Wednesday, May 30, 2018



Memorial Day, Leroy and I were sitting in the living room when we heard a crack outside. I looked up to see the tail end of a dead branch falling. Which to my mind explained the crack as we are on the second floor. There is a bit of a drop from above our heads. About an hour later I went to the kitchen to see leaves blocking the window above the deck. Anxiously I looked out the window and spotted a crack running along and away from the base of a sizeable branch of the large old maple tree in the neighbor’s yard. At that point Leroy called our downstairs friends who own this house. Leroy and Clark went outside to get another angle on the possibilities. Nothing was solved. In perhaps another half hour Leroy saw the branch move again. A good bit of an off shoot branch was resting on the roof. It ws also quite close to the electric wires and even on them in some spots.

I got my clothes off the clothes lines all the while keeping my ears tuned for any noise of shifting weight above me. Clark thought it could be a bit unsafe. He was probably correct, but I started cleaning things off the deck. The branch was not quite so thick and heavy looking there.

In the meantime Robin was calling the electric company as well as tree services. As it was a holiday only one person answered. He came over, checked the situation, left to get some equipment, came back, and tied up the tree with a bit of help from Clark who had a long pole that could be used to snag the rope. Or perhaps I should say tied down the tree as it was secured to the base of the tree trunk. This guy declared it safe until the next day when he could bring a crew and more equipment. We mostly stayed away from the ground that was under those heavy looking branches.

The next morning the job was finished. I am grateful for people who know how to get equipment into tight places and who know which branches to cut first to keep damage to a minimum. The good things are that there was little to no real damage to property and certainly none to people.

I will miss the shade that used to spread over the backyard. I will also miss all the squirrel activity that I could watch on their level.

I thought maybe it was the weight of the leaves that broke the hold on this old tree, but Robin wondered if it was just one more squirrel running around. For sure trees are no respecter of holidays.


Monday, May 28, 2018

No Pain


I have three toenails that are thick, discolored, and painful if bumped. I did not notice two of them until one day my toes were red and inflamed. The original painful nail was on the other foot. The recommendation was to use a vapor rub on it. It did not improve after a year and a half of faithful application once a day.

Finally I decided it was time to move on to a specialist in the foot territory when many of my shoes have become painful to wear with those toenails touching the tops of my shoes.

Today I went to a friendly and well-mannered podiatrist. He emphatically proclaimed toenail fungus. I questioned that, but he quickly dissuaded me. He also recommended the vapor rub, however agreed that I needed other treatment when I told him how long I had used it. He did comment that I should have used the vapor rub twice a day, but I am now trying for another solution.

I wondered if he would remove those not welcome nails. His response was, “That is rather drastic.”

I did have a fungus years ago for which I tried medicine that did not work. The doctor offered the “quick, cheap treatment” which I took. He removed my big toenail. The office was nine miles from my home. Before I got home the deadening agent had worn off allowing extreme pain to envelop me. I was crying so hard before I got home I was not sure that I could drive through the blurring of tears. Tearing off nails seemed like a good torture method to me.

In the meantime, today this guy cut my toenails, all ten, found a slightly ingrown toenail, and ground off the tops of the three offenders. He also had a product that I can use which is not covered by insurance, but his patients have had good luck using. I am applying it twice a day with hope and expectations.

Leroy, who has toenail fungus on all toenails commented, “I should probably go and get that med as well since I possibly have given the fungus to you.”

Leroy is so generous he always wants to share experiences.


On The Move


This morning, Leroy and I again went on an early morning bike ride. It is truly the coolest time of the day in many ways. We saw several geese families with teenagers getting their fill of something hidden in the grass. Leroy spotted a bright blue bird. We are not sure of the species, because we zoomed past too fast to identify, but the color was eye appealing.

The flowers were still blooming, adding to the beauty of the day. We ride around the lake and along the trout stream for a good distance. The stream section is shaded by the trees. I did put my fitbit in my pants pocket so it recorded 6,000 steps for me even thought I was riding the bike.

