Saturday, August 24, 2019

Weeding Challenge


I have not put so much time and energy into the community garden. It is not as large as it used to be plus mulch has been keeping the weeds under control. I have to confess that I do not feel needed. Consequently, I have often stayed away. Sometimes I have been busy with other activities.

Just recently we went to the garden to harvest some red Russian kale as well as other types of kale. It was also necessary to water the garden. At that point I noticed that in spite of the mulch there were quite a number of very large grass plants. I remember that my dad called this grass, knuckle grass because it would create a joint and put down new roots every few inches making it difficult to get up and out of the garden.

Earlier this week we had a very nice rain. So Wednesday I went to pull that grass. The onion row looked quite overwhelmed. It seemed there were no onions there which could be because they had all been picked. Instead I found that I was pulling up grape sized onions along with the grass. Some of the onions I put back in the ground, hoping for more growth, others I brought home to use in some creative manner.

Today I went back to pull more grasses in another area. It is quite satisfying for me to weed when it looks so different when I am finished. It was quite a challenge as the ground was drier today and I think the grasses had grown two more inches with the rains help. A few times I had to use a digger, but generally I just pulled up all the branches, gathered it into one bundle, holding close to the ground I yanked several times and out it would come with varying degrees of soil still attached. Tapping the roots against the ground dislodged quite a lot of that valuable stuff.

Even though I was tired when done, it looked so much better that I wished someone else were there to share in the victory. Now the question is, “Will anyone remember there was a lot of grass in there and notice an improvement?”


Friday, August 23, 2019

“Just in Case”


In my sewing box there are small bags of thread that have taken up residence. Those bags came into my house attached to a sweater. Of course I could not throw them away because of “just in case I might need it”. There is quite a nice supply, unfortunately I have no idea which sweater they came with or if we still own the sweater. The other day I needed to sew a bow back on a basket so I used the thread from the closest match. It worked so it did have a purpose. However, I thought, “I am not moving all of these things. When we are ready to move some of these will go.”

There were a number of buttons also residing in this sewing box, which is rarely opened since sewing is not a hobby of mine. The buttons also reside there because of just in case. Those we have used a little bit more as we do not have to know where the button came from but we just try to match what is.

We are good at saving many papers that are sent to us by our bank or other businesses with which we have a connection. However, “the just in case” message is not always kept perfectly. Perhaps it is the loose filing system. We wanted to know where to deposit the cash we received for selling the car. We could not find the paper that had the information about which credit unions were “friends” with our distant credit union. That paper also had some instructions about the procedure. Luckily, Leroy called our financial establishment to get the information. Now our file folder is updated with the needed information. Leroy went there today. He reported that it was easily done.

Leroy is especially happy that the car sold. He does not like dealing with such things. He figured he would post it for a week. If it was not gone then he would just give it away to some organization. It sold in about four days. We figure the price was right.


Monday, August 19, 2019



Leroy and I have spent a lot of time visiting in the last couple of days. Course, you know that makes it harder to think about leaving a place. We know that it can take quite a bit of time for us to become on a comfortable level with people. This will be true because we will not have a job when we move, so there will not be that additional place to meet people.

First our brother-in-law and his friend come for a morning visit. It was great to see them again. The afternoon was quieter, but then some church friends called to offer us fresh green beans from their garden and a piece pie shared in their new gazebo. It was a relaxing wonderful time.

Sunday was church which also supplies a lot of visiting time. In the afternoon we called to offer some things to a friend who frequently cooks for the world or just many of the homeless/meal sites in town. She said, “Sure bring them over.”

When we got there someone else was visiting her. Someone I knew, but Leroy did not. As the visit lengthened, three more people showed up. We knew two of them, but not the third. Anyway it all got to be a rather lengthy stay. In the end Leroy volunteered to help the original person put up some curtains. He went over, well supplied with tools and “I might need it stuff”, to put that up this morning. Just yesterday he talked about looking for a volunteer job one day a week. Right now there is a bit more to do outside, but he is thinking ahead to winter time. I have heard of an organization where people go around and do “little” jobs for those who can’t do it for one reason or another. I suspect there are more volunteer possibilities that we have ever thought of. As of yet we have not looked. Those opportunities sometimes come to us.


Friday, August 16, 2019

Driving With Weak Eyes


I had an eye appointment this morning. When we originally put this on the schedule, Leroy had planned to be home so he could take me if my eyes needed dilatation. Well, when talking with his boss about work times this week, he forgot about my eyes. He was only scheduled for a half day, but planned to go in the morning which is when my appointment was, but not early morning. We decided he needed to let the museum know that he would be later than planned. I did indeed have my eyes dilated which means it is more difficult to drive, especially since my far vision was already compromised. So, I am happy Leroy was there, but felt a little guilty that he had to wait so long. There was another test that the Dr. wanted to do, but it will wait until next time.

