Wednesday, June 16, 2010



Each day slips away faster than the last one. Leroy will be home in two more days. I had better get it together so it looks as if I have been busy.

For a treat yesterday I visited a friend for lunch. It is so nice to share food, conversation, flowers, and relaxation time.

Even though it might not seem like a big deal, the tickets for the DC trip to visit Sarah, Stephen, and Lexi have been booked. If we travel on the 4th of July we save $140 so guess what? We are traveling on the 4th. We will be there a little over three weeks, hope they can put up with us all that time. But then we are good for some work that can include cleaning. See you do not have to worry about whether we can survive this time financially. We can spend money on airfare. Probably it is cheaper to fly than to drive, certainly it is quicker.

Last night I took advantage of a free rental offer at the second Redbox movie rental location in town. Approaching this machine from the side, but exuding confidence by trying not to think of my previous experiences at the other kiosk, I pressed my finger firmly but quickly on the touch screen. It worked. Every press I made was accepted. Wow, the movie was in my hand in record time. I even enjoyed the movie as laughter bubbled up. Blessings again! Those blessings never end.

Today I rode the bike to yoga in the park. A day without rain and sunshine is also a blessing not to be taken for granted.

Hope your days are blessing filled. If not start making a list and you will find your list full of things that you had not noticed before.


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