Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quiet Times


I must say that there is precious little quiet time in a house that at various times has had up to six adults and three children under the age of four. The truth is obvious; Leroy and I do not make much music, noise, and laughter when we are home. Must be quite dull. Here something is always moving, jiggling, squirming, talking, sleeping, or agitating for their will or way.

Every morning, Leroy and I have walked the dog along with one, two, or three children. We have seen adult ducks, baby ducks, adolescent ducks, butterflies, birds in the air, rabbits, squirrels, and a couple swimming things that we could not identify from a distance. Then there are black raspberries to be picked and savored each new day.

The Utah granddaughters have reestablished the wonder of squirrels and rabbits as they seldom see them.

The trip to the Como Zoo brought back memories along with mostly new sights. To think Leroy and I have actually seen a zebra, ostrich, and giraffe in its natural habitat. But not as close for the ostrich and giraffe in the wild, but the zebra was close enough that I could hear it clip off the grass with its teeth and then smell its fear as it passed close to the vehicle.

All we adults thought the zoo’s butterfly house was the best. Sparky the seal gave a good show of just the right length for the three year old attention span. What a treat!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day after moving


Brian had a list of suggested activities, but we were both too tired to do them. Leroy took one nap in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’m not sure that I can account for my time since I did not nap, but I did not read much either.

We went through all of the hastily packed clothes that we brought with us. Both of know that we went overboard in that territory. We could have managed with half of the clothes. No cool heads at this packing job. At least we have not discovered that we forgot many things, so that is good. We just have too much in Brian’s house.

On the drive up Leroy commented, “I do not feel that we have moved, but that we are just going away for a short time off.”

If someone asks for our phone number we can supply that since our phone is as free and easy as we are. I do not know what to say if someone were to ask for my address. Seems I have been in this position before and I do not like it any better now than I did some years back.

What are we doing today? Cleaning the garage floor, cleaning the driveway, pulling weeds, reading books and figuring out how to watch the TV almost.

Daughter Miriam and family will come tomorrow just as Brian and Leroy drive to Iowa to pick up beef. Sophia and I will spend the day here waving goodbye and hugging hello.

Yesterday when I was sorting through the things in my suitcase, the dog Cloe started to cry a little. Did she think I was going to leave so soon after I had gotten here? I am her reliable morning walk partner.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010


The time schedule.

3:00 am Tossing, turning, thinking, muttering, and sighing.
4:00 am Checking clock, trying the view facing the right side.
5:00 am Rising, first Leroy and then Paula out of bed.
5:15 am Running around half naked doing some of those things that came to mind
at 3:00. Starting last laundry loads.
5:30 am Dressed, fixing breakfast. Packing, dashing, and glancing.
6:00 am Eating almost cold oatmeal, brushing teeth, putting on makeup, packing
things associated with those activities.
6:01 am Groaning as the rain comes pouring down.
7:00 am Packing the car that is going to MN so items not inadvertently stored.
7:38 am First helpers arrive. Happy that rain has stopped.
7:47 am Discussion of moving particulars. Loading first trailer.
8:00 am Boxes moved, cooperation used, laughter expelled, energy output, caring concern enveloped, on the go, boxes, laundry and back. Leroy to storage facility. Moving, moving, moving, faster, faster, faster.

10:00 am Check the house, empty. Oops bedding still in dryer. Hugs, goodbye.
10:30 am Last load gone. Recycle, garbage gone. Mail came, bill to pay. Hugs, goodbye.
10:45 am Vacuum, others sweep, wash floor, adjust shades, windows. More hugs, goodbyes.
12:00 Eat delicious lunch prepared by others. Clean up, more recycle, more garbage.
12:30 Goodbye house, pay bill, leave town debt free, but owing many forever.
12:45 Car number two left at temporary home.
1:00 Chariton goodbye.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Last things


Yesterday morning my ride to the Kenya talk was picking me up at 6:00. After being up two or three times in the night opening or closing windows because of rain or heat, I woke up at 4:00 sure that it was time to get up, finally went back to sleep and jerked awake with the bleating of the alarm at 5:00.

My driver came on time in his rather high off the ground pick-up without a running board. I was wearing my Kenya dress. Not wanting to get it dirty I hitched it up a good distance, grabbed hold of the conveniently placed handle, and hoisted myself up and in while my driver averted his eyes as a bit of leg and who knows what was displayed.

