Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Decision Made


We just today signed up for an Advantage plan to accompany our Medicare coverage. If it is the wrong decision we have a year to change that before things are a bit less flexible. At least now I can sleep without waking up in the night to go into unproductive worry mode. I am pleased that we will be paying much less for this than first anticipated, helping us to manage on our two half salaries. Maybe it pays to get old.

I believe all this would have been easier if our lives felt more settled, but then perhaps not. I might have found something else to fuss about. One thing nice about Leroy’s abbreviated working hours, we can schedule appoints in his time off as long as it coincides with my time off.

Leroy had thought that he would know if the congregation would consider an interview, but that is not to be until next week. Hopefully that is a hopeful sign. We have to trust that it will all be well and in the best interest of all. Half the time I want to rail at God and half the time I want to embrace God. Sort of a tough relationship here.

When we visited Brian and Jen, Sophia pointed out that there is a house for sale on their street. She thought it would be great if we would buy it and come babysit for them. I would love to do that if we could afford to live there. My real dream is to buy a home close to each of our children and come for several weeks or months at a time. Now that would be really luxurious living. The hard part would be leaving each place after getting settled in. But some people already own more than one home. So they manage all that somehow.


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