Friday, January 31, 2014

Grey Day


It has been a grey day outside, but fine inside. Leroy’s birthday is coming up on Monday. I had forgotten that I should buy a present. When I asked what he wanted last week he replied, “Hugs and kisses.”

So I went shopping today without finding any great ideas or presents. Hugs and kisses it might be even if they are cheap, but not easy the way that Leroy hugs and kisses. I am really locked into the idea that it must be something from the store. Certainly make your own gifts are not in my skill packet.

I did buy another clock at the second hand store. This could have been a present for Leroy but, I have been missing the clock in the computer room since that one stopped and the battery is more expensive than this clock which will run with a single rechargeable AA battery. I wonder if the clock was marked incorrectly because it was less than a dollar and it looked much nicer than some clocks that were more than three dollars.

Leroy tackled our bank statement. I have been doing that. There was a mistake in the last two months and I did not take the time to figure it out as usual the bank thought we had more money than I thought we had so I did not feel alarmed. Leroy also added up our expenses for the months of November and December because I had not taken the time to do that. Maybe it will be good having this guy with more time on his hands. Gives me a bit more guilt free leisure time.

We are participating in a spiritual study at church. This week we are challenged to have a 48 hour fast from media. So just to let you know I will not be using the computer from this evening until Sunday evening. That means no radio, newspaper, or TV. Nothing that is connected to the outside world is to be consulted. The internet will be the hard part for me. It will be interesting to see how it feels.

For Christmas, Sarah and Stephen gave us a gift of fruit delivered to our door. We now have the coldest pears on record. I am still not sure if they were frozen or not. In spite of being in the house for three hours they are almost painfully cold. I would not want to grasp them for very long. Fruit in the winter is nice, but these are subjected to some extreme conditions. Never fear even if frozen all will be eaten. We might have a pear orgy.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day Off Together


Our morning was devoted to giving the bathroom a deep clean. That meant we took everything out and cleaned all surfaces. For some reason I thought it would be done in an hour with two of us working, but it took much longer. Are we just slow? We got that job done before noon so that is good. Help is good with a job like this, but I find I want to do it my way while Leroy has other ideas. His methods seem slightly odd while mine make perfect sense.

I keep thinking that if we are to move in the near future, I would like to have at least some of the rooms ready and it will not be such a big deal to clean them. One is done. Perhaps we will even find my glasses in some unusual place.

This afternoon Leroy had a web chat interview with another bishop from Wisconsin. He was excited by the possibility when he was finished with the call.

I asked Leroy “Would you like to stay here if you could get a half time additional job or would you rather go to a new place?”

He sees plusses and minuses to both, but it seems to me that he is leaning to the leaving. This guy just likes something new much of the time. I am edging a little in that direction, but certainly not as much as Leroy. Perhaps my life and place seems so much more of an unknown when I think about moving. He however has a new job that ties him to a purpose and place. I would again like to find some part-time work. It has been great for me to have this outlet. Is there another satisfying job out there for me?


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More News


Leroy got some more news about his current job. It has been now cut to 15 hours per week. The other news is that the church in WI does not want to interview him at this moment, but are interviewing the other candidate. However they want to keep Leroy’s name in case it all does not work out. Leroy has also been contacted by the bishop of another synod in WI. He will have a phone interview with that bishop tomorrow.

Because I will be working more hours than Leroy I suggested that he might take on some of the cleaning chores. To which he replied, “I had already thought of that.”  He is also looking for part time work in this area. It becomes a bit tricky when you do not know the future. Do you really want to start a job that may only be for a short time? We can still pay more expenses. I have gotten a raise so that gives me just a bit more than the rent and utilities after taxes, etc. I am not sure what Leroy is going to be making, but I believe it will be less than I make.

We could get Social Security money, but we wanted that to earn a bit more before we use it. At any rate, we have enough saved for a period of no job so we can mange for some time to come.