We got the computer, projector, and table set up in plenty of time. I was happy to find oatmeal as a choice on the buffet line. The only thing lacking was fruit, but I ate that when I got home.

Was the talk successful? The audience seemed quite interested and asked a number of questions. But the computer did not move the pictures on in a timely manner. I would get impatient, push the arrow yet again and then it might skip a picture or two. Luckily there were some that were almost duplicates. I kept telling myself to be flexible.

My driver who is a member of the congregation told me, “When I heard that you were leaving I felt as if I had been punched. It is like losing family.”

Somehow I think Leroy and I do not realize how connected people feel to us. His wife had helped me pack and just after making a remark from the sermon on Sunday, she said, “I hope this next person has sermons that are as good as Leroy’s.”

Leroy got home in fine time in the afternoon and we went to the first of our farewell dinners. Being here almost three years makes such a difference from a one year stay. People are having a hard time seeing us go. I just hope they can welcome the new person with open hearts.

One of the people gave us some black walnuts. I do so appreciate the time and effort that goes into this gift. Besides I like them a lot. I often eat a few as a snack.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another gift


The people at the quilt group handed me an envelope. “You should not have done this,” I said on seeing the gift card, “You have already given me this apron.”

“Well that was because we thought you were leaving a long time ago,” one of the laughed, “Now you are leaving again or really leaving.”

I was pleased to be thought of again. Then for some reason I felt some guilt as I don’t think I give enough in return as they have given me the priceless gift of friendship.

After getting out all of our suitcases I have been packing more clothes. The two largest will contain things that we might need if this goes longer than expected. I am wondering if I should have left out more than one pair of jeans. It seems so insufferably hot today that I can barely imagine needing to ever wear them again. I do have some other long pants included in the mix.

If we should happen to move a long distance how will my plants make that type of journey, especially my 38.4 year old Christmas cactus? That would be so hard on it. The other cactus is probably 25 years old. Both of them were quite traumatized and set back by a trip in the hot sun of only 2.5 hours. An air conditioned car helps, but having the sun shine in the window was too much. Most of the rest of the plants I could let go with a bit of weeping and wailing before I would move on. I keep telling myself they are replaceable. Is this great negative thinking or what?

On another note tomorrow morning early, 6:30, I will give a talk about the working life I saw in Kenya. Twenty minutes is the short length of this speech/picture show. The hard part will be stopping, but people have to go to work so there is no other choice.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010



Each day slips away faster than the last one. Leroy will be home in two more days. I had better get it together so it looks as if I have been busy.

For a treat yesterday I visited a friend for lunch. It is so nice to share food, conversation, flowers, and relaxation time.

Even though it might not seem like a big deal, the tickets for the DC trip to visit Sarah, Stephen, and Lexi have been booked. If we travel on the 4th of July we save $140 so guess what? We are traveling on the 4th. We will be there a little over three weeks, hope they can put up with us all that time. But then we are good for some work that can include cleaning. See you do not have to worry about whether we can survive this time financially. We can spend money on airfare. Probably it is cheaper to fly than to drive, certainly it is quicker.

Last night I took advantage of a free rental offer at the second Redbox movie rental location in town. Approaching this machine from the side, but exuding confidence by trying not to think of my previous experiences at the other kiosk, I pressed my finger firmly but quickly on the touch screen. It worked. Every press I made was accepted. Wow, the movie was in my hand in record time. I even enjoyed the movie as laughter bubbled up. Blessings again! Those blessings never end.

Today I rode the bike to yoga in the park. A day without rain and sunshine is also a blessing not to be taken for granted.

Hope your days are blessing filled. If not start making a list and you will find your list full of things that you had not noticed before.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Moving Tales


With the help of a friend, eleven more boxes are now packed. Last night and this morning I gathered things from the kitchen and put them in the dining area. It did make packing a little easier as the items could be seen and considered. Next it was upstairs to pack bedding from the spare bed and warm winter weight blankets. The linen closet is mostly empty. As with the kitchen it is just things that we need to live with for a week yet. Most of my winter clothes are now in boxes and some shoes are in as well.

We finished about noon and I am ashamed to say that I did not invite her for a scrambled egg lunch. She might have liked that. Otherwise I am rather short on company food.

Packing is quicker when there is just talk, and the next task is ready and waiting in the docket.

