Sunday, January 26, 2014

Leroy is almost well


Leroy got up this morning, shoveled the sidewalk, took a shower, and then said, “I am so tired/exhausted that I cannot go to church.” While I was gone he slept for two hours. Guess that guy was tired. He did not go to work all last week. He felt very bad for only one day, but since then he has not felt strong and has spent much time sleeping. He is planning to work tomorrow, but we will see what tomorrow brings.

I had a pleasant walk to church with temperatures up to 30 F. The brisk wind made it seem colder, but not bad. On the way home a guy was walking in the street next to me, I was on the sidewalk. He told me that he had fallen and broken his arm so he was avoiding the sidewalk. I am once again reminded of how much I have. He told me that he could not afford health insurance and his bills for this arm would be close to $10,000. He was using his father’s life insurance to pay these bills. He complained a little because he could not go to places to pay the bills, but had to mail them in to the various concerns so he was spending quite a lot on postage. He was also walking over two miles one way to get to the post office. Not sure why he did not use the postal box that was on the way. He also informed me that he did not have a car and could not drive because he was unable to parallel park. Then he wondered if he would still have a job when this was done.

I would like to do more to help the people in my neighborhood, but not sure what that would be. At the moment I hope that a sympathetic ear is a gift worth having. It seems that is all I have to offer.


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