The good thing is that my eyes are health, the negative is that the cataract is growing making my far vision a bit fuzzier. Both the Dr. and the person who worked on my order for new lens commented on the strength of the prescription and how much it went up. One of the problems is that my vision cannot be corrected to 20/20, fortunately it is good enough that I can still legally drive. It is possible my night vision will be affected, although he thought that was still good.

This afternoon I went to the grocery store, driving the new car since Leroy had the one I usually drive. It all went well, but it is a bit disconcerting not to know how to work some of the controls such as how to make it cooler. I missed my auto air control. My eyes remained on the road and the cars around me while I let sweat come down. Early, Leroy sat and looked over the manual, I might have to do the same or perhaps just ask him for all his great knowledge.

It will take two or three weeks for my glasses to come in. They said the higher corrections sometimes take longer than others. I had thought about them just putting the new lens in the shop rather than send in a frame. However they said it would be much better to send it in so the lens can be thinner and not so heavy on my face. I had brought with me an old frame that passed reliability inspection. Now I just have to be patient and wait for the new lens. That will once again allow me to read signs from a greater distance.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sweeping the Sidewalk


Today I went over the edge of sanity. I swept up the sidewalk a ways from the house. The ash tree on the side of our house has dropped copious amounts of seeds this year. To keep those seeds from riding in on our feet, I have cleaned the porch floor diligently. After that did not stop the influx, I started to frequently sweep off the decks on both sides. Somehow those well designed riders managed to still get in, not so many, but more than I like. This morning I tackled the sidewalk on the side of the house where there were some piles of the seeds. Not sure if the wind put them there or mowing the lawn added to it all or what happened. Armed with a garage type broom, a whisk broom, a dust pan, and a five galleon bucket, I looked forward to a successful campaign against these infiltrators.

Our sidewalk now looks quite different with some totally clear areas. There were a few seeds that I missed, or they are newly fallen. This will surely be an improvement.

The tree seems to have a bonus crop of seeds this year. It is stressed and might have the deadly emerald ash bore. Would a tree put extra effort into the survival of the next generation as it goes through its final years? Without scientific research an answer is difficult to know. Living with uncertainty is part of life. Some uncertainty is more troubling than others. In terms of my life this is low on the stress level even though I like the tree and want it to stay as long as possible.


Monday, August 12, 2019

New Car


We now have the new used car in our possession with license plates attached and title transfered. Our friend who sold us the car lives quite close so Leroy gave him a ride home from the place where we did the last of the paper work. Our car insurance person’s office is on the way home, so Leroy stopped and took care of those details as well. It is nice to have this Leroy guy home an extra day of the week to take charge of some of the details that I do not want to do.

This car sits a little higher so it is not so close to the slope when pulling into or out of the garage. The front of the Toyota is so low that there cannot be much extra weight beyond the driver inside and get it in the garage without hitting that sharp incline. That will be nice not to have to consider that so much.

Now because Leroy will be driving it the most, my big issue might be, “What does that car look like?”

Considering the number of gray cars on the road, color will be little help when in a large parking lot. Course remembering where one parked is a big asset. I do tend to have parking place habits when going to the same places. Is that related to sitting in the same pew at church?


Sunday, August 11, 2019

More on Camping


The cousins spent quite a lot of time exploring the restroom facilities as well as the shower possibilities. All met with their approval. They took some walks after the tents were set up. I also took some walks. Later, Leroy joined us. When I walked alone, I was pleased to spot a deer.

Brian took the cousin crew fishing. He was the only adult with a fishing license which means that he was the only one to be touching the poles. I was not anxious to put worms on hooks or deal with any caught fish. Leroy, however, likes to fish and he would have enjoyed physically joining the group. Sarah and I were content to watch and encourage.

Brian brought the poles, other fishing equipment, and the patience to deal with two people who had never fished before. When we fished at night no one was successful, in the morning all caught one fish. Certainly there is a sense of fairness there.

It was peacefully beautiful at the park. I do like being out in the country. Not a city girl here, but I have managed to adapt as much of my adult life has been in cities. Some of those cities have been small and I consider that a plus.

At first we decided that all cousins would sleep in one tent and all adults in the other. Natalie, as the youngest had a hard time with that so Sarah joined them in their tent. I have a hard time getting to sleep, but managed some. Our camping pads are quite fine so I was comfortable on the ground.

Now Leroy and I plan to go camping with just the two of us. we have not done that in years.


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Leroy’s Retirement Day 1?


Even though Leroy retired, from one job, almost a month ago it has not seemed like retirement because we had many things filling in the days. Sarah and her girls came and spent more than a week of that time, plus Leroy is still working at the museum and put in some extra time so he could be home with Sarah.

