Sunday, May 31, 2015



The last time I worked, my boss who was cleaning out the back room said, while beckoning me to follow, “Have I got something for you!”

When she pointed to a large, square, (maybe three gallon) bucket I was very pleased indeed. Leroy and I can always find a use for such an item. It has a lid so I might even use it to store something more delicate like rice that I have in a fifteen pound bag. Then I learned the downside, this bucket still contained leftover frosting from making the gingerbread houses.

Because he knows I hate to throw away anything, even things I do not like very well, Leroy wondered if I was going to use the frosting. Getting Leroy’s attention, I responded with a resounding, “No, I am going to throw it away.”

I did that even though it was a little hard emotional task. I sealed it in some other smaller plastic containers and put it in the garbage since I suspect it is good for no animal. I felt badly about not recycling the containers, but once it a while I guess it is ok.

While things were being eliminated at the library I asked about the almost empty ice cream bucket in the freezer, after all it had been in there since last summer. I brought that home as well, let it sit out over night, dumped the remainder in the yard, and hosed it down hoping it was ok for the grass and ground. My boss even told me she would keep more ice cream buckets for me since they eliminate them frequently.

Now I am rich in re-usable containers. I am so happy. No longer can I use no scrub buckets as an excuse not to clean. I am building a reputation as a person who will use the refuse. So I may collect other unexpected good things in the future.


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