Sunday, August 28, 2016

Second camping night


We went back to the camp site with me wearing a turtle neck, thicker pants, winter hat, scarf and long socks that came up to my knees. Leroy had also augmented his wardrobe.

When the sun started to go down it was great to sit around the camp fire. Andy’s parents came up to visit with us. It was quite fine sitting around. In preparation for bed we added a large wool blanket that covered Olivia, Nora, and Leroy. I got a twin sized wool blanket just for me. Andy, who had some obligations, came up later and brought the down comforter from their bed. Miriam had already added a blanket over their queen airbed and under their sleeping bags. With an additional blanket on top. Their sleeping bags are rated for 0 F and 15 F. They let Leroy and I take the comforter. It was wonderful. I am so grateful for the geese and sheep that contributed along with Miriam and Andy.

Leroy and I both just wore our warmer clothes to bed and did not change. Almost seems sinful, but it was good. Leroy and some others wore a hat to bed, but I was so much warmer that I did not even mummy.

With judicious use of the temporary facilities or pee pot, I was able to avoid going outside the tent for the entire night. I had brought one the night before but the lid was not secure so I had to empty it and make the forays out in the cold. After I had used it a couple times Leroy had to go so I asked him to empty it. I was able to stay in the tent until morning. Leroy only went out once, and Miriam said she did not hear the zipper.

We still slid downhill in our bags. I got up twice to try to adjust the girl’s position with limited success. At least we knew enough to have the feet pointing downhill so we did not slide out of the bags.

Even though the temperatures were quite cool in the morning, perhaps low 40’s, it was just fine outside because I was not cold to begin with. The morning before my fingers were so cold that I could not button a shirt that I wanted to add to my layers. Leroy helped, but he also had trouble. I thought the buttons were too large for the buttonhole since I almost never button that shirt. Yesterday I had no trouble with those buttons. I believe that our core temperature had dropped from being cold all night long, affecting our dexterity.

It was almost euphoric to be warm all night and comfortable in the morning.


Saturday, August 27, 2016

First Camping Night


We are back at the house because Nora had a soccer game this morning. It was nice to come back and warm up in the low lands. We are not sure what the low on the mountain was, but tonight it is to be 39 degrees so we suspect it was similar. All of us were a bit cold. Tonight we will be taking back reinforcing blankets and I am going to wear a turtle neck to bed. I almost always have to go to the bathroom in the night and last night was no exception even though I had to loudly unzip the tent, put on crocks, trot down a short hill carrying an ice cold large flashlight, do my business, flush, rinse hands in ice cold water, trot back up the hill still carrying an ice cold flashlight, loudly unzip tent, put down ice cold flashlight, enter butt first so I can take off shoes, put shoes in tent, rearrange sleeping bag, pillow, and pad(that protects from the cold), work my way into the mummy bag, zip it up leaving just a slip with my nose or mouth showing, try to find comfy spot, and attempt sleep.

The camp fire this morning was the hot spot to circle around. Miriam and Andy are camping with us so it is larger group experience. This morning on the way down the mountain there were many runners who were going down. Some obviously started very early. There were also a number of bikers coming up. Now those people have my respect as they deal with the distance and the altitude. Strength is required. All we did was sit in the car and expect it to work perfectly which it did warming us nicely.


Friday, August 26, 2016



We landed on time even if it was late in my mind: 11:00 pm MDT. My body kept thinking it was 12:00. Everything went smoothly on the flight except for the bumps coming into the Denver airport and taking off again from the airport. I have often experienced that there so I should be used to it, but I noticed my body get a little tense.

Miriam was in the cell phone lot waiting when we landed. We scurried off to the baggage claim area, only to see many others find their bags and leave. Two other flights were picking up in the same area. Then we waited some more. A few bags came up for people I recognized as having been on the plane with us, then nothing. Finally, an airport guy came, hopped over the “belt” and went down in a hole to start throwing bags out, he climbed out and disappeared. Only a few more bags appeared. A different man came, scurried across, went down the hole, and more bags made it up. He hung around a little longer and it was finally streaming out bags. Ours came, we grabbed it, called Miriam, dashed across to the pickup point, and waited just a little longer until she could get to us before we drove on to her house.