Close to our house we went on up the trail so that I had a trip of 11.89 miles. I am now confident that on Saturday I will be able to ride the 12 miles to work. That harder part might be coming home, especially if it is still up in the 90’s. Leroy has assured me that he could come get me if needed. I could even start on the journey home. There are several places on the trail that he could connect with me. Course once I am out there, I am not likely to call him, but will just keep encouraging myself.

We do go to the symphony in the evening, but it is late enough that I will have time to shower and eat. Mahler will be the featured artist. It reminds me of a time at the symphony in Bratislava. I had thought my cell phone was off. Even though Mahler wrote many loud and boisterous pieces, my phone rang in a quiet place. I got a lot of glares, especially from the Austrians. At least they did not know my name.


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Young Birds


Last night I opened the door to the attic, turned on the light, spotted a young bird huddled against the stoop, let out a gasp, turned off the light, and shut the door. Leroy came to have a look. This time a flashlight shinned on this bird sitting in the same place. After a call to our landlord it was decided to let it go until morning when better brains might prevail with a solution.

In the morning Leroy’s brain came to the rescue. He felt that he could take a cloth, put it over the bird, put one hand under and one hand over, capturing the bird preparatory to taking it outside. I found an old towel, handed it over, and opened the door while standing out of the way. The little brown and white bird had moved, but just to the other end of the step.

Leroy immediately put the towel over it, one hand under, one hand over, grasped gently, told me to open the door, went onto the deck by the bird bath, and released it. The bird quickly flew away from us, landing on the ferns where an adult swooped down with much chattering and sat on the close by fence.

A little later Leroy saw another young bird that had left the nest and landed in the grass. A starling also seemed to be overseeing the flying lesson.

What a nice day for birds.


Saturday, May 26, 2018



Leroy announced he was going for a bike ride at 6:00am. I went along and was so glad that I did. It was the most pleasant time of day with cool temperatures and few bugs. If we could just bottle and keep that it would be great.

It is so beautiful at this time of year I do like to go out and soak in the green of the leaves and grass. Along the bike trail we rode past one place that was awash in white and lavender colored tall phlox. It reminded me of taking a mountain hike in Slovakia with a guy who knew the names and seasons of many wild flowers. What a blessing!

This evening we went for a walk which became abbreviated because of the gnats, flies and other unidentified aero-bombers. Usually a walk is relaxing and refreshing for me. Today I was just happy to get back in the house. I am grateful for the air conditioning that works.

I hung clothes out this morning and battled with the seasonal gnats that saw me as a target. The one good thing about them is that they are only around for about two weeks or so.

Leroy had intended to work on bikes today, but decided that he could not deal with all of the gnats so he read a book and started another. Seems to me, that guy reads too fast.

Even though we rode eight miles this morning, my Fitbit does not register the biking as moving so it looks as if I was somewhat of a slacker today.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Wasted Day?


I really had thought I might have my toenails removed so I was planning a day with my feet up and a bit of pain. Because that did not happen, I had a hard time getting anything done.

My schedule was basically blank. It is hard for me to deal with that. I had gathered some movies that I might like to see. Finally I did watch one of them and enjoyed it. Even though I do not take such breaks in the middle of the day.

Leroy and I are going to have an open house in July for our half birthdays which will celebrate our 70 years on this earth. I will be 70 ½ and Leroy will be 69 ½. We are just inviting people from church as well as the staffs from our work places. That will be many people if they all come which I do not expect. Two of our children will also be here.

In preparation for that I did look though a photo album to gather a few pictures of us. The notable fact is that there are not so many pictures of Leroy and me, but many photos of the children. My sister made an album for me using my childhood photos. I am not sure that I would have chosen the pictures that she did, but it is nice to have it. Last year we went to a 70th birthday party for someone else. I am not sure if my family was just not into it or what, but I have no colored photos from the growing up years whereas that man’s photos were all in color. Was that color a later add or were they on to new technology that my family knew nothing about? Could it have been too expensive?

I will have to say that I have always thought I was not very good looking because I looked like my mother. She always talked about her unattractiveness. There was no doubt that I looked like her because people would say, “You are Jessie’s daughter, aren’t you? You look just like her.”

 In looking at these pictures of myself as a young adult I think I do not look too bad and maybe even good in some of them. If I get a boost it is not a wasted day, right?