We will probably take the computer down next Monday, if there is no rain Tuesday we will move things to storage. After that it will be catch as catch can. Everyday a laptop grows more appealing, after all with wireless we can be connected most of the time that we want. Who remembers that 15 years ago life was perfectly acceptable without constant contact on the computer? Now it hardly bares thinking about it. Does that mean I have not become as connected to the people around me?

Moving decisions about health insurance, disability insurance, and
FSA contributions occupy the mind. It would be nice if someone could just tell us the perfect answer. Neither of us wants to deal with all of this. Besides that, where is the perfect forwarding address for our mail? It is so much easier just to slip from job to job without a break. There are decisions there too, but more mundane such as what doctor, dentist, and hair stylist to use.


Sunday, June 13, 2010



How does accumulation happen? We moved into the duplex in Des Moines with just a big u-haul truck. Now after another move and three years, it seems that an additional trailer might be needed to accommodate all of the things of our life. Three moves might be equal to a fire, but it appears that more is needed for the Bradways to get down to size. Items stick like cockleburs to a dog. In other words we are loaded. Blessings pressed down and running over and over and over.

Tomorrow another woman is going to help pack. I told her, “I am going to sort out some things for packing”.

“That sounds good,” she said, “I wondered how you were going to handle that. I would not want to have others see some of my drawers.”

“Yes,” I laughed, “I do not want you going through my old underwear.”

“Same here,” she responded, “If I were to be in an accident, oh well that is the way it is holey and all.”

So far I have pulled out many things from the kitchen and the linen closet. Next it will be on to my clothes. If I have enough energy I will take out some clothes that will get me through about two weeks and some temperature changes.

Leroy called and he made it safely to confirmation camp. It is about a five hour drive. I was just happy he stayed awake the entire trip especially since he had no time for an afternoon nap. In fact the boys were here and ready to leave before Leroy had finished half of lunch.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our schedule


Leroy leaves tomorrow for a week of confirmation camp. Today he spent time packing for that, packing to move, and mowed half of the lawn. It was too wet to mow the entire lawn as we had gotten another 2.34 inches of rain. The rain just keeps coming, but this afternoon it is sunny and beautiful. Surely there will be sun tomorrow too.

Packing and thinking about packing will be my main occupation in the week to be. Someone is going to come help me pack on Monday. Tuesday I am going to visit a friend for lunch, consequently less focus on packing. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I go to yoga in the mornings. That lifts my spirit. Thursday schedule is quilting in the morning with a band concert in the evening followed by a short women’s bible study. Friday Leroy comes home just before we go to the smaller church for a farewell gathering. Saturday relax? Well probably packing. Leroy’s last church service here on Sunday. Monday twiddle our thumps until the evening when there is a farewell at the larger church. Tuesday move our things to storage.

We will head off to Brian’s Minnesota house (Could he have more than one house? That is what we need a child with a house to spare.) We will be there a bit more than a week, possibly followed by a week working at a library at a church camp. Then it will be on to DC to visit Sarah and Stephen, after that back to Brian’s. If there is a job we will move into the next adventure, otherwise we will go visit Miriam’s family in Salt Lake.

Each day I thank God for the excellent care we are blessed to have. Each day is as good as it can be. I am like someone in AA, I only deal with one day at a time, too far ahead and it is murky. I don’t appreciate murky.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Leroy's Health


Leroy is really healthy. He had some skin lesions taken off a week or more ago and his blood pressure was 110/60. One of the lesions was pre-cancerous so they froze it. Then this week he decided that maybe he should have all the similar looking spots taken off so it was back to the Dr. His blood pressure was 100/50. He is slowly fading away. Certainly no anxiety there. One of the spots from before was not healing so he got a bit more cut out. Hopefully when he does not have a job he will not need to go to the doctor for anything else. He is a real producer of this type of lesion as he just had five of them removed and before there were two others.

The other issue involving his underwear is that he has frequently had jock itch. His children have told him that he should not wear the whitey-tighty jockey briefs that he has worn for 59 years. He likes them so he turned a deaf ear to that advice. Now he has decided that maybe he should try boxers to see if that would help. Hence he got a package of two. According to Leroy this is a new sensation of being looser and freer. Can he live with it - the feeling of not being clutched and pulled in? Has it helped? It is too soon to say about the help, but he went back and got another package so daily washing was not required. Guess that means he can live with being a loose guy.

