Friday, September 16, 2016

Old Friends

Yesterday we had a great lunch with three other couples. Leroy graduated from seminary with the guys because at that time it was only men who could go to seminary. It was a pleasure to see their dear faces and talk about our lives at this moment and in the recent past. The others have all retired, but still seem to be quite busy and occupied. Life must just move in new directions. Two things hold us back from retiring. One is that we both like our jobs and gain satisfaction from them. The second thing is that we do not know where to go when we do finally say it is over.
Later we spent some time taking a tour of the seminary buildings, but many of these were in a former part of the church. Lutherans keep shifting their organizations. One surprise and joy was for us to see Brian's picture in the building where Leroy spent most of the time when he was in school. Now the PA program is using that building although Brian did not actually take many classes there. Somehow it seemed as if a circle had been completed.
Leroy and I went shopping today because the kids were in school. Leroy who does not often shop found a pair of shoes and a pair of dress pants. I do not know how it happens that he can find things. Maybe it is because there is not so much variation in men's clothing. He just wears it out and gets new in almost the same style.
We are babysitting with the kids. There has been a bit of giggling, bocci playing, and getting ready for bed. Sophia did her fun run yesterday and Logan did his today. Luckily my bit of money has been given correctly.

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