Monday, October 4, 2021

Is the garden done yet?



Leroy and I are agreeing that we are becoming tired of working in the garden for the year. Today we picked some green beans, enough for three meals. I was grateful that it looked like someone else had been there to pick some of the beans. We also picked broccoli, about two meals worth. There was only one pepper ready. That was fine. We picked some tomatoes, but not all as people do go to pick them. We picked two turnips, but nothing as large as that one that was giant sized. I picked some arugula cousin. That tends to be a little hot so I do not use much in a salad. Also for salads I picked some of the red Russian kale. It was disappointing to see so many cabbage worms on it.


We got a nice amount of steps going to the garden and the grocery store that is about four blocks away. We both got over 10,000 steps yesterday and today.


The deck, front porch and side porch are going to be attended to before winter comes. We helped clear those areas giving us some steps there.


We are not sure how it rolls around so often, but we will deliver the neighborhood newsletters soon. There are more steps in our future.



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