Sunday, May 24, 2015



Leroy and I went to the community garden yesterday. Four other people joined us. One woman and I pulled weeds, making great progress. It amazes me how fast the work goes when there is someone else to talk to. The other four hauled and distributed mulch. That also went so much faster than one person working alone. Now if we could just pull in more people from the neighborhood we would really feel that we had accomplished something.

The rain ties in with this because I felt that ground in the garden needed water. I am always so happy when we do not have to use the hose and apply it. Considering the size of this garden that is a rather lengthy process. When the fire station was by the garden one of the neighbors, who is also a fireman, did the watering. He told me it took him six hours to do that. Not such a terrible job when he was doing other things most of the time and just moving the hose now and then. That might sound like am not grateful that he did this, but I am so pleased that we did not have to do that for one year. I suppose I could read a book or weed if there is a need.

Leroy and I walked to church in the rain. Under umbrellas it was fine because the wind was gentle. Leroy has a golf umbrella so he is well covered, but he tells me his arm gets tired. My umbrella is small making it light but I was careful where I placed it and the angle was of concern from time to time. Much of life is a trade off isn’t it? There was more rain and wind on the way home, but we made it in fine shape. I am grateful for that rain.

Now all of my onions and other plants by the house are drinking it up.


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