Monday, May 27, 2019

Garage Cleaning


Our garage seems to have accumulated more things in the seven years that we have had it under our care. This morning Leroy and I tackled some of that space. We pulled one car out to give us some room to put things that were taken off shelves. We were in agreement about moving the car out, we also seemed to be in agreement about cleaning off the shelves, and sweeping the floor. We also seemed to be in agreement about cleaning off the shelves and sweeping the floor. When it came to the organization of the moved things we were not in agreement. We were also not in agreement about moving the shelves to this or that spot.

I managed to clean out a few flower pots that no longer looked to have any value. We also threw out this or that odd thing that could not really be identified as having a purpose. Leroy got rid of a few things that I never looked at very closely.

In the end it became a hard job because of too many emotions floating around in the air. We had planned to do the entire garage, but settled for just doing half today. Leroy commented as we were finishing, “We cannot spend days together with both of us home.”

When done, we both felt happy to have accomplished as much as we did. It was also nice to be in a dry spot as the rain came down. Just how does anyone handle retirement for two? What I really do not understand is how we can think so differently about the same thing. Especially when it seems to me that my ways are the best ways.


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