Saturday, October 30, 2021

Canned Applesauce



We were given a big bag of apples. Canning, when Leroy is home to help, appealed to me so we did that today. I thought we might have enough for a canner full, seven quarts, or maybe not. It turned out to be closer to eight quarts, but of course we only canned the seven. We ate some of the spare sauce and pronounce it quite fine. We make it without sugar. We did not peel the apples and did not run them through the mill. It is chunky applesauce, but really we cooked it to mostly mush. The red color is quite nice looking.


It has been two or three years since we have had home canned applesauce and we have both missed it. “Store bought” is just not as good. We are blessed with the generosity of others.


We are getting the last things out of the community garden that will not handle a low freeze. We had forgotten to take the knife so we will have to go back another time. Oh well, we can do this.



Friday, October 29, 2021




Sharing gives such a good feeling. Yesterday, one of my coworkers commented that there were still some bears left after the last give away. She wondered if I would want to put them in front of my house for free. I also told her that I could hand them on to someone who works with many of the homeless shelters/free meal sites.I could I see if she would be able to think of a use for them. It was ok for me to do that.


Today when I called to tell my friend how many bears were available, she was pleased to say that she could find someone to take them. I also told her that we had some suit hangers and did she know someplace that might use them. Again she said, “Yes, the refugee resettlement center could certainly use them.”


“Leroy is getting rid of his suits because they are too big for him, would they want them too?”


After an affirmative on that I went through my closet and drawers to pull out two sweaters that I no longer wear as well as some dress slacks and a wool skirt that is too large for me. She was pleased to see all of it. I am so happy to get these things out of my house.


In return, she shared some produce that she had in abundance that was almost ready to be eliminated. We were happy for that exchange even though it was not required.



Wednesday, October 27, 2021

New glasses



My new glasses are good, but I still like to look around with them off my face, just because I can. Part of the reason for not wearing them, is that I have gotten used to the idea that I can roll my eyes around instead of moving my head to get a lot of view.


I wore them for my walk this afternoon and they darkened up just as they were designed to do. When I rolled my eyes up I could see things outside the glasses frame. Certainly in the morning dark, I will go without glasses for our walk. I looked at the thickness of the lens and was quite surprised. My new glasses are about only a fifth of the size. These seem almost flat. The old lens are ¼ in inch thick or ½ a centimeter. That thin size was after paying more money to get the thinnest lens possible and they were still big, big, big.


Brian gave us some frozen rhubarb. Today I made a rhubarb/mulberry crisp. It will be the last one this year as I am out of mulberries. Somehow we did not expend so much energy picking mulberries. We have one more bag of rhubarb. We will spend some time thinking of other fruit mixing possibilities.



Tuesday, October 26, 2021

New Sight



Today I got my new bifocals. Now the question is how much to wear them. They are certainly necessary when I want to see close. As it is, I have a pair of readers in every room except the bathroom and spare bedroom. I manage with that, but it is a lot of taking off, putting on, taking off, and wondering where they are. With the bifocals I can see near and far. I do like the sensation of being able to see so well in the distance without glasses. Also it is nice to be able to drive without them because I can comfortably wear sunglasses. I know several people who have told me they just wear them all the time, as they did before the cataract surgery. It would certainly mean no time looking for them since they would be on my face.


My new far vision is still new enough that I am amazed what I can see so clearly when I look out the window. It was also amazing to sit in the balcony at church and be able to see the front of the sanctuary without the blur. What a blessing vision is.


I can no longer say that Leroy sees better than I do. His vision is not bad, but mine is now so much better. He keeps telling me things that I used to have to ask him what I was looking at. He tells me, “Oh, I forgot you can see that now.”


I will take my new glasses to work today to see how that goes. I have gotten used to using the readers there, but it is a bit of a trick to switch all of the time.


Now if I could just get new sight for my thoughts and mind, it would be truly amazing. That is assuming that a new outlook would be good. Perhaps I mean new insight.



Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Waiting For Time to Pass



We are just waiting patiently(?) for time to pass before our children’s surgeries. That does not mean we are doing nothing. Leroy is going to work as usual. He has decided that he needs more people time so he is taking a weekly spirituality class that interests him. He also goes to a weekly men’s bible study. We are singing in church choir which is a different experience with masks on. It is good to sing with a group once again.


I am trying to reach out to friends a bit more and taking walks with others. I am also seeing a counselor which I believe is going to be a big help.


I saw my dermatologist this morning for the yearly check up. I have some more of the precancerous cells so will be using that cream once more.


Mostly I am working just half time, but this week my two experienced coworkers are gone so as the only other experienced person on staff, I am putting in some extra hours. I can tell you that I am not interested in working more than half time. I like that time off during the week.


I got a bill, in the mail, for my second eye surgery. I was sure I had already paid that online. Just today I had some time to go looking for the receipt that I printed off. What a relief to find proof of payment, as that was a bill I would not like to pay twice. All of the medical things in the past two years helps to show me that we should keep better track of all this stuff, both what we paid and what we are taking. Do you think I will be dead before I figure out all of life? At one time I thought older people knew it all, now I am not so sure.



