Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our schedule


Leroy leaves tomorrow for a week of confirmation camp. Today he spent time packing for that, packing to move, and mowed half of the lawn. It was too wet to mow the entire lawn as we had gotten another 2.34 inches of rain. The rain just keeps coming, but this afternoon it is sunny and beautiful. Surely there will be sun tomorrow too.

Packing and thinking about packing will be my main occupation in the week to be. Someone is going to come help me pack on Monday. Tuesday I am going to visit a friend for lunch, consequently less focus on packing. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I go to yoga in the mornings. That lifts my spirit. Thursday schedule is quilting in the morning with a band concert in the evening followed by a short women’s bible study. Friday Leroy comes home just before we go to the smaller church for a farewell gathering. Saturday relax? Well probably packing. Leroy’s last church service here on Sunday. Monday twiddle our thumps until the evening when there is a farewell at the larger church. Tuesday move our things to storage.

We will head off to Brian’s Minnesota house (Could he have more than one house? That is what we need a child with a house to spare.) We will be there a bit more than a week, possibly followed by a week working at a library at a church camp. Then it will be on to DC to visit Sarah and Stephen, after that back to Brian’s. If there is a job we will move into the next adventure, otherwise we will go visit Miriam’s family in Salt Lake.

Each day I thank God for the excellent care we are blessed to have. Each day is as good as it can be. I am like someone in AA, I only deal with one day at a time, too far ahead and it is murky. I don’t appreciate murky.


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