Monday, October 31, 2011

Smooth Flying

New Brighton, MN


With photo ID in hand it does not take so much skill and angst to get on a plane. The flying was good, but the first landing was a bit of a jolt. I personally think we were going too fast, but I realize that I was not the pilot. Or perhaps it was just that the ground was not where it was anticipated to be. It was nice this time because the plane was not so full. Consequently Leroy and I had three seats for the two of us.

I should go back to DC and tell you that Natalie’s baptism was a blessed affair as seven other infants and toddlers were baptized on the same day. Natalie, at one month, was the youngest. Leroy and another clergy grandfather participated in the baptism with the grandfathers putting the water on their grandchild’s head. Leroy told us that the water was cold, but not a single child cried.

Even though there had been snow the day before in DC, it was clear with a warming sun. It was so nice that Leroy walked the two miles to church and back. I did not have the right walking shoes to wear to church so I reluctantly did not join him in this trek. He said it was very nice to walk.

Later in the afternoon, Leroy and I walked in the cemetery. Unfortunately on a Sunday the office is not open so we could learn where the interesting residents were buried. However there were people around and some of them had on fancy black clothing. Leroy finally realized that it might be because of Halloween. At that point we came upon a party with quite a group of these dressed up celebraters.

Stephen’s parents were also present for the baptism as was his brother and spouse along with a sister-in-law. So Natalie had quite a few loving people witnessing this special event in her life.

We expect to stay a few days with Brian’s family before we head on out west again. We want to be in SLC for Thanksgiving and Leroy is nervous about driving through the snow that he believes will be in the mountains.


Friday, October 28, 2011

Help Along the Way

Washington DC


First to answer some questions I have been asked; yes Brian and Jen found my license in my purse tucked in among the credit cards. Yes Leroy planned to leave without me if I did not make it. I am a big girl, or almost, and I would have had to figure out a course of action to get on a later plane. Leroy would have had to check in my bag as it was already through security. We are again in DC, this time for the baptism of Natalie.

The airline yesterday was really quite helpful in my unexpected adventure. The ticket agent did tell me that they would wait as long as possible before they shut the door, but they would not hold the plane. She checked to make sure that we both had phones so we could contact each other.

I felt like berating myself and crying at first, but I believe that I did turn it over to God. Sometimes “helpless” helps accomplish that.

After going through security, Leroy immediately talked with the person at the boarding desk. He also learned that the airline people called security to convince them that I was not a risk and encourage them to move me along. Besides that, on the second part of the flight they fed us a complimentary breakfast sandwich. We have not had that happen in years when it is a domestic flight. Was that an affirmation?

Really even the security people reassured me that I would most likely get on the flight, I just had to answer some questions.

Transportation went well. The flight itself was uneventful just as we like. It was easy to get on the Metro in DC as the shuttle bus came about when we did. Sarah had sent passes to us. However, at the end we learned that we needed to add money to it. We took too long reading the instructions in the middle of the process and it kept our $20. The person in the station was quite helpful and instructive with the method of getting back the money. So that should not be a problem, eventually it should be credited.

What would I write about if yesterday’s events had not occurred? By the way I did not ask, but I am sure Brian believes that we are now really over the edge into old age and senility. I am grateful that I could catch him before he came back to the airport, but sorry that he had to make a trip to the post office and overnight my license which is now tucked safely back in my billfold.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

More Excitement

Washington DC


The alarm went off at 3:30 am, Leroy and I hoped out of bed, put on our clothes, I wet my hair so it would not look like I had slept on it, Leroy shaved, I put on makeup, we ate a bit of breakfast, brushed teeth, packed toothbrushes, packed the car, and Brian drove us to the airport so we could arrive in good time for our 6:00 am flight.

All was well until I opened up my billfold to pull out my driver’s license for the photo ID. A gaping blank hole faced me. “Oh no, I lost my license. I must have left it in my purse.”

The ticket agent told me that if I had a credit card they could accept that. I had left my credit cards in my purse. She would ask me some questions and they would issue my boarding pass, but she did not think security would like that. The questions were tough. Brian had booked our tickets.