Hope abounds! More good and exciting times are in store for us. When Leroy and I first started on this less than stable job trek, I had a dream. That would have been in Moorhead, MN in 1999 when we were just looking at Leroy’s job that might last a measly four months. I had been unable to get more than just a few hours in a part time job. At that time worry was my most faithful companion, consuming my day in insidious ways.

I dreamed that I was driving a convertible even though I have never in my life driven a convertible. It was night and the wind was whipping through my hair. I felt wonderful and freer than I had in days in spite of the fact that there were no lights on this car. It was very dark outside and I was driving at higher speeds than I would normally go. As I was flying along in this euphoric state, God said, “See, you do not have to know where you are going.”

I almost immediately woke and felt like crying, saying, “God, thank you.”

God has been with us in ways I could not have predicted.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Leroy at work


Leroy and I both went out to shovel this morning. There was not much snow, making it an easy job especially for two people. At least he did not seem tired and he zipped off to work. Course I think it unfair that he can park in the garage at work and I have to park outside in the elements. Chivalry does not extend to all situations. While I am on that subject, Leroy’s entrance to his side of the garage does not collect as much ice as mine does so I tend to slip a bit when I park at home. Luckily I have missed a collision each time.

Leroy commented that last year he thinks he might have driven the car to work about 20 days, and some of those were because of rain. This year we could not come up with a number but have a hard time remembering the last time he rode the bike to work. Such a difference a year makes. Now we think it is nice that we have the two cars, especially since the bus depot has changed and it is farther for Leroy thus affecting his arrival time. He cannot easily use the bus and get to work on time.

I knocked the clock off the wall at work and it broke. Would you believe that Leroy fixed it? I am impressed. I will take it back today and hang it up once more, vowing never to touch it if it seems to be cracked. People can just adjust their vision, right? If it were to be knocked off again, I think I could fix it because Leroy showed me what he did. I could replicate it.

I am grateful for furnaces and heating ducts. Right now I am making granola. So I am grateful to have a heat source in my kitchen that I can run with a gentle touch of a button. Spoiled I am.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Leroy is almost well


Leroy got up this morning, shoveled the sidewalk, took a shower, and then said, “I am so tired/exhausted that I cannot go to church.” While I was gone he slept for two hours. Guess that guy was tired. He did not go to work all last week. He felt very bad for only one day, but since then he has not felt strong and has spent much time sleeping. He is planning to work tomorrow, but we will see what tomorrow brings.

I had a pleasant walk to church with temperatures up to 30 F. The brisk wind made it seem colder, but not bad. On the way home a guy was walking in the street next to me, I was on the sidewalk. He told me that he had fallen and broken his arm so he was avoiding the sidewalk. I am once again reminded of how much I have. He told me that he could not afford health insurance and his bills for this arm would be close to $10,000. He was using his father’s life insurance to pay these bills. He complained a little because he could not go to places to pay the bills, but had to mail them in to the various concerns so he was spending quite a lot on postage. He was also walking over two miles one way to get to the post office. Not sure why he did not use the postal box that was on the way. He also informed me that he did not have a car and could not drive because he was unable to parallel park. Then he wondered if he would still have a job when this was done.

I would like to do more to help the people in my neighborhood, but not sure what that would be. At the moment I hope that a sympathetic ear is a gift worth having. It seems that is all I have to offer.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Leroy is well


Leroy was up in the middle of the night. At least I knew that he was up around three and he had turned on a light in the living room so it was not just a short stint. Every day he had been getting better. Now I dreaded having morning come. However it was not as I had expected. He had gone back to bed at some time. But he declared, “I am much better. I just felt like it was time to get up and get going.”

It could have been those extended day time naps that meant he now did not need so much sleep. He has seemed almost normal today, although he is taking an afternoon nap now, but that is not so unusual.

I had gotten some re-gifted flour from our landlady. It is from an heirloom wheat variety. The bread is no knead, but Robin declared, “I will never make it.”

