Sunday, July 31, 2016

Bugs and leroy


What do I have to talk about besides bugs and Leroy? Not much. I went after bugs once again last night. Another zucchini was on the dying path. Perhaps it has the worms deep in the stem that one of the neighbors talked about. I am not sure that I am ready to learn a new gardening skill that involves cutting out worms and replanting the stems. I did find a breeding bug pair that I firmly squashed. The number of egg groups seemed to be smaller. There were also not so many live small bugs around. I will go again this afternoon to keep the elimination process going.

Leroy tells me that he drove a short distance yesterday of about two miles. This is the first driving experience in five weeks. He declared that he felt uncomfortable because he felt he had to be especially on alert. I suspect he will get better and better at that and soon be zooming along like much of the rest of the crowd of drivers. At least he will not be so relaxed that he will be texting.

Leroy had the sermon last night and today. This morning at breakfast he reported that he had a bit of difficulty because he likes to look up a lot. The problem was focusing on the distance and then the near. Either today was not so bad or he had memorized more of what he wanted to say. At least I did not notice so much struggling. He used his eye patch as a pirate for the children’s sermon. He enjoys acting so he was in his element. There were also three baptisms. I was a little concerned about him carrying a baby, but it also seemed not to be a problem. Since the dizziness left, balance has not been a problem. That is so good.

I rode the bike to work yesterday. Because of the bike ride across Iowa the trail was mostly mine. I only saw one wildlife example of note and that was a blue bird which I have identified as an indigo bunting. It was quite beautiful. The predicted rain did not appear so that was also nice.


Friday, July 29, 2016

New Glasses, but...


Yesterday Leroy greeted me without his pirate patch. He had gotten new glasses Wednesday, but they were still not right. When he went back to the Dr. the doctor worked him right in at that minute, basically figured out that the glasses were not right, but he recommended Leroy stop wearing the patch and see a specialist who works with people who have brain trauma, etc. We were able to see that woman today. We were both impressed with her manner and command of the situation. She added a screen to the newest glasses that Leroy has. This screen added some more prism. She also talked about some therapy that Leroy could participate in. it is quite expensive and they demand that you do it for 12 days in a row at exactly the same time. We will think on that a while. Unfortunately we have some vacation planned and we are not sure that it will work. She did say he could wait a while and see how this new screen works for him. Leroy tells me that it is not quite right, but he is working through. Perhaps his brain will change. She also commented that his eye could correct itself. She declared it some type of palsy. She also figured he should wait two or three days before he once again rides his bike or drives.

 I went after squash bugs again. I suppose every day I miss two or three and which is enough to grow, breed, and lay eggs. I did pick another zucchini tonight. There are several on the plants that will be ready in a few days. So I keep telling myself it is all worth it. Plus I hope I am putting a dent in next year’s bug supply. Leroy wonders if these critters have any natural enemies. They certainly are not doing their job if there is something out there that likes to eat them.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Searching for bugs


I searched this morning for bugs. I did not find a single adult, but that makes me wonder because I did find some newly hatched as well as some caches of eggs. Did I miss some adults yesterday? I must have. I know more about where squash bugs like to lay their eggs, but not so much about where the adults hang out. I also feel that I have become quite familiar with the zucchini plant leaves. I even feel that I could recognize some of them in a line up.

I weeded for a while, but did not spend too much time. Leroy told me to take it easy in the garden. Do you think he feels guilty because I am putting in so much time? It has added up to six hours since Friday.  Sometimes I feel guilty because he spends so much time there.

For most of the day I have been sitting in air conditioned comfort even though I believe it is not as hot out as it has been. Because I work tomorrow I will go back to the garden tonight to have another go at those bugs. These bugs are capable of laying quite a number of eggs at one time so it does not pay to relax ones guard.