What is your home address? We explained that we were not in a home now so it was decided that I should give the last address. What is your email? I have four of them and named two of them before getting the right one. Who should be contacted in an emergency? Brian was the answer, but she wanted his phone number. I had four for him. Finally I just showed her what was in my phone and she found the number. At that point she commented that we needed to be a bit more on top of our information. She felt it would be okay here, but possibly not in DC. Could someone bring my ID? It is a half hour trip from Brian’s house to the airport, but we had a little over an hour of time.

We called Brian and asked him to get my license and bring it to the airport. In the meantime the agent suggested that Leroy go through security with my carryon bag too so that I could move faster when I did get the document. Talk about sweating, my deodorant had quit for sure. The ticket agent then commented that if Brian could get back fifteen minutes ahead of time it would probably be ok, but ten minutes ahead, probably I would not get on.

After I waited, prayed, begged, and breathed deeply, I thought to call Jen to tell her my license might be and if not where my passport would be. Then I reassured myself that it all could be worse, I could just spend more money and get a later flight. After all it was only money.

At that point Leroy called to tell me that the guy in security said I would be able to come through, they would just “pat me down”. Because the time was moving on I called Brian, learned they had not found my license, but only the passport, consequently I told him that I thought they should just speed mail it to DC.

I then got in the security line that had grown by leaps and bounds. As I was waiting nervously in line, I noticed another line that seemed shorter, but I did not know what it was for. After a bit some guy said while waving his hand to people at the end of my line, “You can come over here.”

I considered that my invitation and I more quickly got to the TSA person who wants to see your photo ID and boarding pass. I commented about the “pat down search” but they just gave me a look and said, “That is not it”. He instead called Tom over. Tom wanted to see my credit cards or anything with my name on it. I had some magazines, but Leory’s name and various addresses were on them. He said they would get me on, but they needed to run a check and he went off somewhere. Leroy called to ask where I was and I told him that I was in security. In the meantime another guy came up and asked me many of the same questions. I thought he did not know what was going on, but I got the impression when Tom came back that he was just verifying my answers. They then decided that they must get some form for me to fill out. For reasons unknown to me and to them, they had trouble finding the form. I just had to put in my name, address, and sign it. They then phoned someone who asked for my birthday, (They all commented on the Christmas birthday.)my last address, last four digits of my phone number at that place, previous home address before that one, I was not so sure about the house number, but they were ok with the street address, then they asked for Leroy’s name and birthday which they said was my best answer. One guy took note of all my answers and they wrote something on my boarding pass. They then told me to budge in line, which I did as it was now about 10 minutes before the plane was to depart. I hurriedly put on my shoes grabbed my stuff and ran to the gate to find lonely Leroy the last person waiting for me to come. We got our boarding passes scanned and got on the plane. My being was so in flight or fight mode that I could not relax enough to read until about half an hour later.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another Time Zone

New Brighton, MN


Our plane to DC leaves at 6:00 am. That means an early awake time, but perhaps that is ok as we are going to be in that early awake time zone. Personally I think my body does not know what is what. I am also not doing any exercise besides daily walking. I think I need more than that to relieve stress. There is also much too much together time with Leroy. He handles that much better than I do. I need the time alone to recharge my batteries and I just do not get that very often any more. I did hang out clothes today. I was alone during that time. Perhaps the real problem is that I do not note it and give thanks for any alone time.

On the flip side I did not want to get a seat assignment on the plane that would have Leroy and I both sitting in the middle of two other people. With this particular airline, in order to get an aisle or window seat we would have to pay extra. The Bradways are not into paying extra even when they have more money coming into their possession. So we will take our chances at the airport, hoping that we will be able to sit together.

Sarah tells us that it is to be quite a bit colder while we are there. I find it harder to pack because those warmer things are room eaters. Oh well, I can perhaps borrow some clothes because Sarah and I are almost the same size.

I have one more set of pictures from the badlands. Some of them are not very clear because it was really too dark for our camera. Luckily our eyes work better than the camera.

Hope you enjoy.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

At Brian's home

New Brighton, MN


It was a good time for reflection and planning at the meetings. We will have to do more of that before we can focus on a direction that we could go.