It was a bit of time involved. First I mixed it last evening. After which it needed to rise for 12 or more hours. Then, on a well floured surface, it must be folded over twice, covered loosely with plastic and rest for 15 minutes. A tea towel must be prepared with cornmeal or flour. The somewhat sticky dough was to be carefully shaped in a ball, placed seam side down on the towel, and covered with cornmeal and another towel. At this point it would rest or raise for two hours. One half hour before the end of that time the cooking container and lid must be put in the oven at 450 degrees. Only then could dough be put carefully in the pan, seam side up and baked with the lid on for 30 minutes. At that time the lid would come off and it was to be baked for 15-30 min. more.

I got it done and invited them up for bread and tea. Robin brought up her electric knife because it could cut warm bread. It was great. There is one more batch to make, but that will wait for another day. As with many types of bread it was not so much work as so much time to be aware of the process. Could that be compared to a relationship?


Friday, January 24, 2014

Such a Day


Yesterday was a day that had its share of the unexpected. The cold was expected. I wondered if it were wise to head off an hour early so I could lead a group in yoga. However a check of the predicted temperature showed that it would be no warmer an hour later so I gathered more junk that I like to carry in one trip and headed off to the garage. I carried my lunch bag, purse, book bag, yoga bag, and a yoga mat with a strap. The hardest parts are locking and unlocking doors. I only had to put the bags down twice to get it all done. Again that car just started on the first turn of the key.

The sun was shining bright. About half way I remembered to take my eyes off the traffic and look for sun dogs. There were two brilliant examples with the one on the right outshining the one on the left. It was beautiful.

Two other people came for yoga so it was not wasted effort. Then it was time to work. Where are my computer glasses? I looked in the most likely places to no avail. I remembered putting them in my book bag, but they were not there. I called Leroy who looked around the house and out at the sidewalk, but did not see them. I retraced my steps from the car into the library. No glasses! Not only do they help me see, but they were rather expensive by my standard at $300. At least they were not new as I have had them for about three to four years. Later Leroy looked in the garage and reported not finding them on the floor.

I am disgusted. How could I lose such a large item in such a short walk? I wondered if they fell out of my bag as I was opening the garage door. I can just imagine that a squirrel might have found them, put them on, and impressed the neighborhood with a new look.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Brave or Inured?


Am I brave or inured? I do not know. It had not started to snow when I went to work, but started as darkness approached. It just kept going with patrons bringing reports of slippery, cold, and snowy conditions. I would look out from time to time and see snow or little snow in the air.

I had worn my boots to work because I do not like going out to the car in shoes, changing to boots and then cleaning the car of snow. I have to confess that I closed the library about five minutes early, in part because no one had been in for at least fifteen minutes and it was still snowing heavily and rather windy. The car was about as covered with snow as I have seen it.

Because of my experience when subbing while Leroy was at seminary I get snow off all parts of the car. I once came out from subbing to find at least three inches of snow on the car. I dutifully cleared only the windows, hopped in, drove onto the interstate, increased speed, and got lost in a white out as the snow blew off the front of the car onto the windows causing them to fog over so badly that I could not see for some time. And that was when my young eyes could see better. I can tell you that driving blind on the interstate in St. Paul, MN is not something I would recommend, even though it was a source of excitement. Since then I have become a serious snow remover.

The drive home did not seem too bad in spite of the wind whipping snow across my line of sight; at least it was only temporary. By the time I was almost home, I realized that I did not have that death grip on the steering wheel and felt almost comfortable. The most disconcerting time was on the notorious curves on the Interstate in town. I had noticed that I seemed to be losing people behind me as they exited here and there. I wondered briefly if they knew something I did not and they were getting off. By the time I was navigating that s curve there was no one following me or ahead of me. I slowed down to 35 mph and kept on without incident. I believe that I have never been on that stretch of road by myself. Eerie experience!