Leroy has talked about weeding tomorrow night. So we might both go at that time. He also tells me that he envies me because I have two days off in a row. I am not sure how to solve, in fact I cannot solve, his schedule that is all over the place. Personally I think he should take off more time on other days than the weekend since he works enough on the weekend. It does not seem to happen. Something always needs to be done according to Leroy.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Leroy Update


Leroy once again called the eye dr. to learn about the status on his new glasses which were ordered two and a half weeks ago. The Dr.’s office called the supply place to learn that there had been some quality control issues. The glasses are now done and Leroy should get them on Thursday. We are praying for perfection in those glasses so that Leroy can resume his normal activities such as driving himself where he wants to go. It has helped quite a lot since he has used the bike for the last two weeks, but there are some places that are not so easily accessed by bike. We are grateful the he does not have pain with this he just cannot see out of both eyes at the same time. The eye patch is hot and sometimes itchy plus he seems to get quite tired by the end of the day. I have been getting him large print books from the library because he would rather read paper than from his tablet.

I have gone back to the community garden and checked the zucchini for those bugs. I found several egg batches which I tore off and stomped, some groups of almost newly hatched youth that I sprayed with soap and water, and some adults that I caught and stomped on. I was delighted to get a mating pair ground into the dirt. That pair should reduce my find tomorrow. It takes quite a while to look under all these leaves, but at least only one plant has died and the others, in spite of some torn leaves look quite healthy.

I am not a Hindu with a reverence for all of life. It bothers me a little how much satisfaction I derived in the death of others, even if they are insects. We always make excuse when they are a “lesser” species, but is that right? Is that how people who kill people manage to do that? They put the victims in the category of being lesser and so of not so much importance as they are themselves? I suspect there are no easy answers.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

50th HS Class Reunion


I was too young to go, but I went anyway and did not tell any of my former classmates who never guessed. I remember when my mother went to her 50th HS reunion and she was quite old. We rode on a float in the Elizabeth parade, as mom had and had lunch with classmates. One of our former teachers was also able to join us. It was a great time to catch up on each other’s lives. Four of the class has died. I remember mom talking about the small number of people who were still alive in her class. My class was 28 people when we graduated so that is not such a large percentage gone.

We had a nice visit with my brother and then drove on home to beat a coming storm, but drove right into it instead. The rain came down in torrents, wind blew and lightning flashed. The announcer on the radio kept talking about taking shelter, but there was none to be had for some miles, consequently I kept driving slowly hoping I would see some open business so we could get into shelter. We finally found a place, but the rain was coming so hard that we sat in the car discussing whether we wanted to get out. The announcer said the storm center would be past in eight minutes so we decided to sit a little longer. Sooner than the prescribed time the rain, wind and lightning became less intense allowing us to drive on in relative comfort. The warning had also talked about flash flooding so I was especially careful going into the lower places which had quite a lot of water, but it was not excessive.

We talked about the last big rain storm that we drove in when we were in St. Louis. It seems to have been the ultimate storm. Or at least we hope it remains the ultimate storm. At times we drove under an over pass where the water came off the upper level in sheets. At least this time it was just the rain even though there was quite a lot of it.


Friday, July 22, 2016

Bug Killing


 I went on a bug killing mission again this afternoon. I employed my learned skills whether they were correct or not. I looked all over the plants and only found two adults that I promptly killed. One of those adults was a female in the process of laying eggs. The number of egg patches surprised me since I saw so few adults. Most of those egg patches I tore off part of the leaf as I threw them on the ground and bore done hard with my swirling foot. Hopefully that was adequate to eliminate them. I did spray some of the eggs with soap, but could not remember if that was to work or not. At any rate most I just tore off. Then there were some youngsters that were newly hatched or hatching. Those got the full spray treatment and died almost immediately of suffocation. Who knew this could be so satisfying. I am sad to report that one plant has died. Wondering if I used too much spray on it, or if the bugs were too infested in it? I have great hopes that it will not be joined by many others.

We with our downstairs friends are planning a block party again. The idea is simple we just provide watermelon and something to drink along with great conversation and a place to sit. When it was announced at the neighborhood meeting someone there thought we should invite the entire neighborhood. I guess we are doing that with a little bit of anxiety on my part, but I know that everyone seldom comes to anything. In fact that would be an amazing result. So it will surely be a size of group that we can handle.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My Neighborhood


I headed off early to the garden, but not as early as I would have preferred because I hung out two loads of clothes. As I approached a small park I saw two people in the park with a number of dogs or maybe one was a cat. The woman was yelling at a dog that was running free while the man had hold of two more. That loose dog ran across the street, stopped at a hedge to check out the aromas before it headed a little farther on. I wondered if I should help, but then the two people moved back to a house with a beautiful wrought iron fence around it, deposited all the dogs, the man grabbed the gate and swung it shut. The woman grabbed a small white dog that I thought might be a cat and proceeded after the dog across the street which was being pursued by a man who had been driving by. I felt a little guilty as I realized I should have gotten on the move right away and followed that dog. As I came up to the guy at the gate he explained that he had come to service something at the house and accidently let the dogs out. I looked up them to see the woman holding the small white dog and crouched over holding the collar of the dog that was larger, but still quite short. I then went over and asked if I could help. She gave me the small dog and gathered up the other that surely weighted 40 or more pounds.

