Friday, May 25, 2018

Wasted Day?


I really had thought I might have my toenails removed so I was planning a day with my feet up and a bit of pain. Because that did not happen, I had a hard time getting anything done.

My schedule was basically blank. It is hard for me to deal with that. I had gathered some movies that I might like to see. Finally I did watch one of them and enjoyed it. Even though I do not take such breaks in the middle of the day.

Leroy and I are going to have an open house in July for our half birthdays which will celebrate our 70 years on this earth. I will be 70 ½ and Leroy will be 69 ½. We are just inviting people from church as well as the staffs from our work places. That will be many people if they all come which I do not expect. Two of our children will also be here.

In preparation for that I did look though a photo album to gather a few pictures of us. The notable fact is that there are not so many pictures of Leroy and me, but many photos of the children. My sister made an album for me using my childhood photos. I am not sure that I would have chosen the pictures that she did, but it is nice to have it. Last year we went to a 70th birthday party for someone else. I am not sure if my family was just not into it or what, but I have no colored photos from the growing up years whereas that man’s photos were all in color. Was that color a later add or were they on to new technology that my family knew nothing about? Could it have been too expensive?

I will have to say that I have always thought I was not very good looking because I looked like my mother. She always talked about her unattractiveness. There was no doubt that I looked like her because people would say, “You are Jessie’s daughter, aren’t you? You look just like her.”

 In looking at these pictures of myself as a young adult I think I do not look too bad and maybe even good in some of them. If I get a boost it is not a wasted day, right?


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