The sobering thing was to learn that as of this time there are no church jobs available in SE Iowa. So it appears that we will be footloose and fancy free for some time yet. Just how do we fill that time with a worthwhile purpose? That we really do not yet know. Should we try to rent a place? Should we stay longer with children? What is the right thing to do?

Answers will come, but I would like it now. Patience is a virtue, I suppose, but impatience seems my skill.

We are just home late enough that I do not have the will to write longer, but I will send you pictures from Yellowstone and the area outside. Again the pictures are not labeled, but the snow is in there so you know that we saw it. It was so nice that it was no longer on the road.

In Yellowstone we spend more time in the mountains so do not really seem them as in the Tetons.


Monday, October 24, 2011


Iowa City, IA


Well we planned to leave Brian and Jen’s house at 6:30 am, but did not quite manage that. One reason is that Leroy had set our travel alarm because it does not make a lot of noise and we were sleeping in Sophia’s room. He did not notice that it was still on Mountain Time. I just happened to wake after six to the green glow of Sophia’s clock. So we left half an hour late close to 7:00 when there was a little more traffic. Then I had to go the rest area at a time when we did not need to stop for gas too. After that we needed to make another stop because my foot was hurting and Leroy had put my sandals in the trunk. We got to our destination little more than half an hour late in spite of the fact that I even drove over the speed limit.

The meeting is for pre-retirement. Leroy expects to retire in five years, but it is good to start planning ahead of time. One big question for us is where will we live? This question is also big for most pastors as they seldom live in the town where they served their last parish. That is both problem and freedom to pick anywhere.

I will share with you some of the pictures that we took on our recent trips. Leroy did not alter or edit them much. We simply have not had the time. I am not insulted if you do not want to look at all of them.

Hope you enjoy some of this first set.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

On the Road Again

New Brighton, MN


Tomorrow Leroy and I will once again be driving. This time we will go to Iowa City for a meeting there. It is a short meeting only lasting about one day so we head back to New Brighton on Tuesday.

I am ready to settle down, but it is not to be just yet. Walking close to Brian’s we saw a house for sale. It was even in a price range that we might be able to handle if Leroy had a job here. Ah such dreams. What does the future hold for us? We do not know.

Sometimes I still wonder if God is using us to show how well he cares for his people. We met someone new tonight and she made the comment that she did not know how we could handle it. She likes a steady job with a salary. It is seductive to think that it is the easy, secure way. We do know that all will be well. Just what is wellness?

Brian has loaned me a key board and I do find that much easier to type with. I must rest my fingers on the keys because from time to time I have the most bazaar things that happen in terms of weird movements. It seemed the only way to get out of these situations was to turn off the computer and start again.

Jen made the comment that there are now, with our additional computer, four computers in this house. I am happy to have our own computer since I do not have to worry about finding the time to use someone else’s.

It has been fun to see all six of our grandchildren in the space of a month. I guess that is a good thing about not having a job there is more time to do all of this.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trip Details

New Brighton, MN


Our first day on the trip east, I was blissfully taking in those enticing mountain views when I was shocked out of my reverie by a very loud explosive bang. Driver Leroy was as shaken up as I was. He knew that it was something hitting the windshield. Sure enough there was a crack more than a half inch and two chips below it. It was surely a rock thrown up by the semi that was approaching, but how could an approaching truck do that? That night we checked in Jackson about getting it repaired, but they could not do it until Thursday so we said, “We will be gone by then.”

Hoping it would not get worse we headed out into the natural beauty available to us. When we next cleaned the windshield another chip to the right was discovered. Apparently the rock bounced. Thankfully the line had not grown. Unfortunately on the last day of travel we were hit with another rock. This one only struck once that we could tell. We are so grateful for the modern glass on cars that does not shatter on impact. This was more an inconvenience than a danger.

At Brian’s, Leroy called several places to learn the cost and whether we should just replace the windshield. One place told him they would not repair more than three chips, but only replace. We now have a new sparkling clean windshield. Our insurance does not cover this so it was an out of pocket expense, but again we are grateful that we have that money and it was not a physical danger to us.

Usually getting gas was not a problem, but most of the time we seemed to buy gas and then see it at the next stop for almost 20 cents less per gallon. One time, however, was a little more problematic. It stated gas on that blue interstate information sign, but did not list any stations. I did have to use the restroom so I said, “Surely there is a station since it states gas. Perhaps the station did not want to pay to advertise.”

