Sunday, July 17, 2016

Leroy's Glasses


Even though we had been told that it could take a week to ten days for the second new glasses to come, we checked to see if they had come. After all a week had passed. One of the lenses on Leroy’s new glasses was coming loose so it was an excuse. I have to confess that I am a tiny bit irritated when people come in the library and ask about a book that they have on hold even though we have not called them. Here I was doing the very thing. At least I understand the anxious need to do this. There are all sorts of things that go through the mind. Such as: Maybe I missed the call, maybe someone forgot to call, perhaps someone missed that it came in. All very human responses. Not that I ever said anything to them, but I would look, not find the item, check the due date, and let them know, with a smile, we will call. Now I will know that I have walked in their shoes.

Leroy manages most things very well without seeing out of both eyes, but we are not comfortable with him driving. At least the church is just within walking distance.

On Friday night I convinced Leroy that I needed to go pick blackberries at that park that is a drive away. He wearily decided to go with me because he did not think I should tackle the job alone. After walking a lot loaded with a bucket and long warm, heat trapping clothing to ward off bugs and scratches we managed to find only 16 ripe berries. Now neither of us is sure that we want to go back since we really do not have a clue as to what day would be the perfect day. The birds may just have to feast to their hearts content.


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