Friday, October 15, 2021

Going to Miriam’s



After saying we were not going to visit Miriam we decided we have to be closer. We are going the day of her surgery, but will not see her. I guess we are going to support the rest of the family. We can also get rapid covid tests to make sure we are safe and we will wear double masks. We had much advice on both sides of the issue, but today just decided we had to do this. It is too unsettling for us to be so far away.


We thank all of you for the care you have expressed. Brian’s surgery is also a concern, but a bit more familiar so it does not grab our attention so much. His will be about a week after Miriam’s. How can it be that two of our children are having health issues?


Leroy thinks it is to be colder tonight. I have managed to bring in all of my usual houseplants along with digging up a small rosemary that was looking good. It is now in a pot in the kitchen. I am still considering what will be a good spot for all of these plants. I have twenty plants in here. There is still one more to bring in but it is an amaryllis and I like to leave them out until it does freeze and let the bulb rest before I plant it.


I did bring in some other plants that I thought might like to come into the porch for the night. Freezing is not to be yet, but it seems to me that certain plants do not deal with cold so well.



Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Miriam’s next step



Miriam called to let us know that she is scheduled for brain surgery November 11, 2021. The neurosurgeon stated that the tumor is too large causing too many seizures and must come out. We were planning to go out to be with her, but then Leroy wondered about Covid. Even thought we have had all of the shots available to us now, it seems like a risk. Ahead of surgery Miriam will have a test and then must quarantine for the days before that date. She will be in the hospital for two or three days afterwards. When she gets home there will be two weeks of bed rest. We have tickets to come at Christmas. And will stick with that plan. It is so hard to think of not being there.


I have new appreciation for people who have not been able to be with loved ones during these days. We are grateful for all of the technology that is available to us.


I did go and order bifocals for me and get a flu shot. I feel a bit scattered, but going forward.




Sunday, October 10, 2021

Mice and Rain



Another mouse in the trap creates the idea that there might be more. We have a fresh new trap out with delicious peanut butter smeared on it, but no more mice have turned up for the feast. We will do a careful cleaning of the closet that all of this activity is close to, but we will wait a few days because I am afraid of chasing them to the rest of the rooms. At this point there is no evidence of them in any other place.


Now it is raining, does that encourage them to come in and find shelter?


Leroy and I walked to church without an umbrella or raincoat, trusting the report on our phones that said no rain until later. When we came out of the adult class the sprinkles had just started. We stood a little in indecision but thought a ride might be best if we could find a willing soul left around. In a mile walk the amount of water from the sky can change drastically. If we had had some proper gear it would not have been such a concern.  The organizer of the class was still there so we asked him if he would give us a lift. He came to the rescue speedily. We could have possibly made it home even without the gear or help, but one never knows.


We walked to the grocery store this afternoon. We had planned to walk some more since this is CROP walk day, but so far have not found a big window of clear skies. We both have over 7,000 steps so we have gotten quite a few.



Friday, October 8, 2021

Our Children’s Health


October 8, 2021




This week we learned that Miriam is having seizures. The first MRI revealed that it is possibly cerebral cavernous hemangioma, after a phone call with an almost family member, a neurologist currently doing research. He gave Miriam much encouragement after viewing the MRI results. We do not necessarily expect easy and instant results, but hoping and praying for the best possible.


She shared the news with her sister and brother. At which time Brian revealed that he has torn his ACL in his “other” knee. The first one was a few years ago and healed after surgery. He will have surgery next month. At least with his condition the outcome is a bit more sure and predictable.


For both of them driving is an issue. Brian seems to have that covered. For the time being Miriam has found many drivers. Her work people have been very supportive she tells us. We will come if/when there is a strong need. In the meantime we are grateful for phones/texts/zoom connections.


At the moment Leroy and I both have stable health. We are grateful for that.



Monday, October 4, 2021

Is the garden done yet?



Leroy and I are agreeing that we are becoming tired of working in the garden for the year. Today we picked some green beans, enough for three meals. I was grateful that it looked like someone else had been there to pick some of the beans. We also picked broccoli, about two meals worth. There was only one pepper ready. That was fine. We picked some tomatoes, but not all as people do go to pick them. We picked two turnips, but nothing as large as that one that was giant sized. I picked some arugula cousin. That tends to be a little hot so I do not use much in a salad. Also for salads I picked some of the red Russian kale. It was disappointing to see so many cabbage worms on it.


We got a nice amount of steps going to the garden and the grocery store that is about four blocks away. We both got over 10,000 steps yesterday and today.


The deck, front porch and side porch are going to be attended to before winter comes. We helped clear those areas giving us some steps there.


We are not sure how it rolls around so often, but we will deliver the neighborhood newsletters soon. There are more steps in our future.