It took some searching for the station that we finally found connected to a grocery store. There were no services in the station so I walked to the store and let Leroy buy gas. When I came back out he had moved the car to a parking place. In a rather grumpy voice he informed me, “It would not accept my credit card and zip code, so we will have to go some other place to get gas.”

“Do you have enough cash? Since we are here it seems that it would be easier to just get it here.” I urged.

So back to the pump to try again. With cash, prepayment was required. Leroy went in to do that and the person in there took his $20, we were not on low gas, and told him that he needed to put in his cell phone number which it did not accept. Fuming Leroy was ready to leave and forget it. I went , told the guy we could not get gas, he came out, got the cell phone number, commented on the area code, put it in, and it rejected it again. “I do not know what to do,” he said somewhat apologetically.

“What now?” I almost wailed, “We just want to get some gas, who can get it here?”

“Oh this is for a discount,” he said as he picked up the pump and put it in the car, soon the sound of gas filling the car was clearly heard.

Leroy was by this time steaming and snorting, but not at this guy because it was not really his fault. When Leroy is in this type of mode it is not easy to be with him. He could not remember which way to go to get back on the Interstate, drove at least ten mph below the speed limit, drove five mph over the speed limit, slowed to pass a truck before he moved into the left lane even though there was no one else around, and did a lot of deep breathing before he recovered.

I did ask Leroy if I could write about this and he said in a gruff voice, “Go ahead.” This is so you know that life is not always bliss on the road.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Can there be more?

New Brighton, MN


Yesterday, in Wall, SD, we got up early to see that last loop of the badlands and drive over 500 miles to Brian’s house. Even as we loaded the car and ate breakfast before seven, we wondered if it was wise to add time to our long day. The sun was just edging up to brighten all of the landscape when we headed out. The first thing we saw was a dead coyote alongside the road and hoped that was not a sign of things to come.

The formations were breathtaking and amazing. Certainly it was worth it to take this time. Even though we had planned to just keep moving we stopped from time to time in the pull offs just to savor the view.

Going around a bend and down a hill we came upon a small group of prong horn antelope with some on each side of the road. Most of them had gotten up and were already foraging, but a couple were still lying down. Was this their night resting place? We took a couple of pictures and then it said the camera disk was full. We drove a short distance, but Leroy said, “I am going to get out the computer, download the pictures, and delete the rest so we can go back and take more pictures.”

I agreed as this seemed so much more important than meeting a more or less self imposed schedule. If we had to, we could stay one more night in a hotel someplace.

Leroy got the job done, turned the car around, and we took more pictures even though the animals had moved slightly. By the way it was a different type of beauty to have the morning sun highlighting the hills with increasing intensity.

The next animal display was a deer running up to the road and across. This was a buck with trophy status antlers that was springing or leaping off into the distance.

All of this time we are saying, “Look at that, look at this.” It was wonderful.

“Good heavens, are they running on the side of the hill?” Leroy wondered.

Sure enough it was a herd of the pronghorns. At least three of them were running, not walking, but running on the side of the steep sloop that no human could walk on unaided, or at least it looked that way. Both of us felt it was an impossibility for these animals to stick to it. One saw us, stopped, and looked before it ran on.

Just when we thought we had seen it all we saw a prairie dog town with some early dogs out talking in the sunshine. It was a wonderful drive and well worth the effort.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More sights and More Animals

Wall, South Dakota


With the sun in our faces we headed east with more mountains to cross. This time the peak was higher at 9,000 plus feet, but easier because the road was a highway. The trees were not so close to the road so it was totally clear of ice, the grades were not so extreme, and the road was wider. There was quite a bit of snow at the top. The road crew was moving the snow with a front loader. In the rear view mirror I saw them go across the road. Were they moving that white stuff from the mountain side of the road to the other? More snow is expected on Friday. I suspect much of that will not melt until spring so they might need the space.

We saw a lot of prong horn antelope in the fields. There were a lot of horses with cowboys attached as well as some cattle including some that I call Oreo cookie cows.

