Friday, May 22, 2015

What drivers do not know or see?


Pedestrians seem to be an unknown entity sometimes. I often find that cars pull into the crosswalk, especially unmarked ones without noticing that I am coming. The closer I am the more likely that I will be left some crossing room. Otherwise I frequently find a car solidly taking up the cross walk. If they cannot pull into the cross street, I must decide if I should walk in back of the car or in the front. Generally I walk in front, hoping that lets them know I am there. Sometimes this puts me a bit farther out in the intersection than I care to be. In that case I might walk behind the car with as much clearance as I can give them. I do not want them to roll back my way which can happen especially if there is a slight grade. To think kindly of people I cannot decided if it is better to surmise that people just do not see me or that they do not know the rule about not stopping in the crosswalk when waiting for their turn.

This morning I was sitting in the car waiting to turn right at a stop sign. Even though I have rarely seen a walker in this area, I stopped behind the unmarked crosswalk. Before I could move on, a rather large SUV type pulled up to the left of me, stopping squarely in the crosswalk and blocking my view of the street to the left. Seeing no walkers, I pulled up a little so I could see around this vehicle. I had to wait as a car was coming. Then the auto alongside me again pulled up enough that I could not see over them. I then pulled up as much as I dared without getting the front of the car in the cross lane. I was able to go in a little while. I wonder why that vehicle pulled up so far; didn’t the size of it allow the driver to see over me? Did they have no clue that they were totally cutting off my ability to see in their direction? Is ignorance acceptable as a reason to do something?

Patience is required many times a day. I just hope people are patient with me when I might unknowing cut them off in some way.


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