Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Corner of My Eye


As I was hanging out clothes I saw it floating out of the corner of my eye. I whipped my head around, but the little thing went with my hat. Next I saw it start to go down its web. Oh! A spider! I snatched my hat off my head, slide it along close to the ground, hoped the passenger was gone, looked for it in the spider colored weave,  and put it back on my head. My heart went back to a normal speed and I hung up lovely boring socks.

Later in the kitchen, out of the corner of my eye I saw something small fly by looking just like a wasp. I screamed once, twice just for good measure! Leroy, who was home for lunch, wanted to know what was happening. By that time the flier had landed and I could identify it as a harmless firefly. I put my finger out, it climbed on, I loosely wrapped my other hand around it and went to the stairs so I could take it out. My loose hold was too loose and it flew away once again. I asked help from Leroy as it was too high on the wall for me to reach. Leroy managed to chase it around, which caused it to go out of sight from time to time. Finally I captured it once more, walked downstairs, opened the door, opened my hand, and watched it fly to freedom.

Peripheral vision is great. Have you murmured a thanksgiving for that gift? It has kept me from having more intimate contact with insects. I am grateful indeed.


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