Mount Rushmore was still in bright sun at 3:00 in the afternoon. I had forgotten how big it is. The spaces for tourist had changed for the better in the 20 years since I had been there. It was very nice.

While there we saw three mountain goats, two adults and one baby.

Even though it was getting late we headed off on the scenic byway to the badlands. The sun was still up, but getting constantly lower. By the time we got to any interesting formations it had sunk quite low and even set before we were done. I was at first quite disappointed and disgusted with Leroy since he had not asked a question about the choice of roads at the information place. He only asked where the road was. I would have asked, but I was on the phone to Miriam at the time. Anyway it all worked out well as the dusk created quite a nice effect on these odd formations.

Also in the dusky light we saw an additional 4-6 buffalo as well as some deer by the side of the road. We were grateful the car worked as we think no one would have found us for some time, but before we got done with this side road we met three other cars.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Cody, WY


This morning when we were driving along the recommended route to see buffalo, Leroy said, “I guess we are not going to see any.”

Three miles later we were surrounded by buffalo of several sizes. They were so close that we could hear them tear off the grass and flap their tails against their backs. It was a picture taking dream even though I was afraid, at times, to roll down my window in case one of them might stick their head inside. Two of the bulls on my side of the car had a bit of a standoff that included some head butting. I was happy when they stopped that as I was not sure if our car could withstand battling buffalo. After the beasts moved off the road in front of us we went on to the next sight.

We checked at the information center to learn that it should be okay in Yellowstone with only intermittent icy patches on the road at the higher altitudes. Snow tires or chains are recommended(the sign said required), but we did not have those and the guy figured that is still fine today. When the road gets that bad they will close it.

It is an incredibly beautiful drive from the Tetons to Yellowstone. We got gas before we left Jackson. It was a good thing because all such services were closed. Leroy was able to get a sandwich at the Old Faithful center. We do carry some food in the car so it was not too bad. I was able to dash into the restroom before disaster struck. We scurried around the center to see a number of people sitting on the benches and after a wait of ten minutes we were rewarded with that faithful spout.

The weather was beautiful. We made many stops to take pictures and just drink in the sights. Leroy did not sleep the entire day and he even drove all morning until 2:00 pm when we got to Old Faithful. Can you imagine?

I drove out of the park. It was the most exciting drive as there was indeed some ice on the road. I also drove the highest point over 8,000 feet. At the top we were surrounded by snow on all sides. The road was 98% clear. The really breathtaking trek was down the steep hill and we were in the outside lane. Most of the time there was no one on the road with us so I hugged the center line with low gears engaged.

“What is that brown thing close to the road?” I wondered as we were going around Lake Yellowstone.

It turned out to be a buffalo along with a couple pals. Just then Leroy noticed another toilet. Since it had been another long time and who knows when the next would appear, we stopped even with the closer proximity of the buffalo. They were not looking at us so we just raced in and raced back out again. All was good.

The drive from Yellowstone to Cody is full of ooh and aah moments. At this level the aspens still had their leaves. The contrast of their yellow with the pines is lovely. At one point one slender tree was spotlighted in her golden glory amid the dark green of her neighbors.

What a perfect day! We are blessed.


Monday, October 17, 2011

New Adventures

Jackson, WY


Driving out of Salt Lake with a fully loaded car, I wondered did we have everything we meant to take? Actually the car was not quite as full as on the trip out to SLC because we were minus plants. I am not sure that we did get everything, but there will be another chance to get it all. We are planning to come back for Thanksgiving.

Leroy had been obsessing about the weather in the next portion of our trip because snow was predicted for Jackson and Yellowstone. Now, however it is beautiful if quite cold with a low of 25 expected.

In Teton national park, we did a car tour with stops at many places. It was quite beautiful to see the snow topped peaks. Wildlife was also spotted. Antelopes were grazing and lounging in the fields on the way north. As we came out of the visitor center at the park, Leroy spotted two mule deer feeding quite close to us.  Then in the early evening we were fortunate to see four moose foraging in the distance. The group was three females and one male spectacularly endowed with heavy antlers.

We offered our binoculars to a young woman standing close by. She replied with an accent, “I live here so I have moose in my yard.”