From a guided historical walk in the neighborhood I learned that this house was the start of the idea of a funeral home, although it is a private home now.

At the garden more excitement was in store as I spotted the squash bugs had returned to feed and breed. I went back in the afternoon armed with soapy water in a spray bottle. Between tearing off eggs, spraying small ones, and squashing adults, I figure I did a little damage to the population. The problem is I should go back tomorrow, but I have to work and do not know if I can manage that task as it took me almost an hour as well as lots of courage to grab those first adults and kill them. In the meantime I found three zucchini that I had missed on the morning hunt. Luckily there were people out and I gave away all of them. Again I found someone who did not know what to do with a zucchini. I think I am educating the neighborhood. Now if I could just find someone who would like to learn to weed, life would be easier.


Monday, July 18, 2016

Bike to Work


Leroy rode his bike to work today for the first time since June 23 when this eye problem started. Perhaps it is because I invited him to take a bike ride with me last evening and we went eight miles. His ride to work is only three miles, but the downside is that more of it is on city streets. It also looked as if it might rain. He wore his rain coat so he was almost prepared for that possibility. He took along our camping towel which is quite small, but absorbent. He could change clothes at work so he felt he could deal with wet if it happened. It did not rain here so he was probably just hot and sweaty in that raincoat. When riding the bike he wears his patch over his right eye (He switches the covered eye from time to time.) so he can better see the traffic on his left.

I rode the bike to work on Saturday. It was quite an uneventful ride. I just gained a sense of peace as I was out there much of the time by myself for the morning ride. The path is canopied by trees in many places with mown grass on the sides. The river is visible for the beginning miles. Again I have to go about three miles on city streets, but Saturday morning is not the busiest time except for the farmer’s market and I avoid that area. I am proud of myself for riding to work for four days. Last year I believe it was only once. It does get easier with more trips even though I still had to talk myself into it.

Leroy is going to lead a church bike ride this Wednesday evening. He had talked about me doing it without him, but I would imagine that he now feels up to the task. One positive thing about these rides is that there is no pressure to go a certain distance. Also speed is more each rider’s choice, but there might be a need in each rider to keep up with the group.


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Leroy's Glasses


Even though we had been told that it could take a week to ten days for the second new glasses to come, we checked to see if they had come. After all a week had passed. One of the lenses on Leroy’s new glasses was coming loose so it was an excuse. I have to confess that I am a tiny bit irritated when people come in the library and ask about a book that they have on hold even though we have not called them. Here I was doing the very thing. At least I understand the anxious need to do this. There are all sorts of things that go through the mind. Such as: Maybe I missed the call, maybe someone forgot to call, perhaps someone missed that it came in. All very human responses. Not that I ever said anything to them, but I would look, not find the item, check the due date, and let them know, with a smile, we will call. Now I will know that I have walked in their shoes.

Leroy manages most things very well without seeing out of both eyes, but we are not comfortable with him driving. At least the church is just within walking distance.

On Friday night I convinced Leroy that I needed to go pick blackberries at that park that is a drive away. He wearily decided to go with me because he did not think I should tackle the job alone. After walking a lot loaded with a bucket and long warm, heat trapping clothing to ward off bugs and scratches we managed to find only 16 ripe berries. Now neither of us is sure that we want to go back since we really do not have a clue as to what day would be the perfect day. The birds may just have to feast to their hearts content.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016



After I had hung out the clothes, I walked off to deliver the neighborhood newsletter. The humidity was quite noticeable and the sun was hot. I had on a UV long sleeved shirt along with the new UV hat that weighs only a few ounces, and some crop pants. All of that was so I did not have to slather on sunscreen. It was not long before I was sweating.

