Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Air Conditioning


I do believe that air conditioning is nice, but it does not allow us to adjust to the higher temperatures outside. I remember a time in my life when 80 degrees seemed quite fine. Now I find it a bit warmer than I used to, especially when I am working in the sun.

I went to the community garden this afternoon to pull weeds in the onion area. I did not feel too warm at first, but it seemed to just grow the longer I was there. I did not wear a watch so I do not know for sure how long I was there. It was nice pulling weeds after the rain that we had. I had my phone in my bag, but did not want to pull it out because my hands were so dirty. I was wearing garden gloves, but the wet soil soaked through in spots. I now wonder when I will be able to finish that onion spot. I managed to pull up two onions, but replanted them, hoping they will continue to grow.

I remember a time when I was young, my brother and I were in the garden. For some reason we started pulling onions. The soil released them easily so we pulled all of young things. My mother was most unhappy when she saw that. She immediately charged out to the garden, yelling and ready to spank which was a discipline method used at my house. Robert and I easily ran away from her, hopped on the swing in the large walnut tree, and started pumping. With one of us sitting and the other standing we were soon much too high for mom to stop us as we soared out over the garage roof. I cannot remember what happened when we finally came down which we had to do eventually. I remember we were responsible for replanting the onions. As I recall they lived just fine in spite of the interruption of growth.

No air conditioning in those days. I do not remember being so hot. Was that because I had never heard of it and I was younger?


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