Sunday, August 11, 2019

More on Camping


The cousins spent quite a lot of time exploring the restroom facilities as well as the shower possibilities. All met with their approval. They took some walks after the tents were set up. I also took some walks. Later, Leroy joined us. When I walked alone, I was pleased to spot a deer.

Brian took the cousin crew fishing. He was the only adult with a fishing license which means that he was the only one to be touching the poles. I was not anxious to put worms on hooks or deal with any caught fish. Leroy, however, likes to fish and he would have enjoyed physically joining the group. Sarah and I were content to watch and encourage.

Brian brought the poles, other fishing equipment, and the patience to deal with two people who had never fished before. When we fished at night no one was successful, in the morning all caught one fish. Certainly there is a sense of fairness there.

It was peacefully beautiful at the park. I do like being out in the country. Not a city girl here, but I have managed to adapt as much of my adult life has been in cities. Some of those cities have been small and I consider that a plus.

At first we decided that all cousins would sleep in one tent and all adults in the other. Natalie, as the youngest had a hard time with that so Sarah joined them in their tent. I have a hard time getting to sleep, but managed some. Our camping pads are quite fine so I was comfortable on the ground.

Now Leroy and I plan to go camping with just the two of us. we have not done that in years.


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