I even made it home before Leroy expected me. I had called him when I was going out to the car so he could take up the worry role if he cared to do so. Actually that was so that if I did not appear in a reasonable amount of time he could search for me.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Color in my life


I just got back from a trip to the church to pick up some poinsettias. On Sunday I had noticed there were still several sitting in the windows outside the Sanctuary. I asked about their fate learning that eventually they would be thrown out. I was offered some if I wanted. Did I want? Yes!! I selected four of the best looking although many were still in good shape. It was decided that Leroy would bring them home on his half day, Thursday. In looking at the weather, Leroy wondered if that was a good idea since it was to be quite cold. Because I went back to the chiropractor for that adjustment, exercise, and mini massage, I could make a circle and get them in the 30 degree weather.

Coming in the door of the church I met a woman from the book club. She had said she wanted to talk to me about the book we are currently reading that I have not started. I was flattered and amazed that she would want to talk to me. That statement boosted my feelings of self worth. So we ended up having such a long talk near the door that I even put down my purse so I would not feel the weight on my shoulder.

The church experience just increased in goodness. I stopped in the office to let the person know I had come to pick up the poinsettias and she said, “You must talk to someone who takes care of them,” pointing out another woman in the book club.

Dee commented that she had selected, for composting, some of the less good looking ones. You can have any of the rest. I selected four of them and started moving two of them to the door. As a neared the door Dee came out of an office and handed me another one. A woman was just going out the door and she helped me carry those three to the car. After that I returned for the last two only to find Dee standing with four more and declaring I should take them as the cleaner hated them with their dropping leaves. I felt a little guilty taking all this beauty, wondering if there were some other person who might like them. But so far no one else had stepped forward. When Leroy saw my bounty, he said, “Wow!”

I had thought about taking some to the library in Ely, but I am selfishly thinking of keeping them here as I have found spots for all nine poinsettias. All rooms except the bathroom, have one. I am blooming and colorful. Such joy is to be had!


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Outdoor Life


It was a great day to walk to church. It was early so quite a bit colder than when we came home. As long as we could be in a position that the wind could not get at us we were fine, but we made the trip in a short time, nothing like a wind to urge you forward. My hips were a little tired from being careful on the more icy looking spots. Perhaps because it was a Saturday when the last snow came, people had shoveled their walks, but sometimes there was an icy strip under a thin layer of snow which felt unsafe even if we did not slip at all.

Yesterday at work I noted varying responses to the weather. Several people told me they were trying to keep warm. While some told me it was not bad and one person even declared it to be nice out. Attitude does indeed make a difference to the same day in the same place.

It is so great to look out at the snow in the sun. It lifts my spirits. I should be out sledding or something fun like that instead I have been in the house since we came home.

Brian has a sled that I bought at a neighbor’s garage sale when we lived in Missouri Valley, IA. We left there in 1984 and we had it a little while before we left so that should give you an idea of the age of this sled. We have always pronounced it to be the best sled ever. I remember hesitating because they wanted $5.00 for the sled, but it has earned my respect over and over again. Now I think it was a bargain. This sled is a black plastic that easily allows two people to sit in it especially if one is a child. There are medal handles that can be used to steer or brake. Oh and did I mention that it goes very fast on many types of snow?

Brian and family went sledding with some other families and they were all impressed with this sled. For some time, it has had some holes in the bottom that we put cardboard over so the snow was not coming in so much. His friends told Brian, “That sled is so good that you should try to fix those holes.” It might live a long time yet.

I have never seen another sled like this before or since. I think someone should manufacture it once more. It is the best.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Almost Well


I am almost well. At least I feel good. My nose still runs a little and I occasionally cough. By tomorrow I should be 100 percent.

Leroy beat me home, allowing him to shovel snow by the garage. Helped my assent into that car shelter. He was not in the apartment and it took me a while to realize that he had probably walked to the grocery store. After he came home he asked me to put the food away and he would shovel the front walk. I should have put on warm clothes once more and helped him, because I really wanted to be out there. It is not so cold so it is great to be out. At least tomorrow I will experience the great walk to church.