After some conversation we learned that she was from Slovakia and had gone to school in Bratislava. It was great fun to talk with her. It almost felt like going home. As we talked, the moose, or is it mooses, moved closer and we were able to get a fairly good picture of them. This woman was also able to tell us that to see four moose together was quite unusual.

It was a great day. We plan to go to Yellowstone tomorrow, but the person at the information center gave us a number to call in case the passes are closed as they had had snow and the road might be icy. It is nice to be here in the off season because there are no crowds, but some things are closed. Plus it is quite cold at a windy 45 degrees. So as with much of life it is a mix of positive and negative.


Friday, October 14, 2011

In Salt Lake Again


Leroy and I got up at 5:00 am. to get ready to get on the Metro at 6:12 am. It all went very efficiently as we had prepared many things the night before. Even though the alarm was set I managed to wake up at 3:00 and never really went back to solid sleep. Leroy was also restless towards morning. The train came on time as expected.

We spent a little bit of time figuring out where we were going in the airport. All of the people who knew what they were doing were ahead of us in the security, but it all moved well in spite of the long line. We even had a little time to sit and relax before they started loading the plane. Once on the plane the pilot announced that we would be leaving 30 minutes late because of weather in Chicago. That would shorten our hour of connection time, but hopefully not too much.

It turned out that we had to rush, but all was ok. Part of the problem is that we never know just how long it will take us to get from one concourse to the other. At least this plane left on time. That was good because the plan was to meet Miriam in the airport for the great car switch. It all worked almost perfectly with Miriam waiting in the cell phone lot till we came. She drove to the passenger pick up spot when we called. Then we could drive ourselves home without paying for parking. Notice how loosely I use the word home? I have developed the habit of calling any spot I lay my head, home. Is that good? I suspect so.

Our poor bodies do not know what to make of the time changes they are subjected to. We were in CDT about a month ago. Then it was on to MDT for two weeks before we spent two weeks in EDT. Now we are back in MDT for about a week. From here we will move to CDT for about another week and then it is on to EDT for another short stay. The hardest parts are eating and sleeping as I feel continually out of step.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leaving and Outing

Washington DC


We are leaving early tomorrow morning for Salt Lake City. Miriam will be coming here late in the day. If all goes as planned we will learn from Miriam where she has parked the car so we can drive back to her house. Sarah, Lexi, and Natalie will spend the day alone because Stephen is out of town.

Sarah had talked about going down to see the Martin Luther King memorial if it were not raining as predicted. Natalie woke up and it was still not raining although quite cloudy just as it had been all day. With Natalie in the baby buggy and Lexi in a stroller we headed off to the Metro. There is an elevator so it was easy to get down to the tracks. Changing trains was not much of a problem because Sarah knew what elevator we needed to use to get to the proper platform. By the time we left the station there was a fine mist that rather quickly became rain. Leroy and Sarah both had rain coats. My hoodless jacket was water resistant and Lexi held an umbrella.

I walked briskly as I pushed Lexi along the street where people thought she was the cutest thing holding that umbrella while her grandmother’s hair was starting to drip water. We stopped under a tree to rest and hoped that the rain would diminish. No such luck! Instead the water was wending its way through the leaves onto our heads.

Sarah suggested that we head to a restroom that she knew of on the mall. We got there and shared the shelter with a couple other people including one woman who appeared to be homeless as she had her bags with her. The sky got lighter, but the rain did not slow down for a long time. Finally we decided to go home as it slacked off a little. On the way back we used the escalator as the elevator was not easily within reach. That escalator ride is a bit tricky with the strollers, and children. Lexi walked, but I was not good at holding her hand, the stroller and wanting to hang on to the railing. Sarah and Leroy managed the buggy and the baby. It was quite the adventuresome outing without getting to our goal. My hair was totally wet by the time we got back to the Metro. At least it dries to the shape it was before we started. I am grateful it was not so cold that we were very uncomfortable. There were other tourist types with children caught in the rain so we were not alone in this silly trip.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Good News

Washington DC


Sarah just got back from taking Natalie to the Dr. All this
on-demand feeding has worked. This girl now weighs 9 lbs. 8 oz. which is just five ounces below her birth weight. It is a relief, even though we all thought she had surely gained back some of the pound and ounce that she had lost. She is certainly a demanding eater, but she knows what she needs. That does not mean it is all peace and quiet, but at least there is no worry about her weight in the back of one’s thoughts.