Leroy and I have gotten up and walked the dog each day. This morning Pal was parked closer to the gate when we got out there, hopped right up when he saw us, and presented his neck for the leash attachment. He is an old dog, but he moves right along both with learning a new trick and getting one paw in front of another. Miriam tells us to be careful because if he gets loose it is a serious chase to get him back. We have hung on tightly and managed to do just fine.

We are going camping up in the mountains tonight and tomorrow night. It should be quite cool up there, wondering if I should have brought winter pj’s.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

On Our Way


Today, Leroy and I are leaving to visit Miriam’s family in UT for a week. We will not be able to use the bus when we come back home because it does not run late enough. It is not easy to support bus business when it does not run just when we want it or at least frequently enough to fit schedules.

Leroy had planned to work much later today, but he learned as he was going to call on someone for the church that they had died. Another person that he had planned to visit was very tired and just needed to sleep. I suspect that was ok with Leroy as he simply came home.

We are packed but in an odd way because we are paying for one check on piece that is not very full. I plan to bring back some shoes from Miriam’s house. One of her friends died. This woman had the same size foot as I do. I will first find what fits, but we think that some/many will work so I have plenty of room for them.

We are each taking on the plane with us, a bag that fits under the seat in front of us. At this minute I feel that would be enough for the entire trip because I can wear Miriam’s clothes.

I have settled in my mind about the person picking the tomatoes in the garden. As my downstairs friend commented, “If you had not been there at the same time you would never have known and it would not have been a problem. Also, that neighbor is moving so she was just taking his share.”

It was just such a contrast to the guy who had been through the day before. He looked to be homeless, but maybe I do too when I go to the garden even though my hat cost more that might be expected. He said with a grin that showed missing teeth, “Your husband gave me a tomato when I was here last time. Thank you.”

When I offered him some more and other veggies as well, he assured me that he could not take them now. I told him he could take produce anytime as this was for the entire neighborhood. I have to remember that we do not check on income, etc. just the desire for some good food.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Feelings: Hard or Easy


Leroy and I both work quite a lot in the garden and much of the result goes to other people. Generally I am quite fine with that as that garden is for all. But I realized that my altruistic feelings do not spread very far beyond the neighborhood. Our neighborhood has over a 1000 living spaces in it that get the newsletter. This garden serves a large area. Overall not so many in the neighborhood take advantage of the garden in either the sense of produce or contribute work.

Yesterday when I came to the garden I saw the closest neighbor talking to a couple. I went right to work looking for my arch enemies, the squash bugs. While there I heard this neighbor tell the woman, “Here is a bag. You can pick as many tomatoes as you want as many of them go to waste.”

I felt a bit ticked because every day that I attack these bugs I pick ripe produce of one kind or another. I have not left many tomatoes to rot. Once in a while one gets missed, but not often. When the woman got closer to me, I greeted her and asked if she was from the neighborhood. She replied with her almost full bag, “No, but I am from Cedar Rapids and he, pointing at the neighbor, is my relative. I went to the farmer’s market this morning and bought tomatoes to freeze.”

Selfish me, all I could think was I am not doing all this work for the entire city. Since that moment, I have been praying about my lack of generosity, but it is a struggle.

On the positive side, Leroy has managed to change his nursing home service schedule so there is only one left on Sunday. His weekends will be free except when he needs to help with worship in the church. How nice is that? We are looking forward to some time off together.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Camping Summary


True confessions! Leroy and I both took a shower, but we did not have the kids take a shower. We felt privileged just to wash their faces, hands, and feet before bed. Sometimes getting their teeth brushed twice a day took some effort. I guess they went home dirty. I hope their parents interpreted that as happy. Also in the shower neither Leroy in the men’s, nor I in the women’s could figure out how to regulate the temperature. We both found it to be rather hot. Surely that would not have been good for the kids. Excuses come to mind if I think long enough.