I am fortunate to be sick just a short time. It must be that flu shot working its magic. Leroy has not had one yet, but he has been surprisingly healthy. I feel that something is not right because generally he is more inclined to catch any passing germ adopting it as his new best friend. This year he has not been sick at all and I have been sick twice. The world is out of sync.

Leroy and I have the most un-American meals. Tonight we had leftover cubed cooked potatoes that I sautéed with onions, garlic, mushrooms, tofu, and spices turmeric and rosemary. Over that we put a few green beans and a small mixture of leftover vegetables. On the side there was red cabbage and apple salad. Oh there was a dab of salsa in a jar so we each had some of that along with a small amount of shredded cheese. Our meals are certainly unique, but we both like them. Leroy is quite adventuresome about food. He was the one who chose the spices.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Feeling Crummy


That was yesterday that I felt crummy. So crummy, I did not even bother to write. Even though I worked all day and felt fine in the morning, I was looking for the end of the shift starting at noon. I do not usually watch the clock, but I probably looked at it every fifteen minutes just to see time crawl by.

Because I am off at three I thought I would take a nap before we went to our Spirituality study. Before I could get settled I realized I felt hot. My temp was over 100 degrees F. It is surprising because I usually notice joint aches when I have a fever and there were none. I trusted the thermometer and believed that I had a fever since I felt so low and slow. No more outings for me.

This is like true confession, but I also felt badly because someone had told me that their retired spouse was called back to their old job at their former salary for two days of the week. Knowing where they worked and what they did, I assume that their two days are paid much more than my three days. I was jealous rather than happy for them. This person has apparently not liked being home so much so there is that special benefit for them. I should be happy for them. I am getting closer to that feeling, but it is a bit slow in coming.

I have everything I need. I was reminded of this when I pulled into the alley to find two people there. One was a man and I am not sure about the sex of the other. In the frigid weather the guy seemed to be pulling closed the coat of the other person. They stepped to the side and I went past. I turned to pull into the garage, glanced back down the alley, and saw them go to a garbage can where they seemed to be pulling something out. Then I saw them turn and head off with a large bag that might have had 5 cent cans to recycle in it. I worked in a warm place, drove home in a warm car, and entered a warm house with enough to eat and a good bed. What more could I want?


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Decision Made


We just today signed up for an Advantage plan to accompany our Medicare coverage. If it is the wrong decision we have a year to change that before things are a bit less flexible. At least now I can sleep without waking up in the night to go into unproductive worry mode. I am pleased that we will be paying much less for this than first anticipated, helping us to manage on our two half salaries. Maybe it pays to get old.

I believe all this would have been easier if our lives felt more settled, but then perhaps not. I might have found something else to fuss about. One thing nice about Leroy’s abbreviated working hours, we can schedule appoints in his time off as long as it coincides with my time off.

Leroy had thought that he would know if the congregation would consider an interview, but that is not to be until next week. Hopefully that is a hopeful sign. We have to trust that it will all be well and in the best interest of all. Half the time I want to rail at God and half the time I want to embrace God. Sort of a tough relationship here.

When we visited Brian and Jen, Sophia pointed out that there is a house for sale on their street. She thought it would be great if we would buy it and come babysit for them. I would love to do that if we could afford to live there. My real dream is to buy a home close to each of our children and come for several weeks or months at a time. Now that would be really luxurious living. The hard part would be leaving each place after getting settled in. But some people already own more than one home. So they manage all that somehow.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Looking at wounds


There must be something about being a librarian that gives people a chance to display their wounds. One of my co-workers had carpel tunnel surgery recently. She showed me the incision. Three days after the event it looked clean, not swollen and healing. Already she can do limited tasks with this hand.

