Friday, September 2, 2016

Changes Again


Yesterday at work a friend was talking to my boss about a futon that she wanted to give her. My boss’ husband said, “No.”

“I say yes,” I interjected into this conversation.

It looked quite fine when I went to see it. Leroy said, “Yes.” We discussed how we could get it before the middle of the day today. Because we do not have a vehicle that is large enough to transport it, we asked to borrow the van of our downstairs friends. It was a go. So last evening, in spite of Leroy’s hurt knee, we got it done. He hurt that knee camping, but does not know precisely how.

It was fairly easy to take apart with only one sense of excitement as some of it collapsed after extracting screws. We left the main part of the frame together to get it in the van, but at the house it was decided that we must take it apart as the turn in the stairwell could not be navigated.

We got it upstairs without much maneuvering. Now the hard part was putting it back together without directions. I had not paid much attention, but Leroy had and he did not want to wait until morning to work on it because he might forget. It was a little tricky as we had it folder the wrong way at first.

It is together and we both find it fairly comfortable. I could have bought a futon before, but I did not care much for the ones I had seen. This is much nicer. It will seat us side by side easily and even makes into a bed so we can have more overnight guests. There is more room rearranging to be done to find the perfect spot for it. As it is not we will have to give away one of our chairs. The room is too full. Can you believe that Leroy and I have gone four years without a couch or at least something so we can sit side by side? It is a want and not a necessity. When we first came here we thought it would only be for a year and half, so at first, we did not look very much to add to the furniture. I am happy to have this free piece of furniture, but my friend tells me that she is happy to get rid of it as they are getting a bed to take its place in the room so it had to go immediately.


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