In our suddenly small car, we managed to stuff in chairs for everyone, but almost no one ever sat in one as we seemed to find many other interesting things to do. The most used seat was the one that Brian (or I think it was Brian) made in shop. It has no back, folds compactly and moves around easily. We also took the popcorn popper which is long handled and is for an open fire. We never used this room grabber either as our evenings slipped away without the opportunity.

Not sure that the kids thought this was a good experience the first night since we got there so late, but before we left I know they did like it. Sophia thought it would be great fun to go camping with all of our children and their families. I said, “I would like that, but I know some members of this family do not like to camp and that includes your mother.”

Her next thought was, “You should just take all the grandchildren.”

I thought that might be fun too, but I do not know how to get them all together. This living far apart makes it difficult to do these types of things. Even this trip required several hours of driving for drop off and pick up. Leroy commented, “I would like an additional adult along if we ever do such a thing.”

Logan said, “I would be the only boy.” Poor guy, perhaps he could invite a friend.

All in all a good time was had by all.


Friday, August 19, 2016

One full day camping


After breakfast and cleaning up, which always seems to take longer when camping, we headed off to a cave that is about an hour away. The kids were prepared with warmer clothes, but I did not check their feet. I had on sandals, but they are the walking, waterproof type which I had selected for this excursion. Both of these kids had on rather ordinary sandals which would not be good for walking on slick wet surfaces. There was no turning back. The tour lasts about an hour and we decided they could just put up with it all for that amount of time. It was not so cold at 50 degrees. I thought I remembered caves being about 45 degrees. Leroy went in to buy tickets while I parked the car. There was only about a five minute wait so we came at just the right time. This cave has many formations in it. It is a rather small space compared to some caves.

I was the only one who had been to this cave before. The rest agreed it was a good experience when we got done. On the drive back to the camp the kids fell asleep. When we got back, ate lunch, and cleaned up, I declared that I needed to take a rest. The kids and Leroy also got in the tent and we all fell asleep for a time.

After that it was almost time to start the evening meal. Leroy and I call it supper and the kids call it dinner.  After cooking, eating, and cleaning up once more we took some hikes around the camp ground. The deer were out for their evening foraging.

Leroy got the tent ready for sleeping. He straightened out the bags, got out his clothes for tomorrow, and was quite satisfied that it was ready. Sophia asked me if she and I could trade places so she could sleep on the outside. I agreed. While she was in there rearranging our bags that Logan decided to get into the action and started moving the other sleeping bags and pillows around. I suspect there was a bit of tossing things around at least I heard much shrieking and laughter. It was in quite a bit of disarray when I looked. We were unable to find the clothing that Leroy had so carefully laid out. He was not a happy camper.

We got to bed about 9 or 9:30 in an amazingly quiet place or we had become used to those night noses. We all slept deeply and woke refreshed.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Camping first night


We were settled in by 10:00, but that does not mean that the rest of the world was prepared to sleep. First there was this fantastic symphony by the cicadas with a few crickets providing percussion. I suspect there were some participants who could not be named by me. It had a lot of repetition and much volume. At times I wondered if my ears were producing their own contribution that only I could hear.

In the meantime the humans around us seemed to be up for an extended talk or shout or laugh. Then there were the cars that kept coming through up until probably 2:00 am. I had thought there were rules written or unwritten that one stopped driving into campgrounds about 10 or maybe 10:30. It was something seeing the lights flash on the tent walls, with the wheels crunching on the ground and if pulling a camper, a bit of squeaking.

At probably about 11:00 the barred owls decided to have a conference about who was in what territory. At least they moved around quite a lot and loudly discussed different places. Then another owl whose call I could not name joined in, heating up emotions and opinions. This went on for several hours with breaks from time to time.