Now some of you have wondered how Leroy and I deal with all of this free life style. Usually it is ok and sometimes even good. Today and perhaps yesterday Leroy has slid into a funk and is sure that he will never get another job. As I have thought before, this trusting in God is a hard road when the way is steep. We would rather trust in a job and a steady income. But after pulling weeds and getting that sidewalk looking good, Leroy is feeling a little better in spite of getting a sinus attack.

I washed and hung out two loads of clothes. All of them are back in the house now as it looks like rain is a possibility. Most of them were dry.

I am impressed at how many people ride their bikes past the house. I would imagine that many of them are bike commuters just as Stephen is many days. There is a bike lane on this street and it is quite used.

I will also have to comment on the courtesy of the drivers in DC. They are very quick to yield to the pedestrian. Both Leroy and I think it is noticeably more than we have experienced in Iowa. Never assume that the best is where you are, as there is something good all over.



Friday, October 7, 2011

One More Time At School

Washington DC


Yesterday, Leroy, Sarah, Natalie, and I all went to school for a lunch celebration of Hispanic culture month. It was great to see Lexi get so excited about showing her classmates her little sister. All of the kids seemed quite interested in this new baby. Sarah commented that now all of the students in the class have at least four in their family.

Each parent who came brought a dish to pass. There were many dishes that I was ignorant about. It was fun to sample things from several South American countries. Many of the parents were from the country that their food represented. Most of the students tasted a little bit of almost everything; however I heard many comments about not liking this or that.

In the week and two days that we have been here I have gone to school for some function four days. School is now on fall brake so that will be the last time I will go for now. Leroy and I have enjoyed walking Lexi to and from school; consequently I am a bit sorry that there is no school. It is good that we are here to help Sarah during the day with both children in the house.

This morning we took a walk before breakfast accompanied by Lexi. On a calm side street an older gentleman on a bicycle came right up to us called out, “Good morning.” Then he proceeded to tell us that his grandchildren lived in another country so he did not see them very often. He then sang a song that must have lasted three minutes.  This song was about children growing up.

Natalie seems quite contented now that she has on demand feeding. We all got quite excited when she pooped as that was another issue that the Dr. was concerned about. Can’t say if she has gained any weight, but she is eating and resting so one assumes that combination works for growth.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Field Trip

Washington DC


Today Leroy and I both went on the field trip as many volunteers were needed for a bus trip to the National Building Museum. There were ten parents in all along with the three school staff. Again there was the bathroom routine before we could take to the streets. We walked almost as far as the library to catch the proper bus. On the way we were with another class of the same aged students. At the intersections two of the fathers placed themselves in the middle of the road with their arms out to alert traffic. It felt good to have them there because we could not manage always to get across the street before the light changed.

Our bus pulled up just as we got to the stop. Unfortunately the bus was already a bit crowded; fortunately people promptly gave up their seats for the small children. I really do not know where we went, but I know it was some place downtown. At that stop we got out and walked about two blocks to a nice building. The main part of the building is quite impressive. A museum person divided the class into four groups and gave them pictures of materials that the children should find. It was good activity for us to discuss just what might be wood, marble, carpet, tile, metal, glass, and terra cotta. After that the students were given paper tools that they used while listening to a story. I have to brag about my granddaughter. When asked about the job of the building inspector, Lexi raised her hand and responded, “They check the building to make sure it is alright.”

The next activity was to build a house with materials that were new and recycled. After that it was lunch time.

The schedule had indicated we would be finished at 12:30. Leroy and I had brought a granola bar that we shared. Of her school lunch, Lexi ate ¾ of her sandwich so Leroy and I shared that. The same thing happened with her peach. She also had some pita chips and ate less than half of those. Leroy and I unashamedly ate the rest of those. Another girl had torn her sandwich in half and only ate part of the first half. Leroy got that other half. So we had a lunch of leftovers without expecting that.

I believe we got back to the school after one o’clock. All in all it was a fun trip.