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tech Works


After a long stretch of no this or that, all seems to be working. The internet has been strongly available for the last two days. The green lights are on, steady, and holding.

This morning I talked on the phone with a cell phone service agent who was able to get my phone working. Yesterday I spoke with a woman, who easily reactivated my service, but she was unable to get my phone connected, however she gave me a special number to call along with a code so I could speak to someone. Apparently it was an upper lever tech person. I only spent about 10-15 minutes with the guy this morning before he was successful. He called my phone a smart phone. It is a flip phone, he explained when I protested, with a different operating system. It seems that is the reason the connection was not working. Something needed to be changed from my old phone operating system. I will have to learn how to use this phone since it does not work just as my old model did. Those brain cells just keep getting a workout.

On Sunday Leroy put up, temporarily, our rain gauge and wind velocity recorder. The reason they are temporary is that he did not have time to do the secure method and he is not sure about the best place to put them.

They work. We could see how much it was raining almost at the moment it rained. The wind has hardly been blowing; also that gauge is in a rather protected spot. Which we knew, but we still wanted it up. The highest recorded wind speed is four mph. It is fun. By pushing a button we can see the rain and wind levels for the last hour, day, week, month or year. How is that for up town? I had no idea I would think this was so much fun. In the past I was just fine, knowing only the temperature which allowed me wear the appropriate clothing and feel comfortable.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Phone Woes


Our Internet was down mid morning so I could not deal with the phone until afternoon. At that point I had decided to just use the IPhone with the service recommended by a friend. I chatted with an agent there to learn which of two choices I should use; one I learned was powered by T-Mobile and the other by Sprint. Because Leroy’s phone service is T-Mobile I chose that. When I tried to order the sim card I was informed by this inanimate object that there was no service in my area. At that point I was disgusted and quit. My next step was to buy another flip phone just so I could have a mobile phone. However just now I spent over half an hour chatting with an agent only to learn that for some reason they cannot reactivate my account. I am to contact them again in 24 hours.

I am not sure why it is so hard to deal with my cell phone. I have had problems in the past that required the manager higher up the tech ladder to get the issues solved. For reasons I do not understand Leroy does not seem to have such dead ends. Why am I so special?

I should go for a walk in the woods to soothe my soul. Easier would be to sit under a tree.

Leroy and I did buy some veggies and some marigolds for our front raised beds. We thought it would rain, but all it did was sprinkle. If it does not rain overnight we will water in the morning.

I remember being told to play elephants and tigers when things go wrong. This means that you should think of the good things in your life.

At least my health is good. Leroy and I get along well even when I backseat drive.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Internet and Phone


Last night when I tried to get on the Internet it could not happen. Our home phone is powered by the modem and it also could not work. That meant I had no connection to the outside world from my home. Such a narrow existence! When Leroy came home we at least had his cell phone. This morning I thought about the millions of people who live with that on a daily basis. I can survive without these luxuries, but I do not want to do so.

I unplugged the modem several times when the phone finally started to work or at least I could call Leroy’s cell phone, however he did not answer since he was sitting right there. He was also able to call the home phone which I did not answer because we were in the same room. Internet was not available on the computer. This morning there was no phone once more. Leroy and I both rebooted the modem several times. Leroy had the lucky touch and the phone came on once more. After he left the house I tried to call him, but the connection was static city. The internet did not come up. Finally about an hour later the internet was on, but I could not access the phone company to chat.

Just now I did that and learned that this Iphone phone was not compatible. To buy another flip phone is only $20. I am wondering if I should do that so I can use the $80 that I figure I still have with my old phone. Or should I sign up with another company and if I ever find my old phone reactivate it and use it for calls? Life has more decisions than I want to deal with. I think I will go read a book. Is that called escape?


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Phone Fussing


One of my friends had an older model IPhone that I could acquire, she said for nothing, but I am contemplating solutions that we could both feel good about. I had it in hand when I chatted with a guy at my current provider. He wanted to know the serial number of that phone, but I did not have a clue where that info might be. He was not bothered when I told him the name of the carrier for the phone when it had belonged to her.

