that I was using the wrong key. Sure enough the proper key slide right in and turned the mechanism. “Attitude, attitude, Paula,” I said to myself, “Step back and think a little answers are often right there where they should be.”


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Being Outside


It is now rainy so we are not outside much, but we have been there in the recent past. Saturday and Sunday evenings we rode our bikes around Cedar Lake. It was lovely and especially nice to see the baby geese. Most geese pair only had about two, three, or four goslings in evidence. I wondered if it were a slow production year. However, later I saw out on the lake, four adults swimming two in front and two in back of the group. In the middle were at least a dozen young. Because I did not actually count it could have easily been fifteen or more. Do you suppose geese have some babysitting agreements? Such as; you watch the kids today and we will watch your kids tomorrow. I remember liking just such pacts.

I had hoped to ride around the lake everyday now that we had gotten a two day habit, but it only takes a little rain to keep us down. Snow and cold not so much, but that rain is a strong force.

Saturday afternoon Leroy, two women, and I worked in the garden. I felt it was a daunting task, but was pleased that we got almost a fourth of the space weeded and some mulch put down. The mulch was a little moldy so Leroy’s head was less than happy, but we will get this job done. The wood chips were not chopped so well, I wonder if the chipper was resting half the time. We planted some cold weather things such as cabbage, broccoli, and brussel sprouts. One of the great finds was that the cilantro had spread seed around so we do not have to plant this year. We were planning to put in the rest of the plants/seeds this coming Saturday, but it looks like the rain might change those plans. One of the problems with waiting another week is that I am working that Saturday. I love the rain to water the garden, but I really want it to come on my schedule.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Leroy gets a compliment


This last week Leroy told me that someone gave him a compliment on his Maundy Thursday sermon. “And I did not think it was one of my best,” he added, “also, two people mentioned it three days ahead of that.”

“I cannot remember what you said,” I commented, “but I do remember thinking that it held my attention because, of course you are so riveting. Actually that is a true compliment when someone remembers to say something almost four weeks later.”

We went to the city wide garage sale yesterday. The biggest plus was visiting with people we do not see very often. We also got some bargains. Leroy found four books that looked good while I found a curved, two handled mincing knife with cutting board. The knife brand is familiar to me as being one of the good ones even though it only had one guy on it instead of three. That would mean it is the lowest quality the company produces. I used it to mince some of those dandelion greens and it did a great job. Now the trick will be to find a good accessible place for it in my rather crowded kitchen. As we have stayed longer in this house I have acquired a few other things rather than eliminated. I must evaluate the needs.

In our rounds at the garage sale we stopped at the parsonage we lived in for 15 years. They invited us to see what it looks like now. Quite different from when we lived there, but yet similar. I commented on liking all the cupboards in the kitchen. With a laugh they said they had to go out and buy more things to put in them and they still have not filled them.


Friday, May 1, 2015

What gives me joy?


In a magazine I am reading about happiness and how we can change our mood by thinking of happy times or things. I am not sure why I used the word joy in the title when it was not mentioned. Somehow joy seems deeper to me than happiness.

Things that make me happy are coming home to learn that Leroy called the internet provider and cut the rate by $10 per month. Also Leroy took care of some papers that had been sitting out for a week or two. I am happy to clean off the space.

Pleasure rushes through me when I like the taste of the dandelions I picked. Leroy liked it as well. So my time was not wasted and we have a health benefit. My sister told me that the sheep liked the dandelions, I figure sheep must know a thing or two about what to eat even though some call them a dumb animal.

I am happy when I saw the pee on the toilet seat at work, before I sat in it. Some little boys had been in there ahead of me. I was able to clean it up without touching it another reason to feel good. Plus I was pleased there was another cleaner toilet for me to use in the meantime.

It is so soothing to the eye to look about and see the green leaves emerge along with all of the beautiful blooming trees. Sorry to all the allergy prone people who must wait for the end of a treat to the eye, to feel good.

I like getting up in the morning after a night of only waking up once to go to the bathroom. That is a gift indeed. My mood and energy are better all day.
