Friday, August 19, 2016

One full day camping


After breakfast and cleaning up, which always seems to take longer when camping, we headed off to a cave that is about an hour away. The kids were prepared with warmer clothes, but I did not check their feet. I had on sandals, but they are the walking, waterproof type which I had selected for this excursion. Both of these kids had on rather ordinary sandals which would not be good for walking on slick wet surfaces. There was no turning back. The tour lasts about an hour and we decided they could just put up with it all for that amount of time. It was not so cold at 50 degrees. I thought I remembered caves being about 45 degrees. Leroy went in to buy tickets while I parked the car. There was only about a five minute wait so we came at just the right time. This cave has many formations in it. It is a rather small space compared to some caves.

I was the only one who had been to this cave before. The rest agreed it was a good experience when we got done. On the drive back to the camp the kids fell asleep. When we got back, ate lunch, and cleaned up, I declared that I needed to take a rest. The kids and Leroy also got in the tent and we all fell asleep for a time.

After that it was almost time to start the evening meal. Leroy and I call it supper and the kids call it dinner.  After cooking, eating, and cleaning up once more we took some hikes around the camp ground. The deer were out for their evening foraging.

Leroy got the tent ready for sleeping. He straightened out the bags, got out his clothes for tomorrow, and was quite satisfied that it was ready. Sophia asked me if she and I could trade places so she could sleep on the outside. I agreed. While she was in there rearranging our bags that Logan decided to get into the action and started moving the other sleeping bags and pillows around. I suspect there was a bit of tossing things around at least I heard much shrieking and laughter. It was in quite a bit of disarray when I looked. We were unable to find the clothing that Leroy had so carefully laid out. He was not a happy camper.

We got to bed about 9 or 9:30 in an amazingly quiet place or we had become used to those night noses. We all slept deeply and woke refreshed.


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