On the way home I stopped to see a humming bird nest that was posted on FB. Unfortunately I could not find that small thing. The person who lived there came out because she and her husband had noticed my hat. I have had other comments on it. Guess I am just a fashion plate. I was going to have Leroy take a picture of me in both of my UV hats, but we just do not get that done.

The other day when I was passing out zucchini to a neighbor, she commented, “There was a sweet lady the other day who dropped off some radishes. The radishes were woody, but that is ok because she was such a nice person.”

I felt like Tom and Huck going to their own funeral to hear the good things people might say about them. I left those radishes even if they were woody, it was ok. In response to her comments I just gave some non committal hmms. It was a little embarrassing.

Guess I looked different without my hat and because I was driving a car when I delivered the zucchini.


Monday, July 11, 2016

On the Bike


Yesterday Leroy got in four walking miles. He was so steady in the rain when I was trying to catch up that I encouraged him to go out and ride his bike up and down the alley to see how that went. It went well so we headed out on a longer ride together. I suggested around the neighborhood, but he wanted to go down to Cedar Lake which is close.

He put his pirate patch over his right eye so he would be most aware of the traffic on his left because we ride on the right side of the road. Part of the way there is a designated bike lane that I think most drivers respect so that also makes it feel safer. I have been surprised that some people in church noticed that Leroy had the patch on one eye one week and the other the next. I do not believe I would be so observant. Leroy told me that several people have commented on it. It certainly adds lightness to it if it can be used anywhere.

I rode behind Leroy so, “I can pick up the pieces,” I told him. Actually it is because I thought I would then know what was going on and could warn him if needed. It certainly made my brain active, looking out for him and me as well as any lurking potholes along with cars on the road.

He did just fine. It was wonderful to get out again and ride around the lake. We even stopped and took in the trees, water, waves, and ducks. It was refreshing to the soul. It interested me that there almost no other bicycles out there, but many walkers and a few fisher people. Some of the best gifts in life are free.


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Walking in the rain


I noticed some clouds before Leroy and I headed off to church. After checking the report on only one source we headed off without an umbrella. Coming out of church it was much cloudier and more threatening looking. We started off at a brisk walk. A man cutting lilies by a former church caught my eye. I convinced Leroy to go that way so I could compliment him on the good job he was doing.

While visiting we learned that he and his wife were renting the long vacant building. I noticed that he was cutting the lilies off at the ground. I asked, “Can I take some of these flowers home?”

“Sure,” he said handing me his pruners. I harvested several of the beautiful bright yellow blossoms that were left. In the meantime he is talking about what they were planning for this building. Then he asked, “Would you like to see the inside?”

We were both happy to see it. He rang the doorbell and his wife answered. They gave us a nice tour of the main area and what they were expecting to have happen there.

In the course of the conversation Leroy commented that he worked at the Czech-Slovak museum. The woman announced that she is giving a class there on costumes of a period. Leroy knew there was to be just such a class, but not who was doing it. He told her about some books in the library that she might find of interest. By the time we left the sky was seriously dark and ominous. We moved at top speed with me running from time to time to catch up with walking Leroy. Rain drops started before we went two more blocks. At least it was not many drops  and it looked as we might get home. Three blocks from home the rain began dropping down with gusto. Leroy suggested we stop under a fir tree that was quite thick. I dislike standing under trees in a rainstorm, but did it anyway as it was quite dry. We could see water pouring off the roof across the way. With only one crack of thunder and about ten minutes later we left the shelter of the tree and headed on home with a much lighter rain. Again I was barely able to keep up with Leroy. I should practice running or at least jogging.


Saturday, July 9, 2016



Yesterday, after picking Leroy up at his museum job and dropping him off at the hospital so he could do his pastor job, I stopped at the community garden. I had not been there in a number of days. Leroy too had not been there for some time. I had visited with someone who told me she was checking on the zucchini. Her back must have been turned because there were fifteen green things that were ranged from about medium to large. Thank goodness they were not enormous yet.

I was grateful to be in the car as I usually walk this half mile. I could not have carried this load along with the one very large beet and one more normal sized beet. I did pick quite a bit of lettuce as well.

On the way home I spotted a person on their porch. They took one zucchini even though they did not know much about them. Can you imagine living in Iowa and not knowing about zucchini? The next person said she liked them a lot and she took three.