Later that evening I noticed a boy who came in with a specialized walker. As he was leaving he told me that he had had surgery to change the direction of one of his legs. Moving was still an effort for him, but he could certainly do it by himself. He seemed to be about eleven years or perhaps even older. He briefly described the surgery and then wondered if I wanted to see his leg. I said that he did not have to show me, but he was already pulling up his pant leg. There were just three bumps or small protrusions in his leg. Amazing that such an intricate thing can be done with just small entrance points. “The surgery was a month ago,” he added.

“It must feel better now than it did at first,” I commented.

He replied with enthusiasm, “It is much better now.”

When I worked at the reference desk in Moorhead, MN, a homeless shelter was close so many of the homeless would spend considerable time at the library. One day, one of the guys that I had visited with quite a lot came in with a bandaged ear. We talked some about his ear and what had happened. He then asked if I wanted to see it. I assured him it would be fine if I did not see it, but that did not deter him from unwrapping this wound and showing me the raw redness of it.

Another day a homeless Native American who also visited quite a bit told me that he had done the Sun Dance in which the chest is pierced and the participant pulled up with the body weight hanging from these two points. He was sure that I wanted to see his chest. Despite my protests he opened his shirt and showed me the marks. It is hard to think about the pain that is involved with this.

Just what is it about the library job or do people know that I really am interested in all of their scars, etc.?


Monday, January 13, 2014



We are now back home where everything feels familiar, comfortable and loved. Just think it has been two years now or almost two that we have lived here. How does that happen? I am blessed by that shift in feeling. I will miss it when we once again move. Every place that I have lived has good points. The people are the same way; there are always good people there.

It was a wonderful visit with Brian’s family. (I wish I could visit my daughters’ families as easily.) I will have to say that Leroy spent much time on the floor with Logan exploring his train set, building blocks, and other items. I, on the other hand, spent more time at a table or desk drawing or playing Skip Bo. The activities change as the ages change. Logan is still tightly connected to Leroy and Sophia is more with me.

Leroy had thought his name had been given to a congregation in Wisconsin. Because of the length of time and hearing nothing, he was thinking that they had decided no. He now finds out that today they will get his name. If they want to interview him the decision will be made today. Leroy’s voice revealed a touch of excitement. Our lives get hope filled, deflated, and hope filled once more. The future is not ours to see, but it seems it would be nice sometimes.

We spoke with a friend last night about the Medicare issues and because of such positive feedback I feel much better than I had been feeling. It will indeed all work out. God is working, now we need to think about how we can serve instead of what can be done for us. I have to confess to being selfish, especially when things are up in the air. I like to fly, but I guess the plane gives the illusion of solidarity and stability.


Friday, January 10, 2014



After hearing, on my way home from work that we were to have freezing rain in the night and more the next day, I asked Leroy, "Would you like to drive to Brian's house now?"

"Yes, lets see if it is OK with Brian if we come one night sooner," Leroy replied.

We leaped into action as soon as the OK was given. I packed. Leroy had already packed. Our presence at an evening meeting was relayed. A light supper eaten in a hurry. Toiletries packed. Warm gear gathered and stowed. Dishes washed. Landlord informed that we were leaving. A few things that we are giving to Brian packed. Gas for car purchased. Out of town and on the road as darkness closed in. Grateful for clear roads and not too much traffic.

I drove first so Leroy could nap, but no nap happened. Wrong time of day? Even though I drive home from work in the dark, I have become less comfortable driving at night. I learned that Leroy is even more so when he took his turn driving. He could not remember when he has driven out on the open road after dark. I had forgotten it has been so long. I thought it was nice when a car was ahead of me and I could tell how the curves evolving as they traversed them. Leroy agreed that it is a help.

Grandchildren were asleep when we got there. Perhaps that was good because I could greet their dog as if she was the most important person in the house. In the morning we had grins and hugs all around. A little kissing was included, but most kisses were dodged. We will babysit for these children tonight. We are all looking forward to that.