Yesterday I learned, from my friend, where to find that information. As all things technical it is not so hard once you know how to do it. Today when I chatted with a representative of the company I was prepared to give her that number. However, she was insistent that the previous carrier did make a difference and it would not work. She was not interested in learning the serial number. Now I wonder was one of them wrong and if so which one? I have ten months of time left on that lost phone. Months that could be transferred to a compatible phone.

My friend also told me about another company that is pay as you go. With a quick check they learned that the phone is compatible if I buy a new SIM card. Now the question is, should I just assume that is money lost on my lost phone or should I buy a cheap flip phone and use that time? Or should I just go with this new company and stop thinking about it? It is one of those gray areas of life with no clear answer coming to me. I have to say that I am becoming much more comfortable living without a mobile phone.

 I certainly do not understand the compatibility of phones and companies. I am grateful that I better understand the compatibility of friends. What a gift friends are in life where compatibility and flexibility mesh.


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Cleaning the Kitchen


Leroy and I had been planning to take a three mile walk this morning, but woke to gloom and much moisture in the air. I went out to transplant some impatiens that I had kept over the winter. I had early broken off a number of small branches and they rooted nicely. I am looking forward to having them grow at a great rate. The next few days are to be quite warm so that should give them a boost. I also transplanted some coreopsis that were being crowded out. Hoping they like their new home and flourish. While I was working outside, more drops started to come down.

I next started some granola. At that point I asked Leroy if he would help me do a deep clean on the kitchen. He agreed. After moving out any moveable things he swept down the ceiling and the walls with a clean cloth on a sweeper that I once purchases for hard wood floors that we no longer have in our dwelling.

It was great to get all of these places clean. It was quite close to lunch time so we took a break for that. I am always surprised that Leroy does not do things my way when it is the most logical method. These days he even sticks up for himself, claiming that he has some sense. We have a great time working together, especially as long as we keep the tone light.

I will have to clean the inside of the cupboards on another day. Those I can do all on my own. Doing the ceiling bothers my neck after a while so I like to have him do that. I was amazed at how much dust we found behind and under things that are almost never moved. It was great to have help moving all of these things. It made for a lot of steps. I walked a half mile to the grocery store. Now I have almost 10,000 steps done.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Phone Decisions


I have finally checked all the places where I shopped when I lost my phone. I was pleased that no one laughed at me when I asked if they had a flip phone in their lost and found. One place did have a flip phone that was months in their possession. Since mine was lost only a week and this one had a case it definitely was not mine. I have this feeling that it is somewhere close to the house or in the house. I will have to decide if I want to get another flip phone just to use the minutes that I just bought or just ignore them. I have had a reasonable offer on an IPhone 5. If I were Leroy I would be leaping on that immediately. He did not tell me to do that, but I could tell by the look on his face.

In some ways it is nice not to have a phone because I realize that I feel a bit freer. I do not even have to think about where it is, remember to take it with me, or make sure that it is not going to cause a disturbance if I get that random phone call in some place that should be quiet.

Last night Leroy and I, along with many people from our church went to “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor dream coat”. Leroy had to silence his phone, but I did not. We enjoyed the show. Makes me think we should get out more.

Today I delivered more of the neighbor hood newsletter so there is only a small amount left for Leroy to do. I got over a thousand steps even though I had forgotten to wear my counter some of the day. I will confess that is one trip I always make with a phone so if I need something I can call someone. So there are places that I definitely do want to have a phone.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fitbit on, phone still gone


I got a new battery for my Fitbit and it came right to life once more. It looks as if I sat around for the last three days, but I know that is not true. I have been moving because it is not just the device that makes me move. I bought a different company’s batteries so I am hoping that will improve the length of the charge.

It felt strange to drive to work, go shopping, and deliver some of the neighborhood newsletters without my phone beside me. Amazing how much I count on that small device to help me out if I need it. When did that dependence happen? Is it a life saver? Is it more important than God?

The other day I realized that I can lose things that I had never even heard of 20 years ago. That means I lived just fine for fifty years without them and did not truly think about their lack.