Moving means more eating out: two meals out for me Tuesday, one for Leroy Wednesday, two for Leroy today, one for me, and then one for both of us on Friday. Why did I buy that big watermelon? We have shared some three times, but might have to share more. That is the fun in life – sharing.

The red impatiens is still in bloom. Maybe the critter is thwarted.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Packing decisions


Should the camp lantern, extra flower pots, portable clothesline, garden cart, an odd knickknack, and countless other items be moved or discarded? Neither Leroy nor I like to make these decisions. So far the garden cart is staying and the extra flower pots are going. It would be nice if we could hire packers because they might raise their eyebrows but pack it they would. Then they could forget about it and move on to the next item. We are still discarding. It really knocks down my idea of having already pruned out the unnecessary. How did that happen?

Leroy is still the major packer. I just hold lids, gather stuff, suggest a different position, and sigh. Seems I am good at sighing.

I did get six more petunias for the front flower bed. When fully grown it should look great. I feel better now. This morning I looked out and saw a rabbit hopping around the fence by the impatiens. Five red plants have blossoms open. The real concern is will they be there in the morning? I am hoping.

Now I am cleaning up some flower pots into which I will transplant some gifted herbs after I get more potting soil. Some of them are doing very well. Hopefully this will not be wasted effort. We could even pick some of the basil at this point.

I would really rather talk about Leroy’s health, skin lesions, and underwear. But that will be tomorrow’s letter. Just to keep you in suspense.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Daily Life


Optimism gets harder when times are not as I would like. Otherwise I think I am good at it. But the truth comes out eventually.

I still do not want to store our things, but that is the way we are moving as of right now. This no longer looks like a house that people live in, but a place where the contents are preparing to take flight. I am dragging my feet, but that Leroy will be gone next week so he is definitely in packing mode. He has made progress in the garage, basement, the bedrooms, kitchen and living room. The only places that he has stayed out of are the bathrooms and the laundry room. There are no longer any pictures on the walls just calendars.

I had purchased too much of some food items so there is the question store or donate? I suspect there will be some of both. Another issue is what to keep with us for this hiatus of unknown length? What clothes for what climate? What toiletries and how much of anything? It is almost as hard as packing for a year or two over seas.

On a different front, the impatienses are struggling to live in spite of some critter that thinks they make a great late night snack. That has been true of the reds only, until yesterday when part of one of the white ones looked as if some bug were after it then this morning it was eaten down to the stem. I went on the defensive, putting up a chicken wire fence barrier followed by two sticks stuck in the middle sporting flapping, shining unwanted demo cd’s. Surely that will be enough to deter this unknown assailant.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Escaped Ideas


The best idea came to me but I did not write it down right away so it has escaped. It even went through my brain twice. How can that be? It is like the fish that got a way, exaggerated beyond all possibility.

Wednesday evening Leroy and I had another one of our evenings in the park. There were some small fallen sticks to burn and I had taken apart the Christmas wreath to pass on the medal. The old needles smelled quite fine and burned with fury. It was beautiful in the park, especially after Leroy picked up the trash around the area. He was quite talented to use two sticks in a chopstick wielding manner to avoid touching any of this garbage.

Last night we got the call at 6:55 about the 7:00 band concert in the gazebo on the square. Leroy changed clothes, I got out lawn chairs, and we trotted off downtown arriving at 7:10. That means we did the famous Bradway walk because I usually take a bit more then ten minutes to cover that distance. It was a wonderful time to sit in the setting sun, feel the breeze flow around us, and munch popcorn. Small town life has something to recommend it.

I cooked the canned pumpkin as pumpkin custard because I did not want to mess with the crust. I told Leroy if he really wanted he could eat it with a graham cracker and pretend it was a graham cracker crust. Instead we ate it topped with plain yogurt and extra cinnamon. It was great so I did it again and I will do it again next week. That will be the last of the home canned things and we will not have to figure out how to move any of it. Yeah! I sweetened the custard with some granulated sugar, sorghum and honey. With wonderful guessing it was not too sweet and very tasty.

I took five boxes of things to the church garage sale. Plus I took over three plant cuttings. I hope someone wants those plant starts. I prune sometimes and it is great to have someone to enjoy those pruned slips.

Just in case you are wondering we still do not know where we are going when we leave here. As of today the projected moving day is June 22, 2010.