My downstairs friend took some and Leroy shared the rest with close neighbors who all seemed quite pleased to get them. I kept two for myself.

This morning when I was out my neighbor who lives a block away and has me check out his garden when he sees me go by, waved and came over to have a little garden chat. It fits a bit uncomfortably on my shoulders, but he seems to feel I know what I am talking about. He asks advice from me. I just hope his things do well.


Friday, July 8, 2016



It has been a long time since I have been in the garden. All this Leroy attention must wear me out. His drive to work is becoming quite intimate with me. I am learning the shape and position of the random potholes.

Last time I was in the garden I enjoyed pulling weeds that came up easily. While pulling around a mystery vine that Leroy has been told is a false cucumber I suddenly felt ants biting my ankle. Glancing down, I spotted many climbing around on my shoes. Immediately I started flapping at them with my hand and stomping around a little. Next I searched out the ones biting my ankles. Once this tiny ant grabs hold it seems to feel that it is attached for life. Each of them had to be purposefully brushed off. Soon I realized that some had crawled up my loose pant legs. I pulled up the legs as far as I could, to get rid of them. Had I been out in the country I would have taken off this outer layer. Being in town, I opted for more pain and discreetness.  Eventually I got every ant that I could see with its head buried in some part of my skin. Unfortunately the burning did not stop immediately so I headed home. Luckily no one was around so I stripped off my pants and left them on the back porch.

I remember these ants from last year. They leave a lasting impression. I did not see any in the spot they had occupied before, but they must have moved. I wonder why move?  Just to catch me unawares? Sometimes in life I forget that the smallest things can cause quite a response.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Leroy and his eyes


Leroy saw the family Dr. today. He learned that the MRI showed basically everything was ok, except for a minor sinus infection. He is in good shape otherwise. He just sees double as that nerve is not working properly.

Following that appointment he had one with the eye Dr. There he learned that his condition has changed a bit and he needs a stronger prism. That will take a week or ten days for the new glasses to come in. So I will be doing more chauffeuring.

The Dr. did tell him that there is no place, which he knows of, that would do the glasses in an hour. Leroy is wearing his new glasses because the view is much sharper than with his old. The Dr. cautioned him to keep the old in case everything went back to the way it was before this started.

We are happy to report that we do not have to pay for the second pair of glasses. I was wondering who would pay since it cannot be blamed on anyone else. In the meantime Leroy can read a little better with these new glasses in spite of wearing the patch on his eye. At least he is adjusting to this new condition.

We are just taking it one day at a time. We have many blessings. In some ways this is more of an inconvenience than an illness.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bike to Work


Last Saturday I biked to work. There is road construction. Friday, I called city hall to learn if I would be able to cross the road. They said cement was poured about then and it should be ok for me to take my bike across in the morning. This comment was even added, “They will be looking for you.” Just what that meant, I do not know as I never saw a worker, perhaps I misunderstood.

I met a bicyclist just before I got to the road and asked how it was crossing it. He said, “It is not bad, but you do have to go around some barriers. The worst is that there is a string that you will have to lift your bike over.”

It was just as he said. I had to get my bike on the cement which was about as high as my knees. But that was easy as I could do one wheel at a time. The string was a bit more demanding because I had to lift my entire bike over it at once as it was too high to stop in the middle, but I made it. Great to get to work and relax!

At the end of the day I mentally flexed my muscles anticipating the great bench press. However when I got to the road I found no string and there was a gravel ramp up to the cement so I did not have to get off my bike. Such a breeze.

On the way home I met few bikes, but saw many rabbits. This seemed to be their favorite place to hang out. There were also lots of chipmunks and just a few geese. The most exciting thing was as I came down a hill and turned a corner I spotted a large wild turkey about five feet off the trail. That was a bit exciting as I have not seen very many of them and certainly never this close. Life is full of surprises.


Monday, July 4, 2016

Leroy's Eyes


Leroy was so excited on Friday evening when he learned that his glasses had come in. We got there as soon as we could only to learn that they did not focus correctly for him. The person who was working was new and did not know how to deal with prism glasses. When he went back on Saturday morning it was the same situation. It took a bit for Leroy to get over the disappointment hurdle, but he seems in a better mood now. He did set up another eye exam just in case it was because his vision has changed. I also wonder if we should not go again and find a more experienced person who is the optician. Both the eye Dr. and the family physician had commented that his vision could change at any time. It is a somewhat strange way to be not well because he feels just fine, but his eyes are not working.