We will leave on Sunday, hoping that the weather will be as good as predicted. Love those easy travel predictions.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Up and Down Day


Seems to me I felt good when I got up. I went to the chiropractor and had the usual treatment on my rather solid neck muscle knots. They do not hurt me, but those massage therapists do not like them. They are perhaps looser than they were, but it is hard to say for sure. Shoulders back? Yes, head back? Yes, and sitting tall. It should all help right? My blood pressure was a bit high for me, but not to dangerous levels.

This afternoon Leroy and I had an appointment with SHIP so we can figure out what to do next in terms of getting a supplement for our Medicare which will start February 1, 2014. That went ok, but when we checked with the church system we learned that Leroy cannot have that insurance without being called again by a church because he has been away from that employment for too long. Even if he were to be called by the church in Wisconsin it cannot happen by February 1, 2014.

If we were to pay for it by ourselves it would be quite expensive. Groan! I now know that I have been stewing about all of these health/financial security issues even though I try to put on a calm front. In the end I can fool myself better than I can fool Leroy who said, “I thought you have been bothered by this.”

“And you are not,” I asked, “Are you?”

“No,” he said.

I know that worry is not productive or healthy, but I grab onto it anyway, slyly as a thief in a store I tuck it out of sight where it burns a hole in my pocket. It is so seductive looking. It seems there should be some good outcome from it, not high blood pressure or a tight neck.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cold but Warm


Outdoor temperatures are low, but we have the luxury of spending little time there. Are we grateful for that possibility? Yes! It was not so warm at work for me. I even kept on my wool sweater. Sometimes I have to take it off to survive the heat. It is warm in the apartment too. We even close all of the furnace outlets when we go to bed because we want to snuggle under our down comforter and flannel sheets. If we did not close off the heat it would be a sweating zoo in here and we do not want that pungent aroma.

Leroy’s name has been put in at a church in Wisconsin. He has heard nothing, but is still hopeful that they will consider a 65 year old who says that he wants to work until he is 70. Do you think I should tell them he is a young guy and just half his age as he struts down the mile in just 15 minutes? Anyone who takes a chance on him might find they have gotten a prize. He may appear cold and old, but he is young and warm, except at work where he tells me the temperature is around 65 degrees back in the library area. He compensates by wearing many layers. He even keeps a wool suit jacket at work that he can slip on over almost anything. In spite of dressing up he tells me that his fingers turn a bit blue.

We are learning more about people who live on a different income scale. Leroy cannot take out money for the flexible spending (health account) because he does not work 25 hours. Seems to me that many advantages are aimed at people who are able to find full time times and earn more already. Is that because the laws/rules are made by more secure people who have the backing of people just like them? Someone at church was talking about renting to a couple that each work two half time jobs and they can barely pay the rent and eat. It certainly makes more to me. They truly have no benefits with part time jobs and probably no possibilities in sight. Leroy and I, even though older, are still in a different place because we are skilled in more than one field. We can also get health insurance because of our age with Medicare and supplements. My salary will pay rent and utilities while Leroy’s will cover supplements and food. What more could we ask for? Basic needs are covered with some to give away. This month Leroy is working half time so we will see what his take home pay amounts to. Perhaps I will talk differently when reality sets in.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Walking to church


Leroy and I had planned to drive to church when we heard it was to be very cold today. However, upon waking, walking seemed to be quite possible with a temperature of just 9 F. Certainly better than below zero. We bundled up snuggly, especially Leroy, and headed out. The rapid walk, since we started a little late, helped me to feel quite warm by the time we got there. We went to the earliest service and then stayed for Sunday school. Leroy left after that and I stayed for a book club meeting.

Someone asked if I wanted a ride. Has it gotten much colder I wondered? She assured me that it had and the wind was stronger. After the meeting, when I was looking for my wool sock and could not find it I decided for sure I had better take advantage of her offer. I live somewhat in the direction she was going so I don’t feel too bad about accepting a ride from her. Of course this was my best wool sock that I could not find, but after some searching I found it on the shelf in the coat room. I suppose it had fallen out of my boots. I do not wear the socks and the boots in the building because I would be much too warm.

