Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Being Outside


It is now rainy so we are not outside much, but we have been there in the recent past. Saturday and Sunday evenings we rode our bikes around Cedar Lake. It was lovely and especially nice to see the baby geese. Most geese pair only had about two, three, or four goslings in evidence. I wondered if it were a slow production year. However, later I saw out on the lake, four adults swimming two in front and two in back of the group. In the middle were at least a dozen young. Because I did not actually count it could have easily been fifteen or more. Do you suppose geese have some babysitting agreements? Such as; you watch the kids today and we will watch your kids tomorrow. I remember liking just such pacts.

I had hoped to ride around the lake everyday now that we had gotten a two day habit, but it only takes a little rain to keep us down. Snow and cold not so much, but that rain is a strong force.

Saturday afternoon Leroy, two women, and I worked in the garden. I felt it was a daunting task, but was pleased that we got almost a fourth of the space weeded and some mulch put down. The mulch was a little moldy so Leroy’s head was less than happy, but we will get this job done. The wood chips were not chopped so well, I wonder if the chipper was resting half the time. We planted some cold weather things such as cabbage, broccoli, and brussel sprouts. One of the great finds was that the cilantro had spread seed around so we do not have to plant this year. We were planning to put in the rest of the plants/seeds this coming Saturday, but it looks like the rain might change those plans. One of the problems with waiting another week is that I am working that Saturday. I love the rain to water the garden, but I really want it to come on my schedule.


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