Yesterday he had the day off. I found some usual activities to fill in the morning such as laundry and shopping. In the afternoon we went to a local attraction, Usher’s Ferry. In spite of the heat we found this historical village quite interesting. We could walk around on a self guided tour which means we could set the pace. When leaving the park Leroy spotted a wild turkey quite close to the road. I stopped and got a good look at it as well. I have seen wild turkeys before, but never so close to see the bends in the waddle.

A family in the congregation told us they were selling their car and would we like to see it with the possibility of buying it. They knew we were looking for a car and had been for a long time.

Last night we stepped in the fast lane of car buying. We took it for a test run, stopping at home to put it in the garage. It fit! We bought it, but have not yet taken possession. It just seemed to feel right. Both of us were in the yes column. Leroy, on the way to their house, talked about how he did not know, but what we should be looking more seriously at an electric car. I was astonished when we were testing it he said, “I think this is good and we should get it.”

So this 2016 Subaru Crosstrack will be will be ours. Even though Leroy will not drive so much, as he will mostly use his bike, it will be his car until it snows and I have to drive 12 miles to work. Then I will borrow it.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019



Because we camped on a Sunday night to Monday the campgrounds was not packed. We had our little area to ourselves with our sites directly across from each other. Setting up went quite smoothly. Brian, as usual was responsible for the menu and much of the food. We other adults just helped when we could.

It did rain after we got set up. The rain was mostly gentle and intermittent. The big deal came when Leroy and I took out our ponchos that we had purchased many years ago. They were a good style so they were quite usable, but they had been stored in a sealed plastic bag. The odor was quite pronounced causing much comment of “phew, don’t come close to me, and I cannot eat close to you.” The smell lifted a bit after a while, but it was still quite noticeable if one left the area and came back. Leroy and I had rain coats, consequently, Sarah and Lexi bravely wore these objectionable objects. I thought it was funny. These ponchos are washable which we did later at home. Then they were fine, but we are not storing them in such a tight bag.

After eating, we drove to another part of the park where the kids could fish. Because Brian was the only adult with a fishing license, he baited the hooks, caste the lines to demonstrate form, and took care of any snags. As Sarah said, “Brian provided all the equipment and patience.” No one caught a fish in the evening, but every one of the kids got a fish the next morning. Sarah’s children had not been fishing before so it was a learning experience. It was exciting for them to get fish, but I am not sure they want to repeat the experience. Now Brian’s children have camped with all the cousins, but not all at the same time. There was some talk of having that happen. Perhaps another year we will work on that.


Monday, August 5, 2019

Cars and camping


I worked on the day they flew in so Leroy picked them up using the newer car. As I was driving to work in the older car, the check engine light came on. I drove with caution and a bundle of nerves the rest of the way. At yoga others assured me that it would be ok to drive home. A quick call to Leroy confirmed that notion. It was all fine, but Leroy was not able to get an appointment to have the car checked until after our camping trip in MN. All five of us fit in our car, but there are no seats to spare and not so much packing space. However both Sarah and Leroy felt we could do the camping trip with just this car. Earlier Leroy and I had looked into renting a larger vehicle, but because we are now past 65 years old the price was noticeable higher. We could have had Sarah sign for it, but I am not sure she wanted to do all the driving.

Brian was bringing most of the food so we did not have to take a large cooler. These girls know a lot about packing lightly and swimming suits do not take much room even if they are not used. I was impressed. The tent was probably the largest item. We got sleeping bags and pads for all, in the vehicle as well as clothes. Our sleeping bags and pads are quite compact when not in use. It was tight, but not overwhelming. We were even able to add three fold up chairs. Two of them are camping stools so they are more compact and one foldable foot stool/seat that Brian made in High school shop class. The pack ability of this crew silenced my objections. We headed off to the north weighted down, but a seat for everyone. The car groaned a little as it felt the load.

These girls are also good travelers. I did not hear much complaining about the length of the trip


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sarah's Visit


It is almost hard to remember what all of our activities were. One thing I must say right away. One of the granddaughters commented at the beginning of their visit, “Iowa is so boring, why would anyone live here?”

That does not insult me, but I am not sure they understood my remarks in return, “Different people want different things in life. I like not having so many people around and much grass and trees.”

However, as the week progressed I did not hear them talk about boredom. It seemed to me they were busy and engaged almost all of the time. I know that I was. They left yesterday morning. Does that mean there is no more excitement in my life?

Yesterday, I did put everything away that I could, washed several loads of laundry, and took a short afternoon nap. For some reason I kept waking in the nights and not able to return to sleep.

Leroy worked yesterday so his long, much longer, afternoon nap is taking place today. He managed to get some naps while they were here, but not as much as he would have liked.

We returned to the grocery store several times during their stay. I find I do not have a clue about how much food is needed for three more people. Each time the entire group went for added input about appropriate purchases as they do not eat many of the same things that Leroy and I will eat and enjoy.

In a later missive I will give some details about our activities.
