Friday, May 1, 2015

What gives me joy?


In a magazine I am reading about happiness and how we can change our mood by thinking of happy times or things. I am not sure why I used the word joy in the title when it was not mentioned. Somehow joy seems deeper to me than happiness.

Things that make me happy are coming home to learn that Leroy called the internet provider and cut the rate by $10 per month. Also Leroy took care of some papers that had been sitting out for a week or two. I am happy to clean off the space.

Pleasure rushes through me when I like the taste of the dandelions I picked. Leroy liked it as well. So my time was not wasted and we have a health benefit. My sister told me that the sheep liked the dandelions, I figure sheep must know a thing or two about what to eat even though some call them a dumb animal.

I am happy when I saw the pee on the toilet seat at work, before I sat in it. Some little boys had been in there ahead of me. I was able to clean it up without touching it another reason to feel good. Plus I was pleased there was another cleaner toilet for me to use in the meantime.

It is so soothing to the eye to look about and see the green leaves emerge along with all of the beautiful blooming trees. Sorry to all the allergy prone people who must wait for the end of a treat to the eye, to feel good.

I like getting up in the morning after a night of only waking up once to go to the bathroom. That is a gift indeed. My mood and energy are better all day.


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