For the most part those children in our tent were quiet, but I think, awake as Leroy and I were for much of the time. The kids wanted to sleep between us. Do you think that was for a sense of safety? Each time I turned from side to side I was grateful for that camp pad, wondering why we had not purchased that long ago. The kids each slept on one of our older pads that are not as thick. I have no idea how much anyone slept, but I know that it was less that was desired although we handled the next day with aplomb.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

That camping trip


Friday we picked up the kids in Rochester, MN about three hours north of us. There was a small detour in that city so we arrived as number two, even though we thought we would be first and waiting for them. We barely managed to get all of their things in the car. Parents of these kids, don’t take this too much to heart, but those kids had much larger bags than Leroy and I did. We got it all in with some adjusting. After which we headed south back into Iowa for about three hours.

On the way we drove through some serious rain storms. My heart was going up and down with the sun and lack thereof as I drove in and out of cloud bursts. At the camp ground it was obvious that it had rained there, but it was not raining at the moment. We decided that it was more important to eat because it was past everyone’s usual evening eating hour. We got the food done and cleaned up. The kids were a help or they were off in the play ground area so it was all good. As darkness was coming closer we decided we must set up the tent and get everything settled. The kids and Leroy put up the tent with little difficulty. I got the air in our new pads that are pumped by a hand placed in the proper place. Leroy was unable to figure out the spot so I got some brain power and muscle work accomplished. After we got everything situated in the tent we found the camp host to learn where we could additional ice. It was in a town a few miles away. Because we had seen some deer in the campground I was a little nervous as I headed off with all in tow. None of us spotted any animals and luckily we found the town easily. By the time we got back to camp it was after 9:00 which is bedtime for these children. We got them in bed and us too about 10:00 pm. That $100 pad felt quite fine under my tired back. It is a miracle that is much appreciated with its compact size that fits in the car when deflated but holds me up when inflated.

Account to be continued tomorrow.


Monday, August 15, 2016

Still in the neighborhood


Leroy and I are still well and moving around. We have just been gone on a two night camping trip with the Minnesota grandchildren. That all seemed to require prep time, doing time, and putting away time.

I must work today so I cannot write long. I did go on the zucchini bug hunt this morning. I found not so many, but I still think it was good to have been there. I am getting less and less squeamish about smashing them with my bare fingers. One of the problems of leaving zucchini alone for a while is that they grow to great sizes. I did find four that fit the huge category. I was able to find people who would take all of them. The okra also requires picking, but I did not get that done. One person told me he wanted them to be at least six inches long. I have no idea if he got any or not, but they are certainly that length. Tomorrow they will have to be picked or they will not be good for most of the rest of us.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Bike To Work


Once again I got up ready to ride in the cool morning air. It was a wonderful experience with the trail not so crowded. It is peaceful and refreshing. I only was a little sweaty when I got to work. I take with me some refreshing (according to the package) wipes that feel good. There was a steady stream of patrons, but nothing like the weekdays during the summer where it can be overwhelming. When one person needed help I said, “Let me save this so I do not lose it. Then I can remember what I was doing.”

To which she said, “I do not know how you people keep track of what you have to do because you are interrupted all the time.”

Working with frequent interruptions seems to be one of my strong points. I remember someone commenting on that in the Lyceum library where I had lots of students/staff and then quiet time and then lots of students/staff once more. Somehow that fits my personality just fine.

Leroy came down in the afternoon, watered the raised bed gardens by the library and rode home with me. It was great to have some company. The ride was much quicker and more energetic than I had felt on previous homeward journeys. The cool weather helped too.