My new glasses are so thick that I cannot get clip-on’s to work on them when in the car. I am thankful that I got the transition lens even though I had read somewhere that that is a sign of old people, well, looking old is better than no sunglasses. Today while out shopping I thought to look for some sunglasses that would fit over my glasses. There was even a rack of marked down glasses. I found two that I liked, but could not decide between them. There was another woman there. I asked her what she thought was best. She told me her opinion which went with the most comfortable pair. Now I should be able to drive without squinting and trying to avoid the sun. I got my purchase at the self check. This particular pair of glasses was not marked down in price, but I know that customers move things around sometimes. I paid for them and left the store only to set off the alarm as I went through the exit door. Apparently these sunglasses had a security code on them. Because I had picked up the recite I was fine to leave.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Rhubarb and Screens


Leroy and I planted some early crops in our new community garden spot. There were a lot of grass roots along with some rocks in there. Our volunteer who tiled had a hard job. Leroy lucked out by having his leg not be quite healed so someone else did it. While we were there I went over to the old garden spot which has a mountain of dirt on it. Last year we had transplanted some rhubarb there. It is growing nicely this year so I picked some of it because we never know when machines will came to tackle the mountain. Chances are good that the rhubarb will get run over in the process. We will try to transplant it once more. There was one arugula plant that was growing quite nicely the last time I looked at that garden. Even though it was going to seed already I picked quite a lot of it. The winter onions are also in great shape. The machines did not run over their home or they just could survive. At any rate I picked one of them and it was quite tasty. Some of them will be moved to the new garden spot. I am hoping that lamb’s quarters in a bit more time.

I like to take the screens off the windows for the winter. I like looking out the clear glass. It has gotten hot so suddenly. Both of us are hesitant to open the windows in the morning to let in the cool night air. I did put on two screens earlier and today we got out eight more. That leaves only two more to get out. I will also wash the windows before I get out the last two screens.

I try not to work on Sunday, but this was the exception for a while. Leroy helped too and that made it all move along faster than when I work alone.


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Phone Lost


I lost my phone sometime yesterday. It is not an expensive phone so that is not an issue, but inconvenience is an issue. All those phone numbers that are stored on there are now lost to me. I have a feeling I lost it from a jacket pocket that has a long slit so it is not really for storing things other than to perhaps warm a hand. Leroy and I have both looked in the car, I cleaned out my purse, we also both, standing in different places, called that number to no avail. I have lost my phone in the past. It was only after I replaced it that I found it between the car seat and the frame of the car. My plan is to wait at least a week before I say it is absolutely gone. Course Miriam and some others feel that this is the opportunity for me to update to a smart phone. I had planned to do that, but not just yet. How did we survive back in the day when a phone was just one in a house and securely attached to the wall?

My Fitbit has stopped working. It is just totally blank. I did not see a notification that the battery was low so I am wondering about what has happened there. I now remember that the battery two pack that I bought the last time had one battery that did not work. The company had told me they would send me a replacement. That battery never came so I am powerless. I really hesitate to go buy another battery in case it is the device that is not working rather than the battery.

Should I replace it with a zip or get a wrist type? I must think about the pros and cons. I was not sure that I wanted to have one on my wrist, but there are certainly some advantages. Such as not having it clipped to my pants where I cannot easily see it in public. Would it be more or less accurate? It seems that so many material purchases require a lot of decisions to be made. We are awash in choices.

Now if we could just figure some of these things out including what car to buy next we could just let the world go by.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Summer is here


Summer is here, but it may be only for a day or two before some other change blows in. This morning the down comforter came off the bed, the duvet is washed along with the pillow shams. Both Leroy and I were too hot last night.

Even though my body would like more gradual changes, I know I should not complain. I saw a note from a friend who lives in Nigeria where the temperature was 110 F. That luxury, air conditioning, is not a part of their life. I now say, “Adjust body and get over it.”

The temperature in the house is fine; however I do know that some are running the air conditioning. Amazing that a short week or two ago we were getting snow with furnace function as a priority.

The blooming trees are showing forth their beauty. I like to go somewhere and be surprised by the display.

Since his skin cancer removal, Leroy has just now started to ride his bike to work. He seems quite pleased to be back in the saddle. I have not ridden my bike since last November or October.  Suspect my seat will be sore for a while when I do.

I am not sure why I did not go out today. It would have been nice to go down by the lake. Leroy tells me that the geese have hatched. I always enjoy seeing the babies.