Just a little update on Natalie, she has lost one pound, one ounce. The doctor thinks her cries are cries of hunger. Sarah is now ignoring the length of time between feedings, drinking more water, drinking mother’s milk tea, and happy that her milk has come in. Natalie has not cried so much at all so perhaps it was indeed hunger.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Out and About

Washington DC


No rain, Natalie sleeping, cool not cold out made this seem to be a good day to go on a field trip of our own with the price of admission provided by Stephen and Sarah. Abraham Lincoln’s cottage was the spot. We had chosen not to go through it when we were here before, but just went to the free museum. I was pleasantly surprised to find this home tour to be different than most I have gone to. The rooms were sparsely furnished because they had no photographs of how it looked when the Lincoln’s lived there. Most of the furniture also was not available so rather than buy period pieces they chose to leave it bare or minimally furnished. It was an excellent tour and I highly recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to go there. I certainly learned more about Lincoln and his family while he was the president. Just a side note there was some damage from the recent earthquake, but not to the foundation or structure. There was cracking plaster and some bricks fell out.

The Lincoln’s spent their summers in this house while Abe was in office. Three other presidents did as well so it has changed from time to time.

Leroy mowed the lawn with the small battery operated mower. It is almost cute. I pulled some weeds and then sewed/mended a couple items this afternoon.

Natalie still cries in real pain, and we cannot be sure what causes that. She often seems to respond well to the gas medicine, but it does not always make a difference. Sarah is visiting the pediatrician this afternoon. Perhaps he/she will have some helpful comments to make. I do know of people who have babies who cry for unsolvable reasons such as colic. This does not appear to match the descriptions that I have read of colic. Starting out on this life can be a difficult trip sometimes. Yesterday she slept well in the day, but not so well last night. I suppose we would like it to be the opposite wake sleep pattern. We just must remember that in six months this will all be different and free flowing.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Some Pictures of Natalie

Washington DC 

I have some more from home, but have not uploaded them yet.

Natalie is obviously unhappy a bit of the time so Leroy is out taking a walk with Lexi to get some baby gas medicine. We hope that helps. It is when that she seems to have such discomfort and we can’t ask questions, rather we can ask questions, but the answer is unclear.

I will have some night duty tonight to give Sarah and Stephen a better chance to sleep. Sleep is, of course, one of the casualties when a new baby is in the house. Having time for yourself must be the second endangered species. But we charge into parenthood knowing we can manage, get there, look around, and wonder about the wisdom of it all. In the end though, I at least, would not have given it up for anything.

We are able to get a few other things done in the way of help. Leroy and Stephen worked to put a shelf in a new computer hutch. Leroy was not sure that they could manage, but Stephen persisted with great success.

I have done some house cleaning, washing, drying, and folding clothes, but most of my time has been spent with Lexi. I am pleased to report that she appears to be accepting this new addition to the family with grace and pleasure. 

I do not usually talk about the weather, but I must here. When we came it was wiltingly hot, just a short time of five days later we are cold. Leroy and I are borrowing warm clothes and at times slightly cool. We looked at the forecast, but did not really realize how different it would be.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Natalie is Home

Washington DC

After what seemed like a long wait Natalie and mom came home. We have all had some baby holding time. This girl is a mover with her arms going almost constantly. She can cry and the report is that she was born crying. But more of the time she is quiet and sleeping. Also it appears that she is too big for some of the new born clothing so it is a problem to find the right clothes when she needs changing. We are adjusting all of the time, wondering does she need…?

I did go on another field trip yesterday. That one went to the library for story time. Maybe because it was an experienced group there were not quite so many instructions ahead of time and more forward motion. They sang, moved in place, listened to stories, and looked around the room. A couple of the stories were for the number and color names in Spanish. On the walk back to school we found items that were in colors so they could be named in Spanish. The class is exposed to Spanish twice a week so most of the children knew these Spanish words. While I was on the field trip Leroy was greeting Natalie. That is a first that he has been there before me when meeting a new baby, but I thought it was important that I go with Lexi because she had been expecting me to do that.

There is a museum field trip next week. It is planned that both Leroy and I will go on that venture. The teacher is a little concerned about taking so many children on that type of trek so she has asked for all the volunteers that she can get. It is very nice to be here to participate in some of these experiences for grandchildren.