The only downside is that somehow I came home without my work clothes. I change into bike clothes for the rides. Where did I leave those things, in the bathroom, on my desk, or some other place? Even though it is not a big thing in life, I was a little hard berating myself as I expect better.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Rain and bugs


Last evening Leroy and I went to the garden to tackle squash bugs. It was not long before rain started coming down. We had only checked one plant, but decided we must leave. We had picked some zucchini and cucumbers. A close garden neighbor came by the garden just as we were leaving. We had a nice little visit with him before we felt even more rain coming down.

We stopped at another house to hand out some of the produce. That also entailed a chat. It was nice to be on a sheltered porch. Before we got home we passed another house with two people sitting on a porch. They apologized for not coming to our lawn party. We also talked some about the garden as I have given them produce in the past, but I now had none.

I almost feel as if I need to sneak home when I run out of produce. It becomes hard to pass some homes where I know they like it. Often I do keep some for myself. Sometimes I have much more than I need. I almost always pray about who might need it and how I can connect with them. It seems there are always opportunities. Then I have to be thankful for the bounty that I have.

By the time we got home we were a bit wet, but it was hard to know if it was from sweat or rain. We are grateful for that rain as it has been a while and we do not like to water the community garden becasue it is a big job.

We planted a number of cabbages this year. For some unknown reason many of them have developed brown leaves. I find that is not being picked. I did bring one home and was still able to consume most of it. They are also very slow growing.

I just realized that I forgot to look at the okra. That is another plant that people are not so familiar with consequently it is not picked as much. However I have found several people to give them to. We have also used quite a few.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016



I have a great volunteer at the library. One who comes when I am the only employee on site so I can have him do many jobs. There are some weeds around the building that I had him pull last week, but he had few tools. So, yesterday, I gathered a pruner and a digger. The car was locked in the garage so I put those tools on the hood close to the windshield thinking I would surely see them when I got in the car. Wrong on that vision supposition! I hopped in the car, backed out of the garage, drove down the street, got on the interstate, got my speed up to the limit and settled in only to hear a rattle three miles down the road. The tools were on the hood enjoying the windy ride. I panicked wondering where I could pull off and rescue them. I slowed a little, looked for bumps and pulled off on my usual ramp, checked to see that no one was behind me, pulled to the side, put on my flashers, opened my door a bit only to have a car zoom past at 55 or 60 mph, yanked my door shut, checked for traffic and when it was clear brought in those pesky tools. When my volunteer came I learned that he had also brought a bucket of tools so mine were not needed.

We normally do not lock the cars in the garage, but Saturday our downstairs friend came home only to notice that our garage door was open. I had probably forgotten to close it when I rode the bike home. Tired would be my excuse. At any rate Leroy checked in the garage founding nothing he knew about missing. As a precaution he locked the car doors and mumbled something about locking up the bicycles. It all seems like too much bother. Since then I have driven the car twice and not locked when in the garage. It is difficult to put another step in my memory file, so it is not there.


Monday, August 1, 2016

Lawn Party


We, along with our downstairs friends, are having a lawn party tomorrow evening. Hopefully we are sharing the costs and responsibilities. I think they might be doing more which is less acceptable to me than if I do more. Guess I do not want to be on the low end. Anyway last night Leroy and I delivered some more invitations. It was amazing how quickly we went through them as I kept thinking of more people we should invite.

It was also great to be out in the neighborhood. I spoke with a neighbor that I have not visited with before. I was very impressed with his garden which was probably about eight feet by eight feet. He told us that he had frozen about five pounds of green beans. He also had some pepper plants, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and rhubarb. At least that is all I remember. He had only had a garden for two years. Many things about a garden, given good conditions, can be a quick return on the investment of time, effort, and money.

Leroy rode the bike to work this morning. That is the first bike ride since he has had on the new film on one lens. He did not call nor did the hospital so I assume that he made it in fine shape. He went quite a bit earlier than usual. That might help the traffic situation both coming and going. About half of his ride is on the city streets.

I have not yet made myself go on the bug attack. Now that I am done with this letter I will have no more excuses. Also I do not have to go to work early because summer reading support is finished for this year. That gives me another half hour.