I was a little sorry that I did not walk home because it did not seem so bad to me. The temperature was still above zero. Now tomorrow is when the real cold settles in. I wish that I worked in town here. But I suspect it will all be ok because I have been out in even colder temps. Once in MN when Leroy was at seminary, I kept thinking I was driving over bumps on the road, but I could not see them. Later I heard that it was that the tires had frozen flat. I remember that day the high temperature was -16 F. I believe that was my coldest day. I cannot remember the low. Now I am thankful that the furnace works and that we have plenty of heat in our upstairs apartment.


Saturday, January 4, 2014



I am now safely connected via my cell phone with the rest of the country if not the world. We have pay as you go phones and mine needed more days. I still had minutes to chat, but the contract was going to expire January 6. This may not seem like a big deal, but with my current phone it is a big deal.

I should be able to log into my account on the company website, but it tells me that this phone number is associated with a different account so I can do nothing on line. I am a bit miffed because they are surely sending me special offers as they know my time is running out; however I see none of those, perhaps they go to that email that I cannot access any longer.

The problems with connecting are twofold. In 2009 when I got this phone there was some type of issue. I remember making several calls and talking to at least three people before I was able to get my info and time, etc. switched to my new phone. Each time I have added more time stamina has been required. Somehow the phone number is not associated with any email accounts that I can get into.

This time was no exception. Mentally I blocked out a considerable amount of time to tend to this phone call. It took a bit of time to work my way through the automated system then the live person rattled along in rapid Spanish. At least I thought it was Spanish. When he took a breath I told him, with a sense of shame at my language lacks, “I need English.” At which point he gathered up his slower English. His accent was pronounced, but I did understand almost everything he said the first time it came forth.

He got from me all of the necessary information even asking if I had any promotion codes. I explained about my inaccessible account. He assured me that we would fix my access when we got the time added. He proceeded to put in all the necessary data and tell me that it would be a while because the system was running slow. I heard that statement several times. Twenty minutes later he told me that he was having trouble and his supervisor would help, but she were unavailable now so he would continue to try to help me. Little did this guy know that he had the customer account from hell as he told me every few minutes that he was still trying to solve the problems. He also told me about his supervisor more than once. Personally I think the supervisor was hiding.

Finally after 49 minutes, some of which I spent lying on the floor doing some exercises, meditating and just generally contemplating life, he was successful. I have another 365 days of phone use with 400 additional minutes. I had been hoping he would give me extra minutes just because of the length of this process, but he did not mention it. He also did not mention getting my account access up, having pity on him and me, I let it go.


Friday, January 3, 2014

Leroy's Time


Leroy told me last night that he is having no trouble filling in his time off. And I thought he might miss me because I worked yesterday. Instead, he ran some errands and put a new faucet in our kitchen. Our landlord suggested it and assured Leroy that he would take full responsibility for anything that might go wrong. Those two amateur plumber guys made a trip to the store, asked a lot of questions of their helpful clerk, came back home, stopped the water, took out the old faucet, cleaned up the space, replaced the water shut off valve, and put in the new.

It works great including the sprayer. The old sprayer only got half of the water. The new faucet looks lovely, works easily and does not spray water in my face. Course the old unit only sprayed water at me occasionally, lulling me into a sense of false security before it blasted forth again. Now who could ask for more? I am so pleased. I do have to be a bit gentler with the new. I am accustomed to using a certain amount of force to turn on the water. I will have to mend my ways as I do not want to damage my new lovely unit.

Leroy was also pleased to get the faucet and to be able to help put it in without much difficulty. I guess if the shut off valve had not leaked it would have been a simple job. Our landlord and Leroy had complimentary tools so it all worked well; perhaps their skill sets were complimentary as well. I asked Leroy if they were ready to form a small company. He thought rather emphatically, no. Small satisfactions in life are to be savored and not expanded beyond reality.

Only the person who experiences the improvement can appreciate it in full measure. Appreciating, appreciating!