He finds it all takes an extra effort to see what is on the other side of his head. He wears the patch so he does not have double vision. That slipped around quite a bit while we were picking berries. That might be caused by wearing a hat, sweating, or bumping it as he swatted at mosquitoes.

Leroy commented on the way to church yesterday, that we should start early because he would take longer. I had to put on the speed to keep up as usual and we arrived in plenty of time to talk or just generally mill around. That indicates to me that his balance and confidence are good.

He walked home by himself and I suspect that was a repeat of the trip to church. The hard part is that he is feeling he should not drive because he cannot see to the side. He switches the patch from eye to eye so he gets a break on the view, but that would not work when driving. Unfortunately we live in a place where driving is the  most efficient way to move around the city. I wondered if he could ride his bike, but unfortunately when going to work he is on the streets quite a lot rather than the bike trail. We will figure it all out.


Sunday, July 3, 2016



Last night we went to a friend’s house and picked red raspberries. They are so large, red, and tasty. We even froze two small containers for later enjoyment. Breakfast was an extravagant heaping helping on each of our oatmeal bowls. We ate breakfast as if we were kings.

This afternoon we went to one of the county parks. Leroy had called ahead of time to learn if we could pick black raspberries. The person answering the phone thought that would be ok. At the visitor center, after we took the full tour, Leroy again asked. This person was more sure and added, “bring back a handful for me.”

We had come in jeans and long sleeves with good sun hats. I remembered to put a water bottle, snack and sunscreen in a bag. Unfortunately I forgot one very important item. Leroy had thought of it, but did not tell me about it, since I was the gatherer and packer; it did no good for the trip. The mosquitoes zeroed in on us almost as soon as we found the first berries.

Picking soon evolved into a rhythm of pick, wave, slap, pick, wave, slap, pick, complain about mosquitoes, wave, slap randomly, pick, pick, wave, and complain again. In the end we probably picked about two or three quarts. For dessert we had plain yogurt, my homemade granola, cinnamon, and heaping spoons full of black raspberries.

We found the best patch on our way out. By the time we were done, the visitor center was closed and we could not share. However, we will be back at a later day because we spotted many blackberry bushes that were loaded with berries. Bug spray will come with us. I will also not wear one of my good UV shirts as we were in the shade much of the time. The blackberries have more vicious thorns. I do not want to risk tearing one of those shirts when I have plenty that I could just eliminate without regret if they get torn. Today I would stop and carefully work to disentangle the shirt.

We did a tick body check when we got home and both of us had no passengers.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Leroy's Progress


Leroy woke early Thursday morning to a brief sharp stabbing pain in the top of his head. I slept peacefully. In a short time he felt as if he were having a hot flash accompanied by sweating. Not long after that his nose started to run copiously. In a bit he went back to sleep. Come morning he almost hopped out of bed. Something I had not seen for a few days. He declared, “The dizziness seems to be gone. I feel much better, but I still see double.”

The change was quite apparent as he moved around confidently. He had a Dr. appointment. When we got there it was raining. Leroy did not feel he needed the umbrella; instead he dashed to the office. I could hardly believe it. The dr. did not find too much wrong, but his right eye does not track correctly. The CT scan showed that the nerve controlling the muscle was not working. There was no stroke and no brain bleed. Yeah! Leroy will go for an MRI on Tuesday morning that might show why that nerve is not working.

We were hoping those glasses would come this week, but it seems it will not happen. Leroy still does find it tiring to track things with one eye. Also he is not comfortable driving or riding the bike. In the meantime I am doing a lot of chauffer duty.

Tomorrow I will go to work and leave him alone for the day. I know he will not stray very far.

I am planning to ride my bike to work. There is road work outside of Ely. I called city hall and learned that I should be able to walk my bike across the road or barring that, I can walk along the road for a while. It should be an adventure. The city person sounded as if they were telling the road crew that I would come, as he said, “They will be expecting you.” Do you believe such a thing? At any rate they will be pouring cement today. So perhaps I can just simply go across.
